Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 232 in total

  1. Nayak SB, Soumya KV
    Surg Radiol Anat, 2020 06;42(6):717.
    PMID: 31984433 DOI: 10.1007/s00276-020-02418-6
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles*
  2. Lew CCH, Lee ZY
    Chest, 2020 12;158(6):2708.
    PMID: 33280763 DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2020.07.072
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles*
  3. Subramaniam A, Singh DKA
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2021 Mar;27(1):48-54.
    PMID: 30465482 DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2018.1543101
    Purpose. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of using a document holder while typing on head excursion and neck muscle activity among computer users with and without neck pain. Method. An experimental study including 52 individuals with (n = 26) and without (n = 26) neck pain was conducted. Head excursion and neck muscle activity were measured using an accelerometer and surface electromyography, respectively. Two-way analysis of variance was conducted to examine the effects of using a document holder between computer users with and without neck pain. Results. The results demonstrated a decrease in head excursion (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles*; Superficial Back Muscles*
  4. Azemi NFH, Misnan R, Keong PB, Yadzir ZHM
    Mol Biol Rep, 2020 Dec;47(12):9765-9777.
    PMID: 33170423 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-020-05966-7
    Tropomyosin, a muscle tissue protein is a major allergen in most of shellfish including mud crab. Quantitative real time-PCR (qRT-PCR) using a stable reference gene is the most sensitive approach to produce accurate relative gene expression that has yet to be demonstrated for allergenic tropomyosin in mud crab species. This study was conducted to identify the suitable reference gene and tropomyosin expression in different body parts of local mud crabs, Scylla olivacea, Scylla paramamosain and Scylla tranquebarica. Myosin, 18S rRNA, GADPH and EF1α were selected as candidate reference genes and their expression was measured in the abdomen, walking leg and cheliped tissues of local Scylla spp. The expression stability was analyzed using the comparative delta-Ct method, BestKeeper, NormFinder and geNorm then comprehensively ranked by RefFinder algorithm. Findings showed that EF1α was the most suitable reference gene across three mud crab species. Meanwhile, the abdomen, walking leg and cheliped selected their own suitable reference gene either Myosin, 18S rRNA, EF1α or GADPH. Overall, tropomyosin was the highest in S. tranquebarica, whereas the least was in S. paramamosain. Interestingly, tropomyosin was the highest in the abdomen of all mud crab species. This is the first analysis on reference genes selection for qRT-PCR data normalization of tropomyosin expression in mud crab. These results will provide more accurate findings for further gene expression and allergen analysis in Scylla spp.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/metabolism*
  5. Soundirarajan M, Pakniyat N, Sim S, Nathan V, Namazi H
    Technol Health Care, 2021;29(1):99-109.
    PMID: 32568131 DOI: 10.3233/THC-192085
    BACKGROUND: Human facial muscles react differently to different visual stimuli. It is known that the human brain controls and regulates the activity of the muscles.

    OBJECTIVE: In this research, for the first time, we investigate how facial muscle reaction is related to the reaction of the human brain.

    METHODS: Since both electromyography (EMG) and electroencephalography (EEG) signals, as the features of muscle and brain activities, contain information, we benefited from the information theory and computed the Shannon entropy of EMG and EEG signals when subjects were exposed to different static visual stimuli with different Shannon entropies (information content).

    RESULTS: Based on the obtained results, the variations of the information content of the EMG signal are related to the variations of the information content of the EEG signal and the visual stimuli. Statistical analysis also supported the results indicating that the visual stimuli with greater information content have a greater effect on the variation of the information content of both EEG and EMG signals.

    CONCLUSION: This investigation can be further continued to analyze the relationship between facial muscle and brain reactions in case of other types of stimuli.

    Matched MeSH terms: Facial Muscles*
  6. Rajaran JR, Nazimi AJ
    BMJ Case Rep, 2021 Mar 17;14(3).
    PMID: 33731407 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-239542
    The mylohyoid ridges or lines are pairs of anatomical bony structures located on the internal or lingual surface of mandible. They are the origin for the mylohyoid muscle. These bony structures are distinct in the mandibular molar region, well protected and gradually become undiscernible towards anterior mandible. Bilateral, isolated fracture of the mylohyoid ridges without concomitant mandibular fracture is rare and, to the best of the authors knowledge, was never previously described. This case report describes an isolated bilateral mylohyoid groove fracture, where one side of a necrotic bone fragment at the fracture site progress to became a nidus of infection, which later caused submandibular space abscess requiring emergency surgical intervention. Diagnosis, possible theory to explain the occurrence of isolated mylohyoid groove fracture and management of these condition are explained in this report.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles/surgery
  7. Merican Z, Sukumaran S, Raji VL, Rajikin MH, Khalid BA
    Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 1992 Dec;19(12):843-6.
    PMID: 1335382
    1. The effects of thyroxine treatment on soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle contractions and their cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) levels were examined in anaesthetized cats. 2. Thyroxine treatment decreased the tension of incomplete tetanic contractions of the soleus as well as the EDL muscles. The effect on tension of these muscles was not associated with an increase in the cyclic AMP level of the muscle as is the case with a beta 2-adrenoceptor agonist effect. 3. The results do not support the involvement of cyclic AMP in the tension depressant effect of thyroxine on contractions of skeletal muscle. 4. It is suggested that the muscle weakness and tremor observed in thyrotoxicosis and during administration of beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists are mediated by different mechanisms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/drug effects*; Muscles/metabolism; Muscles/physiology
  8. Rabbi MF, Ghazali KH, Mohd II, Alqahtani M, Altwijri O, Ahamed NU
    J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 2018;31(6):1097-1104.
    PMID: 29945343 DOI: 10.3233/BMR-170988
    This study aimed to investigate the electrical activity of two muscles located at the dorsal surface during Islamic prayer (Salat). Specifically, the electromyography (EMG) activity of the erector spinae and trapezius muscles during four positions observed while performing Salat, namely standing, bowing, sitting and prostration, were investigated. Seven adult subjects with an average age of 28.1 (± 3.8) years were included in the study. EMG data were obtained from their trapezius and erector spinae muscles while the subjects maintained the specific positions of Salat. The EMG signal was analysed using time and frequency domain features. The results indicate that the trapezius muscle remains relaxed during the standing and sitting positions while the erector spinae muscle remains contracted during these two positions. Additionally, during the bowing and prostration positions of Salat, these two muscles exhibit the opposite activities: the trapezius muscle remains contracted while the erector spinae muscle remains relaxed. Overall, both muscles maintain a balance in terms of contraction and relaxation during bowing and prostration position. The irregularity of the neuro-muscular signal might cause pain and prevent Muslims from performing their obligatory prayer. This study will aid the accurate understanding of how the back muscles respond in specific postures during Salat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Paraspinal Muscles/physiology*; Superficial Back Muscles/physiology*
  9. Idris B
    Malays J Med Sci, 2011 Jan;18(1):52-9.
    PMID: 22135574 MyJurnal
    The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of multiple factors and outcomes (ambulatory function and sphincter function) on children with myelomeningocoele (MMC) following surgical repair.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  10. Ramli MI, Hamzaid NA, Engkasan JP
    J Voice, 2019 Jul 09.
    PMID: 31300185 DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2019.06.006
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of mechanomyography (MMG) and electromyography (EMG) in monitoring the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) as accessory respiratory muscles when breathing during singing.

    METHODS: MMG and EMG were used to record the activity of the SCM in 32 untrained singers reciting a monotonous text and a standard folk song. Their voices were recorded and their pitch, or fundamental frequency (FF), and intensity were derived using Praat software. Instants of inhale and exhales were identified during singing from their voice recordings and the corresponding SCM MMG and EMG activities were analysed.

    RESULTS: The SCM MMG, and EMG signals during breathing while singing were significantly different than breathing at rest (p < 0.001). On the other hand, MMG was relatively better correlated to voice intensity in both reading and singing than EMG. EMG was better, but not significantly, correlated with FF in both reading and singing as compared to MMG.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study established MMG and EMG as the quantitative measurement tool to monitor breathing activities during singing. This is useful for applications related to singing therapy performance measure including potentially pathologically effected population. While the MMG and EMG could not distinguish FF and intensity significantly, it is useful to serve as a proxy of inhalation and exhalation levels throughout a particular singing session. Further studies are required to determine its efficacy in a therapeutic setting.

    Matched MeSH terms: Intercostal Muscles; Respiratory Muscles
  11. Dharap A
    J Anat, 1994 Jun;184 ( Pt 3):639-41.
    PMID: 7928652
    In the left upper limb of an adult male cadaver a triangular muscular slip, 3.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, arose from the lower border of latissimus dorsi just proximal to its tendon of insertion. It was inserted by a slender 6 cm long tendon mainly into the coracoid process of the scapula. Three short fibrous strands radiated from this slender tendon to gain attachments to pectoralis minor and the common tendon of origin of the short head of biceps brachii and coracobrachialis. In addition 2 flat tendinous bands attached the margin of this muscular slip to teres major. The thoracodorsal nerve entered the main bulk of latissimus dorsi close to the muscular slip but did not supply a separate branch to the latter. This is an axillary arch muscle in an unusually medial location.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/anatomy & histology*
  12. Salleh HB
    Med J Malaysia, 1975 Jun;29(4):311-4.
    PMID: 127923
    Matched MeSH terms: Abdominal Muscles*
  13. Ramli MI, Hamzaid NA, Engkasan JP, Usman J
    Biomed Eng Online, 2023 May 22;22(1):50.
    PMID: 37217941 DOI: 10.1186/s12938-023-01103-0
    BACKGROUND: Over the decades, many publications have established respiratory muscle training (RMT) as an effective way in improving respiratory dysfunction in multiple populations. The aim of the paper is to determine the trend of research and multidisciplinary collaboration in publications related to RMT over the last 6 decades. The authors also sought to chart the advancement of RMT among people with spinal cord injury (SCI) over the last 60 years.

    METHODS: Bibliometric analysis was made, including the publications' profiles, citation analysis and research trends of the relevant literature over the last 60 years. Publications from all time frames were retrieved from Scopus database. A subgroup analysis of publications pertinent to people with SCI was also made.

    RESULTS: Research on RMT has been steadily increasing over the last 6 decades and across geographical locations. While medicine continues to dominate the research on RMT, this topic also continues to attract researchers and publications from other areas such as engineering, computer science and social science over the last 10 years. Research collaboration between authors in different backgrounds was observed since 2006. Source titles from non-medical backgrounds have also published articles pertinent to RMT. Among people with SCI, researchers utilised a wide range of technology from simple spirometers to electromyography in both intervention and outcome measures. With various types of interventions implemented, RMT generally improves pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength among people with SCI.

    CONCLUSIONS: While research on RMT has been steadily increasing over the last 6 decades, more collaborations are encouraged in the future to produce more impactful and beneficial research on people who suffer from respiratory disorders.

    Matched MeSH terms: Respiratory Muscles/physiology
  14. Wong KT, Clarke G, Pathmanathan R, Hamilton PW
    Parasitol Res, 1994;80(2):138-40.
    PMID: 8202453
    Established criteria for morphological typing of sarcocysts was applied to a large series of cases of human skeletal muscle sarcocystosis in Malaysia to determine the type of sarcocyst present. We also wanted to test the general usefulness of this classification and to determine if there are any new cyst types. Three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction was done to see if the sarcocyst has a distinct 3-D morphology. A total of 66 sarcocysts from 21 cases of human muscle sarcocystosis obtained from a previous prevalence study were examined. Tissue sections (5 microns thick) were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and studied under the light microscope. For 3-D reconstruction, an image analyser was used to align and reconstruct the sarcocyst after microscopic images had been captured with a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. All the cysts best fit into the type 4 category. This classification is generally useful, although cyst wall characteristics and zoite size appear to be the most reliable criteria for classification. The cyst width averaged 77 microns (range, 30-137.5 microns). Cyst walls were smooth, had no cytophaneres and were less than 1 micron thick. No secondary cyst wall or surrounding inflammation was evident. Numerous cyst merozoites with diameters averaging 1 micron filled the cyst lumen. Although septa were not apparent, in many cysts, zoites were arranged in a unique, curvilinear fashion that suggested their presence. 3-D reconstruction showed the sarcocyst to be a long, tortuous "cylinder" with no branching or other distinguishing feature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/parasitology*; Muscles/pathology
  15. Dharap AS
    Surg Radiol Anat, 1994;16(1):97-9.
    PMID: 8047976
    During dissection an anomalous muscle was found on the medial aspect in the distal half of one left upper extremity. This muscle arose from the humerus between the m. coracobrachialis and the m. brachialis, passed obliquely across the front of the brachial artery and median nerve and blended with the common origin of the forearm flexor muscles. It does not appear to be an additional head of the biceps brachii or the brachialis muscles. The existence of this anomalous muscle should be kept in mind in a patient presenting with a high median nerve palsy together with symptoms of brachial artery compression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/abnormalities*; Muscles/pathology
  16. Soo TCC, See SA, Bhassu S
    J Invertebr Pathol, 2020 11;177:107497.
    PMID: 33130047 DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2020.107497
    Global shrimp aquaculture farmers have suffered major economic losses due to disease outbreaks. A notable shrimp disease is Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND), which is caused by a new strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria (VpAHPND) that mainly inhabits the shrimp gut and damages the hepatopancreas. Fewer studies have investigated whether this disease will affect shrimp muscle functioning or cause any muscle damage. We challenged Penaeus monodon shrimp with VpAHPND bacteria using an immersion method. Expression of Dystrophin gene, an important regulatory gene for maintenance of muscle integrity, was quantified from muscle samples using qRT-PCR. Additional verification was conducted by determining calcium concentration and bta-miR-4286 and dre-miR-107b miRNAs expression. P. monodon dystrophin gene demonstrated the highest expression level during AHPND infection when muscle calcium concentration was detected at its lowest level at 6 h post-infection (hpi). The highest muscle calcium concentration, determined at 36 hpi, was supported by higher bta-miR-4286 miRNA expression and lower dre-miR-107b miRNA expression in VpAHPND-infected samples compared to uninfected samples at the same time point. We deduced an interactive relationship between dystrophin gene expression, calcium concentration, and miRNA expression in P. monodon muscle tissues triggered by the invading VpAHPND bacterium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/microbiology; Muscles/physiology
  17. Prathap K, Dissanaike AS
    PMID: 107599
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles/parasitology; Neck Muscles/pathology
  18. Chan EWM, Hamid MSA, Nadzalan AM, Hafiz E
    PMID: 33005073 DOI: 10.1142/S1013702520500080
    Background: Sahrmann five-level core stability test protocol has been used to evaluate the ability of the core muscles to stabilize the spine. However, validation studies on the Sahrmann protocol are limited.

    Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the different levels of Sahrmann five-level core stability (levels 1-5) on the muscle activity of rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), and transverse abdominis/internal oblique (TrA/IO).

    Methods: Twenty-two asymptomatic male participants aged 21.3
    .59 years were recruited. Participants were instructed to perform maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and five levels of Sahrmann five-level core stability test guided with a pressure biofeedback unit (PBU). The surface electromyography (EMG) data of each muscle during five levels of Sahrmann five-level core stability test were normalized as a percentage of MVC.

    Results: Results showed significant differences in the normalized EMGs of RA [



    (4) = 64.80,
    .001], EO [



    (4) = 58.11,
    .001], and TrA/IO [



    (4) = 56.00,
    .001] between the five levels of Sahrmann five-level core stability test. Post-hoc analysis revealed Sahrmann levels 5 and 3 have significantly higher abdominal EMG signals than levels 4, 2, and 1 (

    Conclusion: In conclusion, the Sahrmann five-level core stability test differs according to the level of Sahrmann tests. Significantly higher abdominal muscle activities were observed during levels 3 and 5. Therefore, the classification exchange in levels 3 and 4 of the Sahrmann five-level core stability test should be reconsidered in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Abdominal Muscles; Abdominal Oblique Muscles
  19. Wong KT, Pathmanathan R
    J Parasitol, 1994 Apr;80(2):327-30.
    PMID: 8158479
    The ultrastructure of the human skeletal muscle sarcocyst found in Malaysia is reported. Sarcocyst-positive, formalin-fixed tongue tissues were postfixed in osmium tetroxide. The primary cyst wall consisted of a thin membrane supported by osmiophilic material that was interrupted regularly by vesicle-like invaginations. Although there were no cytophaneres, stubby protrusions of the primary wall were observed. These protrusions were accentuated by dense, curvilinear material externally. The primary wall was wavy over about half the cross section of the cyst. The granular ground substance underlying the primary wall occasionally contained hitherto undescribed coiled microtubular structures. Branching septa extended from the ground substance into the cyst, separating mature merozoites into compartments. A few peripheral metrocytes and many laminated myelin figure-like structures, probably degenerating merozoites, were found. Although the human muscular sarcocyst has the same basic ultrastructure as those found in other animals, the stubby protrusions and coiled microtubular structures in the ground substance have not been described previously in nonhuman animals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/parasitology*
  20. See PP
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):199-200.
    PMID: 27770119
    Accessory muscles are relatively rare anatomic duplications of muscles that may appear anywhere in the muscular system. Though a wide array of accessory and supernumery muscles involving the ankle have been described in the literature, this is the first reported case we are aware of that features two accessory muscles. Accessory muscles are typically asymptomatic and often picked up as incidental findings but are important to be identified in the presence of chronic persistent ankle pain and the absence of other more common aetiologies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/abnormalities
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