Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 88 in total

  1. Liew SM
    Malays Fam Physician, 2006;1(2):91-93.
    PMID: 27570598 MyJurnal
    Recommend that the following measures be applied universally: CPR training should emphasize the very low risk of disease transmission. Training in the use of barrier mask should be included; Oral barrier devices should be made freely available in hospital and in public areas e.g. hotels, theaters, health clubs and restaurants. A survey among health personnel in Malaysia conducted in 2005 found that nearly half of the 4989 subjects were either not confident at all or unsure about their ability in giving first-aid and CPR.13 The investigators however did not look at fear of infection in particular.
  2. Liew SM, Doust J, Glasziou P
    Heart, 2011 May;97(9):689-97.
    PMID: 21474616 DOI: 10.1136/hrt.2010.220442
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the strengths and limitations of cardiovascular risk scores available for clinicians in assessing the global (absolute) risk of cardiovascular disease.
    DESIGN: Review of cardiovascular risk scores.
    DATA SOURCES: Medline (1966 to May 2009) using a mixture of MeSH terms and free text for the keywords 'cardiovascular', 'risk prediction' and 'cohort studies'.
    ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR SELECTING STUDIES: A study was eligible if it fulfilled the following criteria: (1) it was a cohort study of adults in the general population with no prior history of cardiovascular disease and not restricted by a disease condition; (2) the primary objective was the development of a cardiovascular risk score/equation that predicted an individual's absolute cardiovascular risk in 5-10 years; (3) the score could be used by a clinician to calculate the risk for an individual patient.
    RESULTS: 21 risk scores from 18 papers were identified from 3536 papers. Cohort size ranged from 4372 participants (SHS) to 1591209 records (QRISK2). More than half of the cardiovascular risk scores (11) were from studies with recruitment starting after 1980. Definitions and methods for measuring risk predictors and outcomes varied widely between scores. Fourteen cardiovascular risk scores reported data on prior treatment, but this was mainly limited to antihypertensive treatment. Only two studies reported prior use of lipid-lowering agents. None reported on prior use of platelet inhibitors or data on treatment drop-ins.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of risk-factor-modifying drugs-for example, statins-and disease-modifying medication-for example, platelet inhibitors-was not accounted for. In addition, none of the risk scores addressed the effect of treatment drop-ins-that is, treatment started during the study period. Ideally, a risk score should be derived from a population free from treatment. The lack of accounting for treatment effect and the wide variation in study characteristics, predictors and outcomes causes difficulties in the use of cardiovascular risk scores for clinical treatment decision.
  3. Hani SS, Liew SM
    Malays Fam Physician, 2018;13(1):18-27.
    PMID: 29796206 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a common and often difficult to treat condition in the primary care setting. Research involving in-depth exploration on the views and experiences faced by primary care doctors in managing patients with CLBP in Malaysia is limited.

    OBJECTIVE: To explore the primary care practitioners' views and experiences in managing patients with CLBP.

    STUDY DESIGN: A qualitative approach was employed using focus group discussions (FGD) at an academic primary care clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Twenty-three primary care doctors were purposively selected. Data were collected through audio-recorded interviews, which were transcribed verbatim and checked for accuracy. Data saturation was reached by the third FGD. An additional FGD was included to ensure completeness. A thematic approach using the one sheet of paper (OSOP) method was used to analyse the data.

    RESULTS: Participants view managing patients with CLBP as challenging. This is mainly due to the difficulty in balancing the doctors' expectations with the patients' perceived expectations during consultation. Barriers identified include lack of awareness and conflicting views regarding the usefulness of the local clinical practice guideline (CPG) in clinical practice. Other barriers include time constraints and perceived lack of support from multidisciplinary teams in managing these patients.

    CONCLUSION: Managing patients with CLBP is still a challenge for Malaysian primary care doctors. Any intervention should target identified barriers to improve the management of patients with CLBP.

  4. Han YW, Mohammad M, Liew SM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(17):7287-90.
    PMID: 25227830
    BACKGROUND: Brief physician counselling has been shown to be effective in improving smokers' behaviour. If the counselling sessions can be given at the workplace, this would benefit a larger number of smokers. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a ten-minute physician counseling session at the workplace in improving smoking behaviour.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective randomised control trial was conducted on smokers in a factory. A total of 163 participants were recruited and randomised into control and intervention groups using a table of random numbers. The intervention group received a ten-minute brief physician counselling session to quit smoking. Stages of smoking behaviour were measured in both groups using a translated and validated questionnaire at baseline, one month and three months post intervention.

    RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in smoking behaviour at one-month post intervention (p=0.024, intention to treat analysis; OR=2.525; CI=1.109-5.747). This was not significant at three-month post intervention (p=0.946, intention to treat analysis; OR=1.026; 95% CI=0.486-2.168).

    CONCLUSIONS: A session of brief physician counselling was effective in improving smokers' behaviour at workplace, but the effect was not sustained.

  5. Ramdzan SN, Liew SM, Khoo EM
    BMC Pediatr, 2014;14:132.
    PMID: 24885332 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2431-14-132
    Unintentional injuries are the major cause of morbidity and mortality in infants. Prevention of unintentional injuries has been shown to be effective with education. Understanding the level of knowledge and practices of caregivers in infant safety would be useful to identify gaps for improvement.

    A cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban government health clinic in Malaysia among main caregivers of infants aged 11 to 15 months. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using a semi-structured self-designed questionnaire. Responses to the items were categorised by the percentage of correct answers: poor (<50%), moderate (50% - 70%) and good (>70%).

    A total of 403 caregivers participated in the study. Of the 21 items in the questionnaire on knowledge, 19 had good-to-moderate responses and two had poor responses. The two items on knowledge with poor responses were on the use of infant walkers (26.8%) and allowing infants on motorcycles as pillion riders (27.3%). Self-reported practice of infant safety was poor. None of the participants followed all 19 safety practices measured. Eight (42.1%) items on self-reported practices had poor responses. The worst three of these were on the use of baby cots (16.4%), avoiding the use of infant walkers (23.8%) and putting infants to sleep in the supine position (25.6%). Better knowledge was associated with self-reported safety practices in infants (p < 0.05). However, knowledge did not correspond to correct practice, particularly on the use of baby cots, infant walkers and sarong cradles.

    Main caregivers' knowledge on infant safety was good but self-reported practice was poor. Further research in the future is required to identify interventions that target these potentially harmful practices.
  6. Ooi CY, Hanafi NS, Liew SM
    Singapore Med J, 2019 Nov;60(11):596-604.
    PMID: 30644527 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2019011
    INTRODUCTION: Colorectal cancer (CRC) was the third most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide in 2008 (1.23 million cases, 9.7%). CRC screening was shown to be effective in reducing 70% of CRC mortality. However, the screening rate for CRC remains poor.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among primary care physicians (PCPs) in public primary care clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A 30-item self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and practice of CRC screening.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 86.4% (n = 197/228). Less than half (39.1%) of the respondents answered correctly for all risk stratification scenarios. Mean knowledge score on CRC screening modalities was 48.7% ± 17.7%. The knowledge score was positively associated with having postgraduate educational qualification and usage of screening guidelines. Overall, 69.9% of PCPs reported that they practised screening. However, of these, only 25.9% of PCPs screened over 50% of all eligible patients. PCPs who agreed that screening was cost-effective (odds ratio [OR] 3.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.69‒6.59) and those who agreed that they had adequate resources in their locality (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.01‒3.68) were more likely to practise screening. Knowledge score was not associated with the practice of screening (p = 0.185).

    CONCLUSION: Knowledge and practice of CRC screening was inadequate among PCPs. Knowledge of screening did not translate into its practice. PCPs' perceptions about cost-effectiveness of screening and adequate resources were important determinants of the practice of screening.

  7. Hisham R, Liew SM, Ng CJ
    BMJ Open, 2018 Jul 12;8(7):e018933.
    PMID: 30002004 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018933
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the evidence-based practices of primary care physicians between those working in rural and in urban primary care settings.

    RESEARCH DESIGN: Data from two previous qualitative studies, the Front-line Equitable Evidence-based Decision Making in Medicine and Creating, Synthesising and Implementing evidence-based medicine (EBM) in primary care studies, were sorted, arranged, classified and compared with the help of qualitative research software, NVivo V.10. Data categories were interrogated through comparison between and within datasets to identify similarities and differences in rural and urban practices. Themes were then refined by removing or recoding redundant and infrequent nodes into major key themes.

    PARTICIPANTS: There were 55 primary care physicians who participated in 10 focus group discussions (n=31) and 9 individual physician in-depth interviews.

    SETTING: The study was conducted across three primary care settings-an academic primary care practice and both private and public health clinics in rural (Pahang) and urban (Selangor and Kuala Lumpur) settings in Malaysia.

    RESULTS: We identified five major themes that influenced the implementation of EBM according to practice settings, namely, workplace factors, EBM understanding and awareness, work experience and access to specialist placement, availability of resources and patient population. Lack of standardised care is a contributing factor to differences in EBM practice, especially in rural areas.

    CONCLUSIONS: There were major differences in the practice of EBM between rural and urban primary care settings. These findings could be used by policy-makers, administrators and the physicians themselves to identify strategies to improve EBM practices that are targeted according to workplace settings.

  8. Liew SM, Blacklock C, Hislop J, Glasziou P, Mant D
    Br J Gen Pract, 2013 Jun;63(611):e401-7.
    PMID: 23735411 DOI: 10.3399/bjgp13X668195
    BACKGROUND: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines and the Quality Outcomes Framework require practitioners to use cardiovascular risk scores in assessments for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
    AIM: To explore GPs understanding and use of cardiovascular risk scores.
    DESIGN AND SETTING: Qualitative study with purposive maximum variation sampling of 20 GPs working in Oxfordshire, UK. Method Thematic analysis of transcriptions of face-to-face interviews with participants undertaken by two individuals (one clinical, one non-clinical).
    RESULTS: GPs use cardiovascular risk scores primarily to guide treatment decisions by estimating the risk of a vascular event if the patient remains untreated. They expressed considerable uncertainty about how and whether to take account of existing drug treatment or other types of prior risk modification. They were also unclear about the choice between the older scores, based on the Framingham study, and newer scores, such as QRISK. There was substantial variation in opinion about whether scores could legitimately be used to illustrate to patients the change in risk as a result of treatment. The overall impression was of considerable confusion.
    CONCLUSION: The drive to estimate risk more precisely by qualifying guidance and promoting new scores based on partially-treated populations appears to have created unnecessary confusion for little obvious benefit. National guidance needs to be simplified, and, to be fit for purpose, better reflect the ways in which cardiovascular risk scores are currently used in general practice. Patients may be better served by simple advice to use a Framingham score and exercise more clinical judgement, explaining to patients the necessary imprecision of any individual estimate of risk.
  9. Liew SM, Jackson R, Mant D, Glasziou P
    BMJ Open, 2012;2(2):e000728.
    PMID: 22382122 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000728
    OBJECTIVES: To assess whether delaying risk reduction treatment has a different impact on potential life years lost in younger compared with older patients at the same baseline short-term cardiovascular risk.
    DESIGN: Modelling based on population data.
    METHODS: Potential years of life lost from a 5-year treatment delay were estimated for patients of different ages but with the same cardiovascular risk (either 5% or 10% 5-year risk). Two models were used: an age-based residual life expectancy model and a Markov simulation model. Age-specific case fatality rates and time preferences were applied to both models, and competing mortality risks were incorporated into the Markov model.
    RESULTS: Younger patients had more potential life years to lose if untreated, but the maximum difference between 35 and 85 years was <1 year, when models were unadjusted for time preferences or competing risk. When these adjusters were included, the maximum difference fell to about 1 month, although the direction was reversed with older people having more to lose.
    CONCLUSIONS: Surprisingly, age at onset of treatment has little impact on the likely benefits of interventions that reduce cardiovascular risk because of the opposing effects of life expectancy, case fatality, time preferences and competing risks. These findings challenge the appropriateness of recommendations to use lower risk-based treatment thresholds in younger patients.
  10. Wong SS, Ng CJ, Liew SM, Hussein N
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2012 Feb;95(2):e41-4.
    PMID: 22119614 DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2011.11.001
    We conducted a six-month randomized-controlled-trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a colour-coded HbA1c-graphical record in improving HbA1c level among type 2 diabetes patients. There was an improvement in the mean HbA1c knowledge score but the usage of the colour-coded HbA1c-graphical record did not produce reduction in the HbA1c level.
    Study site: Primary care clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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