Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 1996 in total

  1. Mustaffa E
    Family Practitioner, 1988;11:8-11.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  2. Tan CK
    Family Practitioner, 1982;5:33-36.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  3. Rosedale JL
    Malayan Medical Journal, 1936;11:151-3.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  4. Cheah JS, Yeo PPB
    Family Practitioner, 1982;5:6-10.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  5. Kaviarasan S, Muniandy S, Qvist R, Ismail IS
    J Clin Biochem Nutr, 2009 Jul;45(1):1-8.
    PMID: 19590700 DOI: 10.3164/jcbn.08-266
    Oxidative stress (OS) has been implicated as one of the major underlying mechanisms behind many acute and chronic diseases. However, the measurement of free radicals or their end products is complicated. Isoprostanes, derived from the non-enzymatic peroxidation of arachidonic acid are now considered to be reliable biomarkers of oxidant stress in the human body. Isoprostanes are involved in many of the human diseases such as type 2 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes elevated levels of F(2)-Isoprostanes (F(2)-IsoPs) have been observed. The measurement of bioactive F(2)-IsoPs levels offers a unique noninvasive analytical tool to study the role of free radicals in physiology, oxidative stress-related diseases, and acute or chronic inflammatory conditions. Measurement of oxidative stress by various other methods lacks specificity and sensitivity. This review aims to shed light on the implemention of F(2)-IsoPs measurement as a gold-standard biomarker of oxidative stress in type 2 diabetics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus*
  6. Finsterer J
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Jan;79(1):113.
    PMID: 38287767
    No abstract available.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus*
  7. Mohd Nayan NZ, Chien CW, Ahmad Roslan NF, Che Daud AZ
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Mar;79(Suppl 1):176-186.
    PMID: 38555903
    INTRODUCTION: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most prevalent chronic complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) that can significantly result in disability and impaired quality of life. The DPN of the foot has been extensively studied in diabetes care. Nevertheless, the DPN of hand has been the road less taken in research and clinical practice. Thus, a scoping review was conducted to identify all available standardized hand assessments which have been used, developed, or tested in individuals with DM.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This scoping review was reported in alignment with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Studies were identified through searches of five databases: Cochrane, Scopus, ProQuest, MEDLINE, and Web of Science (WoS).

    RESULTS: Of the 294 articles initially identified, 20 studies were included and analysed thematically after removing duplicates. The majority of these assessments measure body function and structure such as grip and pinch strength while the rest are measuring the activity and participation domain. Most of the hand assessments were performancebased measurements. It is suggestible to employ both types of assessments to obtain a comprehensive understanding of hand conditions in individuals with DM. While some validated hand assessments were identified, only the Duruöz Hand Index (DHI) has been validated as a reliable tool specifically for evaluating hand function in individuals with DM.

    CONCLUSION: There is a need to evaluate the measurement properties of existing instruments for assessing the hand function in individuals with DM, or to develop hand assessments specifically for the DM population. This scoping review was forging a new path, by discovering diabetes care through the utilisation of hand assessments.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus/physiopathology
  8. Thirumoorthy T
    Family Practitioner, 1982;5:25-28.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  9. Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  10. Ng ML, Khalid AK
    Family Practitioner, 1988;11:48-51.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  11. Chua WT
    Family Practitioner, 1982;5(2):19-24.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  12. Tohid, H., Md Monoto, E.M., Ooi, C.F., Leong, Y.H., Mohamad Ngasri, N.E., Ismail, M.I., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(2):246-261.
    Tabiat langkau waktu makan adalah kaedah lazim untuk mengawal diet. Namun, amalan kaedah permakanan ini oleh pesakit diabetes melllitus (T2DM) masih belum diketahui berikutan kekangan kajian. Matlamat utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti selazim mana pesakit T2DM melangkau waktu makan. Kaitannya dengan faktor sosiodemografi dan klinikal, HbA1c, makan di luar rumah dan kecelaruan gaya pemakanan turut dikaji. Kajian keratan lintang ini telah dijalankan pada tahun 2015 dalam kalangan 203 pesakit di klinik kesihatan awam di Kuala Lumpur. Borang soal selidik yang diisi sendiri oleh subjek termasuk borang Skala Kecelaruan Gaya Pemakanan dalam Bahasa Melayu. Seramai 41.4% subjek kerap melangkau waktu makan dan 61.6% subjek sering makan di luar. Hanya 2% sahaja yang mempunyai masalah kecelaruan gaya pemakanan. Regresi logistik berbilang menunjukkan subjek berbangsa Cina mempunyai kaitan yang kuat dengan tabiat melangkau waktu makan berbanding dengan subjek berbangsa Melayu (nisbah ganjil selaras: 0.36; 95% sela keyakinan: 0.16-0.77; nilai p: 0.009) setelah mengambil kira faktor usia, status pekerjaan, tahap pendidikan, HbA1c, komplikasi, jenis rawatan, makan di luar dan kecelaruan gaya pemakanan. Kesimpulannya, tabiat melangkau waktu makan merupakan satu amalan lazim begitu juga dengan makan di luar rumah. Namun, kecelaruan gaya pemakanan jarang dijumpai. Tabiat melangkau waktu makan tiada kaitan dengan amalan pemakanan ini dan juga kawalan gula dalam darah. Faktor budaya dan keagamaan berkemungkinan mempengaruhi amalan pemakanan individu. Kajian lanjut perlu dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti tahap keselamatan dan penerimaan berkaitan dengan amalan ini. Walau bagaimanapun, kesannya daripada sudut klinikal perlu diperiksa dengan teliti untuk mengelakkan komplikasi kesihatan.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
  13. Tan KT, Fok ACK, Cheah JS
    Family Practitioner, 1988;11:52-55.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
  14. Lee YS
    Family Practitioner, 1984;7(1):53-56.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  15. Balasundaram R
    Family Practitioner, 1982;5(2):37-45.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  16. Abdul Hamid AK
    Family Physician, 1989;1:56-59.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus
  17. Chee CS, Chang KM, Loke MF, Angela Loo VP, Subrayan V
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2022.
    PMID: 27280065 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2022
    AIM/HYPOTHESIS: The aim of our study was to characterize the human salivary proteome and determine the changes in protein expression in two different stages of diabetic retinopathy with type-2 diabetes mellitus: (1) with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and (2) with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Type-2 diabetes mellitus without diabetic retinopathy (XDR) was designated as control.
    METHOD: In this study, 45 saliva samples were collected (15 samples from XDR control group, 15 samples from NPDR disease group and 15 samples from PDR disease group). Salivary proteins were extracted, reduced, alkylated, trypsin digested and labeled with an isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) before being analyzed by an Orbitrap fusion tribrid mass spectrometer. Protein annotation, fold change calculation and statistical analysis were interrogated by Proteome Discoverer. Biological pathway analysis was performed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD003723-PX003725.
    RESULTS: A total of 315 proteins were identified from the salivary proteome and 119 proteins were found to be differentially expressed. The differentially expressed proteins from the NPDR disease group and the PDR disease group were assigned to respective canonical pathways indicating increased Liver X receptor/Retinoid X receptor (LXR/RXR) activation, Farnesoid X receptor/Retinoid X receptor (FXR/RXR) activation, acute phase response signaling, sucrose degradation V and regulation of actin-based motility by Rho in the PDR disease group compared to the NPDR disease group.
    CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Progression from non-proliferative to proliferative retinopathy in type-2 diabetic patients is a complex multi-mechanism and systemic process. Furthermore, saliva was shown to be a feasible alternative sample source for diabetic retinopathy biomarkers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2*
  18. Thent ZC, Das S
    Clin Ter, 2014;165(4):223-30.
    PMID: 25203338 DOI: 10.7417/CT.2014.1738
    Liver disease is considered as one of the major complications in oxidative stress disorders like diabetes mellitus (DM). DM presents with deterioration in carbohydrate metabolism which is characterized with chronic hyperglycemia. The organ which involves in glucose or carbohydrate metabolism and is most likely to be affected is the liver. Deterioration in liver architecture and metabolism in DM, are considered as common findings. In the present review both biochemical and histological changes occurring in diabetic liver are conferred in detail. To counteract the oxidative stress disorders and its untoward complications, antioxidant or herbs have emerged as alternative medicine. The present review focuses on several herbs with antioxidant properties towards diabetic liver disease such as Liquorice, Pelargonium gravenolens, Momordica charantia, Propolis from bee hives, Dihar, Curcuma Longa, Tinospora cordifolia, Kangen-karyu, Parsley, Chard, Green tea Catechins and Piper sarmentosum (P.s). The herbs or the compounds present in herbs have potential to improve the liver metabolism and maintain the integrity of liver tissue in DM. The review also opens the door for effective use of herbal products for complications involved in the diabetic liver disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus*
  19. Abdulameer SA, Sulaiman SA, Hassali MA, Subramaniam K, Sahib MN
    Patient Prefer Adherence, 2012;6:435-48.
    PMID: 22791981 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S32745
    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a pandemic and chronic metabolic disorder with substantial morbidity and mortality. In addition, osteoporosis (OP) is a silent disease with a harmful impact on morbidity and mortality. Therefore, this systematic review focuses on the relationship between OP and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Systematic reviews of full-length articles published in English from January 1950 to October 2010 were identified in PubMed and other available electronic databases on the Universiti Sains Malaysia Library Database. The following keywords were used for the search: T2DM, OP, bone mass, skeletal. Studies of more than 50 patients with T2DM were included. Forty-seven studies were identified. The majority of articles (26) showed increased bone mineral density (BMD), while 13 articles revealed decreased BMD; moreover, eight articles revealed normal or no difference in bone mass. There were conflicting results concerning the influence of T2DM on BMD in association with gender, glycemic control, and body mass index. However, patients with T2DM display an increased fracture risk despite a higher BMD, which is mainly attributable to the increased risk of falling. As a conclusion, screening, identification, and prevention of potential risk factors for OP in T2DM patients are crucial and important in terms of preserving a good quality of life in diabetic patients and decreasing the risk of fracture. Patients with T2DM may additionally benefit from early visual assessment, regular exercise to improve muscle strength and balance, and specific measures for preventing falls. Patient education about an adequate calcium and vitamin D intake and regular exercise is important for improving muscle strength and balance. Furthermore, adequate glycemic control and the prevention of diabetic complications are the starting point of therapy in diabetic patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2*
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