METHODS: A total of 2322 Malaysian older adults aged 60 years and older were recruited using multistage random sampling in a population-based cross-sectional study. Out of 2322 older adults recruited, 2309 (48% men) completed assessments on cognitive function and body composition. Cognitive functions were assessed using the Malay version of the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Bahasa Malaysia version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Digit Span Test, Digit Symbol Test and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Body composition included body mass index, mid-upper arm circumference, waist circumference, calf circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, percentage body fat and skeletal muscle mass.
RESULTS: The association between body composition and cognitive functions was analyzed using multiple linear regression. After adjustment for age, education years, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, depression, smoking status and alcohol consumption, we found that calf circumference appeared as a significant predictor for all cognitive tests among both men and women (P
METHODS: PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and the Web of Science electronic databases were searched for studies published between January 1, 2012 and May 16, 2023, with language restricted to English. The focus was on controlled trials in which a hybrid weight management intervention was used in the intervention among overweight or obese adults. The scoping review framework followed Arksey and O'Malley's guidelines and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISM-P).
RESULTS: Full-text article review in the screening stage resulted in a total of 10 articles being included for narrative synthesis. Almost two-third of the articles originated from the United States (60%), followed by Europe and Australia, each accounting for 20%. The most common hybrid weight management intervention type was the combination of face-to-face and telehealth (i.e. phone call/text messaging) (40%), closely followed by a combination email intervention (30%) and mHealth apps intervention (30%). Most of the face-to-face dietary interventions were delivered as a group counseling (80%), while some were conducted as individual counseling (20%). Most studies observed a positive effect of the hybrid weight management intervention on body weight (weight lost 3.9-8.2 kg), body mass index (decreased 0.58 kg/m2), waist circumference (decreased 2.25 cm), and physical activity level compared to standard care. Findings suggest a direct association between hybrid weight management interventions and weight loss. The weight loss ranged from 3.9 to 8.2 kg, with some evidence indicating a significant weight loss of 5% from baseline. There is a need to explore stakeholders' telehealth perspective to optimize the delivery of hybrid weight management interventions, thereby maximizing greatest benefits for weight management.
METHODS: Data from TUA cohort study involving 1366 older adults (aged 60 years and above) categorized as low-income were analysed, for risk of MCR syndrome based on defined criteria. Chi-square analysis and independent t test were employed to examine differences in socioeconomic, demographic, chronic diseases and lifestyle factors between MCR and non-MCR groups. Risk factors of MCR syndrome were determined using hierarchical logistic regression.
RESULTS: A total of 3.4% of participants fulfilled the criteria of MCR syndrome. Majority of them were female (74.5%, p = 0.001), single/widow/widower/divorced (55.3%, p = 0.002), living in rural area (72.3%, p = 0.011), older age (72.74 ± 7.08 year old, p
METHODS: An analysis was conducted among 2237 older adults who participated in a longitudinal study on aging (LRGS TUA). This study involved four states in Malaysia, with 49.4% from urban areas. Respondents were divided into three categories of SES based on percentile, stratified according to urban and rural settings. SES was measured using household income.
RESULTS: The prevalence of low SES was higher among older adults in the rural area (50.6%) as compared to the urban area (49.4%). Factors associated with low SES among older adults in an urban setting were low dietary fibre intake (Adj OR:0.91),longer time for the Timed up and Go Test (Adj OR:1.09), greater disability (Adj OR:1.02), less frequent practice of caloric restriction (Adj OR:1.65), lower cognitive processing speed score (Adj OR:0.94) and lower protein intake (Adj OR:0.94). Whilst, among respondents from rural area, the factors associated with low SES were lack of dietary fibre intake (Adj OR:0.79), lower calf circumference (Adj OR: 0.91), lesser fresh fruits intake (Adj OR:0.91), greater disability (Adj OR:1.02) and having lower score in instrumental activities of daily living (Adj OR: 0.92).
CONCLUSION: Lower SES ismore prevalent in rural areas. Poor dietary intake, lower fitness and disability were common factors associated with low in SES, regardless of settings. Factors associated with low SES identifiedin both the urban and rural areas in our study may be useful inplanning strategies to combat low SES and its related problems among older adults.
METHODS: A total of 2,240 Malaysian older adults aged ≥60 years were recruited using multistage random sampling in a population based cross-sectional study. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to determine the cut-off values of BMI and WC with optimum sensitivity and specificity for the detection of MCI. Age, gender, years of education, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, depression, and medical conditions were used as confounding factors in this analysis.
RESULTS: A BMI cut-off value of 26 kg/m(2) (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC] 0.725; sensitivity 90.5%; specificity 38.8%) was appropriate in identifying the risk of getting MCI in both men and women. The optimum WC cut-offs for likelihood of MCI were 90 cm (AUC 0.745; sensitivity 78.0%; specificity 59.8%) for men and 82 cm (AUC 0.714; sensitivity 84.3%; specificity 49.7%) for women. The optimum calf circumference (CC) cut-off values for identifying MCI were 29 cm (AUC 0.731; sensitivity 72.6%; specificity 61.1%) for men and 26 cm (AUC 0.598; sensitivity 79.1%; specificity 45.3%) for women.
CONCLUSION: The cut-off values could be advocated and used as part of the screening of MCI among older Malaysian adults. There is a need to further determine the predictive values of these cut-off points on outcomes through longitudinal study design.
METHODS: A total of 755 older adults aged ≥60 years were recruited. Their cognitive performance was determined using the Clinical Dementia Rating. Fried's criteria was applied to identify physical frailty, and the Beck Depression Inventory assessed their mental states.
RESULTS: A total of 39.2% (n = 304) of the participants were classified as cognitive frail. In this cognitive frail subpopulation, 8.6% (n = 26) had clinical depressive symptoms, which were mostly somatic such as disturbance in sleep pattern, work difficulty, fatigue, and lack of appetite. Older adults with cognitive frailty also showed significantly higher depression levels as compared with the noncognitive frail participants (t (622.06) = -3.38; P = 0.001). There are significant associations between depression among older adults with cognitive frailty and multimorbidity (P = 0.009), polypharmacy (P = 0.009), vision problems (P = 0.046), and hearing problems (P = 0.047). The likelihood of older adults with cognitive frailty who experience impairments to their vision and hearing, polypharmacy, and multimorbidity to be depressed also increased by 2, 3, 5, and 7-fold.
CONCLUSIONS: The majority of the Malaysian community-dwelling older adults were in a good mental state. However, older adults with cognitive frailty are more susceptible to depression due to impairments to their hearing and vision, multimorbidity, and polypharmacy. As common clinical depressive symptoms among older adults with cognitive frailty are mostly somatic, it is crucial for health professionals to recognize these and not to disregard them as only physical illness. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2024; 24: 225-233.
AIM: This study aims to determine the use of one of three physical performance tests (2-minute step, 2-minute walk, and 1-minute sit to stand) to effectively estimate cardiorespiratory fitness among older adults with CF.
METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, community-dwelling individuals aged 60 years old and above in Klang Valley were screened for CF. The participants performed three physical performance tests (2-minute walk, 2-minute step, and 1-minute sit to stand) followed by treadmill-based maximal exercise testing on another day.
RESULTS: A total of 32 older adults with cognitive frailty (mean age; SD: 67.1;4.7 years) participated in this study. Nearly half of them had hypertension (43.5 %), hypercholesterolemia (43.5 %), and multimorbidity (47.8 %). Among the endurance tests performed, only the 2-minute walk test independently predicted VO2 max by sex-specific with men (R2 = 0.58, p = 0.03) and women (R2 = 0.34, p = 0.01). The 2-minute walk test had good agreement with VO2 max (ICC = 0.77, 95 % CI: -3.1-2.4).
CONCLUSION: The 2-minute walk test is a valid tool for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness among older adults with CF. However, it should be further tested across a larger population.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to design and develop the ChestCare mobile Health app using user-centred design (UCD) approach. Thus, it provided PTR for patients with COPD, enhancing their self-management of symptoms and improving their compliance with PR programs.
METHODS: In this mixed-methods sequential research, we deployed the UCD iterative design through the prototype app design and development sequence. The first phase was built based on the results of a previous needs assessment study and an analysis of related apps. This produced the initial mock-up, the foundation for the focus group discussions with physiotherapists and patients. Six physiotherapists with cardiorespiratory specialisation evaluated each app module and item of the latest mock-up using the content validity index (CVI) document. The I-CVI (S-CVI/Ave) and (S-CVI/UA) were computed. Qualitative and quantitative data were integrated, and decisions were made by comparing their results.
RESULTS: The UCD iterative design through sequential MMR has generated four mock-up app versions. The latest version identified 13 modules through 150 items validated by six experts using a CVI document. The I-CVI calculation of 145 items was 1, while 0.83 for the remaining items, was within accepted values. The S-CVI scored 99.4, indicating an overall validity of the ChestCare app as a PTR system for patients with COPD.
CONCLUSIONS: The development and validation of the ChestCare app resulted from conducting UCD iterative design and sequential MMR, which identified 13 functionalities, including symptom assessment, tracking lung volume, functional capacity test, action plan, intervention program, COPD education, COPD community, monitoring and reminders.
METHODS: Searches were conducted in PubMed, EBSCO, Web of Science, and Cochrane library for studies published between January 2017 and December 2022. We followed the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines and the framework by Arksey and O'Malley. Screening was undertaken by two reviewers, and data extraction was undertaken by the first author. Then, the data were further reviewed and discussed thoroughly with the team members.
RESULTS: A total of 31 results were identified, with the core criteria of developing and testing a telerehabilitation system, including a mobile app for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disorders. All developed systems resulted from multidisciplinary teams and employed mixed-methods research. We proposed the "input-process-output" framework that identified phases of both system design and usability testing. Through system design, we reported the use of user-centered design, iterative design, users' needs and characteristics, theory underpinning development, and the expert panel in 64%, 75%, 86%, 82%, and 71% of the studies, respectively. We recorded the application of moderated usability testing, unmoderated testing (1), and unmoderated testing (2) in 74%, 63%, and 15% of the studies, respectively. The identified design and testing activities produced a matured system, a high-fidelity prototype, and a released system in 81.5%, 15%, and 3.5%, respectively.
CONCLUSION: This review provides a framework for TR system design and testing for a wide range of chronic diseases that require prolonged management through remote monitoring using a mobile app. The identified "input-process-output" framework highlights the inputs, design, development, and improvement as components of the system design. It also identifies the "moderated-unmoderated" model for conducting usability testing. This review illustrates characteristics and functionalities of the TR systems and healthcare professional roles.
METHODOLOGY: The scoping review will be carried out in six stages: (1) identifying the research question, (2) identifying relevant studies through electronic databases (i.e., PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Reviews, Google Scholar, EBSCOHOST, Science Direct) and also gray literature, and (3) selection of studies to be included based on inclusion criteria. Search and initial screening of studies to be included will be conducted by two independent reviewers. Discrepancies will then be solved through discussion with other reviewers; (4) charting and categorizing extracted data in a pretested data extraction form; (5) collating, summarizing, and reporting the results; and lastly, (6) conducting consultation with stakeholders and experts in diabetes.
DISCUSSION: This scoping review protocol is aimed to provide a framework enabling us to map and summarize the findings from existing studies involving meal replacement. It will help researchers to identify the research gap and provide recommendations for future meal replacement studies. The results from this scoping review will be useful to various stakeholders in healthcare. It is also part of a research project in which the information obtained will be utilized in a clinical trial of a developed meal replacement plan. Dissemination of knowledge will also be done through presentations at related scientific conferences.