Displaying all 10 publications

  1. Spreafico A, Hansen AR, Abdul Razak AR, Bedard PL, Siu LL
    Cancer Discov, 2021 Apr;11(4):822-837.
    PMID: 33811119 DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-20-1301
    Clinical trials represent a fulcrum for oncology drug discovery and development to bring safe and effective medicines to patients in a timely manner. Clinical trials have shifted from traditional studies evaluating cytotoxic chemotherapy in largely histology-based populations to become adaptively designed and biomarker-driven evaluations of molecularly targeted agents and immune therapies in selected patient subsets. This review will discuss the scientific, methodological, practical, and patient-focused considerations to transform clinical trials. A call to action is proposed to establish the framework for next-generation clinical trials that strikes an optimal balance of operational efficiency, scientific impact, and value to patients. SIGNIFICANCE: The future of cancer clinical trials requires a framework that can efficiently transform scientific discoveries to clinical utility through applications of innovative technologies and dynamic design methodologies. Next-generation clinical trials will offer individualized strategies which ultimately contribute to globalized knowledge and collective learning, through the joint efforts of all key stakeholders including investigators and patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
  2. Azmi F, Ahmad Fuaad AA, Skwarczynski M, Toth I
    Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2014;10(3):778-96.
    PMID: 24300669
    Peptide-based subunit vaccines are of great interest in modern immunotherapy as they are safe, easy to produce and well defined. However, peptide antigens produce a relatively weak immune response, and thus require the use of immunostimulants (adjuvants) for optimal efficacy. Developing a safe and effective adjuvant remains a challenge for peptide-based vaccine design. Recent advances in immunology have allowed researchers to have a better understanding of the immunological implication of related diseases, which facilitates more rational design of adjuvant systems. Understanding the molecular structure of the adjuvants allows the establishment of their structure-activity relationships which is useful for the development of next-generation adjuvants. This review summarizes the current state of adjuvants development in the field of synthetic peptide-based vaccines. The structural, chemical and biological properties of adjuvants associated with their immunomodulatory effects are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
  3. Lim SS, Othman RY
    Korean J Parasitol, 2014 Dec;52(6):581-93.
    PMID: 25548409 DOI: 10.3347/kjp.2014.52.6.581
    Toxoplasmosis is an opportunistic infection caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. T. gondii is widespread globally and causes severe diseases in individuals with impaired immune defences as well as congenitally infected infants. The high prevalence rate in some parts of the world such as South America and Africa, coupled with the current drug treatments that trigger hypersensitivity reactions, makes the development of immunotherapeutics intervention a highly important research priority. Immunotherapeutics strategies could either be a vaccine which would confer a pre-emptive immunity to infection, or passive immunization in cases of disease recrudescence or recurrent clinical diseases. As the severity of clinical manifestations is often greater in developing nations, the development of well-tolerated and safe immunotherapeutics becomes not only a scientific pursuit, but a humanitarian enterprise. In the last few years, much progress has been made in vaccine research with new antigens, novel adjuvants, and innovative vaccine delivery such as nanoparticles and antigen encapsulations. A literature search over the past 5 years showed that most experimental studies were focused on DNA vaccination at 52%, followed by protein vaccination which formed 36% of the studies, live attenuated vaccinations at 9%, and heterologous vaccination at 3%; while there were few on passive immunization. Recent progress in studies on vaccination, passive immunization, as well as insights gained from these immunotherapeutics is highlighted in this review.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
  4. Lam SK
    Expert Rev Vaccines, 2013 Sep;12(9):995-1010.
    PMID: 24053394 DOI: 10.1586/14760584.2013.824712
    Dengue is a major public health concern worldwide, with the number of infections increasing globally. The illness imposes the greatest economic and human burden on developing countries that have limited resources to deal with the scale of the problem. No cure for dengue exists; treatment is limited to rehydration therapy, and with vector control strategies proving to be relatively ineffective, a vaccine is an urgent priority. Despite the numerous challenges encountered in the development of a dengue vaccine, several vaccine candidates have shown promise in clinical development and it is believed that a vaccination program would be at least as cost-effective as current vector control programs. The lead candidate vaccine is a tetravalent, live attenuated, recombinant vaccine, which is currently in Phase III clinical trials. Vaccine introduction is a complex process that requires consideration and is discussed here. This review discusses the epidemiology, burden and pathogenesis of dengue, as well as the vaccine candidates currently in clinical development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
  5. Andersen F, Douglas NM, Bustos D, Galappaththy G, Qi G, Hsiang MS, et al.
    Malar J, 2011 May 18;10:131.
    PMID: 21586174 DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-10-131
    BACKGROUND: Quantitative data are lacking on published malaria research. The purpose of the study is to characterize trends in malaria-related literature from 1990 to 2009 in 11 Asian-Pacific countries that are committed to malaria elimination as a national goal.

    METHODS: A systematic search was conducted for articles published from January 1990 to December 2009 in PubMed/MEDLINE using terms for malaria and 11 target countries (Bhutan, China, North Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vanuatu). The references were collated and categorized according to subject, Plasmodium species, and whether they contained original or derivative data.

    RESULTS: 2,700 articles published between 1990 and 2009 related to malaria in the target countries. The annual output of malaria-related papers increased linearly whereas the overall biomedical output from these countries grew exponentially. The percentage of malaria-related publications was nearly 3% (111/3741) of all biomedical publications in 1992 and decreased to less than 1% (118/12171; p < 0.001) in 2009. Thailand had the highest absolute output of malaria-related papers (n = 1211), followed by China (n = 609) and Indonesia (n = 346). Solomon Islands and Vanuatu had lower absolute numbers of publications, but both countries had the highest number of publications per capita (1.3 and 2.5 papers/1,000 population). The largest percentage of papers concerned the epidemiology and control of malaria (53%) followed by studies of drugs and drug resistance (47%). There was an increase in the proportion of articles relating to epidemiology, entomology, biology, molecular biology, pathophysiology and diagnostics from the first to the second decade, whereas the percentage of papers on drugs, clinical aspects of malaria, immunology, and social sciences decreased.

    CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of malaria-related publications out of the overall biomedical output from the 11 target Asian-Pacific countries is decreasing. The discovery and evaluation of new, safe and effective drugs and vaccines is paramount. In addition the elimination of malaria will require operational research to implement and scale up interventions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
  6. Anwar A, Khan NA, Siddiqui R
    Parasit Vectors, 2018 01 09;11(1):26.
    PMID: 29316961 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2572-z
    Acanthamoeba spp. are protist pathogens and causative agents of serious infections including keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. Its ability to convert into dormant and highly resistant cysts form limits effectiveness of available therapeutic agents and presents a pivotal challenge for drug development. During the cyst stage, Acanthamoeba is protected by the presence of hardy cyst walls, comprised primarily of carbohydrates and cyst-specific proteins, hence synthesis inhibition and/or degradation of cyst walls is of major interest. This review focuses on targeting of Acanthamoeba cysts by identifying viable therapeutic targets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
  7. Chong LC, Gandhi G, Lee JM, Yeo WWY, Choi SB
    Int J Mol Sci, 2021 Aug 20;22(16).
    PMID: 34445667 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22168962
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), one of the leading inherited causes of child mortality, is a rare neuromuscular disease arising from loss-of-function mutations of the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, which encodes the SMN protein. When lacking the SMN protein in neurons, patients suffer from muscle weakness and atrophy, and in the severe cases, respiratory failure and death. Several therapeutic approaches show promise with human testing and three medications have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to date. Despite the shown promise of these approved therapies, there are some crucial limitations, one of the most important being the cost. The FDA-approved drugs are high-priced and are shortlisted among the most expensive treatments in the world. The price is still far beyond affordable and may serve as a burden for patients. The blooming of the biomedical data and advancement of computational approaches have opened new possibilities for SMA therapeutic development. This article highlights the present status of computationally aided approaches, including in silico drug repurposing, network driven drug discovery as well as artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted drug discovery, and discusses the future prospects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
  8. Ng SW, Chan Y, Chellappan DK, Madheswaran T, Zeeshan F, Chan YL, et al.
    Biomed Pharmacother, 2019 Jan;109:1785-1792.
    PMID: 30551432 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2018.11.051
    In the recent years, much attention has been focused on identifying bioactive compounds from medicinal plants that could be employed in therapeutics, which is attributed to their potent pharmacological actions and better toxicological profile. One such example that has come into the light with considerable interest is the pentacyclic triterpenoid, celastrol, which has been found to provide substantial therapeutic properties in a variety of diseases. In an effort to further accelerate its potential to be utilized in clinical practice in the future; along with advancing technologies in the field of drug discovery and development, different researchers have been investigating on the various mechanisms and immunological targets of celastrol that underlie its broad spectrum of pharmacological properties. In this review, we have collated the various research findings related to the molecular modulators responsible for different pharmacological activities shown by celastrol. Our review will be of interest to the herbal, biological, molecular scientist and by providing a quick snapshot about celastrol giving a new direction in the area of herbal drug discovery and development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
  9. Koulenti D, Song A, Ellingboe A, Abdul-Aziz MH, Harris P, Gavey E, et al.
    Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2019 Mar;53(3):211-224.
    PMID: 30394301 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2018.10.011
    The spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria is an ever-growing concern, particularly among Gram-negative bacteria because of their intrinsic resistance and how quickly they acquire and spread new resistance mechanisms. Treating infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria is a challenge for medical practitioners and increases patient mortality and cost of care globally. This vulnerability, along with strategies to tackle antimicrobial resistance development, prompts the development of new antibiotic agents and exploration of alternative treatment options. This article summarises the new antibiotics that have recently been approved for Gram-negative bacterial infections, looks down the pipeline at promising agents currently in phase I, II, or III clinical trials, and introduces new alternative avenues that show potential in combating multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends*
  10. Loh CY, Chai JY, Tang TF, Wong WF, Sethi G, Shanmugam MK, et al.
    Cells, 2019 Sep 20;8(10).
    PMID: 31547193 DOI: 10.3390/cells8101118
    Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) has been shown to be crucial in tumorigenesis where the EMT program enhances metastasis, chemoresistance and tumor stemness. Due to its emerging role as a pivotal driver of tumorigenesis, targeting EMT is of great therapeutic interest in counteracting metastasis and chemoresistance in cancer patients. The hallmark of EMT is the upregulation of N-cadherin followed by the downregulation of E-cadherin, and this process is regulated by a complex network of signaling pathways and transcription factors. In this review, we summarized the recent understanding of the roles of E- and N-cadherins in cancer invasion and metastasis as well as the crosstalk with other signaling pathways involved in EMT. We also highlighted a few natural compounds with potential anti-EMT property and outlined the future directions in the development of novel intervention in human cancer treatments. We have reviewed 287 published papers related to this topic and identified some of the challenges faced in translating the discovery work from bench to bedside.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Discovery/trends
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