DESIGN: Electronic databases were searched up to July 2015 for all case-control studies on H. pylori infection/EHS/Campylobacter spp and IBD. Pooled ORs (P-OR) and 95% CIs were obtained using the random effects model. Heterogeneity, sensitivity and stratified analyses were performed.
RESULTS: Analyses comprising patients with Crohn's disease (CD), UC and IBD unclassified (IBDU), showed a consistent negative association between gastric H. pylori infection and IBD (P-OR: 0.43, p value <1e-10). This association appears to be stronger in patients with CD (P-OR: 0.38, p value <1e-10) and IBDU (P-OR: 0.43, p value=0.008) than UC (P-OR: 0.53, p value <1e-10). Stratification by age, ethnicity and medications showed significant results. In contrast to gastric H. pylori, non H. pylori-EHS (P-OR: 2.62, p value=0.001) and Campylobacter spp, in particular C. concisus (P-OR: 3.76, p value=0.006) and C. showae (P-OR: 2.39, p value=0.027), increase IBD risk.
CONCLUSIONS: H. pylori infection is negatively associated with IBD regardless of ethnicity, age, H. pylori detection methods and previous use of aminosalicylates and corticosteroids. Antibiotics influenced the magnitude of this association. Closely related bacteria including EHS and Campylobacter spp increase the risk of IBD. These results infer that H. pylori might exert an immunomodulatory effect in IBD.
OBJECTIVES: To perform an updated meta-analysis on the association between ATG16L1 rs2241880 and IBD susceptibility by exploring the impact of age, ethnicity, and geography. Moreover, to investigate the association between rs2241880 and clinical features.
METHODS: Literature searches up until September 2022 across 7 electronic public databases were performed for all case-control studies on ATG16L1 rs2241880 and IBD. Pooled odds ratios (ORP ) and 95% CI were calculated under the random effects model.
RESULTS: Our analyses included a total of 30,606 IBD patients, comprising 21,270 Crohn's disease (CD) and 9336 ulcerative colitis (UC) patients, and 33,329 controls. ATG16L1 rs2241880 was significantly associated with CD susceptibility, where the A allele was protective (ORP : 0.74, 95% CI: 0.72-0.77, p-value: <0.001), while the G allele was a risk factor (ORP : 1.23, 95% CI: 1.09-1.39, p-value: 0.001), depending on the minor allele frequencies observed in this multi-ancestry study sample. rs2241880 was predominantly relevant in Caucasians from North America and Europe, and in Latin American populations. Importantly, CD patients harbouring the G allele were significantly more predisposed to perianal disease (ORP : 1.21, 95% CI: 1.07-1.38, p-value: 0.003).
CONCLUSIONS: ATG16L1 rs2241880 (G allele) is a consistent risk factor for IBD in Caucasian cohorts and influences clinical outcomes. As its role in non-Caucasian populations remains ambiguous, further studies in under-reported populations are necessary.
METHODS: Selected SNPs were investigated in a Malaysian cohort comprising 36 IBD patients and 75 controls using customized matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight genotyping. Local mRNA and/or systemic protein levels of IL-10, IL-12, IL-22, IL-23, and TNF-α were measured in these same subjects.
RESULTS: ATG16L2 rs11235667 and LINC00824 rs6651252 was significantly associated with increased CD risk while IL12B rs56167332 was a significant protective factor. Three SNPs (SBNO2 rs2024092, CARD9 rs10781499, and rs17085007 between GPR12-USP12) were significantly associated with increased UC risk while NKX2-3 rs4409764 was a significant protective factor. After adjusting for age, gender, and ethnicity, SBNO2 rs2024092, ATG16L2 rs11235667, CARD9 rs10781499, and LINC00824 rs6651252 remained associated with IBD. Interestingly, the risk alleles of IL10 rs3024505, CARD9 rs1078149, and IL12 rs6556412 were associated with higher levels of IL-10, IL-22, and IL-23 in these same subjects, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: This study identified eight SNPs associated with IBD and/or its subtypes in the Malaysia population, significantly advancing our understanding of the genetic contribution to IBD in this understudied population. Three of these SNPs modulated relevant cytokine levels and thus, may directly contribute to IBD pathogenesis.