Displaying publications 1781 - 1800 of 1933 in total

  1. Wang Q
    Tob Induc Dis, 2021;19:37.
    PMID: 34017231 DOI: 10.18332/tid/133932
    INTRODUCTION: Compared with the number of studies in adults, body weight in relation to tobacco use has been understudied in the adolescent population. This study aimed to examine the association between underweight, overweight and tobacco use in low- and middle-income countries.

    METHODS: Data were derived from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS). Data from 71176 adolescents aged 12-15 years residing in 23 countries were analyzed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2000 growth charts were used to identify underweight, normal weight, and overweight/ obesity. Weighted age- and gender-adjusted prevalence of weight categories and tobacco use was calculated. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate the association between weight categories and tobacco use for each country, controlling for covariates. Pooled odds ratios and confidence intervals were computed using random- or fixed-effects meta-analyses.

    RESULTS: A significant association between weight categories and tobacco use was evident in only a few countries. Adolescents reporting tobacco use in French Polynesia, Suriname, and Indonesia, had 72% (95% CI: 0.15-0.56), 55% (95% CI: 0.24-0.84), and 24% (95% CI: 0.61-0.94) lower odds of being underweight, respectively. Adolescents reporting tobacco use in Uganda, Algeria, and Namibia, had 2.30 (95% CI: 1.04-5.09), 1.71 (95% CI: 1.25-2.34), and 1.45 (95% CI: 1.00-2.12) times greater odds of being overweight/obese, but those in Indonesia and Malaysia had 33% (95% CI: 0.50-0.91) and 16% (95% CI: 0.73-0.98) lower odds of being overweight/obese.

    CONCLUSIONS: The association between tobacco use and BMI categories is likely to be different among adolescents versus adults. Associating tobacco use with being thin may be more myth than fact and should be emphasized in tobacco prevention programs targeting adolescents.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  2. Len Xen Mei, ThavamalarParamasivam, Ng Siow Fam, Lim Pek Hong, Fong Ka Ling, Mohammed Abdul Razzaq Jabbar, et al.
    Introduction: Studies found that low sleep quality (SQ) is associated with many factors such as health, quality of life (QOL), work or academic performance and co-curriculum activities. Hence, improvement to maintain SQ to en- hance students’ QOL is important. Approximately 43% of Malaysian were unaware of their sleep problem and how it affects their physical and mental health, especially among the younger generation. The study aims to investigate the association between SQ and QOL among undergraduate students in UTAR Sungai Long Campus. Method: A cross-sectional study among 256 undergraduate students recruited by purposive sampling was conducted. The Pitts- burgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instruments (WHOQOL-BREF) were administered to evaluate SQ and QOL, respectively. Self-reported demographic data were collected with a structured sociodemographic profile. Associations were evaluated using Spearman’s correlation coefficient, Chi- square test and independence t-test. The level of significance was p< 0.05. Result: Results showed more than one half of students had poor SQ (F=137, 53.5%) and poor QOL (F= 159, 62.1%). All seven PSQI components were significantly associated with at least one QOL domain. Sleep disturbances, sleep latency and daytime dysfunction were correlated with all four QOL domains which are physical health, psychological, social relationships, and envi- ronment. Among the sociodemographic variables, only time travelled from place of stay to campus was associated to SQ (p = 0.04). However, there was no significant association between SQ and the selected sociodemographic vari- ables such as gender, working part-time job, and travel distance from place of stay to campus. Conclusion: Overall, the results from this study showed one half of students suffered from poor SQ and QOL. SQ among undergraduate students is vital in developing good QOL.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Raadshini Vejayakumar, Jagjit Kaur Najar Singh, Thavamalar Paramasivam, Lim Pek Hong, Fong Ka Ling, Mohammed Abdul Razzaq Jabbar
    Introduction: The incidence of breast cancer is high among Malaysian females especially those aged 25-59 years old and from Chinese ethnic background.Breast Self-Examination (BSE) is a traditional, cost-free screening method to identify breast abnormalities likegrowth and cancer. If performed correctly and consistently, it can facilitate early detection, early treatment and better prognosis. Despite having high risk, there is insufficient evidence about the BSE knowledge level and practiceamong Malaysian Chinese females. This research determines the association between BSE knowledge level, practice and selected socio-demographic variables among the Chinese female students of a private university in Kajang. Methods: Quantitative, correlation study was conducted among 192 Chinese female students in a private university. Purposive sampling method was utilized to recruit participants. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire and analysed in terms of frequency and percentage. Chi-Square test was used for inferential analysis with significance level, p, set at
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Teo Jin Yan, Fong Ka Ling, Thulasy Perumal, Lim Pek Hong, Mohammed Abdul Razzaq Jabbar, Thavamalar Paramasivam
    Introduction: Dysmenorrhoea is the most common gynaecology problems female’s goes through in their life. In Malaysia, the overall prevalence of dysmenorrhoea is 78%. There were studies revealed that there is significant asso- ciation between dysmenorrhoea and quality of life (QoL). Female who is having dysmenorrhoea has a lower quality of life compared to others. However, most female ignore this issue as they feel it is a normal female phenomenon. Nevertheless, health education and interventions should be given to reduce dysmenorrhoea, thus improve QoL. The main aim of this research was to determine the menstrual characteristics, primary dysmenorrhoea, and their associa- tion with selected socio-demographic variables among Chinese undergraduate students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 317 participants, aged between 19 to 25 years. Purposive sampling method was uti- lized to recruit the participants. Questionnaire on menstruationwas distributed to collect the information regarding socio-demographic background, menstrual characteristics, and primary dysmenorrhoea. Results: The incidences of primary dysmenorrhoea were reported by 63.4% (n=201)in this study. Only a few socio-demographic variableswere detected to have a significant association with menstrual characteristics and primary dysmenorrhoea. Associations between age and menstrual duration was discovered (p=0.005). Besides, menarche was associated with presence of blood clot during menstruation (P
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Soong Shui Fun, Segaran Ramodran, Chyretta Burno, Mohd Ishkandar Nazlan, Wihelmina Michael

    Introduction: The Ministry of Health Malaysia over the last 20 years has initiated healthy lifestyle campaign to curb obesity but the issue has remained an escalating problem affecting Malaysians. Obesity among students in higher institute is a concern. Undergraduate student nurses as role-model advocating health, being overweight can be a problem. This study is to identify BMI status and determine associated lifestyle factors among undergraduate nurses in UMS. Methods: The study deployed a cross-sectional descriptive survey using a questionnaire to empirically asses BMI status and associated dietary and exercise practice among student nurses. Ethical clearance for the study was ob- tained from UMS`s REC and as well as respondents` consent. A total of 100(N) nursing students were selected through stratified sampling by year of study (year 1, n=35; year 2 n=35; and year 3 n=30). Random sampling for each year of study was done using full name list generated using Microsoft excel. The study tool consists of a validated instrument which captured the respondent’s demographics, BMI index, Healthy Eating Practice Index, and Exercise Practice Inventory. Results: Among the 100 student nurses in this study, 28 students had BMI index of more than 24.9 (either being overweight, obesity Type I or Type II). Students from finalYear 3are significantly overweight(p=0.03) compared to Year 1 or Year 2 students. Comparing respondents with optimum BMI and non-optimum BMI, students who are overweight had significantly poorer Healthy Eating Practice scores and poorer Exercise practice scores. Conclusion: Findings from this study imply that 1 in 4 nursing students are overweight mostly related to poor lifestyle habits. These findings raise the rhetoric and implication of overweight nurses as health care role -models and this paper will discuss some suggestions to address the issue.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  6. Sadia Choudhury Shimmi, M Tanveer Hossain Parash, Shaila Kabir
    Introduction: The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) defines complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine. Many types of CAM practices, and they may be grouped into categories such as natural products, mind–body, and body-based practices. A broad collection of own-care and practitioner-based practices, (CAM) has been a major stream health care to meet the primary health care needs of people for centuries. A good proportion of the world’s population, even in developed countries, continue to depend on CAM. This study aimed to find out the knowledge, attitude, and responses among nursing students of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out between June 2015 and June 2016. One hundred and eight (108) nursing studentsparticipated by simple random sampling. After taking informed consents, data were collected by structured questionnaire. The first section of survey data contained demographic profille. The second, third and fourth sections of the survey instrument consisted of the items assessing the knowledge of, interest in, and attitudes toward CAM. The last section consisted items to assess the attitude towards the teaching-and-learning in the curriculum. Descriptive statistics were used to present the data. Results: Out of 108 students, there were 19 males and 89 females. Knowledge did not have any relation (p>0.05) to response towards CAM but both positive and negative attitude was significantly (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  7. ABM Tofazzal Hossain, Shaila Kabir, Constance Liew Sat Lin, Fairrul Kadir, M Tanvir Hossain Parash, Sadia Choudhury Shimmi, et al.
    Introduction: Role of nurses is very important in raising awareness, motivation level and increasing rate of organ donation subsequently. There are many studies on critical care nurses’ roles and education affect organ donation. Methods: A narrative literature review article of published research. Twelve published articles from ten different countries were found using different renowned online search engines. Results: Knowledge about organ donation among nursing students almost all over the world is inadequate than expectation and requirement in respective country. Marlene R et al showed that scores on the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs subscales were positively cor- related with the number of requests for tissue and organs and consents obtained (0.76); and consents obtained for tissues and consents obtained for organs (0.72). Professional education was indicated in 43% of nurses surpassing family beliefs, religion and mass media. The cognitive part (knowledge) is directly depends on non-cognitive (Aware- ness and Attitude). Findings from almost all articles suggest the need of adding organ donation topic in the nursing and medical curriculum to prepare competent nurses and health care providers for future. Conclusion: This study suggests that there is a need to integrate organ donation aspects into the educational program to prepare nurses for their roles in organ and tissue procurement as well as awareness among policy makers in this regard for the well-be- ing of our patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  8. Patricia Sator
    Introduction: Nursing is a regulated profession. Hence, the global commitment for nurses to maintain standards of practice is vital to deliver safe and competent care. Written policies will eliminate uncertainty, ambiguity, and legal issues. For this study, it focused on the importance of the nursing students to understand and practice the regulation on patient’s confidentiality in healthcare setting with the usage of technology such as social media. There is a case like nursing student infringe the privacy of patients with the information they posted on social media, such as posting a patient’s photos or videos without valid consent. Methods: This study is a quantitative, cross-sectional survey de- sign. The respondents were selected as convenience sampling of 120 nursing students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (FMHS, UMS). Results: There are 7.4% nursing students intention- ally posted in social media, 18.0% maybe and 73.8% unintentionally. And for their guilty feeling after committing confidentially policy breach on patient, there are 8.2% said NO, 32.8% said MAYBE and 59% said YES. Overall, the nursing students are aware of the patient’s confidentiality but there is still a leakage in practicing full nursing standards and regulation. Further study recommended to explore more on this issue. Conclusion: As a conclusion, this study is relevant to conduct among the nursing students to gain their understanding regarding the responsibilities as a future nurse in maintaining the patient’s confidentiality as one of the most important nursing practices to ensure quality of care and continuation of professional service of nursing profession.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  9. Deena Clare Thomas, Julie C M, Helda A H, Nurhani Nadiah B, Ranita M
    Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, com- munication and behavioral challenges. According to the 2017 survey by the Ministry of Health Malaysia, children between the ages of 18 to 26 months showed ASD occurs approximately 1.6 in1000 children. In Sabah, 400 autistic children had been registered under Sabah Autism Society (SAS). The increasing prevalence of ASD had become a major concern not only to the parents but to the community. A correct understanding and perception about ASD are crucial especially to the nursing profession as they must be able to educate caregiver on how to manage patients with ASD. Methods: This is a quantitative study using a cross-sectional approach. The respondents are all nursing students in Sabah. The type of sampling is purposive, which is using snowball sampling methods. Research instruments were developed and distributed to all nursing colleges in Sabah. Results: A total of 115 students responded. The majority of age is within range of 18–20 years old and female students. Fifty percents (50%) respondents perceived that of autism is a socio-emotional and neuro-developmental disorder with a non-verbal behaviors’ impairment, curable disorder with proper treatment. More than fifty percent (50%) disagree that autistic child does not want friends and equivalent stand on the statement about autistic child can live independently. Ninety five percent (90%) agree that social media plays an important platform to deliver facts about autism, and health care provider remains as a key role to increase the level of awareness to the community. Conclusion: Results of this study revealed that nursing students in Sabah have a good awareness and perception towards autistic disorder. Nursing students in Sabah agree that social media plays a vital part to increase the level of awareness and perception.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  10. Segaran Ramodran, Lenny Seputri Masse, Nurul Hanis Syazwan Irawan, Suhailah Saniman
    Introduction: Smartphone has become an essential Smart-tool for IT-based learning among university students. How- ever, excessive use of smartphones can be addictive leading to psychological distress, poor academic performance, social isolation and depression. In the context of University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), the issue of contention is whether smartphone addiction is a problem among nursing undergraduate students and thus the justification for this study. This study evaluated the pattern of usage smartphone and addiction among nursing students in UMS. Methods: The study deployed a cross-sectional survey design involving 100 (N) respondents selected through clustered convenient sampling from year 1(n=35), year 2 (n=35) and year 3 (n=30) nursing students who are currently pursuing their di- ploma study in UMS. Ethical approval was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee of UMS as well-informed consent from respondents. The study tool consisted of a well-establish validated questionnaire benchmarked from a previous study (reliability Cronbach α= 0.78) which captured respondents’ socio-demographics, smartphone us- age characteristic proforma and Smart Addiction Scale (SAS). Results: Among 100 nursing students in this study, 78% (n=78) of them had high smartphone usageaveraging 4.3 hours daily. The overall prevalence of smartphone addiction among nursing students in this study was 25% (n=25). Male student nurses significantly had higher smart- phone addiction scores compared to female students (p=0.01). Likewise, year 3 students had higher addiction scores compared to their peers in year 2 or year 1 (p=0.002). Conclusion: findings from this study imply that smartphone addiction affects 1 in 4 nursing students in UMS and there is a need to develop ‘digital detox” strategies to address the issue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  11. Zohor Ali AA, Muhammad NA, Jamil TR, Ahmad S, Abd Aziz NA
    Addict Behav Rep, 2021 Dec;14:100350.
    PMID: 34041356 DOI: 10.1016/j.abrep.2021.100350
    Despite the wide accessibility to internet, pornography activities among youths are not well described in conservative countries like Malaysia. This study aimed to determine the prevalence, elicit gender differences and identify associated factors of pornographic exposure including perceived realism among college students. This cross-sectional study was conducted among students aged 18 to 25 years from seven colleges in Penang, Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain data on socio-demographic characteristics, pornography exposure, pattern of use, sexual exposure and perceived realism. Among 986 participants, the prevalence of lifetime pornography exposure was 74.5%. More males (71.7%) were exposed to pornography, had started at earlier age, were frequent users and using the internet alone at home (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  12. Nor Syaza Sofiah Ahmad, Norhasmah Sulaiman
    Introduction: Good academic performance is important for children to ensure their personal well-being. This cross-sectional study investigated the associations between demographic and socio-economic characteristics, house- hold food security status and academic performance among primary school children at North Kinta, Perak, Malaysia. Methods: Two national primary schools were selected randomly and all Standard 5 and 6 students were invited to participate in this study. Self-administered questionnaire on demographic and socio-economic characteristics and food security status was completed by parents. The results from last year examination were acquired from the teach- er to evaluate students’ academic performance. Results: Overall, 140 respondents were involved, in which 51.4% were male. A majority of the household (80.7%) displayed food insecurity. Multiple logistic regression revealed that students from well-off households were more likely to have higher marks in English Language Comprehension (OR=8.28, 95%CI: 1.49, 45.91), Writing (OR=25.02, 95%CI: 2.36, 265.69) and Mathematics (OR=7.79, 95% CI:
    1.44, 42.11). Female students showed high odds to pass English Language Comprehension (OR=3.47, 95% CI: 1.49, 8.16) and Writing (OR=4.16, 95%CI: 1.51, 11.45) compared to male students. Conclusion: This study unveiled that gender and low household income results in the low achievement in students’ academic. Therefore, for the upcom- ing intervention programmes should focusing more on helping students from poor households in order to enhance students’ academic performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Selvaraj S, Eusufzai SZ, Asif JA, Bin Jamayet N, Ahmad WMAW, Alam MK
    Work, 2021;69(1):173-180.
    PMID: 33998580 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-213466
    BACKGROUND: Sleep apnoea is a diagnosed condition in which appurtenances interrupt breathing whilst sleeping. The consequence of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) includes road traffic accidents due to drowsiness, systemic hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus and neurocognitive disorders. This condition extends the duration of recovery phase after traumatic brain injury.

    OBJECTIVE: This study was intended to assess the knowledge and attitude towards OSA and compare it among dental and medical undergraduate students of University Sains Malaysia (USM).

    METHODS: In this study, a total of 216 clinical undergraduate students (36 from each year; 108 from medical and 108 from dental school) of University Sains Malaysia (USM) Health campus were recruited for the study by non-probability stratified random sampling method. Total study period was October 2017 to October 2018. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the sociodemographic status and OSAKA questionnaire was used to assess knowledge and attitude regarding sleep apnoea of the respondents. Descriptive analysis was carried out to assess the knowledge and attitude of OSA amongst dental and medical undergraduate students of USM. The Mann-Whitney U test was carried out to compare the knowledge and attitude of OSA amongst dental and medical undergraduate students of USM.

    RESULTS: Our study findings revealed that 0.9 %and 6.5 %of the dental undergraduate students and medical undergraduate students could answer all the questions correctly regarding knowledge of OSA. Based on the assessment of the difference between medical and dental students in terms of knowledge towards OSA patients, significant difference was observed at the significance level of 95%, where p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  14. Leh Shii Law, Wan Ying Gan, Mohd Nasir Mohd Taib
    Introduction: Understanding childhood obesity becomes vital as a tremendous increase in the prevalence of over- weight/obesity among children and adolescents was observed. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the as- sociations between sociodemographic and psychological characteristics with body-mass-index-for-age (BAZ) among adolescents in Sibu, Sarawak. Methods: A total of 375 students (32.0% males and 68.0% females; 15-17 years old) at four randomly selected public secondary schools were recruited. A questionnaire on sociodemographic and psycho- logical characteristics (self-efficacy for physical activity, weight management, and nutrition, body discrepancy score, and sociocultural pressure to be thin) were used to gather information. Body weight and height were also assessed. Results: Around 18.6% respondents were found to be overweight/obese while nearly 5.0% were categorized as thin. In multiple linear regression, three significant predictors, namely body discrepancy score, being Iban (Reference: Chinese) and sociocultural pressure to be thin explained 45.1% of the variance in BMI-for-age z-score. Conclusion: Future interventions on adolescent body weight management should consider incorporating sociodemographic and psychological factors such as the development of positive body image, uniqueness in cultural value, and manage- ment of perceived sociocultural pressures to increase their effectiveness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  15. Kavitha Ashok Kumar, Ashok Kumar Jeppu
    Introduction: Health care involves team work. Physicians, nurses, pharmacists and social workers need to work in collaboration to deliver quality health care. It is therefore vital that team work and collaboration are integrated into the training of medical students. In a medical school where interprofessional education has not been introduced, the preclinical students are trained in silos whereas the clinical students have interprofessional experiences in hospital and community centers. This study was conducted to explore medical student’s receptiveness for interprofessional education and to identify any differences in attitude among the preclinical and clinical year students. Methods: This study adopted a cross-sectional study design using purposive sampling technique at a private medical school in Malaysia. Participants completedthe standardized Readiness for inter-professional learning Scale and the data was analyzed. Results: 436 students witha mean age of 22 years participated in this study. Among them, 170 were from preclinical and 266 were from clinical years Both the groups scored high on team work while clinical students scored better than preclinical students in understanding professional identity and recognizing their roles. Conclusion: This study shows a readiness among medical students for IPE. Clinical year medical student’s attitude was similar to preclinical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  16. Gan WY, Mohd NM, Zalilah MS, Hazizi AS
    Malays J Nutr, 2011 Aug;17(2):213-28.
    PMID: 22303575 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: University students are potentially important targets for the promotion of healthy lifestyles as this may reduce the risks of lifestyle-related disorders later in life. This cross-sectional study examined differences in eating behaviours, dietary intake, weight status, and body composition between male and female university students.
    METHODOLOGY: A total of 584 students (59.4% females and 40.6% males) aged 20.6 +/- 1.4 years from four Malaysian universities in the Klang Valley participated in this study. Participants completed the Eating Behaviours Questionnaire and two-day 24-hour dietary recall. Body weight, height, waist circumference and percentage of body fat were measured.
    RESULTS: About 14.3% of males and 22.4% of females were underweight, while 14.0% of males and 12.3% of females were overweight and obese. A majority of the participants (73.8% males and 74.6% females) skipped at least one meal daily in the past seven days. Breakfast was the most frequently skipped meal. Both males and females frequently snacked during morning tea time. Fruits and biscuits were the most frequently consumed snack items. More than half of the participants did not meet the Malaysian Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) for energy, vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iron (females only), and calcium. Significantly more males than females achieved the RNI levels for energy, protein and iron intakes.
    CONCLUSION: This study highlights the presence of unhealthy eating behaviours, inadequate nutrient intake, and a high prevalence of underweight among university students. Energy and nutrient intakes differed between the sexes. Therefore, promoting healthy eating among young adults is crucial to achieve a healthy nutritional status.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Hamid JJ, Amal MK, Hasmiza H, Pim CD, Ng LO, Wan MW
    Malays J Nutr, 2011 Aug;17(2):189-200.
    PMID: 22303573 MyJurnal
    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between gender, birth weight, nutritional status, and iron status of children with their academic performance and cognitive function.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  18. Sharifah WW, Nur HH, Ruzita AT, Roslee R, Reilly JJ
    Malays J Nutr, 2011 Aug;17(2):229-36.
    PMID: 22303576 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: The present study describes a randomised controlled trial (RCT) based on a novel, generalisable intervention for childhood obesity, comparing the intervention with a no-treatment control group.
    METHOD: The Malaysian Childhood Obesity Treatment Trial (MASCOT) was a single-blind RCT of a dietetic treatment for childhood obesity in children of primary school age (7 to 11 years old) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The MASCOT comprising eight sessions, of an 8-hour family-centred group treatment programme is described, based on behavioural change techniques. The study sample was characterised by BMI z-score, health related quality of life reported by participants and their parents (PedsQL questionnaire), objectively measured habitual physical activity and sedentary behaviour (Actigraph accelerometry)
    RESULTS: The MASCOT sample of 107 children was characterised by a low quality of life, mean total score on PedsQL 67.7 (4.5) as reported by the children, and 66.0 (16.4) as reported by their parents. The children spent, on average, 89% of their waking day on sedentary activity, and 1% of the day in moderate-vigorous intensity physical activity, equivalent to only around 8 minutes/day.
    CONCLUSION: Obese children in the MASCOT study had an impaired quality of life, high levels of sedentary behaviour and very low levels of physical activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Moy FM, Gan CY, Mohd Kassim SZ
    Malays J Nutr, 2006;12(1):1-10.
    Eating patterns such as eating frequency, skipping of breakfast, and frequency of meals eaten away from home might influence school-going children's nutritional status, which will then influence their health and academic performance. This article reports the findings of a survey on the eating patterns of the school children and adolescents in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 3620 school children studying in Primary 5, Secondary 2 and Secondary 4 were selected using multi-stage sampling. The students were surveyed using a pre-tested questionnaire while their weights and heights were measured in the field. It was found that 19.9% skipped at least one meal a day with the youngest group having the lowest prevalence. The most frequently missed meal is breakfast (12.6%) followed by lunch (6.7%) and dinner (4.4%). The school is an important provider of breakfast and lunch for the students. As the students' age increased, the prevalence of eating breakfast and lunch in school increased. The youngest age group had the highest prevalence of snacking and taking of nutritional supplements (p<0.05). Fast food and local hawker food were also consumed by about 60-70% of the students. Logistic regression analysis showed that skipping of breakfast is significantly associated with age, sex, BMI and taking of nutritional supplements. Promotion of healthy eating should be targeted at students in primary and secondary schools as they tend to depend on outside food.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Law LS, Mohd Nasir MT, Hazizi AS
    Malays J Nutr, 2013;19(3):401-407.
    Introduction: Breakfast skipping is an unhealthy eating behaviour reportedly common among adolescents. A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the differences in body weight status, socio-demographic, behavioural, and psychological characteristics between daily breakfast takers and breakfast skippers.
    Methods: Data were collected from form four students of four randomly selected secondary schools in Sibu, Sarawak using a self-administered questionnaire. Body weight and height were measured using standard procedures and BMI-for-age z-scores were determined.
    Results: A total of 375 students were recruited (male: 32.0%, female: 68.0%; Chinese: 39.5%, Than: 26.4%, Malay: 17.1% and Melanau: 17.1 %; mean age = 16.45 ± 0.53 years). The prevalence rate of breakfast skippers at 40.3% was higher compared to the national prevalence of 32.7%. About 19.7% of the students were found to be at risk of eating disorders. In addition, the prevalence rates of overweight and obesity were 10.9% and 7.7%, respectively. Significant associations were found between breakfast skipping with sex, lunch skipping, dinner skipping, eating attitudes, and body weight status. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that female students and those who skipped lunch or dinner were more likely to skip breakfast.
    Conclusion: Breakfast skipping was quite common in this sample of adolescents in Sarawak. As frequent breakfast skipping has negative health and academic performance implications, increased nutrition education and health awareness campaigns on the importance of breakfast taking among school students should be undertaken.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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