Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 151 in total

  1. Woon TH
    Med J Malaysia, 1984 Sep;39(3):182-4.
    PMID: 6544918
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role*; Role*
  2. Awang S, Alias N, DeWitt D, Jamaludin KA, Abdul Rahman MN
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:726647.
    PMID: 34869147 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.726647
    Cardiothoracic intensive care unit (CICU) nurses have shared the role and responsibility for ventilator-weaning to expedite decision-making in patient care. However, the actions taken are based on individual's unstructured training experience as there is no clinical practice guideline (CPG) for nurses in Malaysia. Hence, this study aims to design a CPG for the process of weaning from mechanical ventilation (MV) for a structured nursing training in a CICU at the National Heart Institute (Institut Jantung Negara, IJN) Malaysia. The Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) was employed to seek consensus among a panel of 30 experts in cardiac clinical practice on the guidelines. First, five experts were interviewed and their responses were transcribed and analyzed to develop the items for a FDM questionnaire. The questionnaire, comprising of 73 items, was distributed to the panel and their responses were analyzed for consensus on the design of the CPG. The findings suggested that the requirements expected for the nurses include: (a) the ability to interpret arterial blood gases, (b) knowledge and skills on the basics of mechanical ventilation, and (c) having a minimum 1-year working experience in the ICU. On the other hand, the CPG should mainly focus on developing an ability to identify criteria of patient eligible for weaning from MV. The learning content should focus on: (a) developing the understanding and reasoning for weaning and extubating and (b) technique/algorithm for extubating and weaning. Also, the experts agreed that the log book/competency book should be used for evaluation of the program. The CPG for structured nursing training at IJN in the context of the study is important for developing the professionalism of CICU nurses in IJN and could be used for training nurses in other CICUs, so that decision for ventilator-weaning from postcardiac surgery could be expedited.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role*
  3. Ahmed A, Saqlain M, Tanveer M, Blebil AQ, Dujaili JA, Hasan SS
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2021 Aug 23;21(1):859.
    PMID: 34425816 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06897-0
    BACKGROUND: The pharmacist's role shifts from dispensing to bedside care, resulting in better patient health outcomes. Pharmacists in developed countries ensure rational drug use, improve clinical outcomes, and promote health status by working as part of a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. However, clinical pharmacist services on healthcare utilization in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) like Pakistan are unclear. As a result, we aim to systematically review pharmacists' clinical roles in improving Pakistani patients' therapeutic, safety, humanistic, and economic outcomes.

    METHODS: We searched PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library for relevant articles published from inception to 28th February 2021. All authors were involved in the screening and selection of studies. Original studies investigating the therapeutic, humanistic, safety, and economic impact of clinical pharmacists in Pakistani patients (hospitalised or outpatients) were selected. Two reviewers independently assessed the risk of bias in studies, and discrepancies were resolved through mutual consensus. All of the included studies were descriptively synthesised, and PRISMA reporting guidelines were followed.

    RESULTS: The literature search found 751 articles from which nine studies were included; seven were randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and two were observational studies. Three RCTs included were having a low risk of bias (ROB), two RCTs were having an unclear ROB, while two RCTs were having a high ROB. The nature of clinical pharmacist interventions included one or more components such as disease-related education, lifestyle changes, medication adherence counselling, medication therapy management, and discussions with physicians about prescription modification if necessary. Clinical pharmacist interventions reduce medication-related errors, improve therapeutic outcomes such as blood pressure, glycemic control, lipid control, CD4 T lymphocytes, and renal functions, and improve humanistic outcomes such as patient knowledge, adherence, and health-related quality of life. However, no study reported the economic outcomes of interventions.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the studies included in this systematic review suggest that clinical pharmacists play important roles in improving patients' health outcomes in Pakistan; however, it should be noted that the majority of the studies have a high risk of bias, and more research with appropriate study designs is needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role*
  4. Ng KH, Cheung KY, Hu YM, Inamura K, Kim HJ, Krisanachinda A, et al.
    Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, 2009 Dec;32(4):175-9.
    PMID: 20169835
    This document is the first of a series of policy statements being issued by the Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP). The document was developed by the AFOMP Professional Development Committee (PDC) and was endorsed for official release by AFOMP Council in 2006. The main purpose of the document was to give guidance to AFOMP member organizations on the role and responsibilities of clinical medical physicists. A definition of clinical medical physicist has also been provided. This document discusses the following topics: professional aspects of education and training; responsibilities of the clinical medical physicist; status and organization of the clinical medical physics service and the need for clinical medical physics service.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role*
  5. Nagara CS
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Mar;58 Suppl A:83-5.
    PMID: 14556355
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role*
  6. Thambypillai V
    Med J Malaysia, 1986 Jun;41(2):116-22.
    PMID: 3821606
    The stress process and events of later life are more irreversible and chronic as compared with those of young adulthood Coping is defined as "things that people do to avoid being harmed by life-strains". This study looks at the coping status of non-institutionalised ill elderly in Holbaek, Denmark. A structured questionnaire was carried out on 500 elderly, aged 70 years and above. Coping status was found to be associated with income, social network, functional capacity and communications ability. The poor copers used more home help and home nursing services. Effective informal social network and functional capacity were found to be important determinants of coping status. The study recommends that besides strengthening the informal social networks of the elderly, they should also be given coping focussed counselling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sick Role*
  7. Lim V, Stubbs JW, Nahar N, Amarasena N, Chaudry ZU, Weng SCK, et al.
    Lancet, 2009 Sep 19;374(9694):973.
    PMID: 19762076 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61641-X
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role*
  8. Ong HT
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2005 Jul;34(6):45C-51C.
    PMID: 16010379
    Mahathir Mohamad was born in 1925 in Alor Star, Kedah. He entered the King Edward VII College of Medicine in Singapore in 1947 and graduated in 1953. His years in the medical school equipped young Mahathir with the training necessary to assess and diagnose a problem, before dispensing the appropriate treatment. Throughout his later years in the political limelight, Dr Mahathir recognised the very important role the medical college had in laying the strong foundation for his successful career. He joined UMNO in 1945, already interested in politics at the tender age of 20; he was first elected into Parliament in 1964. The vigorous expression of his candid views did not go down well during the troubled days following the 13 May 1969 racial riots and he was expelled from UMNO, his writings were banned, and he was considered a racial extremist. Nevertheless, his intellectual and political influence could not be ignored for long; he returned to Parliament in 1974, and became the fourth, and longest serving, Prime Minister of Malaysia in 1981. Dr Mahathir has found fame as a Malay statesman, and an important Asian leader of the twentieth century with much written, locally and internationally, debating his policies. This article, using Dr Mahathir's own writings, starts with his description of his early life, proceeds to look at his medical career, then touches on his diagnosis of the problems plaguing the Malays, before concluding with his views on the need to stand up to the prejudices and pressures of the Western world. Throughout his life, Dr Mahathir behaved as the ever-diligent medical doctor, constantly studying the symptoms to diagnose the cause of the ills in his community and country, before proceeding to prescribe the correct treatment to restore good health. It is a measure of his integrity and intellectual capability that he did not seek to hide his failures, or cite unfinished work in an attempt to cling to political power.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role/history
  9. Rajiah K, Ving CJ
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2014 Nov;4(Suppl 1):S56-62.
    PMID: 25452930 DOI: 10.4103/2231-0762.144601
    Community pharmacies are now frequently being visited by customers/patients to seek oral advice. Malaysian community pharmacists are also found to be experiencing an increased demand of oral health advices by their visiting customers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  10. Khatiwada AP, Shrestha S, Ozaki A, Shrestha R, Kc B
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2021 10;17(10):1858-1859.
    PMID: 34052104 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2021.05.008
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  11. Halimi SN, Rowett D, Whitfield K, Luetsch K
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2023 Mar;19(3):486-494.
    PMID: 36344335 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2022.10.012
    INTRODUCTION: Resilience assists healthcare professionals in negotiating challenges, remaining positive when experiencing adversity, and in constructively dealing with difficult work situations and environments. There is increasing research about how early career healthcare professionals, understand and maintain resilience but little is known about support early career pharmacists may need and value.

    AIMS: To explore early career pharmacists' understanding of resilience, their strategies to enhance and maintain resilience as healthcare professionals and to identify resilience-fostering programmes they perceive could be implemented to support them.

    METHODS: Three focus groups and 12 semi-structured interviews with a total of 15 hospital pharmacists and 10 community pharmacists (both less than 3 years post-registration) were conducted. An inductive thematic analysis of transcripts was performed to identify main themes and subthemes.

    RESULTS: Pharmacists understood resilience as the capability to adapt to and learn from challenges and setbacks, which they can build through experience and exposure. Resilience in the workplace was challenged by their working environment and workload, which could lead to ego depletion, the transition from intern to registered pharmacist and working during the COVID-19 pandemic, which both added pressure and uncertainty to their role. Professional resilience was supported on individual, social and organisational levels and through self-care strategies. Pharmacists perceived mentorship and sharing experiences, experiential placements and constructive but challenging role play as potentially beneficial in building resilience during undergraduate studies and internship.

    DISCUSSION: Pharmacists defined resilience constructively and identified challenges testing but also strategies supporting their resilience in the workplace. Workplaces can support pharmacists by monitoring workload and workplace relationships, creating opportunities for peer and mentor support and by allowing pharmacists to implement their personal, individualised resilience maintaining strategies. Early career pharmacists' experiences and insights would be valuable when considering the design and implementation of resilience-fostering programmes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  12. Ramli R, Ghani N, Taib H, Mat-Baharin NH
    Dent Med Probl, 2022;59(3):451-460.
    PMID: 36206495 DOI: 10.17219/dmp/143354
    The prevalence of dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is increasing around the world. At least one in 10 individuals in the general population has been diagnosed with DH. It is a diagnosis that has significant negative effects on a person's oral health-related quality of life. This condition, which is characterized by sharp, short tooth pain in response to thermal, chemical, tactile, and evaporative stimuli, is more commonly seen in adults. DH has a tremendous impact on the social and financial aspects of patients and society at large. It is essential to recognize the factors that can contribute to a successful treatment outcome to guarantee the overall well-being of DH patients. The aim of this narrative review was to highlight strategies that can lead to successful DH treatment outcomes, along with current updates on DH mechanisms, treatment options, and the latest management approaches. A positive treatment outcome for DH requires a concerted effort from both the patient and the dental practitioner. Highly motivated patients and dental practitioners with sound knowledge of DH diagnosis and available treatment options will ensure successful long-term improvement of DH symptoms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  13. Matrook KA, Cowman S, Pertl M, Whitford D
    Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being, 2024 Dec;19(1):2323060.
    PMID: 38446054 DOI: 10.1080/17482631.2024.2323060
    PURPOSE: The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing, with 537 million people estimated to have diabetes in 2021. The literature suggests that nurses can deliver effective person-centred diabetes care and that families can be essential in supporting patients. Thus, a Nurse-led Family-based (NLFB) approach may be particularly effective. This study aims to explore the perceptions of nurses, adults with type 2 diabetes, and family members regarding the NLFB intervention.

    METHODS: Guided by the UK Medical Research Council Framework, this seminal study adopted a qualitative, descriptive approach with content analysis. Data were obtained through 16 semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Themes emerged based on an inductive process using constant comparison (Graneheim and Lundman 2004). The COREQ checklist was used in ensuring rigour.

    RESULTS: Three main themes emerged includes: (1) nurses' experiences with current diabetes care practices, (2) stakeholders' views on the development of a NLFB approach, and (3) merging the nurse-led family aspects into the diabetes care. The key challenges are the dominant medical model, lack of specialist nurses, and time. The key facilitators are knowledge and social support.

    CONCLUSION: The study recommends stakeholders embrace nursing empowerment strategies and involve families to enhance the nurses' advanced roles and family inclusion in healthcare.

    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role
  14. Lin GSS, Lee HY, Leong JZ, Sulaiman MM, Loo WF, Tan WW
    PLoS One, 2022;17(4):e0267354.
    PMID: 35439274 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267354
    BACKGROUND: Dental practitioners and dental students are classified as high-risk exposure to COVID-19 due to the nature of dental treatments, but evidence of their acceptance towards COVID-19 vaccination is still scarce. Hence, this systemic review aims to critically appraise and analyse the acceptability of COVID-19 vaccination among dental students and dental practitioners.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This review was registered in the PROSPERO database (CRD42021286108) based on PRISMA guidelines. Cross-sectional articles on the dental students' and dental practitioners' acceptance towards COVID-19 vaccine published between March 2020 to October 2021 were searched in eight online databases. The Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tool was employed to analyse the risk of bias (RoB) of each article, whereas the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine recommendation tool was used to evaluate the level of evidence. Data were analysed using the DerSimonian-Laird random effect model based on a single-arm approach.

    RESULTS: Ten studies were included of which three studies focused on dental students and seven studies focused on dental practitioners. Four studies were deemed to exhibit moderate RoB and the remaining showed low RoB. All the studies demonstrated Level 3 evidence. Single-arm meta-analysis revealed that dental practitioners had a high level of vaccination acceptance (81.1%) than dental students (60.5%). A substantial data heterogeneity was observed with the overall I2 ranging from 73.65% and 96.86%. Furthermore, subgroup analysis indicated that dental practitioners from the Middle East and high-income countries showed greater (p < 0.05) acceptance levels, while meta-regression showed that the sample size of each study had no bearing on the degree of data heterogeneity.

    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the high degree of acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among dental practitioners, dental students still demonstrated poor acceptance. These findings highlighted that evidence-based planning with effective approaches is warranted to enhance the knowledge and eradicate vaccination hesitancy, particularly among dental students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  15. Ishak I, Cheng C, Greenland L, Bates I
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2025 Feb;47(1):166-177.
    PMID: 39495445 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-024-01820-z
    BACKGROUND: At a London-based hospital, a validated ward-based clinical pharmacy activity collection tool has been used to monitor activities of clinical pharmacy teams across all settings, including ambulatory care services. No data confirm its representativeness for the full range of ambulatory clinical pharmacy services, and pharmacists share this concern.

    AIM: This study aimed to identify the range of clinical pharmacy activities in ambulatory care, assess the suitability of the existing ward-based tool for capturing these activities, and recommend modifications.

    METHOD: Non-participant direct observations were conducted to record pharmacists' clinical activities in ambulatory clinics and multidisciplinary meetings. These observations were compared to the existing ward-based tool to identify discrepancies. Semi-structured interviews with eight ambulatory pharmacists were transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed inductively to explore the tool's representativeness of their routine clinical activities.

    RESULTS: Twenty-nine clinical pharmacy activities were observed in ambulatory services. Only fifteen were captured by the existing tool, with therapy monitoring and recommending therapeutic changes not accurately captured. Pharmacists agreed that the tool was not fully representative and included irrelevant activities. Four common uncaptured activities were multidisciplinary meeting-specific activities, arranging laboratory tests, monitoring patient outcomes, and liaising with community healthcare professionals. This study identified 33 candidate ambulatory clinical pharmacy activities.

    CONCLUSION: The existing ward-based tool does not fully capture the full range of ambulatory care clinical pharmacy activities, highlighting the need for an improved tool. Pharmacists recommended including the uncaptured activities. The candidate activities provide a foundation for standardised measurement of relevant ambulatory care activities to enable effective workforce deployment and improve patient outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role
  16. Mathialagan A, Nagalinggam P, Mathialagan S, Kirby BP
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2015 Oct;23(5):320-6.
    PMID: 25582973 DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12170
    The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between performance barriers and competency, and implementation of an expanded public health role for community pharmacists.
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role*
  17. Masood M, Masood Y, Reidpath DD, Newton T
    Lancet, 2014 Jun 14;383(9934):2046.
    PMID: 24931691 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60996-X
    Matched MeSH terms: Professional Role*
  18. Loh KY, Nalliah S
    Med Educ, 2010 Nov;44(11):1123.
    PMID: 20963918
    Matched MeSH terms: Physician's Role*
  19. Mapanga KG, Mapanga MB
    Clin Nurse Spec, 2008 Sep-Oct;22(5):226-30.
    PMID: 18753880 DOI: 10.1097/01.NUR.0000325367.54044.d5
    In Africa, there is an overwhelming and increasing prevalence of illnesses such as HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. This constitutes a "burden of disease" facing Africa. Nursing must evolve accordingly to the changing needs of clients, many of whom have chronic illnesses. In achieving desirable outcomes, it is essential to adopt and adapt the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role so that expert and specialist practice is available to clients in a cost-effective manner. The role of the CNS singles out clinical responsibilities in a hospital setting so that nurse administrators can concentrate on the provision of resources. A CNS position in the hospital structure would offer a clinical career pathway for advanced practice nurses who wish to remain "by-the-bedside." Regional initiatives are already beginning to show a need for master's-prepared, advanced practice nurses in the clinical areas so as to reduce maternal mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nurse's Role*
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