Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 131 in total

  1. Bradley DA, Dahlan KZ, Roy SC
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2000 Oct;53(4-5):921-8.
    PMID: 11003542
    High-energy electron (2.0 MV) and gamma irradiation (60Co) has been used to modify polymeric silicone fluids of initial viscosities in the range, 90-700 cSt. Doses of electron and gamma radiation were delivered at rates of 0.246 kGy s(-1) and 15 kGy h(-1), respectively, exposure times being adjusted to ensure energy deposition in the range 30-360 kGy. Measurements were made using a differential viscometer based on a Bose Institute design. In line with expectation, samples of greater initial molecular weight (and hence greater viscosity), were observed to be more susceptible to radiation induced cross-linking than those of lower molecular weight. The role of dose rate and oxygen diffusion in determining the extent of change is discussed.
  2. Bradley DA, Chong CS
    Int J Rad Appl Instrum A, 1991;42(8):767-70.
    PMID: 1666633
    New, detailed measurements have been made of the photon spectrum of the radionuclide 241Am. Observations, recorded for a 95% confidence level over local background, provide affirmation of a number of lines previously considered to be of equivocal existence. A number of hitherto unreported emissions are similarly observed. Peak areas, expressed as a percentage of that for the 59.54 keV emission, have been ascribed to all lines of the detailed spectrum. This leads to an estimated increase in the value of exposure calculated from the measured fluence spectrum, relative to that from the 59.54 keV line, of (3.1 +/- 0.8)%, taking into account all emissions beyond the predominating 59.54 keV gamma-ray emission.
  3. Bradley DA, Wong CS, Ng KH
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2000 9 26;53(4-5):691-7.
    PMID: 11003508
    For broad-beam soft X-ray sources, assessment of the quality of image produced by such units is made complex by the low penetration capabilities of the radiation. In the present study we have tested the utility of several types of test tool, some of which have been fabricated by us, as part of an effort to evaluate several key image defining parameters. These include the film characteristic, focal-spot size, image resolution and detail detectability. The two sources of X-rays used in present studies were the University of Malaya flash X-ray device (UMFX1) and a more conventional soft X-ray tube (Softex, Tokyo), the latter operating at peak accelerating potentials of 20 kVp. We have established, for thin objects, that both systems produce images of comparable quality and, in particular, objects can be resolved down to better than 45 microm.
  4. Ng KH, Looi LM, Bradley DA
    Br J Radiol, 1996 Apr;69(820):326-34.
    PMID: 8665132
    X-ray microradiography of surgically excised breast specimens offers the possibility of morphological characterization of calcifications. When combined with digital imaging techniques there exists added potential for obtaining valuable basic quantitative morphometric information regarding differences between microcalcifications in tissues exhibiting evidence of fibrocystic change, benign and malignant tumours. A total of 157 excised breast specimens from 84 patients were microradiographed using a Softex Super Soft X-ray unit and Kodak AA high resolution industrial film. A Quantimet 570C image analysis system was used to digitize and analyse the microradiographs. Of the 157 microradiographs, 51 (from 30 patients) revealed microcalcification clusters. The existence of significant differences between the three identified categories of tissue were indicated by clustering parameters. These included the number of particles per cluster, area of clusters, maximum distance to nearest neighbour, and geometric mean distance to nearest neighbour. The distribution pattern index (DPI), another of the clustering parameters used in this study, has been observed to be a particularly powerful discriminator. The value for fibrocystic change was found to be significantly smaller (0.514) than that for benign tumour (0.796) whilst that for benign tumour was observed to be significantly larger than that for malignant tumour (0.604) at a p-value of less than 0.05 (Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance).
  5. Bradley DA, Ng KH, Aziz YB
    Int J Rad Appl Instrum A, 1988;39(5):439-40.
    PMID: 2840420
    The utility of a phantom material, based on SMR(L) [Standard Malaysian Rubber] grade natural rubber and a formulation used for the proprietary rubber phantom-material, Temex, has been examined for the 1-MeV photon-Measurement has also been performed with 60-keV photons using the radionuclide 241Am. At photon-therapy energy levels the measured response, when compared with tabulated central-axis percentage depth doses for the defined measuring conditions, produces everywhere (in the range 1-19 cm depth) better than 2% deviation. The favourable measured response characteristics combined with the ease of processing and casting the phantom material provide the basis for useful radiotherapy machine calibration and anthropomorphic dosimetry measurements. The measured mass-attenuation coefficient, at 60keV, of 0.204 cm2 g-1 (+/- 3%) is in close agreement with tabulated values for water (0.2055 cm2 g-1).
  6. Alyahyawi A, Jupp T, Alkhorayef M, Bradley DA
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2018 Aug;138:45-49.
    PMID: 28780202 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.07.011
    In the modern clinical practice of diagnostic radiology there is a growing demand for radiation dosimetry, it also being recognized that with increasing use of X-ray examinations additional population dose will result, accompanied by an additional albeit low potential for genetic consequences. At the doses typical of diagnostic radiology there is also a low statistical risk for cancer induction; in adhering to best practice, to be also implied is a low but non-negligible potential for deterministic sensitive organ responses, including in regard to the skin and eyes. Risk reduction is important, in line with the principle of ALARP, both in regard to staff and patients alike; for the latter modern practice is usually guided by Dose Reference Levels (DRL) while for the former and members of the public, legislated controls (supported by safe working practices) pertain. As such, effective, reliable and accurate means of dosimetry are required in support of these actions. Recent studies have shown that Ge-doped-silica glass fibres offer several advantages over the well-established phosphor-based TL dosimeters (TLD), including excellent sensitivity at diagnostic doses as demonstrated herein, low fading, good reproducibility and re-usability, as well as representing a water impervious, robust dosimetric system. In addition, these silica-based fibres show good linearity over a wide dynamic range of dose and dose-rate and are directionally independent. In the present study, we investigate tailor made doped-silica glass thermoluminescence (TL) for applications in medical diagnostic imaging dosimetry. The aim is to develop a dosimeter of sensitivity greater than that of the commonly used LiF (Mg,Ti) phosphor. We examine the ability of such doped glass media to detect the typically low levels of radiation in diagnostic applications (from fractions of a mGy through to several mGy or more), including, mammography and dental radiology, use being made of x-ray tubes located at the Royal Surrey County Hospital. We further examine dose-linearity, energy response and fading.
  7. Lim LK, Yap SL, Bradley DA
    PLoS One, 2018;13(1):e0188009.
    PMID: 29309425 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188009
    The plasma focus device discussed herein is a Z-pinch pulsed-plasma arrangement. In this, the plasma is heated and compressed into a cylindrical column, producing a typical density of > 1025 particles/m3 and a temperature of (1-3) × 107 oC. The plasma focus has been widely investigated as a radiation source, including as ion-beams, electron-beams and as a source of x-ray and neutron production, providing considerable scope for use in a variety of technological situations. Thus said, the nature of the radiation emission depends on the dynamics of the plasma pinch. In this study of the characteristics of deuteron-beam emission, in terms of energy, fluence and angular distribution were analyzed. The 2.7 kJ plasma focus discharge has been made to operate at a pressure of less than 1 mbar rather than at its more conventional operating pressure of a few mbar. Faraday cup were used to determine deuteron-beam energy and deuteron-beam fluence per shot while CR-39 solid-state nuclear track detectors were employed in studying the angular distribution of deuteron emission. Beam energy and deuteron-beam fluence per shot have been found to be pressure dependent. The largest value of average deuteron energy measured for present conditions was found to be (52 ± 7) keV, while the deuteron-beam fluence per shot was of the order of 1015 ions/m2 when operated at a pressure of 0.2 mbar. The deuteron-beam emission is in the forward direction and is observed to be highly anisotropic.
  8. Hashim S, Bradley DA, Saripan MI, Ramli AT, Wagiran H
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2010 Apr-May;68(4-5):700-3.
    PMID: 19892557 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2009.10.027
    This paper describes a preliminary study of the thermoluminescence (TL) response of doped SiO(2) optical fibres subjected to (241)AmBe neutron irradiation. The TL materials, which comprise Al- and Ge-doped silica fibres, were exposed in close contact with the (241)AmBe source to obtain fast neutron interactions through use of measurements obtained with and without a Cd filter (the filter being made to entirely enclose the fibres). The neutron irradiations were performed for exposure times of 1-, 2-, 3-, 5- and 7-days in a neutron tank filled with water. In this study, use was also made of the Monte Carlo N-particle (MCNP) code version 5 (V5) to simulate the neutron irradiations experiment. It was found that the commercially available Ge-doped and Al-doped optical fibres show a linear dose response subjected to fast neutrons from (241)AmBe source up to seven days of irradiations. The simulation performed using MCNP5 also exhibits a similar pattern, albeit differing in sensitivity. The TL response of Ge-doped fibre is markedly greater than that of the Al-doped fibre, the total absorption cross section for Ge in both the fast and thermal neutrons region being some ten times greater than that of Al.
  9. Ramli AT, Bradley DA, Hashim S, Wagiran H
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2009 Mar;67(3):428-32.
    PMID: 18693114 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2008.06.034
    Ion beams are used in radiotherapy to deliver a more precise dose to the target volume while minimizing dose to the surrounding healthy tissue. For optimum dose monitoring in ion-beam therapy, it is essential to be able to measure the delivered dose with a sensitivity, spatial resolution and dynamic range that is sufficient to meet the demands of the various therapy situations. Optical fibres have been demonstrated by this group to show promising thermoluminescence properties with respect to photon, electron and proton irradiation. In particular, and also given the flexibility and small size of optical fibre cores, for example 125.0+/-0.1 microm for the Al- and Ge-doped fibres used in this study, these fibres have the potential to fulfill the above requirements. This study investigates the thermoluminescence dosimetric characteristics of variously doped SiO(2) optical fibres irradiated with alpha particles from (241)Am. Following subtraction of the gamma contribution from the above source, the thermoluminescence characteristics of variously doped SiO(2) optical fibres have been compared with that of TLD-100 rods. The irradiations were performed in a bell jar. Of related potential significance is the effective atomic number, Z(eff) of the fibre, modifying measured dose from that deposited in tissues; in the present work, a scanning electron microscope and associated energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy facility have been used to provide evaluation of Z(eff). For Ge-doped fibres, the effective atomic numbers value was 11.4, the equivalent value for Al-doped fibres was 12.3. This paper further presents results on dose response and the glow curves obtained. The results obtained indicate there to be good potential for use of variously doped SiO(2) optical fibres in measuring ion-beam doses in radiotherapeutic applications.
  10. Hashim S, Al-Ahbabi S, Bradley DA, Webb M, Jeynes C, Ramli AT, et al.
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2009 Mar;67(3):423-7.
    PMID: 18693024 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2008.06.030
    Modern linear accelerators, the predominant teletherapy machine in major radiotherapy centres worldwide, provide multiple electron and photon beam energies. To obtain reasonable treatment times, intense electron beam currents are achievable. In association with this capability, there is considerable demand to validate patient dose using systems of dosimetry offering characteristics that include good spatial resolution, high precision and accuracy. Present interest is in the thermoluminescence response and dosimetric utility of commercially available doped optical fibres. The important parameter for obtaining the highest TL yield during this study is to know the dopant concentration of the SiO2 fibre because during the production of the optical fibres, the dopants tend to diffuse. To achieve this aim, proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE), which has no depth resolution but can unambiguously identify elements and analyse for trace elements with detection limits approaching microg/g, was used. For Al-doped fibres, the dopant concentration in the range 0.98-2.93 mol% have been estimated, with equivalent range for Ge-doped fibres being 0.53-0.71 mol%. In making central-axis irradiation measurements a solid water phantom was used. For 6-MV photons and electron energies in the range 6, 9 and 12 MeV, a source to surface distance of 100 cm was used, with a dose rate of 400 cGy/min for photons and electrons. The TL measurements show a linear dose-response over the delivered range of absorbed dose from 1 to 4 Gy. Fading was found to be minimal, less than 10% over five days subsequent to irradiation. The minimum detectable dose for 6-MV photons was found to be 4, 30 and 900 microGy for TLD-100 chips, Ge- and Al-doped fibres, respectively. For 6-, 9- and 12-MeV electron energies, the minimum detectable dose were in the range 3-5, 30-50 and 800-1400 microGy for TLD-100 chip, Ge-doped and Al-doped fibres, respectively.
  11. Yip M, Saripan MI, Wells K, Bradley DA
    PLoS One, 2015;10(9):e0135769.
    PMID: 26348619 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135769
    Detection of buried improvised explosive devices (IEDs) is a delicate task, leading to a need to develop sensitive stand-off detection technology. The shape, composition and size of the IEDs can be expected to be revised over time in an effort to overcome increasingly sophisticated detection methods. As an example, for the most part, landmines are found through metal detection which has led to increasing use of non-ferrous materials such as wood or plastic containers for chemical based explosives being developed.
  12. Chew LT, Bradley DA, Mohd AY, Jamil MM
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2000 9 26;53(4-5):633-8.
    PMID: 11003500
    Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) has been used to determine Pb, Zn and Cu levels in 47 exfoliated human teeth (all of which required extraction for orthodontic reasons). Lead concentrations for the group were 1.7 microg (g tooth mass)(-1) to 40.5 microg (g tooth mass)(-1). with a median of 9.8 microg (g tooth mass)(-1). A median lead level in excess of the group value was found for the teeth of six lorry drivers who were included in the study. A more significant enhancement was found for the seven subjects whose age was in excess of 60 years. The median values for Zn and Cu were 123.0 and 0.6 microg (g tooth mass)(-1) respectively. Present values for tooth-Zn are lower than published data for other ethnic groups.
  13. Ng KH, Ong SH, Bradley DA, Looi LM
    Appl Radiat Isot, 1997 Jan;48(1):105-9.
    PMID: 9022216
    Discriminant analysis of six trace element concentrations measured by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) in 26 paired-samples of malignant and histologically normal human breast tissues shows the technique to be a potentially valuable clinical tool for making malignant-normal classification. Nonparametric discriminant analysis is performed for the data obtained. Linear and quadratic discriminant analyses are also carried out for comparison. For this data set a formal analysis shows that the elements which may be useful in distinguishing between malignant and normal tissues are Ca, Rb and Br, providing correct classification for 24 out of 26 normal samples and 22 out of 26 malignant samples.
  14. Nasser SM, Khandaker MU, Bradley DA, Isinkaye MO
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 2019 Oct 01;184(3-4):422-425.
    PMID: 31038706 DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncz088
    The present study concerns measurement of the radon concentration in drinking and irrigation waters obtained from the eastern part of Oman, in particular in regard to water quality assessment of the region. The samples were collected from different places covering most types of water sources in the region. A passive and time-integrated track etch detector (LR-115 type II) combined with a high-resolution optical microscope has been used to obtain the radon concentration in the studied samples. Values of dissolved radon in water varied among the water sources; the highest concentration of radon was found to be 363 Bq m-3 in a drinking water sample while well water used for irrigation showed the lowest value, at 140 Bq m-3. Measured data for all water sources are below the permissible limit of 11.1 kBq m-3 recommended by the US-EPA. Annual effective doses for the studied samples were in the range 0.38-0.99 μSv y-1 which is significantly less than the action level recommended by the WHO (0.1 mSv y-1), indicating that the water sources in the Jalan BBH region of Oman are safe to use. The obtained data may serve as a reference for any future radiological study of the waterbody of this region.
  15. Basri NA, Hashim S, Ramli AT, Bradley DA, Hamzah K
    J Radiol Prot, 2016 Dec;36(4):R96-R111.
    PMID: 27631675
    Malaysia has initiated a range of pre-project activities in preparation for its planned nuclear power programme. Clearly one of the first steps is the selection of sites that are deemed suitable for the construction and operation of a nuclear power plant. Here we outline the Malaysian regulatory requirements for nuclear power plant site selection, emphasizing details of the selection procedures and site characteristics needed, with a clear focus on radiation safety and radiation protection in respect of the site surroundings. The Malaysia Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) site selection guidelines are in accord with those provided in International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and United Stated Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) documents. To enhance the suitability criteria during selection, as well as to assist in the final decision making process, possible assessments using the site selection characteristics and information are proposed.
  16. Shuaibu HK, Khandaker MU, Alrefae T, Bradley DA
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2017 Jun 15;119(1):423-428.
    PMID: 28342594 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.03.026
    Activity concentrations of primordial radionuclides in sand samples collected from the coastal beaches surrounding Penang Island have been measured using conventional γ-ray spectrometry, while in-situ γ-ray doses have been measured through use of a portable radiation survey meter. The mean activity concentrations for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K at different locations were found to be less than the world average values, while the Miami Bay values for 226Ra and 232Th were found to be greater, at 1023±47 and 2086±96Bqkg̶ 1 respectively. The main contributor to radionuclide enrichment in Miami Bay is the presence of monazite-rich black sands. The measured data were compared against literature values and also recommended limits set by the relevant international bodies. With the exception of Miami Bay, considered an elevated background radiation area that would benefit from regular monitoring, Penang island beach sands typically pose no significant radiological risk to the local populace and tourists visiting the leisure beaches.
  17. Edam AN, Fornasier MR, De Denaro M, Sulieman A, Alkhorayef M, Bradley DA
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2018 Nov;141:288-291.
    PMID: 30122471 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2018.07.027
    Patient radiation dose and image quality are primary issues in the conduct of nuclear medicine (NM) procedures. A range of protocols are currently used in image acquisition and analysis of quality control (QC) tests, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) methods and protocols widely accepted in providing an accurate description, measurement and report of γ-camera performance parameters. However, no standard software is available for image analysis. Present study compares vendor QC software analysis and three types of software freely downloadable from the internet: NMQC, NM Toolkit and ImageJ-NM Toolkit software. These were used for image analysis of QC tests of γ-cameras based on NEMA protocols including non-uniformity evaluation. Ten non-uniformity QC images were obtained using a dual head γ-camera installed in Trieste General Hospital and then analyzed. Excel analysis was used as the baseline calculation for the non-uniformity test according to NEMA procedures. The results of non-uniformity analysis showed good agreement between the independent types of software and Excel calculations (the average differences were 0.3%, 2.9%, 1.3% and 1.6% for the Useful Field of View (UFOV) integral, UFOV differential, Central Field of View (CFOV) integral and CFOV differential, respectively), while significant differences were detected following analysis using the company QC software when compared with Excel analysis (the average differences were 14.6%, 20.7%, 25.7% and 31.9% for the UFOV integral, UFOV differential, CFOV integral and CFOV differential, respectively). Compared to use of Excel calculations use of NMQC software was found to be in close accord. Variation in results obtained using the three types of software and γ-camera QC software was due to the use of different pixel sizes. It is important to conduct independent analyses tests in addition to using the vendor QC software in order to determine the differences between values.
  18. Moradi F, Khandaker MU, Alrefae T, Ramazanian H, Bradley DA
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2019 Apr;146:120-126.
    PMID: 30769172 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2019.01.031
    Studies of radiation interactions with tissue equivalent material find importance in efforts that seek to avoid unjustifiable dose to patients, also in ensuring quality control of for instance nuclear medicine imaging equipment. Use of the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation tool in such characterization processes allows for the avoidance of costly experiments involving transmitted X- and γ-ray spectrometry. Present work investigates MC simulations of γ-ray transmission through tissue equivalent solid phantoms. Use has been made of a range of radionuclide gamma ray sources, 99mTc, 131I, 137Cs, 60Co (offering photons in the energy range from a few keV up to low MeV), popularly applied in medicine and in some cases for gauging in industry, obtaining the transmission spectra following their interaction with various phantom materials and thicknesses. In validation of the model, the simulated values of mass attenuation coefficients (μ/ρ) for different phantom materials and thicknesses were found to be in good agreement with reference values (NIST, 2004) to within 1.1% for all material compositions. For all of the primary photon energies and medium thicknesses of interest herein, results show that multiple scattering peaks are generally located at energies lower than 100 keV, although for the larger phantom thicknesses it is more difficult to distinguish single, double and multiple scattering in the gamma spectra. Transmitted photon spectra investigated for water, soft tissue, breast, brain and lung tissue slab phantoms are demonstrated to be practically independent of the phantom material, while a significant difference is observed for the spectra transmitted through bone that was proved to be due to the density effect and not material composition.
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