Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 45 in total

  1. Liat LB, Sen YH
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Sep;32(1):59-62.
    PMID: 609346
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods*
  2. Kuang G, Xu Z, Wang J, Gao Z, Yang W, Wu W, et al.
    Microbiol Spectr, 2023 Aug 17;11(4):e0512222.
    PMID: 37306586 DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.05122-22
    Nelson Bay reovirus (NBV) is an emerging zoonotic virus that can cause acute respiratory disease in humans. These viruses are mainly discovered in Oceania, Africa, and Asia, and bats have been identified as their main animal reservoir. However, despite recent expansion of diversity for NBVs, the transmission dynamics and evolutionary history of NBVs are still unclear. This study successfully isolated two NBV strains (MLBC1302 and MLBC1313) from blood-sucking bat fly specimens (Eucampsipoda sundaica) and one (WDBP1716) from the spleen specimen of a fruit bat (Rousettus leschenaultii), which were collected at the China-Myanmar border area of Yunnan Province. Syncytia cytopathic effects (CPE) were observed in BHK-21 and Vero E6 cells infected with the three strains at 48 h postinfection. Electron micrographs of ultrathin sections showed numerous spherical virions with a diameter of approximately 70 nm in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The complete genome nucleotide sequence of the viruses was determined by metatranscriptomic sequencing of infected cells. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the novel strains were closely related to Cangyuan orthoreovirus, Melaka orthoreovirus, and human-infecting Pteropine orthoreovirus HK23629/07. Simplot analysis revealed the strains originated from complex genomic reassortment among different NBVs, suggesting the viruses experienced a high reassortment rate. In addition, strains successfully isolated from bat flies also implied that blood-sucking arthropods might serve as potential transmission vectors. IMPORTANCE Bats are the reservoir of many viral pathogens with strong pathogenicity, including NBVs. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether arthropod vectors are involved in transmitting NBVs. In this study, we successfully isolated two NBV strains from bat flies collected from the body surface of bats, which implies that they may be vectors for virus transmission between bats. While the potential threat to humans remains to be determined, evolutionary analyses involving different segments revealed that the novel strains had complex reassortment histories, with S1, S2, and M1 segments highly similar to human pathogens. Further experiments are required to determine whether more NBVs are vectored by bat flies, their potential threat to humans, and transmission dynamics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods*
  3. Snaddon JL, Turner EC, Fayle TM, Khen CV, Eggleton P, Foster WA
    Biol Lett, 2012 Jun 23;8(3):397-400.
    PMID: 22188674 DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.1115
    The exceptionally high species richness of arthropods in tropical rainforests hinges on the complexity of the forest itself: that is, on features such as the high plant diversity, the layered nature of the canopy and the abundance and the diversity of epiphytes and litter. We here report on one important, but almost completely neglected, piece of this complex jigsaw-the intricate network of rhizomorph-forming fungi that ramify through the vegetation of the lower canopy and intercept falling leaf litter. We show that this litter-trapping network is abundant and intercepts substantial amounts of litter (257.3 kg ha(-1)): this exceeds the amount of material recorded in any other rainforest litter-trapping system. Experimental removal of this fungal network resulted in a dramatic reduction in both the abundance (decreased by 70.2 ± 4.1%) and morphospecies richness (decreased by 57.4 ± 5.1%) of arthropods. Since the lower canopy levels can contain the highest densities of arthropods, the proportion of the rainforest fauna dependent on the fungal networks is likely to be substantial. Fungal litter-trapping systems are therefore a crucial component of habitat complexity, providing a vital resource that contributes significantly to rainforest biodiversity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods/physiology*
  4. Burns-Cox CJ, Prathap K, Clark E, Gillman R
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1969;63(3):409-11.
    PMID: 5815876
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods*
  5. Lim Boo Liat, Krishnansamy M
    PMID: 4749093
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods*
  6. Vahtera V, Edgecombe GD
    PLoS One, 2014;9(11):e112461.
    PMID: 25389773 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112461
    Edentistoma octosulcatum Tömösváry, 1882, is a rare, superficially millipede-like centipede known only from Borneo and the Philippines. It is unique within the order Scolopendromorpha for its slow gait, robust tergites, and highly modified gizzard and mandible morphology. Not much is known about the biology of the species but it has been speculated to be arboreal with a possibly vegetarian diet. Until now its phylogenetic position within the subfamily Otostigminae has been based only on morphological characters, being variably ranked as a monotypic tribe (Arrhabdotini) or classified with the Southeast Asian genus Sterropristes Attems, 1934. The first molecular data for E. octosulcatum sourced from a newly collected specimen from Sarawak were analysed with and without morphology. Parsimony analysis of 122 morphological characters together with two nuclear and two mitochondrial loci resolves Edentistoma as sister group to three Indo-Australian species of Rhysida, this clade in turn grouping with Ethmostigmus, whereas maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses of the molecular data on their own ally Edentistoma with species of Otostigmus. A position of Edentistoma within Otostigmini (rather than being its sister group as predicted by the Arrhabdotini hypothesis) is consistently retrieved under different analytical conditions, but support values within the subfamily remain low for most nodes. The species exhibits strong pushing behaviour, suggestive of burrowing habits. Evidence against a suggested vegetarian diet is provided by observation of E. octosulcatum feeding on millipedes in the genus Trachelomegalus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods/anatomy & histology; Arthropods/classification*; Arthropods/genetics
  7. Azmiera N, Mariana A, Pimsler ML, Heo CC
    J Med Entomol, 2020 09 07;57(5):1354-1363.
    PMID: 32440683 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjaa086
    Mite biodiversity and distribution in Malaysia is currently understudied. Most previous works on Malaysian Acari have focused on pest organisms of medical, veterinary, and agricultural concern, with a few recent studies centered on mites in forensic contexts. Previous literatures have targeted collection sites in forest reserves and/or mountains in either Peninsular or Malaysian Borneo, though the state of Sarawak had the least publications related to mite species descriptions despite having the highest number of nature parks of any state in the country. Most publications focused on the three states Selangor, Pahang and Sabah. Most of the mite species reported were from mammals (66.3%), with fewer species from birds (21.7%), arthropods (11.2%), and reptiles (0.8%). We believe that further work on the systematic documentation of mite species throughout Malaysia is necessary as it could generate useful tools, such as the use of mites as biogeographical markers or as forensic indicators. Therefore, this review catalogs mite species that have been documented in or on animal hosts in Malaysia and serves as a foundation for future work.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods/parasitology*
  8. Ji Y, Ashton L, Pedley SM, Edwards DP, Tang Y, Nakamura A, et al.
    Ecol Lett, 2013 Oct;16(10):1245-57.
    PMID: 23910579 DOI: 10.1111/ele.12162
    To manage and conserve biodiversity, one must know what is being lost, where, and why, as well as which remedies are likely to be most effective. Metabarcoding technology can characterise the species compositions of mass samples of eukaryotes or of environmental DNA. Here, we validate metabarcoding by testing it against three high-quality standard data sets that were collected in Malaysia (tropical), China (subtropical) and the United Kingdom (temperate) and that comprised 55,813 arthropod and bird specimens identified to species level with the expenditure of 2,505 person-hours of taxonomic expertise. The metabarcode and standard data sets exhibit statistically correlated alpha- and beta-diversities, and the two data sets produce similar policy conclusions for two conservation applications: restoration ecology and systematic conservation planning. Compared with standard biodiversity data sets, metabarcoded samples are taxonomically more comprehensive, many times quicker to produce, less reliant on taxonomic expertise and auditable by third parties, which is essential for dispute resolution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods/physiology
  9. Prathap K, Ramachandran CP, Haug N
    Med J Malaya, 1968 Dec;23(2):92-5.
    PMID: 4240827
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods*
  10. Brandon-Mong GJ, Littlefair JE, Sing KW, Lee YP, Gan HM, Clare EL, et al.
    Bull. Entomol. Res., 2018 Dec;108(6):792-799.
    PMID: 29441836 DOI: 10.1017/S000748531800010X
    Arthropod communities in the tropics are increasingly impacted by rapid changes in land use. Because species showing distinct seasonal patterns of activity are thought to be at higher risk of climate-related extirpation, global warming is generally considered a lower threat to arthropod biodiversity in the tropics than in temperate regions. To examine changes associated with land use and weather variables in tropical arthropod communities, we deployed Malaise traps at three major anthropogenic forests (secondary reserve forest, oil palm forest, and urban ornamental forest (UOF)) in Peninsular Malaysia and collected arthropods continuously for 12 months. We used metabarcoding protocols to characterize the diversity within weekly samples. We found that changes in the composition of arthropod communities were significantly associated with maximum temperature in all the three forests, but shifts were reversed in the UOF compared with the other forests. This suggests arthropods in forests in Peninsular Malaysia face a double threat: community shifts and biodiversity loss due to exploitation and disturbance of forests which consequently put species at further risk related to global warming. We highlight the positive feedback mechanism of land use and temperature, which pose threats to the arthropod communities and further implicates ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Consequently, conservation and mitigation plans are urgently needed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods/physiology*
  11. Likhitrakarn N, Golovatch SI, Panha S
    Zookeys, 2016.
    PMID: 27110157 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.571.7566
    The genus Antheromorpha is redefined and shown to comprise 11 valid species: Antheromorpha miranda (Pocock, 1895), Antheromorpha bistriata (Pocock, 1895), Antheromorpha comotti (Pocock, 1895), Antheromorpha festiva (Brölemann, 1896), Antheromorpha harpaga (Attems, 1937), Antheromorpha mediovirgata (Carl, 1941), Antheromorpha minlana (Pocock, 1895), Antheromorpha pardalis (Pocock, 1895), Antheromorpha paviei (Brölemann, 1896), comb. n., Antheromorpha rosea Golovatch, 2013 and Antheromorpha uncinata (Attems, 1931). Three new synonymies are proposed: Antheromorpha bivittata (Pocock, 1895) and Antheromorpha melanopleuris (Pocock, 1895) are synonymized under Antheromorpha miranda (Pocock, 1895), and Antheromorpha orophila (Carl, 1941) under Antheromorpha comotti (Pocock, 1895). Detailed descriptions and illustrations of fresh material from Thailand and Malaysia are given, especially regarding colour patterns which appear to be crucial for accurate species identifications. Two Antheromorpha species proposed by Attems are redescribed, based on type material. The genus is rediagnosed and a key and a distribution map are also provided. At least in Thailand, adult Antheromorpha rosea have been found to occur every year only for one or two weeks in September or October, disappearing thereafter.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods
  12. Srisonchai R, Enghoff H, Likhitrakarn N, Panha S
    Zookeys, 2018.
    PMID: 29875597 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.761.24214
    The dragon millipede genus Desmoxytes s.l. is split into five genera, based on morphological characters and preliminary molecular phylogenetic analyses. The present article includes a review of Desmoxytes s.s., while future articles will deal with Hylomus Cook and Loomis, 1924 and three new genera which preliminarily are referred to as the 'acantherpestes', 'gigas', and 'spiny' groups. Diagnostic morphological characters of each group are discussed. Hylomus is resurrected as a valid genus and the following 33 species are assigned to it: H. asper (Attems, 1937), comb. n., H. cattienensis (Nguyen, Golovatch & Anichkin, 2005), comb. n., H. cervarius (Attems, 1953), comb. n., H. cornutus (Zhang & Li, 1982), comb. n., H. draco Cook & Loomis, 1924, stat. rev., H. enghoffi (Nguyen, Golovatch & Anichkin, 2005), comb. n., H. eupterygotus (Golovatch, Li, Liu & Geoffroy, 2012), comb. n., H. getuhensis (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2014), comb. n., H. grandis (Golovatch, VandenSpiegel & Semenyuk, 2016), comb. n., H. hostilis (Golovatch & Enghoff, 1994), comb. n., H. jeekeli (Golovatch & Enghoff, 1994), comb. n., H. lingulatus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2014), comb. n., H. laticollis (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016), comb. n., H. longispinus (Loksa, 1960), comb. n., H. lui (Golovatch, Li, Liu & Geoffroy, 2012), comb. n., H. minutuberculus (Zhang, 1986), comb. n., H. nodulosus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2014), comb. n., H. parvulus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2014), comb. n., H. phasmoides (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016), comb. n., H. pilosus (Attems, 1937), comb. n., H. proximus (Nguyen, Golovatch & Anichkin, 2005), comb. n., H. rhinoceros (Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, 2015), comb. n., H. rhinoparvus (Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, 2015), comb. n., H. scolopendroides (Golovatch, Geoffroy & Mauriès, 2010), comb. n., H. scutigeroides (Golovatch, Geoffroy & Mauriès, 2010), comb. n., H. similis (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016), comb. n., H. simplex (Golovatch, VandenSpiegel & Semenyuk, 2016), comb. n., H. simplipodus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016), comb. n., H. specialis (Nguyen, Golovatch & Anichkin, 2005), comb. n., H. spectabilis (Attems, 1937), comb. n., H. spinitergus (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016), comb. n., H. spinissimus (Golovatch, Li, Liu & Geoffroy, 2012), comb. n. and H. variabilis (Liu, Golovatch & Tian, 2016), comb. n.Desmoxytes s.s. includes the following species: D. breviverpa Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016; D. cervina (Pocock,1895); D. delfae (Jeekel, 1964); D. des Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016; D. pinnasquali Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016; D. planata (Pocock, 1895); D. purpurosea Enghoff, Sutcharit & Panha, 2007; D. takensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, 2016; D. taurina (Pocock, 1895); D. terae (Jeekel, 1964), all of which are re-described based mainly on type material. Two new synonyms are proposed: Desmoxytes pterygota Golovatch & Enghoff, 1994, syn. n. (= Desmoxytes cervina (Pocock, 1895)), Desmoxytes rubra Golovatch & Enghoff, 1994, syn. n. (= Desmoxytes delfae (Jeekel, 1964)). Six new species are described from Thailand: D. aurata Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, sp. n., D. corythosaurus Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, sp. n., D. euros Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, sp. n., D. flabella Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, sp. n., D. golovatchi Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, sp. n., D. octoconigera Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, sp. n., as well as one from Malaysia: D. perakensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, sp. n., and one from Myanmar: D. waepyanensis Srisonchai, Enghoff & Panha, sp. n. The species can mostly be easily distinguished by gonopod structure in combination with other external characters; some cases of particularly similar congeners are discussed. All species of Desmoxytes s.s. seem to be endemic to continental Southeast Asia (except the 'tramp' species D. planata). Some biological observations (relationship with mites, moulting) are recorded for the first time. Complete illustrations of external morphological characters, an identification key, and distribution maps of all species are provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods
  13. Shaharudin Abdul Razak
    A study of the major Arthropoda taxa of invertebrates recolonizing Saraca roots occurring on various substrates and under various water velocities was carried out in the upper reaches of the Gombak River. The sites for the recolonization experiments were selected in the fast and slow flowing sections of rocks and boulders, sand and gravel and mud and silt biotopes. The Hydropsychidae and the Nemouridae were the pioneer recolonizers of Saraea roots in the fast flowing sections of the stream whereas the Ptilodactylidae and the Caenidae were the pioneer recolonizers in the slow flowing sections of the stream.
    Suatu kajian telah dijalankan bagi menentukan takson utama invertebrata Arthropoda yang mengkoloni semula akar Saraca yang didapati pada pelbagai substrat dan pada kelajuan air yang berbeza di bahagian hulu Sungai Gombak. Tapak-tapak untuk ujikaji pengkolonian-semula telah dipilih pada bahagian laju dan perlahan biotop batuan besar dan sederhana, pasir dan batuan kecil, dan lumpur dan kelodak. Hydropsychidae dan Nemouridae adalah pengkoloni perintis pada akar Saraca di bahagian aliran laju sungai sementara Ptilodactylidae dan Caeflidae adalah pengkoloni perintis di bahagian aliran perlahan sungai itu.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods
  14. Teo Chee Hau, Noor Hazfalinda Hamzah, Hing Hiang Lian, Sri Pawita Albakri Amir Hamzah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1873-1882.
    Decomposition is degradation process of a corpse into basic respective constituents macroscopically and microscopically by action of microorganisms, arthropods and scavengers. Post mortem changes could be separated into early post mortem changes (i.e. algor mortis, rigor mortis and livor mortis) and putrefaction stages of corpse. These changes function as suitable indicators for determination of post mortem interval (PMI). In this paper, different stages of post mortem changes, possible variations such as mummification and formation of adipocere and special circumstances such as burial condition is discussed. This article also refers to several arguments in the different texture of adipocere and the influence of different types of fabric in affecting the post mortem changes and formation of adipocere. This is largely due to the property of permeability and resistance of material against degradation process. Undeniably, decomposition process involves numerous potential variables including burial condition, presence of clothing, potential formation of adipocere and mummification. Hence, studies in forensic taphonomy combined with real case scenario are crucial in understanding the nature of decomposition and estimation of PMI with higher accuracy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods
  15. Lam SD, Ashford P, Díaz-Sánchez S, Villar M, Gortázar C, de la Fuente J, et al.
    Viruses, 2021 04 19;13(4).
    PMID: 33921873 DOI: 10.3390/v13040708
    Coronavirus-like organisms have been previously identified in Arthropod ectoparasites (such as ticks and unfed cat flea). Yet, the question regarding the possible role of these arthropods as SARS-CoV-2 passive/biological transmission vectors is still poorly explored. In this study, we performed in silico structural and binding energy calculations to assess the risks associated with possible ectoparasite transmission. We found sufficient similarity between ectoparasite ACE and human ACE2 protein sequences to build good quality 3D-models of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike:ACE complex to assess the impacts of ectoparasite mutations on complex stability. For several species (e.g., water flea, deer tick, body louse), our analyses showed no significant destabilisation of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike:ACE complex, suggesting these species would bind the viral Spike protein. Our structural analyses also provide structural rationale for interactions between the viral Spike and the ectoparasite ACE proteins. Although we do not have experimental evidence of infection in these ectoparasites, the predicted stability of the complex suggests this is possible, raising concerns of a possible role in passive transmission of the virus to their human hosts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods/classification; Arthropods/genetics; Arthropods/metabolism*; Arthropods/chemistry
  16. Likhitrakarn N, Golovatch SI, Panha S
    Zookeys, 2011.
    PMID: 22140329 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.131.1921
    The large genus Orthomorpha is rediagnosed and is shown to currently comprise 51 identifiable species ranging from northern Myanmar and Thailand in the Northwest to Lombok Island, Indonesia in the Southeast. Of them, 20 species have been revised and/or abundantly illustrated, based on a restudy of mostly type material; further 12 species are described as new: Orthomorpha atypicasp. n., Orthomorpha communissp. n., Orthomorpha isarankuraisp. n., Orthomorpha picturatasp. n., Orthomorpha similanensissp. n., Orthomorpha suberectasp. n., Orthomorpha tuberculiferasp. n.,Orthomorpha subtuberculiferasp. n. and Orthomorpha latitergasp. n., all from Thailand, as well as Orthomorpha elevatasp. n.,Orthomorpha spiniformissp. n. and Orthomorpha subelevatasp. n., from northern Malaysia. The type-species Orthomorpha beaumontii (Le Guillou, 1841) is redescribed in due detail from male material as well, actually being a senior subjective synonym of Orthomorpha spinala (Attems, 1932), syn. n. Two additional new synonymies are proposed: Orthomorpha rotundicollis (Attems, 1937) = Orthomorpha tuberculata (Attems, 1937), syn. n., and Orthomorpha butteli Carl, 1922 = Orthomorpha consocius Chamberlin, 1945, syn. n., the valid names to the left. All species have been keyed and all new and some especially widespread species have been mapped. Further six species, including two revised from type material, are still to be considered dubious, mostly because their paraterga appear to be too narrow to represent Orthomorpha species. A new genus, Orthomorphoidesgen. n., diagnosed versus Orthomorpha through only moderately well developed paraterga, coupled with a poorly bi- or trifid gonopod tip, with at least some of its apical prongs being short spines, is erected for two species: Orthomorpha setosus (Attems, 1937), the type-species, which is also revised from type material, and Orthomorpha exaratus (Attems, 1953), both comb. n. ex Orthomorpha.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods
  17. Chou LY, Dykes GA, Wilson RF, Clarke CM
    Environ Entomol, 2016 Feb;45(1):201-6.
    PMID: 26518035 DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvv164
    Nepenthes pitcher plants are colonized by a variety of specialized arthropods. As Aedes mosquitoes are container breeders, Nepenthes pitchers are a potential candidate oviposition site for vector species, such as Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse). However, Aedes spp. are not commonly encountered in Nepenthes pitchers, and the environment inside the pitchers of some species is lethal to them. One exception is Nepenthes ampullaria Jack, whose pitchers are known to be colonized by Ae. albopictus on very rare occasions. Given that Ae. albopictus larvae can survive in N. ampullaria pitcher fluids, we sought to determine why pitcher colonization is rare, testing the hypothesis that gravid Aedes mosquitoes are deterred from ovipositing into container habitats that have similar characteristics to N. ampullaria pitchers. Using plastic ovitraps of different sizes, colors, and with different types of fluids (based on the characteristics of N. ampullaria pitchers), we compared oviposition rates by Aedes mosquitoes in urban and rural areas within the geographical range of N. ampullaria near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ovitraps that were black and large (>250-ml capacity) accumulated significantly more eggs than ovitraps that were smaller, or green in color. In terms of size and color, small, green ovitraps are analogous to N. ampullaria pitchers, indicating that these pitchers are not particularly attractive to gravid Ae. albopictus. Although Aedes spp. are capable of colonizing N. ampullaria pitchers, the pitchers are relatively unattractive to gravid females and do not represent a significant habitat for larvae of dengue vectors at present.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods
  18. Lefoulon E, Bain O, Makepeace BL, d'Haese C, Uni S, Martin C, et al.
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1840.
    PMID: 27069790 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1840
    Wolbachia is an alpha-proteobacterial symbiont widely distributed in arthropods. Since the identification of Wolbachia in certain animal-parasitic nematodes (the Onchocercidae or filariae), the relationship between arthropod and nematode Wolbachia has attracted great interest. The obligate symbiosis in filariae, which renders infected species susceptible to antibiotic chemotherapy, was held to be distinct from the Wolbachia-arthropod relationship, typified by reproductive parasitism. While co-evolutionary signatures in Wolbachia-arthropod symbioses are generally weak, reflecting horizontal transmission events, strict co-evolution between filariae and Wolbachia has been reported previously. However, the absence of close outgroups for phylogenetic studies prevented the determination of which host group originally acquired Wolbachia. Here, we present the largest co-phylogenetic analysis of Wolbachia in filariae performed to date including: (i) a screening and an updated phylogeny of Wolbachia; (ii) a co-phylogenetic analysis; and (iii) a hypothesis on the acquisition of Wolbachia infection. First, our results show a general overestimation of Wolbachia occurrence and support the hypothesis of an ancestral absence of infection in the nematode phylum. The accuracy of supergroup J is also underlined. Second, although a global pattern of coevolution remains, the signal is derived predominantly from filarial clades associated with Wolbachia in supergroups C and J. In other filarial clades, harbouring Wolbachia supergroups D and F, horizontal acquisitions and secondary losses are common. Finally, our results suggest that supergroup C is the basal Wolbachia clade within the Ecdysozoa. This hypothesis on the origin of Wolbachia would change drastically our understanding of Wolbachia evolution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arthropods
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