Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 42 in total

  1. Dee EC, Paguio JA, Yao JS, Lim J, Lasco G
    Lancet Oncol, 2021 09;22(9):e381.
    PMID: 34478665 DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00350-8
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans*
  2. Nurul Husna Hassan, Roslizawati Ab Lah
    Black snail, Faunus ater is an abundant species in Malaysia yet not many research have focused on its physiological and biological activities.  This research aimed to assess the condition index (CI) and reproductive status based on the gonadosomatic index (GSI) for short-term duration. Samples were collected monthly from Merchang Lagoon, from November 2018 to January 2019. Four different types of condition indices equation were applied in this study and the results revealed that there were significant differences between four equations for measuring the CI (P=0.000). However, the result for the GSI shows no significant difference between three month of sampling (P>0.05). CI based on fresh weight measurement (Fww/Tww x 100) and dry weight measurement (Fdw/Fww x 100) reached its peak when GSI decreased. The rest of the trend for CI fluctuated and CI was not affected by GSI. Overall, this study concluded that, there were trends observed in CI and GSI for the black snails. However, it is suggested that longer term observation in future research is needed have a better understanding on the black snails.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  3. Tallman DA, Latifi E, Kaur D, Sulaheen A, Ikizler TA, Chinna K, et al.
    Nutrients, 2020 Mar 18;12(3).
    PMID: 32197373 DOI: 10.3390/nu12030797
    The association between dietary patterns and health outcomes, such as quality of life (QOL), in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients with certain racial backgrounds has not been studied in detail. QOL is a powerful outcome measure in which dietary patterns could be a modifying factor. This study is a secondary analysis examining the association between dietary patterns and health outcomes in 101 African American (AA) maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients participating in the Palm Tocotrienols in Chronic Hemodialysis (PATCH) study. Quality of life (QOL) was assessed using the Kidney Disease Quality of Life 36-item survey (KDQOL-36™). Blood samples were analyzed for lipids, lipoprotein subfractions, and inflammatory markers. Food intake was measured using six non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls over 15 months. Implausible energy intake reports were screened out by comparing reported energy intake (rEI) with predicted total energy expenditure (pTEE). Cluster analysis, using the k-means algorithm, identified two distinct dietary patterns in the study population: a high "sugar sweetened beverage" pattern (hiSSB) and a low "sugar sweetened beverage pattern" (loSSB). In the hiSSB group, consumption of SSB accounted for ~28% of energy intake, while SSB represented only 9% of energy intake in the loSSB group. The hiSSB group was characterized by a higher intake of total calories, sugar and percentage of kilocalories from carbohydrates, whereas the percentage of kilocalories from protein and fat was lower. While additional micronutrient intakes differed between groups (vitamin C, zinc, chromium), these were significantly lower than recommended values in the entire cohort. Patients in the hiSSB group presented with lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), lower large HDL particles and smaller low density lipoprotein (LDL) particle diameters. Antidepressant usage was significantly higher in the hiSSB group. Patients in the hiSSB group scored lower across all five KDQOL domains and scored significantly lower in the mental composite domain. MHD patients following a hiSSB dietary pattern had smaller dense LDL particles, lower HDL-C, and a lower QOL. Suboptimal intakes of fruits, vegetables, and grains as well as key micronutrients were evident in both patterns.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans*
  4. Damulira E, Yusoff MNS, Omar AF, Mohd Taib NH, Ahmed NM
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2021 Apr;170:109622.
    PMID: 33592486 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109622
    This study compares the real-time dosimetric performance of a bpw34 photodiode (PD) and cold white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on diagnostic X-ray-induced signals. Signals were extracted when both the transducers were under identical exposure settings, including source-to-detector distance (SDD), tube voltage (kVp), and current-time product (mAs). The transducers were in a photovoltaic configuration, and black vinyl tape was applied on transducer active areas as a form of optical shielding. X-ray beam spectra and energies were simulated using Matlab-based Spektr functions. Transducer performance analysis was based on signal linearity to mAs and air kerma, and sensitivity dependence on absorbed dose, energy, and dose rate. Bpw34 PD and cold white LED output signals were 84.8% and 85.5% precise, respectively. PD signals were 94.7% linear to mAs, whereas LED signals were 91.9%. PD and LED signal linearity to dose coefficients were 0.9397 and 0.9128, respectively. Both transducers exhibited similar dose and energy dependence. However, cold white LEDs were 0.73% less dose rate dependent than the bpw34 PD. Cold white LEDs demonstrated potential in detecting diagnostic X-rays because their performance was similar to that of the bpw34 PD. Moreover, the cold white LED array's dosimetric response was independent of the heel effect. Although cold white LED signals were lower than bpw34 PD signals, they were quantifiable and electronically amplifiable.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  5. Yang MJ, Liu JH, Wan XS, Zhang QL, Fu DY, Wang XB, et al.
    Mitochondrial DNA B Resour, 2020 Oct 27;5(3):3638-3639.
    PMID: 33367040 DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2020.1831984
    The black-winged fly, Felderimyia fuscipennis (Diptera: Tephritidae), is an insect pest of bamboo shoot, mainly distributed in Thailand, Malaysia and Yunnan Province and Guangxi Autonomous Region, China. The complete sequence of the mitogenome of F. fuscipennis has been determined in this study. The whole mitogenome sequence is 16,536 bp in length, which totally contains 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and a non-coding region (putative control region, CR). The phylogeny indicates that F. fuscipennis of subfamily Trypetinae was monophyletic and clearly separated from both Dacinae and Tephritinae with high bootstrap value supported.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
    Black spot disease is a significant worldwide disease on the rose plant. Due to this infection, the leaves become yellow and eventually fall off. The occurrence of this disease has become a major problem, especially in landscape purpose. Therefore, this research was conducted to isolate fungal species from black spot disease in rose and identify using morphological characteristics. Then, all the isolates were tested for pathogenicity to confirm Koch’s postulates. In this study, four fungal isolates have been successfully isolated from black spot disease in rose namely Rhizoctonia sp. (one isolate), Colletotrichum sp. (two isolates) and Penicillium sp. (one isolate). Based on pathogenicity test result using potato dextrose agar (PDA) plug technique, fungus UMTT27R (Penicillium sp.) showed highly pathogenic on rose’s leaves with disease severity (DS) = 88.89% followed by UMTT13R (Colletotrichum sp.) with DS=72.22%, UMTT21R (Colletotrichum sp.) with DS=66.67% and UMTT4R (Rhizoctonia sp.) with DS=61.11%. Correct identification of fungal pathogens is very important to strategize a proper method to control the black spot disease in rose cultivation. 
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  7. Arif, M.A.M., Omar, M.Z., Muhamad, N.
    The effect of solid solution treatment on semisolid microstructure of Zn-22Al with developed dendrites was investigated. Zn-22Al is a zinc-based alloy with aluminium as its main alloying element. Producing Zn-22Al product by semisolid metal processing (SSM) offers significant advantages, such as reduction of macrosegregations, porosity and low forming efforts. Meanwhile, thermal and microstructure analyses of Zn-22Al alloy were studied using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and Olympus optical microscope. Solidus and liquidus of the alloy can be determined by DSC analysis. In addition, changes to the microstructures in response to solid solution treatments were also analyzed. The major effort of all the semi-solid technologies is the generation of small and spherical morphologies. Prior to the generation of spherical morphologies, the fine grains should be first produced. The as-cast samples were isothermally held at 315°C, ranging from 0.5 to 5 hours before they were partially re-melted at semisolid temperature of 438°C to produce solid globular grains structure in liquid matrix. The results indicated that a non-dendritic semisolid microstructure could not be obtained if the traditionally cast Zn-22Al alloy with developed dendrites was directly subjected to partial remelting. After solid solution treatment at 315°C, the black interdendritic eutectics were dissolved and gradually transformed into ß structure when the treatment time was increased. The microstructure of the solid solution treated sample changed into a small globular structure with the best shape factor of 0.9 and this corresponded to 40±16µm when the sample was treated for 3 hours, followed by directly partial remelting into its semi solid zone.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
    The splicing of the pre-mRNA is one of the most essential and one of the several processes that characterized the exponential enrichment of proteomic diversity in higher eukaryotic organisms (Black, 2000, Graveley, 2001). For the splicing process, the introns must be removed and this is accurately carried out by an assembly of spliceosome
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  9. Rossman AY, Goenaga R, Keith L
    Plant Dis, 2007 Dec;91(12):1685.
    PMID: 30780638 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-91-12-1685C
    A stem canker disease on rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) and litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. (Sapindaceae) was found in plants in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. A fungus associated with cankers was identified as Dolabra nepheliae C. Booth & Ting (1). Numerous black, stipitate, elongate ascomata were produced within cracks of cankers. These ascomata contain elongate, bitunicate asci amid unbranched, interthecial elements and thin, cylindrical, hyaline ascospores measuring 96 to 136 × 2.5 to 3.5 μm. This fungus was originally described from Malaysia on N. lappaceum (1) and is also known on pulasan (N. mutabile Blume) in Australia (2). Classified by the Food and Agriculture Organization as a 'minor disease', the canker appears to be relatively common in Hawaii and was most likely introduced into Puerto Rico on imported germplasm. Nevertheless, efforts are underway to study the potential damage of this disease as well as mechanisms of control, including introduction of disease resistant clones. Specimens have been deposited at the U.S. National Fungus Collections (Hawaii on Nephelium BPI 878189, Puerto Rico (PR) on Nephelium BPI 878188, and PR on Litchi BPI 878190). Although a specimen of D. nepheliae on L. chinensis was collected from Hawaii in 1984 by G. Wong and C. Hodges and deposited as BPI 626373, this fungus was not known on Nephelium spp. in Hawaii and was not previously known from Puerto Rico on either host. References: (1) C. Booth and W. P. Ting. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 47:235, 1964. (2) T. K. Lim and Y. Diczbalis. Rambutan. Page 306 in: The New Rural Industries. Online publication. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Australia, 1997.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  10. Selvanathan HP, Lickel B, Jetten J
    Br J Soc Psychol, 2021 Apr;60(2):587-609.
    PMID: 32949026 DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12418
    Social movements pushing for social change are often met with reactionary counter-movements that defend the status quo. The present research examined this interplay by focusing on the role of racial majority group members claiming collective psychological ownership. We examined collective ownership that stems from being native to the land and from being founders of the nation. Study 1 found that in Malaysia, the Malay majority group endorsed more native ownership than Chinese and Indian minorities, which in turn predicted greater threat in response to protests demanding electoral reforms and subsequently greater support for a reactionary pro-government movement. Situated in the United States, Study 2 found that the more that White Americans endorsed founder ownership beliefs, the more they reported negative attitudes towards the Black Lives Matter protests, which in turn predicted more support for White nationalistic counter-protests. This effect was stronger among White people compared to people of colour. Study 3 examined both founder and native ownership in Australia. Founder (but not native) ownership beliefs predicted more negative attitudes towards Invasion Day protests, which subsequently predicted more support for counter-protests defending Australia Day celebrations. Implications of culture-specific beliefs about collective ownership for social movement research are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  11. Shaikh Y, Jeelani M, Gibbons MC, Livingston D, Williams DR, Wijesinghe S, et al.
    Int J Equity Health, 2023 Mar 13;22(1):45.
    PMID: 36915080 DOI: 10.1186/s12939-023-01839-0
    BACKGROUND: Systems science approaches like simulation modeling can offer an opportunity for community voice to shape policies. In the episteme of many communities there are elders, leaders, and researchers who are seen as bearers of historic knowledge and can contextualize and interpret contemporary research using knowledge systems of the community. There is a need for a systematic methodology to collaborate with community Knowledge Bearers and Knowledge Interpreters. In this paper we report the results of piloting a systematic methodology for collaborating with a community Knowledge-Bearer and Knowledge-Interpreter to develop a conceptual model revealing the local-level influences and architecture of systems shaping community realities. The use case for this pilot is 'persistent poverty' in the United States, specifically within the inner-city African American community in Baltimore City.

    METHODS: This pilot of a participatory modeling approach was conducted over a span of 7 sessions and included the following steps, each with an associated script: Step 1: Knowledge-Bearer and Knowledge-Interpreter recruitment Step 2: Relationship building Step 3: Session introduction, Vignette development & enrichment Step 4: Vignette analysis & constructing architecture of systems map Step 5: Augmenting architecture of systems map RESULTS: Each step of the participatory modeling approach resulted in artifacts that were valuable for both the communities and the research effort. Vignette construction resulted in narratives representing a spectrum of lived experiences, trajectories, and outcomes within a community. The collaborative analysis of vignettes yielded the Architecture of Systemic Factors map, that revealed how factors inter-relate to form a system in which lived experience of poverty occurs. A literature search provided an opportunity for the community to contextualize existing research about them using realities of lived experience.

    CONCLUSION: This methodology showed that a community Knowledge Bearer can function as communicators and interpreters of their community's knowledge base, can develop coherent narratives of lived experiences within which research and knowledge is contextualized, and can collaboratively construct conceptual mappings necessary for simulation modeling. This participatory modeling approach showed that even if there already exists a vast body of research about a community, collaborating with community gives context to that research and brings together disparate findings within narratives of lived experience.

    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  12. Waller BY, Joyce PA, Quinn CR, Hassan Shaari AA, Boyd DT
    J Interpers Violence, 2023 Jan;38(1-2):NP288-NP310.
    PMID: 35350920 DOI: 10.1177/08862605221084340
    African American women survivors of intimate partner violence disproportionately experience homicide due, in part, to the racism and racial discrimination they experience during their help-seeking process. Yet, existing scholarship neglects to examine how this multiply-marginalized population of women navigate sociocultural barriers to obtain crisis services and supports from the domestic violence service provision system. Fundamental to developing culturally-salient interventions is more fully understanding their help-seeking behavior. We conducted 30 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with women who self-identified as African American. Constructivist grounded theory methodology was employed. Sensitizing concepts from the Transtheoretical Model of Change and Intersectionality theories, along with Agency framework were conceptually bound. The Theory of Help-Seeking Behavior emerged from the data. This nascent theory provides practitioners and researchers with a theoretical model to examine African American women's nuanced help-seeking efforts.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  13. Loh LC
    Chest, 2012 Feb;141(2):570-571.
    PMID: 22315127 DOI: 10.1378/chest.11-2409
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans/statistics & numerical data*
  14. Duong KNC, Le LM, Veettil SK, Saidoung P, Wannaadisai W, Nelson RE, et al.
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1206988.
    PMID: 37744476 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1206988
    BACKGROUND: Meta-analyses have investigated associations between race and ethnicity and COVID-19 outcomes. However, there is uncertainty about these associations' existence, magnitude, and level of evidence. We, therefore, aimed to synthesize, quantify, and grade the strength of evidence of race and ethnicity and COVID-19 outcomes in the US.

    METHODS: In this umbrella review, we searched four databases (Pubmed, Embase, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Epistemonikos) from database inception to April 2022. The methodological quality of each meta-analysis was assessed using the Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews, version 2 (AMSTAR-2). The strength of evidence of the associations between race and ethnicity with outcomes was ranked according to established criteria as convincing, highly suggestive, suggestive, weak, or non-significant. The study protocol was registered with PROSPERO, CRD42022336805.

    RESULTS: Of 880 records screened, we selected seven meta-analyses for evidence synthesis, with 42 associations examined. Overall, 10 of 42 associations were statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05). Two associations were highly suggestive, two were suggestive, and two were weak, whereas the remaining 32 associations were non-significant. The risk of COVID-19 infection was higher in Black individuals compared to White individuals (risk ratio, 2.08, 95% Confidence Interval (CI), 1.60-2.71), which was supported by highly suggestive evidence; with the conservative estimates from the sensitivity analyses, this association remained suggestive. Among those infected with COVID-19, Hispanic individuals had a higher risk of COVID-19 hospitalization than non-Hispanic White individuals (odds ratio, 2.08, 95% CI, 1.60-2.70) with highly suggestive evidence which remained after sensitivity analyses.

    CONCLUSION: Individuals of Black and Hispanic groups had a higher risk of COVID-19 infection and hospitalization compared to their White counterparts. These associations of race and ethnicity and COVID-19 outcomes existed more obviously in the pre-hospitalization stage. More consideration should be given in this stage for addressing health inequity.

    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans/statistics & numerical data
  15. Cameron NA, Huang X, Petito LC, Ning H, Shah NS, Yee LM, et al.
    Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, 2025 Mar;18(3):e011217.
    PMID: 39807595 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.124.011217
    BACKGROUND: Suboptimal cardiovascular health (CVH) in pregnancy is associated with adverse maternal and offspring outcomes. To guide public health efforts to reduce disparities in maternal CVH, we determined the contribution of individual- and neighborhood-level factors to racial and ethnic differences in early pregnancy CVH.

    METHODS: We included nulliparous individuals with singleton pregnancies who self-identified as Hispanic, non-Hispanic Black (NHB), or non-Hispanic White (NHW) and participated in the nuMoM2b cohort study (Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: Monitoring Mothers-to-Be). First-trimester CVH was quantified using 6 routinely assessed factors in pregnancy included in the American Heart Association Life's Essential 8 score (0-100 points), in which higher scores indicate better CVH. Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition evaluated the extent to which racial and ethnic differences in CVH were explained by differences in individual- and neighborhood-level factors (age, socioeconomic characteristics, psychosocial factors, nativity, perceived racial discrimination, and area deprivation index).

    RESULTS: Among 9104 participants, the mean age was 26.8 years, 18.7% identified as Hispanic, 15.6% identified as NHB, and 65.8% identified as NHW. Mean (SD) CVH scores were 76.7 (14.1), 69.8 (15.1), and 79.9 (14.3) in the Hispanic, NHB, and NHW groups, respectively (P<0.01). The individual- and neighborhood-level factors evaluated explained all differences in CVH between Hispanic and NHW groups and 82% of differences between NHW and NHB groups. Racial and ethnic differences in educational attainment explained the greatest proportion of differences in CVH. If mean years of education among the Hispanic (14.0 [2.5]) and NHB (13.4 [2.4]) groups were the same as the NHW (15.8 [2.4]) group, mean CVH scores would be higher by 2.98 points (95% CI, 2.59-3.37) in the Hispanic and 4.28 points (95% CI, 3.77-4.80) in NHB groups.

    CONCLUSIONS: Racial and ethnic differences in early pregnancy CVH were largely explained by differences in individual- and neighborhood-level factors.

    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans*
  16. Zaki MRM, Zaid SHM, Zainuddin AH, Aris AZ
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 Jan;162:111866.
    PMID: 33256966 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111866
    Microplastics receive global attention due to its strong presence in marine and freshwater organisms. Yet, there are few studies on estuarine organisms. This baseline study evaluates the abundance and distribution of microplastics in the gastropods of a tropical estuary in Selangor, Malaysia. The abundance of microplastics ranged from 0.50 to 1.75 particles/g or from 0.25 to 0.88 particles/individual. The variation in microplastic distribution between the upper and lower estuary indicates that the microplastics originated from the urbanised area of the Klang River estuary. Microplastic sizes varied from 30 to 1850 μm, with the majority being between 300 and 1000 μm (57%). Characteristics of microplastics were dominant for fibres (91%) with black colour (50%). Polyethylene-propylene-diene (PE-PDM) and polyester were the main polymer materials. Assessing the contamination of gastropods by microplastics provides insight into the possibility of utilising gastropods as bioindicators that could be used for monitoring and baseline studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
    Green amaranth (Amaranthus viridis L.) is one of the most popular leafy vegetables cultivated in Malaysia. Photo-selective netting is a revolutionary agricultural-technical idea, allowing traditional nets to be improved to a sophisticated level, which can impact microclimate and solar radiation as well as protect crops from pests. This study aims to investigate the growth performance of green amaranth under different three different treatments of photo-selective nets including black, and yellow shade nets and control. The assessed physiological, pre-harvest and post-harvest parameters were air temperature and relative humidity, measurement of absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), plant height, number of leaves, and dry weight. This study found that the yellow shade net showed the best performance in plant growth with the average difference in plant height (4.11 cm), average leaves number (7 leaves) and average dry weight (18.58 mg) were the highest compared to black shade net and control (without shading). In conclusion, photo-selective yellow shade net was able to enhance the growth development of green amaranth and could be applied in the large scale production to boost the growth and yield of leafy vegetables.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  18. Nor Amerulah Nor Mohamad, Suhaida Salleh, Hamzah Abdul Aziz
    Borneo Akademika, 2019;3(2):12-22.
    Black pod rot is the most economically important disease of cocoa in Malaysia which is
    mainly caused by a highly polyphagous Phytophthora species, called Phytophthora palmivora.
    The fungus could attack all parts of the cocoa plant organs and caused various diseases at
    any growth stage from seedling until the mature stages, especially during raining season. The
    application of synthetic fungicides has been widely recommended to manage the disease but
    their repeated use had led to other problems such as environmental, human health and
    development of fungicide resistance issues. This study isolated and identified Phytopththora
    isolate from a cocoa pod sample based on micro-morphological characters. Besides, the
    present investigation was undertaken to screen for the antifungal potency of different weed
    extracts against the Phytophthora pathogen using poisoned food technique. The fungal isolate
    was successfully recovered from pod tissues of clone PBC123 on 20% tomato juice agar
    culture (20T). Only one out of ten weed extracts tested showed a significant in vitro inhibitory
    effect towards mycelial growth of Phytophthora isolate, which was aqueous crude leaf extract
    of Solanum torvum (42.68%). This study indicated that the potential of weed extracts in the
    management of Phytophthora diseases, and may offer more natural, effective and economical
    control methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  19. Suzana M., Siti Azizah M. N., Devakie, M. N.
    This paper reports on a preliminary genetic investigation of two commercially cultured oyster species, white and black scar oysters, Crassostrea belcheri and C. iredalei, respectively. A total
    of 68 individuals from three different areas in Malaysia namely a C. belcheri sample from Semporna (Sabah) and two populations of C. iredalei from Trai (Sabah) and Setiu (Terengganu) were
    collected and analysed based on sequence analysis of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). Alignment of COI gene was done using Alignment Explorer/CLUSTAL in Mega4.1. Genetic distances
    within and between populations were calculated using Kimura 2-parameter. Phylogenetic dendograms were generated by Neighbour-Joining (NJ) and Maximum Parsimony (MP) methods.
    The ingroup taxa were divided into two main clusters separating C. iredalei and C. belcheri with 99% bootstrap value. The two C. iredalei populations were homogeneous suggesting high
    connectivity in the South China Sea for this species. The common central haplotype in the minimum spanning networks programme is believed to be the ancestral variant for the two species. The
    findings from this study provides important baseline data for the aquaculture, management and monitoring of cultured populations of the oyster species.
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
  20. Chong YH, Mills GL
    Med J Malaya, 1966 Jun;20(4):284-7.
    PMID: 4224336
    Matched MeSH terms: African Americans
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