METHODS: A total of 392 ticks and 248 fleas were collected from 401 infested animals (i.e. 271 dogs and 130 cats) from China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam, and molecularly screened for the presence of pathogens. Ticks were tested for Rickettsia spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., Babesia spp. and Hepatozoon spp. while fleas were screened for the presence of Rickettsia spp. and Bartonella spp.
RESULT: Of the 392 ticks tested, 37 (9.4%) scored positive for at least one pathogen with Hepatozoon canis being the most prevalent (5.4%), followed by Ehrlichia canis (1.8%), Babesia vogeli (1%), Anaplasma platys (0.8%) and Rickettsia spp. (1%) [including Rickettsia sp. (0.5%), Rickettsia asembonensis (0.3%) and Rickettsia felis (0.3%)]. Out of 248 fleas tested, 106 (42.7%) were harboring at least one pathogen with R. felis being the most common (19.4%), followed by Bartonella spp. (16.5%), Rickettsia asembonensis (10.9%) and "Candidatus Rickettsia senegalensis" (0.4%). Furthermore, 35 Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks were subjected to phylogenetic analysis, of which 34 ticks belonged to the tropical and only one belonged to the temperate lineage (Rh. sanguineus (sensu stricto)).
CONCLUSION: Our data reveals the circulation of different VBPs in ticks and fleas of dogs and cats from Asia, including zoonotic agents, which may represent a potential risk to animal and human health.
OBJECTIVES: Our study aimed to characterize the clinical, immunological and virological features of confirmed dengue patients in Sri Lanka during the outbreak in 2017 when unusual manifestations of severe dengue were observed.
STUDY DESIGN: Sera from 295 patients who were admitted to Teaching Hospital Kandy, Kandy, Sri Lanka between March 2017- January 2018 were subjected to NS1 antigen, IgM and IgG ELISAs, virus isolation, conventional and real time RT-PCR and next generation sequencing.
RESULTS: Primary and secondary infections were detected in 48.5 % and 51.5 % of the study population, respectively. Two hundred twenty five DENV strains were isolated (219 DENV-2, one DENV-3, two DENV-4, two mixed infections of DENV-2 and -3 and one mixed infection of DENV-2 and -4). Unusual and severe manifestations such as encephalitis, encephalopathy, liver failure, kidney failure, myocarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and multi-organ failure were noted in 44 dengue patients with 11 deaths. The viraemia levels in patients with primary infection and unusual manifestations were significantly higher compared to those in patients with secondary infection. A new clade of DENV-2 Cosmopolitan genotype strains was observed with the strains closely related to those from China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Taiwan.
CONCLUSIONS: The new clade of DENV-2 cosmopolitan genotype observed in Sri Lanka in 2017 caused an unprecedented, severe dengue outbreak. The emergence of DENV-3 and DENV-4 in the 2017 outbreak might cause future outbreaks in Sri Lanka.