An account of two cases seen in Sarawak, both being Europeans and in bothAncylostoma caninum being responsible. Infection was acquired in a swampy part of the golf course which is frequented by pariah dogs heavily infected with this parasite. Many treatments proved unavailing, cure at length being obtained by rubbing oil of chenopodium into the track for ten minutes. Subsequently 1 part of this oil was mixed with 3 parts of castor oil, the mixture being applied in the same way. Whilst the one application to one area was sufficient, it took 10 to 14 days to work over both feet in each case
Hookworm-related cutaneous larva migrans (HrCLM) is a zoonosis which is endemic in many sub-tropic and tropical countries including Malaysia. We report a case of a 40-year old plantation worker who presented with a pruritic rash on his abdomen. It is important for clinicians to diagnose and treat HrCLM promptly as this condition results in considerable morbidity when treatment is delayed.
Cutaneous larva migrans is a parasitic skin eruption caused by migration of larvae of various nematodes. Diagnosis of cutaneous larva migrans is currently based on the clinical signs of the creeping eruption. We are investigating a new diagnostic technology called optical coherence tomography (OCT) , which is potentially able to visualize structures in the skin with an 8 microm resolution. This technology could therefore potentially allow rapid, non-invasive, in vivo diagnosis of infestations.
Cutaneous larva migrans is a common parasitic skin disease that can be easily prevented by wearing 'protective' footwear. However, this has been under-emphasized in terms of what constitutes the protective footwear. Even though the disease resolves spontaneously, the significant duration of the disease along with severity of pruritus make treatment unavoidable. Here, we present a very long-standing creeping eruption, which puzzled many attending clinicians handling the case, and the possibility of long socks as a causal effect on the development of cutaneous larva migrans infection.
Despite being a common skin dermatosis in the tropics, physicians in the tropics may miss the diagnosis of cutaneous larva migrans for other pruritic skin manifestation. This is especially in those who live in urban housing with no history of travel. Cutaneous larva migrans, an intensely pruritic skin pathology is mainly contracted by people with history of beach holiday or contact with moist soft sand which had been contaminated with dog or cat faeces. This article reports a patient who presented with intensely itchy papular spots over the dorsum of his foot after walking barefooted in an urban toilet soiled with cat faeces. The patient had initially seen an urban general practitioner who diagnosed the papular skin lesion as an allergic reaction, and prescribed antihistamines. The patient subsequently developed creeping skin lesions and was seen by the author who prescribed albendazole 400 mg twice daily for three days. The patient reported reduction in itching after two days of albendazole treatment and a follow up at ten days revealed a healed infection.
A retrospective study was undertaken to determine the clinical features of cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) seen in the Department of Dermatology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) and to assess the rate of correct diagnosis made by the referring primary care doctors. Clinical records of all 31 patients with CLM seen between January 2006 and June 2010 were retrieved. The majority of patients were male. The mean age was 32.2 years. Pruritus was reported in 83.9% of cases and serpiginous tracts in 100%. The mean lesion count was 4.4 and the mean duration of disease before presentation was 3.1 weeks. The majority of skin lesions were on the buttock and lower extremities. Only 45.2% of patients had the correct diagnosis made by the referring primary care doctors. Older age of patients and lower number of lesions were associated with a higher rate of correct diagnosis. The low rate of correct diagnosis made by the referring primary care doctors to the dermatologists in this study warrants the need for education of not only primary care doctors but also future primary care providers, consisting of medical students, house officers and junior medical officers.
Study site: Department of Dermatology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Hookworm-related cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is characterized clinically by erythematous and slightly raised tracks, located especially on the feet. These tracks may be single or multiple, linear or serpiginous, more or less ramified and intertwined. The length is variable (up to many cm); the width ranges from 1 mm to 4 mm. Tracks are often accompanied by severe pruritus.
The gene encoding the excretory-secretory antigen TES-120 of dog ascarid worm Toxocara canis was cloned into the bacterium Escherichia coli. The specificity of the recombinant TES-120 antigen produced by the bacterium was investigated. A total of 45 human serum samples from patients infected with differenthelminthes and protozoa, including 8 cases of toxocariasis, were tested against the recombinant antigens in immunoblot assays. The results from the assays revealed that the recombinant TES-120 antigen reacted with sera from toxocariasis patients only. This highly specific recombinant TES-120 antigen can potentially be used for the development of an inexpensive serodiagnostic assay for human toxocariasis.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relevance of the hygiene hypothesis; that is to determine if worm infestation has a protective role against the development of allergic rhinitis. A prospective case controlled study was conducted. Specific IgG levels to Toxocara were studied in 85 patients confirmed to have allergic rhinitis and were compared to levels in another 85 controls, with no form of allergy. The IgG assay was done using ELISA technique. There was a higher incidence of positive specific IgG to Toxocara in the controls as compared to allergic patients. The values were statistically significant [Chi square test (p=0.002)]. This negative association between worm infestation and allergic rhinitis suggests that a previous worm infestation could protect against the development of allergic rhinitis.
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using excretory-secretory antigens of the second stage larvae maintained in vitro was used to determine the seroprevalence of Toxocara antibodies in Orang Asli (aborigines) of Peninsular Malaysia. The mean + 3 SD optical density of 30 healthy subjects was used as the cut-off point. Overall prevalence was found to be 31.9%. No significant relationship was found between positive rates with sex and age groups, though children between 0 to 9 years recorded the highest positive rates. Eosinophil counts were found to be closely related to the proportion of positivity to toxocaral infection and mean optical densities. There was some degree of cross-reaction with Trichuris trichuria positive sera.
Currently, the laboratory diagnosis of toxocariasis, caused by Toxocara canis or T. cati, mainly relies on serological tests. Unfortunately, however, the specificities of most of the commercial tests that are available for the serodiagnosis of this disease are not very high and this may cause problems, especially in tropical countries where co-infections with other helminths are common. In an effort to develop a serological assay with improved specificity for the detection of Toxocara infection, an IgG(4)-ELISA based on a recombinant version (rTES-30USM) of the 30-kDa Toxocara excretory-secretory antigen (TES-30) has recently been developed. To produce the antigen, the TES-30 gene was cloned via assembly PCR, subcloned into a His-tagged prokaryotic expression vector, and purified by affinity chromatography using Ni(2+)-nitrilotriacetic-acid (Ni-NTA) resin. The performance of the ELISA based on the recombinant antigen was then compared with that of commercial kit, based on an IgG-ELISA, for the serodiagnosis of toxocariasis (Toxocara IgG-ELISA; Cypress Diagnostics, Langdorp, Belgium). Both assays were used to test 338 serum samples, including 26 samples from probable cases of toxocariasis. Assuming that all the probable cases were true cases, the assay based on rTES-30USM demonstrated a sensitivity of 92.3% (24/26) and a specificity of 89.6% (103/115) whereas the commercial kit exhibited a sensitivity of 100% (26/26) but a specificity of only 55.7% (64/115). The high sensitivity and specificity exhibited by the new IgG(4)-ELISA should make the assay a good choice for use in tropical countries and any other area where potentially cross-reactive helminthic infections are common.
Athletes playing beach volleyball come into contact with sand and may contract skin parasites. We present a case of cutaneous larva migrans in a 20-year-old Polish female beach volleyball player. The athlete participated in The World Tour in Asia (China, Malaysia, Cambodia) a month before. In the beginning, her skin lesions were misdiagnosed as allergic reactions and treated with antihistamines. The disease in the form of a pruritic, migratory serpiginous skin eruption on legs was diagnosed during routine medical examination at the National Centre for Sports Medicine in Warsaw. She was treated successfully with albendazole and cetirizine. The skin lesions resolved entirely within two weeks.