Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 105 in total

  1. Singh, H.
    Clubfoot is associated with leg length inequality, with the affected leg being shorter as a consequence of the hypoplasia. Early treatment of a minimally hypoplastic clubfoot usually allows catchup growth and both legs equalise in length after a few years. Late treatment however is associated with a shortening of the affected foot. A case is described where late treatment of a severe clubfoot is assocated with lengthening of the affected leg.
  2. Singh, H.
    It is very rare indeed in the practice of children's orthopaedics today in Malaysia that the natural history of long bone osteomyelitis is seen. A case is presented where a shoulder abscess in a 3-year-old child developed into septic arthritis of the shoulder and subsequently chronic osteomyelitis of the adjacent humerus. The parents refused active surgical debridement and sequestrectomies. Three years later the child had regenerated a new humerus over the sequestra. Radiographs are presented illustrating the entire natural history of osteomyelitis with the regeneration of a new humerus.
  3. Singh H
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2001;13(2):122-7.
    PMID: 12597510
    The anthropogenic disturbance of pristine natural areas caused by land use and transformation from one use to another as a result of increased pressure from demographic changes and the economics of this shrinking resource can result in adverse health hazards for the community. This paper appraises the consequential impact of land use dynamics, its assessment and measures required to assuage this overlooked public health issue. The anthropogenic impact from land use in Malaysia from the industrial sector alone points toward the potential capacity to cause adverse health hazards. A deficiency in assessing this impact due to limited information has resulted in the inability to establish the extent of this problem. Several necessary measures to establish the extent of the problem involving ways to characterise contaminated land and the evolution of a strategy to resolve it are discussed.
  4. Singh H
    Br Med J (Clin Res Ed), 1986 Feb 08;292(6517):397-8.
    PMID: 3080188 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.292.6517.397
    Over two years cord blood from 27 879 babies was screened for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. The overall incidence was 3.1% in boys and 1.6% in girls. Sixty nine babies had severe jaundice (bilirubin concentration greater than 380 mmol/l (20 mg/100 ml], and exchange transfusion was performed. Parents were given written and verbal instructions to avoid herbs and drugs that trigger kernicterus, which reduced the incidence of kernicterus and thereby prevented mental retardation. G6PD deficiency is common in all three ethnic groups (Malays, Chinese, and Indians) in Malaysia and screening is recommended.
  5. Singh HJ
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 Mar;50(1):93-100.
    PMID: 7752984
    Serum concentrations and urinary output of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium were analysed in normotensive pregnant women and in women with pregnancy-induced hypertension during the third trimester. In addition, plasma renin activity (PRA) was also determined. Significantly lower serum total calcium, urinary calcium and magnesium excretions and plasma renin activity were evident in women with PIH. Urine output and creatinine clearance were not significantly different between the two groups. No significant correlation was evident between serum calcium, magnesium and PRA. The relationship between these parameters and high blood pressure is not immediately apparent. They nevertheless suggest of a disturbance in electrolyte metabolism in women with PIH, that may underly the pathogenesis of this disorder.
  6. Singh HJ
    Jpn. J. Physiol., 1995;45(2):327-36.
    PMID: 7563967
    Standard renal clearance techniques were used to compare the effects of intravenous infusions of L-arginine, D-lysine and glycine on urinary calcium excretion in the rat. A significant calciuric response was evident following the infusion of all three amino acids in all the animals. The maximal effect was evident in rats receiving L-arginine. The mechanism for the increased urinary calcium excretion in rats infused with L-arginine and D-lysine appeared more due to a decreased fractional reabsorption of this cation as no significant changes in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were evident in these two groups. The calciuria in rats receiving glycine appears due to increased filtered load secondary to the increased GFR, suggesting that the mechanism for calciuria evident following protein ingestion or amino acid infusion may vary and may be dependent upon the amino acid ingested or infused.
  7. Amar-Singh HS
    Med J Malaysia, 2009 Mar;64(1):1-2.
    PMID: 19852312 MyJurnal
    Neonatal Tetanus is a severe disease with high fatality. It should no longer be present in a country with the development status of Malaysia. However, sporadic cases still occur and the disease has not been eradicated. This editorial summarises the disease pattern, incidence and suggests reasons for the continued persistence of the condition locally.
  8. Singh R, Singh HJ
    J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 1993 Dec;33(4):378-82.
    PMID: 8035586
    Cardiopulmonary capacities of twelve adults (aged between 14 to 44 years) with varying degrees of blindness engaged in regular recreational activities were compared with twelve age-matched normal sighted healthy males (control group) who were also involved in regular recreational activities. Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) was measured directly during exhaustive exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Forced vital capacity, leg strength and power were determined by spirometry, standing long jump and vertical jump respectively. No significant differences in VO2max, forced vital capacity and leg strength and power were observed between the blind and the control groups. No anthropometric differences were evident between the two groups. The results show therefore that the visually handicapped who are active can have a similar level of physical fitness, lung function and explosive leg strength as those of their active sighted counterparts.
  9. Singh R, Singh H, Kanodia N
    Malays Orthop J, 2019 Mar;13(1):30-35.
    PMID: 31001381 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1903.005
    Introduction: Olecranon osteotomy is well described approach for complex intra-articular distal humeral fractures. In this study, we investigated the usefulness and complications of olecranon osteotomy approach for such fractures. We hypothesise that outcome is comparable in young adults and middle age group and also functional outcome is independent of fracture subtype following surgical fixation. Materials and Methods: Between December 2012 and September 2015, twenty-four adult patients (male: 15, female: 9) having mean age of 41.4 years with closed intra-articular fracture (AO-13C) were surgically managed using olecranon osteotomy approach and were followed-up for a mean of 28.5 months (range: 22-35 months). Functional outcome was measured using Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) and complications were observed. Statistical analysis was done using Student t-test and Kruskal Wallis test. Results: All fractures united by the end of three months. Mean elbow flexion achieved was 123°, mean extension lag was 9° and mean active arc of motion was 114°. Mean MEPS was 87 (excellent: 8, good: 14, fair: 1 and poor: 1). Post-operative transient ulnar nerve palsy was noted in two cases, heterotopic ossification (HO) was in one case, infection in two cases, implant prominence in five and elbow stiffness in three cases. Motion arc was higher in young adults and MEPS was comparable in both age group. Functional outcome was also dependent on fracture subtype. Conclusion: The olecranon osteotomy approach for distal humerus fractures had good functional outcome with fewer complications. Joint congruity and fixation could easily be assessed intraoperatively.
  10. Ya, N. A., Singh, H. R., Samat, A., Mohd Rashid, H. N., Ramli, N. H., Makhtar, N., et al.
    Length-weight relationship (LWR) of six fish species from the Sepang Besar River estuary,
    Peninsular Malaysia were analyzes. A total of 594 individuals belonging to six species namely Arius
    sagor, Photopectoralis bindus, Plotosus lineatus, Toxotes chatareus, Toxotes jaculatrix, and Thryssa
    dussumieri collected from April 2014 to February 2015 were measured and weighed. Among them, four
    species showed positive allometric growth and the other two species showed negative allometric
    growth. The exponent b value of LWR ranged between 2.94 (Toxotes chatareus) and 3.50
    (Photopectoralis bindus). This outcome of the present study has contributed to the knowledge of basic
    information on the length–weight relationship of six most abundant species in Sepang Besar River
    estuary which is important for future ecological studies and assist in fishery management. Copyright
    © 2015 Penerbit Akademia Baru - All rights reserved.
  11. Almabhouh FA, Singh HJ
    Andrologia, 2018 Feb;50(1).
    PMID: 28497500 DOI: 10.1111/and.12814
    This study examines the effect of melatonin on leptin-induced changes in transition of histone to protamine in adult rats during spermatogenesis. Twelve-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were randomised into control, leptin-, leptin-melatonin-10-, leptin-melatonin-20- and melatonin-10-treated groups with six rats per group. Leptin was given via intraperitoneal injections (i.p.) daily for 42 days (60 μg/kg body weight). Rats in the leptin- and melatonin-treated groups were given either 10 or 20 mg day-1  kg-1 body weight of leptin in drinking water. Melatonin-10-treated group received only 10 mg of melatonin day-1  kg-1 body weight in drinking water for 42 days. Control rats received 0.1 ml of 0.9% saline. Upon completion of the treatment, sperm count, morphology and histone-to-protamine ratio were estimated. Gene expression of HAT, HDAC1, HDAC2, H2B, H2A, H1, PRM1, PRM2, TNP1 and TNP2 was determined. Data were analysed using ANOVA. Sperm count was significantly lower, whereas the fraction of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology, the ratio of histone-to-protamine transition and the expressions of HAT, HDAC1, HDAC2, H2B, H2A, H1, PRM1 were significantly higher in leptin-treated rats than those in controls or melatonin-treated rats. It appears that exogenous leptin administration adversely affects histone-to-protamine transition, which is prevented by concurrent administration of melatonin.
  12. Arvinder-Singh HS, Philip R, Winson A
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Jan;79(1):111-112.
    PMID: 38287766
    Electronic sports (e-sports) is a growing entity that is estimated to be valued at USD $200 billion by the end of 2023. With the rapid rate of growth, it will come to a point that e-sports will need to be regulated including regulatory mechanisms of fair play, which includes sports doping. With the emergence of substances that provides unfair advantages in terms of concentration, staying awake and preventing anxiety including tremors, there is a need to regulate doping in e-sports. However, due to the nature of the sport, it might not be as straightforward to regulate as other sports.
  13. Dahiya D, Raman K, Singh H
    Pol Przegl Chir, 2011 Nov;83(11):627-9.
    PMID: 22246096 DOI: 10.2478/v10035-011-0099-0
    The report presents a rare case of carcinoid tumor in a 17 year female who presented with epigastric pain of one week duration. She was diagnosed to have type I choledochal cyst on abdominal ultrasound and MRI. She underwent total excision of choledochal cyst with roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Histopathological examination revealed a neuroendocrine tumor within choledochal cyst which was immunoreactive for Chromogranin A. Patient is well at 6 months of follow up. These tumors are characteristically slow-growing, therefore awareness of its presence preoperatively can facilitate optimal management by performing surgical resection with negative margins which offers the best chance of long-term survival.
  14. Ooi FK, Singh R, Singh HJ, Umemura Y
    Osteoporos Int, 2009 Jun;20(6):963-72.
    PMID: 18839049 DOI: 10.1007/s00198-008-0760-6
    SUMMARY: This study determines the minimum level of exercise required to maintain 8 weeks of jumping exercise-induced bone gains in rats. It was found that the minimum level of exercise required for maintaining the different exercise-induced bone gains varied between 11% and 18% of the initial exercise intensity.

    INTRODUCTION: This study ascertains the minimum level of follow-up exercise required to maintain bone gains induced by an 8-week jumping exercise in rats.

    METHODS: Twelve groups of 12-week old rats (n = 10 rats per group) were given either no exercise for 8 (8S) or 32 weeks (32S), or received 8 weeks of standard training program (8STP) that consisted of 200 jumps per week, given at 40 jumps per day for 5 days per week, followed by 24 weeks of exercise at loads of either 40 or 20 or 10 jumps per day, for either 5, or 3, or 1 day/week. Bone mass, strength, and morphometric properties were measured in the right tibia. Data were analyzed using one-way analyses of variance.

    RESULTS: Bone mass, strength, mid-shaft periosteal perimeter and cortical area were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in the rats given 8STP than that in the 8S group. The minimal level of exercise required to maintain the bone gains was 31, 36, 25, and 21 jumps per week for mass, strength, periosteal perimeter and cortical area, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: Eight weeks of jumping exercise-induced bone gains could be maintained for a period of 24 weeks with follow-up exercise consisting of 11% to 18% of the initial exercise load.

  15. Al-Samarrai G, Singh H, Syarhabil M
    Ann Agric Environ Med, 2012;19(4):673-6.
    PMID: 23311787
    Fungicides are widely used in conventional agriculture to control plant diseases. Prolonged usage often poses health problems as modern society is becoming more health-conscious. Penicillium digitatum, the cause of citrus green mould, is an important postharvest pathogen which causes serious losses annually. The disease is currently managed with synthetic fungicides. There is, however, a growing concern globally about the continuous use of synthetic chemicals on food crops because of their potential effects on human health and the environment.
  16. Jawis MN, Singh R, Singh HJ, Yassin MN
    Br J Sports Med, 2005 Nov;39(11):825-9; discussion 825-9.
    PMID: 16244191
    OBJECTIVES: Anthropometric and physiological profiles of national sepak takraw players were determined.
    METHODS: Thirty nine players, specialising in the three playing positions (tekong/server, feeder, and killer/spiker) were divided into three age categories of under 15 (U15), under 18 (U18), and under 23 (U23) years of age. Height, weight, percent body fat (%bf), maximum oxygen consumption (Vo(2max)), range of motion (ROM), back and leg strength, and heart rate, for the estimation of oxygen consumption during matches, were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using one way ANOVA for independent measurements and data are presented as mean+/-standard deviation.
    RESULTS: The U23 players were significantly taller and heavier with significantly better ROM of the neck, trunk, and ankle joints and back and leg strength than the U15 players. No significant difference was found in %bf between the three age categories. Mean maximum heart rate during exercise was significantly higher in the U15 group when compared to the U18 and U23 groups (p<0.05). Mean Vo2max was similar between the three groups. Estimated oxygen consumption during matches was 69.1%, 68.5%, and 56.4% of Vo2max in the killer, tekong, and the feeder groups, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The mean height, body weight, and cardiopulmonary capacities of the players were within the Malaysian population norms, but were somewhat lower than those of players of other court games from other countries. %bf was also lower in these players. This study provides the much needed anthropometric and physiological data of sepak takraw players for further development of this sport.
  17. Singh HJ, Mohammad NH, Nila A
    J Matern Fetal Med, 1999 May-Jun;8(3):95-100.
    PMID: 10338062
    To ascertain the calcium status in normal pregnant Malay women.
  18. Singh HS, Yiing WW, Nurani HN
    Child Abuse Negl, 1996 Jun;20(6):487-92.
    PMID: 8800523
    There has been increasing awareness that sexual abuse of children is a problem in Malaysia. Existing data is based on notification of cases. Population based studies are required to plan services for sexually abused children. This study utilized trainee paramedical staff as a community population to determine the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse. An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire was given to student nurses and trainee medical assistants at the Ipoh School of Nursing and Hospital Bahagia Medical Assistant Training School. Questionnaires were distributed directly to all students in a classroom setting and retrieved after a 30-minute interval. Information collected included questions on personal experiences of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse was defined as rape, sodomy, molestation, or exhibitionism occurring to a child less than 18 years of age. Six hundred and sixteen students participated in the study; 6.8% of the students admitted to having been sexually abused in their childhood, 2.1% of males and 8.3% of females. Of those abused, 69% reported sexual abuse involving physical contact, 9.5% of whom experienced sexual intercourse. The age at first abuse was < 10 years in 38.1% of the cases; 59.5% were repeatedly abused and 33.3% had more than one abuser. Of the abusers, 71.4% were known to the respondent, 14.2% of whom were brothers, 24.5% relatives, and 24.5% a family friend. Further, 28.9% of all students knew of an individual who had been sexually abused as a child. While this population may not be entirely reflective of the community, this study does provide an indication of the prevalence of sexual abuse in Malaysian children. The prevalence figures in this study are lower than those reported in industrialized countries and this may reflect local sociocultural limitations in reporting abuse.
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