Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 55 in total

  1. Khan AQ, Ahmad I, Alayachi HS, M Noorani MS, Khaliq A
    Math Biosci Eng, 2020 09 09;17(5):5944-5960.
    PMID: 33120584 DOI: 10.3934/mbe.2020317
    We explore the local dynamics, flip bifurcation, chaos control and existence of periodic point of the predator-prey model with Allee effect on the prey population in the interior of $\mathbb{R}^*{_+^2}$. Nu-merical simulations not only exhibit our results with the theoretical analysis but also show the complex dynamical behaviors, such as the period-2, 8, 11, 17, 20 and 22 orbits. Further, maximum Lyapunov exponents as well as fractal dimensions are also computed numerically to show the presence of chaotic behavior in the model under consideration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior*
  2. Chang CC, Teo HY, Norma-Rashid Y, Li D
    Sci Rep, 2017 01 17;7:40734.
    PMID: 28094288 DOI: 10.1038/srep40734
    Predator-prey interactions play important roles in ecological communities. Personality, consistent inter-individual differences in behaviour, of predators, prey or both are known to influence inter-specific interactions. An individual may also behave differently under the same situation and the level of such variability may differ between individuals. Such intra-individual variability (IIV) or predictability may be a trait on which selection can also act. A few studies have revealed the joint effect of personality types of both predators and prey on predator foraging performance. However, how personality type and IIV of both predators and prey jointly influence predator foraging performance remains untested empirically. Here, we addressed this using a specialized spider-eating jumping spider, Portia labiata (Salticidae), as the predator, and a jumping spider, Cosmophasis umbratica, as the prey. We examined personality types and IIVs of both P. labiata and C. umbratica and used their inter- and intra-individual behavioural variation as predictors of foraging performance (i.e., number of attempts to capture prey). Personality type and predictability had a joint effect on predator foraging performance. Aggressive predators performed better in capturing unpredictable (high IIV) prey than predictable (low IIV) prey, while docile predators demonstrated better performance when encountering predictable prey. This study highlights the importance of the joint effect of both predator and prey personality types and IIVs on predator-prey interactions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior*
  3. Keong, Ang Tau
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(1):143-151.
    In this paper we consider a harvesting model of predator-prey fishery in which
    the prey is directly infected by some external toxic substances. The toxic infection is
    indirectly transmitted to the predator during the feeding process. The model is a modified
    version from the classic Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model. The stability and bifurcation
    analyses are addressed. Numerical simulations of the model are performed and bifurcation
    diagrams are studied to investigate the dynamical behaviours between the predator and
    the prey. The effects of toxicity and harvesting on the stability of steady states found in
    the model are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior
  4. Matsuda I, Tuuga A, Higashi S
    Primates, 2008 Jul;49(3):227-31.
    PMID: 18484152 DOI: 10.1007/s10329-008-0085-2
    In this study, we have reported two direct observations of individuals from a one-male group of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) being killed by clouded leopards (Neofelis diardi) in the riverine forest along the Menanggul river, a tributary of the Kinabatangan river in Sabah, Malaysia. One of the two individuals was an infant female and the other was a juvenile female. Based on literature reviews and the observations reported here, we suggest that clouded leopard and crocodile might be significant potential predators of proboscis monkeys of any age or sex and that predation threats elicit the monkeys' anti-predator strategies. Moreover, the observations of the monkeys' behaviour when the group is attacked by a predator suggest that the adult males in one-male groups play an important role as protectors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior*
  5. Hashimoto Y, Endo T, Yamasaki T, Hyodo F, Itioka T
    Sci Rep, 2020 10 26;10(1):18279.
    PMID: 33106531 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-75010-y
    Accurate morphological ant mimicry by Myrmarachne jumping spiders confers strong protective benefits against predators. However, it has been hypothesized that the slender and constricted ant-like appearance imposes costs on the hunting ability because their jumping power to capture prey is obtained from hydraulic pressure in their bodies. This hypothesis remains to be sufficiently investigated. We compared the jumping and prey-capture abilities of seven Myrmarachne species and non-myrmecomorphic salticids collected from tropical forests in Malaysian Borneo and northeastern Thailand. We found that the mimics had significantly reduced abilities compared with the non-mimics. The analysis using geometric morphometric techniques revealed that the reduced abilities were strongly associated with the morphological traits for ant mimicry and relatively lower abilities were found in Myrmarachne species with a more narrowed form. These results support the hypothesis that the jumping ability to capture prey is constrained by the morphological mimicry and provide a new insight into understanding the evolutionary costs of accurate mimicry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior/physiology*
  6. Ang TK, Safuan HM
    Biosystems, 2021 Apr;202:104357.
    PMID: 33486091 DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2021.104357
    The present paper discusses the dynamics and optimal harvesting of an intraguild prey-predator fishery model by incorporating the nonlinear Michaelis-Menten type of harvesting in predator. To our knowledge, there is limited literature working on Michaelis-Menten type of harvesting in a three species intraguild model with variable carrying capacity. The carrying capacity is proportional to the density of biotic resource. The existence of the possible equilibria has been studied along with the stability criteria. We consider the impact of predator fish harvesting as the bifurcation parameter to analyze the long time behavior of the proposed system. From the economic perspective, bionomic equilibrium of the system is studied and optimal harvesting policy is derived with the assistance of Pontryagin Maximum Principle. Finally, numerical results are presented to verify our analytical results. It is shown that in the bifurcation diagrams, the system can exhibit transcritical and Hopf bifurcations in the neighborhood of coexistence equilibrium at low and relatively high level of predator harvesting respectively. Interestingly, the system enters to a bistable region where both the coexistence and predator-free equilibria can be stable depending on the initial values. This bistable behavior might be novel to the existing literature that studied intraguild models with variable carrying capacity. The objective of this study is to derive the optimal threshold for the predator harvesting that gives maximum financial profit while sustaining the fishery resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior/physiology*
  7. Liew TS, Schilthuizen M
    PeerJ, 2014;2:e329.
    PMID: 24749008 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.329
    Predator-prey interactions are among the main ecological interactions that shape the diversity of biological form. In many cases, the evolution of the mollusc shell form is presumably driven by predation. However, the adaptive significance of several uncommon, yet striking, shell traits of land snails are still poorly known. These include the distorted coiled "tuba" and the protruded radial ribs that can be found in micro-landsnails of the genus Plectostoma. Here, we experimentally tested whether these shell traits may act as defensive adaptations against predators. We characterised and quantified the possible anti-predation behaviour and shell traits of Plectostoma snails both in terms of their properties and efficiencies in defending against the Atopos slug predatory strategies, namely, shell-apertural entry and shell-drilling. The results showed that Atopos slugs would first attack the snail by shell-apertural entry, and, should this fail, shift to the energetically more costly shell-drilling strategy. We found that the shell tuba of Plectostoma snails is an effective defensive trait against shell-apertural entry attack. None of the snail traits, such as resting behaviour, shell thickness, shell tuba shape, shell rib density and intensity can fully protect the snail from the slug's shell-drilling attack. However, these traits could increase the predation costs to the slug. Further analysis on the shell traits revealed that the lack of effectiveness in these anti-predation shell traits may be caused by a functional trade-off between shell traits under selection of two different predatory strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior
  8. Mohammad Khatim Hasan, Shahrizan Mazlan
    Simulating Lotka-Volterra model using a numerical method requires the researcher to apply tiny mesh sizes to come up with an accurate solution. This approach will increase the complexity and burden of computer memory and consume long computational time. To overcome these issues, a new solver is used that could simulate Lotka-Volterra model using bigger mesh size. In this paper, prey and predator behaviour is simulated via Lotka-Volterra model. We approximate the nonlinear terms in the model via weighted average approach and differential equation via nonstandard denominators. We provide three new schemes for one step method and simulate four sets of parameters to examine the performance of these new schemes. Results show that these new schemes simulate better for large mesh sizes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior
  9. Fam SD, Nijman V
    Primates, 2011 Apr;52(2):105-10.
    PMID: 21340695 DOI: 10.1007/s10329-011-0240-z
    The predation pressure put on primates by diurnal birds of prey differs greatly between continents. Africa and South America have specialist raptors (e.g. crowned hawk-eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus and harpy eagle Harpia harpyja) whereas in Asia the only such specialist's (Philippine eagle Pithecophaga jefferyi) distribution is largely allopatric with primates. The almost universal absence of polyspecific groups in Asia (common in Africa and South America) may indicate reduced predation pressure. As such there is almost no information on predation pressures on primates in Asia by raptors. Here we report successful predation of a juvenile banded langur Presbytis femoralis (~2 kg) by a changeable hawk-eagle Spizaetus cirrhatus. The troop that was attacked displayed no signs of being alarmed, and no calls were made before the event. We argue that in insular Southeast Asia, especially, large Spizaetus hawk-eagles (~2 kg) are significant predators of arboreal colobines. Using data on the relative size of sympatric Spizaetus hawk-eagles and colobines we make predictions on where geographically we can expect the highest predation pressure (Thai-Malay Peninsula) and which colobines are least (Nasalis larvatus, Trachypithecus auratus, P. thomasi) and most (P. femoralis, T. cristatus) affected.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior*
  10. Schilthuizen M, van Til A, Salverda M, Liew TS, James SS, bin Elahan B, et al.
    Evolution, 2006 Sep;60(9):1851-8.
    PMID: 17089969
    Genetic divergence in geographically isolated populations is a prerequisite for allopatric speciation, one of the most common modes of speciation. In ecologically equivalent populations existing within a small, environmentally homogeneous area, an important role for environmentally neutral divergence is often found or inferred. We studied a species complex of conspicuously shaped Opisthostoma land snails on scattered limestone outcrops within a small area of lowland rainforest in Borneo. We used shell morphometrics, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, and marks of predation to study the factors involved in allopatric divergence. We found that a striking geographic divergence exists in shell morphology, which is partly associated with neutral genetic divergence. We also found geographic differentiation in the behavior of the snails' invertebrate predator and evidence of an evolutionary interaction between aspects of shell shape and predator behavior. Our study shows that adaptation to biotic aspects of the environment may play a more important role in allopatric speciation than previously suspected, even on a geographically very small scale.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior/physiology*
  11. Schöner MG, Schöner CR, Simon R, Grafe TU, Puechmaille SJ, Ji LL, et al.
    Curr Biol, 2015 Jul 20;25(14):1911-6.
    PMID: 26166777 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.05.054
    Mutualisms between plants and animals shape the world's ecosystems. In such interactions, achieving contact with the partner species is imperative. Plants regularly advertise themselves with signals that specifically appeal to the partner's perceptual preferences. For example, many plants have acquired traits such as brightly colored, fragrant flowers that attract pollinators with visual, olfactory, or--in the case of a few bat-pollinated flowers--even acoustic stimuli in the form of echo-reflecting structures. However, acoustic attraction in plants is rare compared to other advertisements and has never been found outside the pollination context and only in the Neotropics. We hypothesized that this phenomenon is more widespread and more diverse as plant-bat interactions also occur in the Paleotropics. In Borneo, mutualistic bats fertilize a carnivorous pitcher plant while roosting in its pitchers. The pitcher's orifice features a prolonged concave structure, which we predicted to distinctively reflect the bats' echolocation calls for a wide range of angles. This structure should facilitate the location and identification of pitchers even within highly cluttered surroundings. Pitchers lacking this structure should be less attractive for the bats. Ensonifications of the pitchers around their orifice revealed that this structure indeed acts as a multidirectional ultrasound reflector. In behavioral experiments where bats were confronted with differently modified pitchers, the reflector's presence clearly facilitated the finding and identification of pitchers. These results suggest that plants have convergently acquired reflectors in the Paleotropics and the Neotropics to acoustically attract bats, albeit for completely different ecological reasons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior*
  12. Heo CC, Mohamad AM, John J, Baharudin O
    Trop Biomed, 2008 Apr;25(1):93-5.
    PMID: 18600210 MyJurnal
    During a forensic entomological study conducted in a palm oil plantation in Tg.Sepat, Selangor in September 2007, a spider (Arachnida), Oxyopes sp. (Oxyopidae) was found to predate on a calliphorid fly (Chrysomya rufifacies). The female spider laid a silk thread, or "drag line", behind it as it moved. This spider bites its prey by using a pairs of chelicerae, and injecting venom into the fly. The fly was moving its wing trying to escape, however, it succumbed to the deadly bite.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior*
  13. Licht M, Burns AL, Pacher K, Krause S, Bartashevich P, Romanczuk P, et al.
    Biol Lett, 2024 Jul;20(7):20240177.
    PMID: 38982849 DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2024.0177
    While various marine predators form associations, the most commonly studied are those between subsurface predators and seabirds, with gulls, shearwaters or terns frequently co-occurring with dolphins, billfish or tuna. However, the mechanisms underlying these associations remain poorly understood. Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain the prevalence of these associations: (1) subsurface predators herd prey to the surface and make prey accessible to birds, (2) subsurface predators damage prey close to the surface and thereby provide food scraps to birds, and (3) attacks of underwater predators lower the cohesion of prey groups and thereby their collective defences making the prey easier to be captured by birds. Using drone footage, we investigated the interaction between Indo-Pacific sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) and terns (Onychoprion sp.) preying on schooling fish off the eastern coast of the Malaysian peninsula. Through spatio-temporal analysis of the hunting behaviour of the two predatory species and direct measures of prey cohesion we showed that terns attacked when school cohesion was low, and that this decrease in cohesion was frequently caused by sailfish attacks. Therefore, we propose that sailfish created a by-product benefit for the bird species, lending support to the hypothesis that lowering cohesion can facilitate associations between subsurface predators and seabirds.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior*
  14. Evans LJ, Davies AB, Goossens B, Asner GP
    PLoS One, 2017;12(10):e0184804.
    PMID: 29020111 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184804
    Riparian ecosystems are amongst the most biodiverse tropical habitats. They are important, and essential, ecological corridors, linking remnant forest fragments. In this study, we hypothesised that crocodile's actively select nocturnal resting locations based on increased macaque predation potential. We examined the importance of riparian vegetation structure in the maintenance of crocodile hunting behaviours. Using airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and GPS telemetry on animal movement, we identified the repeated use of nocturnal resting sites by adult estuarine crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) throughout the fragmented Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary in Sabah, Malaysia. Crocodile resting locations were found to resemble, in terms of habitat characteristics, the sleeping sites of long-tailed macaque; positioned in an attempt to avoid predation by terrestrial predators. We found individual crocodiles were actively selecting overhanging vegetation and that the protrusion of trees from the tree line was key to site selection by crocodiles, as well as influencing both the presence and group size of sleeping macaques. Although these findings are correlational, they have broad management implications, with the suggestion that riparian corridor maintenance and quality can have implications beyond that of terrestrial fauna. We further place our findings in the context of the wider ecosystem and the maintenance of trophic interactions, and discuss how future habitat management has the potential to mitigate human-wildlife conflict.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior/physiology*
  15. Saleeza SN, Norma-Rashid Y, Sofian-Azirun M
    PMID: 24968669
    Observation on predation activities of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) on the larvae of three species of mosquito, namely Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus was carried out under laboratory conditions. Male and female guppies were used as predators for predation experiments on the 4th instars of mosquito larvae. The daily feeding rates comparing male and female guppies on mosquito larvae were different; the female guppies consumed more mosquito larvae than male guppies did. The daily feeding rates of female guppies were 121.3 for Ae. aegypti, 105.6 for Ae. albopictus, and 72.3 for Cx. quinquefasciatus. The daily feeding rates of male guppies were 98.6 for Ae. aegypti, 73.6 for Ae. albopictus, and 47.6 for Cx. quinquefasciatus. In terms of prey preference, there was greater preference towards mosquito larvae of Ae. aegypti, followed by Ae. albopictus, and the least preferred was Cx. quinquefasciatus. Male and female guppies consumed more mosquito larvae during lights on (day time) compared with lights off (night time). The water volume, prey species, number of fish predators available, prey densities, and prey's sex also influenced the predation activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior/physiology*
  16. Bashir Z, Abdullah MM, Ghaffar MA, Rusli MU
    J Fish Biol, 2020 Dec;97(6):1876-1879.
    PMID: 32951197 DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14550
    This study reports the discovery of the exclusive predation of sea turtle hatchlings by several juvenile blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in Chagar Hutang bay on Redang Island, Malaysia, in the South China Sea. Three dead specimens of C. melanopterus were retrieved from ghost nets, and the entire digestive tracts of these sharks solely contained the partially digested bodies of sea turtle hatchlings, with no evidence of the remains of any other prey. Thus, juvenile C. melanopterus may opportunistically feed primarily on turtle hatchlings during times when hatchling abundance is high.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior
  17. Mansor MS, Nor SM, Ramli R
    Behav Processes, 2020 Nov;180:104229.
    PMID: 32866554 DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104229
    Mixed-species flocks (MSFs) serve important roles in bird communities, especially in tropical forests. Although structure of mixed-species bird flocks and its benefits has been intensively studied globally, the foraging plasticity of a species when joining MSFs has rarely been evaluated. The present study examines foraging strategies of the Rufous-crowned Babbler (Malacopteron magnum), Chestnut-winged Babbler (Cyanoderma erythropterum) and Black-naped Monarch (Hypothymis azurea) when participating in MSFs in the Krau Wildlife Reserve, central Peninsular Malaysia. These species exhibit active foraging shifts in utilisation of vertical strata, foraging substrate, attack manoeuvres and foliage density, when foraging in MSFs, compared to when foraging outside MSFs. While the Rufous-crowned Babbler and Chestnut-winged Babbler commonly used gleaning and stretching (to completely extend the legs or neck to reach the food items) manoeuvres when foraging outside MSFs, respectively, they adopted probing manoeuvre and frequently used higher strata upon joining MSFs. The Chestnut-winged Babbler tended to forage on the underside of leaves and the Black-naped Monarch frequently utilised branches when joining MSFs, while they exclusively used aerial leaf litter and live green leaves, respectively, when foraging with conspecifics. The monarch also adopted the hovering manoeuvre and frequently foraged within denser foliage cover when joining MSFs. This study demonstrated that flock members exhibits foraging plasticity either through an expansion or active shift in foraging niches when participating in MSFs, thus suggesting the occurrence of possible foraging improvement and/or reductions in predation risk.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior
  18. Jessop TS, Ariefiandy A, Forsyth DM, Purwandana D, White CR, Benu YJ, et al.
    Ecology, 2020 04;101(4):e02970.
    PMID: 31984486 DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2970
    Apex predators can have substantial and complex ecological roles in ecosystems. However, differences in species-specific traits, population densities, and interspecific interactions are likely to determine the strength of apex predators' roles. Here we report complementary studies examining how interactions between predator per capita metabolic rate and population density influenced the biomass, population energy use, and ecological effects of apex predators on their large mammalian prey. We first investigated how large mammal prey resources and field metabolic rates of terrestrial apex predators, comprising large mammals and the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), influenced their biomass densities and population energy use requirements. We next evaluated whether Komodo dragons, like apex mammalian predators, exerted top-down regulation of their large mammal prey. Comparison of results from field studies demonstrates that Komodo dragons attain mean population biomass densities that are 5.75-231.82 times higher than that of apex mammalian predator species and their guilds in Africa, Asia, and North America. The high biomass of Komodo dragons resulted in 1.96-108.12 times greater population energy use than that of apex mammalian predators. Nevertheless, substantial temporal and spatial variation in Komodo dragon population energy use did not regulate the population growth rates of either of two large mammal prey species, rusa deer (Rusa timorensis) and wild pig (Sus scrofa). We suggest that multiple processes weaken the capacity of Komodo dragons to regulate large mammal prey populations. For example, a low per capita metabolic rate requiring an infrequent and inactive hunting strategy (including scavenging), would minimize lethal and nonlethal impacts on prey populations. We conclude that Komodo dragons differ in their predatory role from, including not being the ecological analogs of, apex mammalian predators.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior
  19. Ord TJ, Blazek K, White TE, Das I
    Proc Biol Sci, 2021 Jun 09;288(1952):20210706.
    PMID: 34102889 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.0706
    Social animals are expected to face a trade-off between producing a signal that is detectible by mates and rivals, but not obvious to predators. This trade-off is fundamental for understanding the design of many animal signals, and is often the lens through which the evolution of alternative communication strategies is viewed. We have a reasonable working knowledge of how conspecifics detect signals under different conditions, but how predators exploit conspicuous communication of prey is complex and hard to predict. We quantified predation on 1566 robotic lizard prey that performed a conspicuous visual display, possessed a conspicuous ornament or remained cryptic. Attacks by free-ranging predators were consistent across two contrasting ecosystems and showed robotic prey that performed a conspicuous display were equally likely to be attacked as those that remained cryptic. Furthermore, predators avoided attacking robotic prey with a fixed, highly visible ornament that was novel at both locations. These data show that it is prey familiarity-not conspicuousness-that determine predation risk. These findings replicated across different predator-prey communities not only reveal how conspicuous signals might evolve in high predation environments, but could help resolve the paradox of aposematism and why some exotic species avoid predation when invading new areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior
  20. Matsuda I, Tuuga A, Akiyama Y, Higashi S
    Am J Primatol, 2008 Nov;70(11):1097-101.
    PMID: 18651612 DOI: 10.1002/ajp.20604
    From May 2005-2006, selections of river crossing locations and sleeping sites used by a one-male group (BE-Group) of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) were investigated along the Menanggul River, tributary of the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. The frequency of river crossings for focal monkeys in the BE-Group was significantly higher at locations with narrow branch-to-bank distances. Branch-to-bank distances were defined as the distances between the longest tree branches extending over the river and the bank of river on each side. This was measured in areas crossed by the monkeys. The focal monkeys used locations with a higher probability of successful river crossings that did not require jumping into the water and swimming across than those that did. The frequency of sleeping site usage by the BE-Group was positively correlated with the frequency of using river crossing locations by the focal monkeys. Previous reports on predation of proboscis monkeys indicate that clouded leopards (Neofelis diardi) and crocodilians (Tomistoma schlegeli and Crocodylus porosus) may be the major terrestrial and aquatic predators of these monkeys. The selection of river crossing locations by proboscis monkeys may be influenced both by the threat of these predators and the location of suitable and protected sleeping sites. Finally, sleeping sites locations that offer arboreal escape routes may protect proboscis monkeys from leopard attack.
    Matched MeSH terms: Predatory Behavior
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