Displaying all 19 publications

  1. Mohd Jai NA, Mat Rosly M, Abd Razak NA
    Games Health J, 2021 Apr;10(2):73-82.
    PMID: 33297818 DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2020.0078
    Objective: Studies investigating the effects of exergaming in available platforms are still limited. This review aims to systematically identify available studies on physiological intensities of exergaming boxing in able-bodied adults and recategorize them based on different platforms or environments. The meta-analysis further analyzes the physiological responses during exergaming boxing into a set of pooled data for any evidence of outliers, heterogeneity, or publication bias. Materials and Methods: A systematic search was conducted by using databases from Google Scholar, PubMed, and Web of Science. Population, intervention, comparison, and outcomes (PICO) and preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used in the study selection process for the review. Results: From the 1534 articles examined, 16 articles were included for further analyses. Results indicated that exergaming boxing exhibits a wide range of metabolic equivalent of task (MET) values and intensity, from very light to vigorous, with elements of heterogeneity and bias detected. The Xbox® Kinect boxing platform produced higher MET (mean = 5.3) compared with the Nintendo® Wii™ boxing (mean = 3.8). Conclusion: The results of this review suggest that boxing exergames can produce intensity-adequate physical activity among younger adults that are beneficial for cardiometabolic improvements, regardless of platforms used. Exergaming boxing may be employed as an effective exercise tool to increase energy expenditure and physical activity level in young adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  2. Cao S, Li Z, Wang Z, Geok SK, Liu J
    J Sports Sci Med, 2025 Mar;24(1):31-51.
    PMID: 40046212 DOI: 10.52082/jssm.2025.31
    This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of HIIT on basketball players' physical fitness and skill-related performance. This study adhered to the PRISMA guidelines and included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that investigated the effects of HIIT on basketball players. The databases searched included Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and SPORTDiscus (up to 4 March 2024). The meta-analysis used a random-effects model, with effect sizes (ES) calculated for various performance outcomes. A total of 15 studies, with a low risk of bias or some concerns of bias, including 369 players (130 females, 239 males) at the developmental level, national level, and international level, were included in the systematic review, with 7 of these included in the meta-analysis. The systematic review indicated that HIIT significantly improved cardiovascular endurance, power, change of direction (COD) ability, linear sprint, and basketball skill-related performance. However, the effects on certain physical aspects such as VO2max, the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (Yo-Yo IR 1), jump tests, ball throw test, 20-m COD sprint test, T-test, 20-m linear sprint, and basketball-specific skills such as shooting accuracy and passing were inconsistent. The meta-analysis revealed a very large effect on the Yo-Yo IR 1 (ES = 2.32; p = 0.000), a moderate effect on VO2max (ES = 0.90; p = 0.000), T-test performance (ES = 0.91; p = 0.000), and CMJ height (ES = 0.76; p = 0.000), and a small effect on the 20-m sprint test (ES = 0.59; p = 0.006). HIIT appears to be an effective training method for improving general physical fitness and certain basketball-specific skills, particularly endurance, power, and agility. However, its impact on more skill-specific aspects, such as shooting accuracy and passing, requires further investigation. Coaches should consider supplementing HIIT with targeted skill training and carefully plan its timing, ideally incorporating HIIT during pre-season or off-season periods for optimal effectiveness. Further research is needed to explore the differential effects of HIIT across various age groups and playing levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  3. Mazumder SK, Ghaffar MA, Tomiyama T, Das SK
    Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 2019 10;268:103253.
    PMID: 31301383 DOI: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103253
    This study tested the oxygen consumption rates (OCR), energy, and thermal coefficient of juvenile Lutjanus malabaricus (60 fish, size: 4.53 ± 1.14 g) at four temperatures of 22, 26, 30 and 34 °C. During 30 days of experimental period 5 fish tank-1 were reared at four temperatures with three replicates in intermittent flow respirometers in a recirculatory system under laboratory conditions. As expected, oxygen consumption rates increased significantly (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology*
  4. Leung DHL, Lim YS, Uma K, Pan GT, Lin JH, Chong S, et al.
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2021 Apr;193(4):1170-1186.
    PMID: 33200267 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-020-03469-6
    Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a promising technology that utilizes exoelectrogens cultivated in the form of biofilm to generate power from various types of sources supplied. A metal-reducing pathway is utilized by these organisms to transfer electrons obtained from the metabolism of substrate from anaerobic respiration extracellularly. A widely established model organism that is capable of extracellular electron transfer (EET) is Shewanella oneidensis. This review highlights the strategies used in the transformation of S. oneidensis and the recent development of MFC in terms of intervention through genetic modifications. S. oneidensis was genetically engineered for several aims including the study on the underlying mechanisms of EET, and the enhancement of power generation and wastewater treating potential when used in an MFC. Through engineering S. oneidensis, genes responsible for EET are identified and strategies on enhancing the EET efficiency are studied. Overexpressing genes related to EET to enhance biofilm formation, mediator biosynthesis, and respiration appears as one of the common approaches.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  5. Rusli MU, Booth DT, Joseph J
    J Exp Biol, 2016 05 15;219(Pt 10):1505-13.
    PMID: 27207954 DOI: 10.1242/jeb.134742
    A potential advantage of group movement in animals is increased locomotion efficiency. This implies a reduced energetic cost for individuals that occur in larger groups such as herds, flocks and schools. When chelonian hatchlings hatch in the underground nest with finite energy for their post-hatching dispersal phase, they face the challenge of minimizing energetic expenditure while escaping the nest. The term 'social facilitation' has been used to describe the combined digging effort of sea turtle hatchlings during nest escape. Given that in a normal clutch, a substantial part of the energy reserve within the residual yolk is used by hatchlings in the digging out process, a decreased cohort size may reduce the energy reserve available to cross the beach and sustain the initial swimming frenzy. This hypothesis was experimentally tested by varying cohort size in hatchling green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and measuring energy expenditure during the nest escape process using open-flow respirometry. The energetic cost of escaping through 40 cm of sand was calculated to vary between 4.4 and 28.3 kJ per individual, the cost decreasing as the number of individuals in the cohort increased. This represents 11-68% of the energy contained in a hatchling's residual yolk at hatching. The reduced energetic cost associated with large cohorts resulted from both a lower metabolic rate per individual and a shortened nest escape time. We conclude that synchronous digging activity of many hatchlings during nest escape evolved not only to facilitate rapid nest emergence but also to reduce the energetic cost to individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  6. Shaharudin S, Agrawal S
    J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2016 Sep;56(9):980-9.
    PMID: 25732319
    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the muscle synergies during incremental rowing VO2 max Test of collegiate rowers and untrained subjects. As a power endurance sport, high aerobic capacity was one of the determinants of rowing performance. The modulation of muscle recruitment patterns following specific physiological demands was an indication of the robustness of muscle synergies composition which was overlooked in previous studies.

    METHODS: Ten male collegiate rowers and physically active untrained subjects were recruited. Muscle synergies were extracted from 16 rowing-specific muscles using Principal Component Analysis with varimax rotation. Incremental rowing VO2 max Test was performed on slides ergometer (SE). Rowing performance and physiological variables were analyzed.

    RESULTS: Rowers exerted greater power output, more energy expenditure and better rowing economy compared to untrained subjects. Rowers preferred to row slower with longer strokes compared to the untrained subjects. Three muscle synergies with high indices of similarity of waveform patterns were extracted in both groups. Significant association was found between muscle synergies and rowing economy.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study showed that muscle synergies were robust during aerobic-dominant activity for collegiate rowers and untrained subjects. Rowers and coaches could utilize the findings by emphasizing on muscle coordination training, which may enhance the rowing economy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology*
  7. Naharudin MN, Yusof A
    PLoS One, 2013;8(10):e77290.
    PMID: 24204790 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077290
    BACKGROUND: Since hypohydration commonly occurs in sports, studies on anaerobic exercise performance under this condition have been extensively carried out. When describing anaerobic performance, authors usually refer to a drop in anaerobic performance as fatigue index (FI) which is conventionally calculated using peak and low power data points. Meanwhile, another possible method in explaining anaerobic fatigue is using the rate constant which is derived from the exponential decline of power output known as fatigue rate (FR). Few studies have demonstrated that there was no change in anaerobic performance under mild hypohydrations.

    PURPOSE: This study aimed to compare the kinetics of power output using FI and FR of an anaerobic performance (Wingate test) under 2, 3 and 4% state of hypohydrations.

    METHOD: Thirty two collegiate cyclists (age = 22 ± 2 years; body weight = 71.45 ± 3.43 kg; height = 173.23 ± 0.04 cm) were matched using their baseline anaerobic peak power (APP) then randomly divided into 4 groups of EU (euhydrated), 2H, 3H and 4H respectively.

    RESULTS: As expected the, FI, APP, anaerobic lower power (ALP) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) did not show significant differences between and within the groups. However, the FR in 3H (0.018 ± 0.005 s(-1)) and 4H (0.019 ± 0.010 s(-1)) were significantly lower than EU (0.033 ± 0.012 s(-1)). Post-test FR also showed significant reduction in 3H and 4H compared to their pre-test values (p<0.05).

    CONCLUSION: Despite the lack of changes in APP and RPE, subjects in 3H and 4H showed evidence of lower reduction of power output over time. The findings support earlier reports which showed no change in anaerobic performance under mild hypohydrations. The relatively lower FR suggests higher drive in maintaining power output under hypohydrations of 3 and 4% body weight.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  8. Jawis MN, Singh R, Singh HJ, Yassin MN
    Br J Sports Med, 2005 Nov;39(11):825-9; discussion 825-9.
    PMID: 16244191
    OBJECTIVES: Anthropometric and physiological profiles of national sepak takraw players were determined.
    METHODS: Thirty nine players, specialising in the three playing positions (tekong/server, feeder, and killer/spiker) were divided into three age categories of under 15 (U15), under 18 (U18), and under 23 (U23) years of age. Height, weight, percent body fat (%bf), maximum oxygen consumption (Vo(2max)), range of motion (ROM), back and leg strength, and heart rate, for the estimation of oxygen consumption during matches, were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using one way ANOVA for independent measurements and data are presented as mean+/-standard deviation.
    RESULTS: The U23 players were significantly taller and heavier with significantly better ROM of the neck, trunk, and ankle joints and back and leg strength than the U15 players. No significant difference was found in %bf between the three age categories. Mean maximum heart rate during exercise was significantly higher in the U15 group when compared to the U18 and U23 groups (p<0.05). Mean Vo2max was similar between the three groups. Estimated oxygen consumption during matches was 69.1%, 68.5%, and 56.4% of Vo2max in the killer, tekong, and the feeder groups, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The mean height, body weight, and cardiopulmonary capacities of the players were within the Malaysian population norms, but were somewhat lower than those of players of other court games from other countries. %bf was also lower in these players. This study provides the much needed anthropometric and physiological data of sepak takraw players for further development of this sport.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  9. Kargarfard M, Lam ET, Shariat A, Asle Mohammadi M, Afrasiabi S, Shaw I, et al.
    Phys Sportsmed, 2016 09;44(3):208-16.
    PMID: 27291761 DOI: 10.1080/00913847.2016.1200442
    OBJECTIVES: Obesity prevalence has increased in Iranian adolescents in recent years. However, few studies have examined the impact of intervention programs on this health issue. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 8-week endurance training (ET) and high intensity interval training (HIIT) on intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1) and vascular adhesion molecule-1(VCAM-1) levels among obese and normal-weight male adolescents.
    METHODS: Thirty obese and 30 normal-weight subjects were assigned to the ET, HIIT, or control group for eight weeks. Before and after the intervention, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, body weight, BMI, VO2max, and blood pressures were measured. SPSS (Version 21) was used for data analysis, and the significance level was set at p oxygen uptake
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  10. Ishak A, Hashim HA, Krasilshchikov O
    J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2016 Sep;56(9):961-7.
    PMID: 26004044
    BACKGROUND: The present study investigated the effects of a 2-week modified exponential taper on physiological adaptation and time trial performance among junior cyclists.

    METHODS: Participants (N.=27) with the mean age of 16.95±0.8 years, height of 165.6±6.1 cm and weight of 54.19±8.1 kg were matched into either modified exponential taper (N.=7), normal exponential taper (N.=7), or control (N.=7) groups using their initial VO2max values. Both experimental groups followed a 12-week progressive endurance training program and subsequently, a 2-week tapering phase. A simulated 20-km time trial performance along with VO2max, power output, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion were measured at baseline, pre and post-taper. One way ANOVA was used to analyze the difference between groups before the start of the intervention while mixed factorial ANOVA was used to analyze the difference between groups across measurement sessions. When homogeneity assumption was violated, the Greenhouse-Geisser Value was used for the corrected values of the degrees of freedom for the within subject factor the analysis.

    RESULTS: Significant interactions between experimental groups and testing sessions were found in VO2max (F=6.67, df=4, P<0.05), power output (F=5.02, df=4, P<0.05), heart rate (F=10.87, df=2.51, P<0.05) rating of perceived exertion (F=13.04, df=4, P<0.05) and 20KM time trial (F=4.64, df=2.63, P<0.05). Post-hoc analysis revealed that both types of taper exhibited positive effects compared to the non-taper condition in the measured performance markers at post-taper while no different were found between the two taper groups.

    CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that both taper protocols successfully inducing physiological adaptations among the junior cyclists by reducing the volume and maintaining the intensity of training.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology*
  11. Okomoda VT, Mithun S, Chatterji A, Effendy MAW, Oladimeji AS, Abol-Munafi AB, et al.
    Fish Physiol Biochem, 2020 Aug;46(4):1497-1505.
    PMID: 32378001 DOI: 10.1007/s10695-020-00807-7
    This study was designed to optimize the culture conditions of juvenile Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forsskål, 1775) under laboratory conditions. To this effect, the rate of oxygen consumption was monitored as an index of stress under different temperature, salinity, pH, photoperiod, and urea concentrations. The result obtained after 12 h of exposure suggests the preference of the juvenile E. fuscoguttatus to a temperature range of 15-25 °C and salinity of 30 ppt. Based on this study, temperature was found to be the most lethal as 100% mortality was observed after 6 h in fish exposure to temperatures above the optimal (≥ 30 °C). However, the oxygen consumption rate was similar under the different pH, photoperiod, and urea concentration tested. It was concluded that water temperature was most critical in terms of respiration physiology of the juvenile E. fuscoguttatus given the range and levels of environmental factors tested in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology*
  12. Lim LS, Tan SY, Tuzan AD, Kawamura G, Mustafa S, Rahmah S, et al.
    Fish Physiol Biochem, 2020 Aug;46(4):1621-1629.
    PMID: 32430644 DOI: 10.1007/s10695-020-00817-5
    Oxyeleotris marmorata is an ambush predator. It is known for slow growth rate and high market demand. Farming of O. marmorata still remains a challenge. In order to establish a proper feeding practice to stimulate growth, knowledge of its metabolic processes and cost should be examined. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the diel osmorespiration rhythms of O. marmorata in response to feeding challenge by using an osmorespirometry assay. The results have shown that oxygen consumption rate of the fed fish was approximately 3 times higher than that of the unfed fish in early evening to support specific dynamic action. Digestion and ingestion processes were likely to be completed within 18-20 h in parallel with the ammonia excretion noticeable in early morning. Under resting metabolism, metabolic oxygen consumption was influenced by diel phase, but no effect was noted in ammonia excretion. As a nocturnal species, O. marmorata exhibited standard aerobic metabolic mode under dark phase followed by light phase, with high oxygen consumption rate found in either fed or unfed fish. It can be confirmed that both the diel phase and feeding have a significant interactive impact on oxygen consumption rate, whereas ammonia metabolism is impacted by feeding state. High metabolic rate of O. marmorata supports the nocturnal foraging activity in this fish. This finding suggested that feeding of O. marmorata should be performed during nighttime and water renewal should be conducted during daytime.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  13. Malik AA, Williams CA, Weston KL, Barker AR
    J Sports Sci Med, 2019 03;18(1):1-12.
    PMID: 30787646
    High-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) may not elicit prominent unpleasant feelings even with elevated perceived exertion and physiological stress in adolescents. However, the influence of different HIIE work intensities on the affective experience and cardiorespiratory responses is unknown. This study examined the acute affective, enjoyment, perceived exertion and cardiorespiratory responses to HIIE with different work intensities in adolescents. Participants (n = 16; 8 boys; age 12.0 ± 0.3 years) performed, on separate days, HIIE conditions consisting of 8 x 1-minute work-intervals at 70%, 85%, or 100% peak power separated by 75 seconds recovery at 20 W. Affect, enjoyment and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded before, during, and after HIIE. Heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake were collected during HIIE. Affect declined in all conditions (p < 0.01) but 100%HIIE elicited significantly lower affect than 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE at work-interval 8 (all p < 0.02, ES > 1.74; 70%HIIE = 2.5 ± 0.8; 85%HIIE = 1.1 ± 1.5; 100%HIIE = -1.5 ± 1.4 on feeling scale). Similar enjoyment was evident during and after all conditions (all p > 0.44). RPE was significantly higher during 100%HIIE than 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE across all work-intervals (all p < 0.01, ES > 1.56). The majority of the participants attained ≥90%HRmax during 85%HIIE (87%) and 100%HIIE (100%), but not during 70%HIIE (6%). Affect responses during HIIE are dependent on the intensity of the work-interval and are not entirely negative (unpleasant feelings). Despite similar enjoyment, positive affect experienced during 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE could serve as a strategy to encourage exercise adoption and adherence in adolescents, but only 85%HIIE elicits sufficient HR stimulus to facilitate potential health benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  14. Shariat A, Cleland JA, Danaee M, Alizadeh R, Sangelaji B, Kargarfard M, et al.
    Work, 2018;60(4):549-554.
    PMID: 30103362 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-182762
    BACKGROUND: There are many potential training exercises for office workers in an attempt to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. However, to date a suitable tool to monitor the perceived exertion of those exercises does not exist.

    OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Borg CR-10 scale to monitor the perceived exertion of office exercise training.

    METHODS: The study involved 105 staff members employed in a government office with an age range from 25 to 50 years. The Borg CR-10 scale was self-administered two times, with an interval of two weeks in order to evaluate the accuracy of the original findings with a retest. Face validity and content validity were also examined.

    RESULTS: Reliability was found to be high for the Borg CR-10 scale (0.898). Additionally a high correlation between the Borg CR-10 scale and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was identified (rs = 0.754, P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  15. Lee SM, Wong WP, Hiong KC, Loong AM, Chew SF, Ip YK
    J. Exp. Zoolog. Part A Comp. Exp. Biol., 2006 Dec 1;305(12):995-1009.
    PMID: 17068799
    This study aimed to determine effects of 6-day progressive increase in salinity from 1 per thousand to 15 per thousand on nitrogen metabolism and excretion in the soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. For turtles exposed to 15 per thousand water on day 6, the plasma osmolality and concentrations of Na+, Cl- and urea increased significantly, which presumably decreased the osmotic loss of water. Simultaneously, there were significant increases in contents of urea, certain free amino acids (FAAs) and water-soluble proteins that were involved in cell volume regulation in various tissues. There was an apparent increase in proteolysis, releasing FAAs as osmolytes. In addition, there might be an increase in catabolism of certain amino acids, producing more ammonia. The excess ammonia was retained as indicated by a significant decrease in the rate of ammonia excretion on day 4 in 15 per thousand water, and a major portion of it was converted to urea. The rate of urea synthesis increased 1.4-fold during the 6-day period, although the capacity of the hepatic ornithine urea cycle remained unchanged. Urea was retained for osmoregulation because there was a significant decrease in urea excretion on day 4. Increased protein degradation and urea synthesis implies greater metabolic demands, and indeed turtles exposed to 15 per thousand water had significantly higher O2 consumption rate than the freshwater (FW) control. When turtles were returned from 15 per thousand water to FW on day 7, there were significant increases in ammonia (probably released through increased amino acid catabolism) and urea excretion, confirming that FAAs and urea were retained for osmoregulatory purposes in brackish water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  16. Sharifah Maimunah SM, Hashim HA
    Percept Mot Skills, 2016 Feb;122(1):227-37.
    PMID: 27420318 DOI: 10.1177/0031512515625383
    This study compares two versions of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) training (7 and 16 muscle groups) on oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rates, rating of perceived exertion and choice reaction time. Football (soccer) players (N = 26; M age = 13.4 yr., SD = 0.5) were randomly assigned to either 7 muscle groups PMR, 16 muscle groups PMR, or a control group. PMR training requires the participants to tense a muscle, hold the muscle contraction, and then relax it. Measurement was conducted prior to and after the completion of 12 sessions of PMR. The dependent variables were measured following four bouts of intermittent exercise consisting of 12 min. of running at 60% VO2max for 10 min. followed by running at 90% VO2max for 2 min. with a 3-min. rest for each bout. Lower VO2, heart rate, perceived exertion, and quicker reaction time were expected in both relaxation groups compared to the control group. The results revealed a significant reduction in heart rates and choice reaction time for both relaxation groups, but the longer version produced significantly quicker choice reaction time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology*
  17. Mat Rosly M, Mat Rosly H, Hasnan N, Davis GM, Husain R
    Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 2017 Aug;53(4):527-534.
    PMID: 28092144 DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.17.04456-2
    BACKGROUND: Current strategies for increased physical activity and exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) face many challenges with regards to maintaining their continuity of participation. Barriers cited often include problems with accessing facilities, mundane, monotonous or boring exercises and expensive equipment that is often not adapted for wheelchair users.

    AIM: To compare the physiological responses and user preferences between conventional heavy-bag boxing against a novel form of video game boxing, known as exergaming boxing.

    DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.

    SETTING: Exercise laboratory setting in a university medical center.

    POPULATION: Seventeen participants with SCI were recruited, of which sixteen were male and only one female. Their mean age was 35.6±10.2 years.

    METHODS: All of them performed a 15-minute physical exercise session of exergaming and heavy-bag boxing in a sitting position. The study assessed physiological responses in terms of oxygen consumption, metabolic equivalent (MET) and energy expenditure between exergaming and heavy-bag boxing derived from open-circuit spirometry. Participants also rated their perceived exertion using Borg's category-ratio ratings of perceived exertion.

    RESULTS: Both exergaming (MET: 4.3±1.0) and heavy-bag boxing (MET: 4.4±1.0) achieved moderate exercise intensities in these participants with SCI. Paired t-test revealed no significant differences (P>0.05, Cohen's d: 0.02-0.49) in the physiological or perceived exertional responses between the two modalities of boxing. Post session user survey reported all the participants found exergaming boxing more enjoyable.

    CONCLUSIONS: Exergaming boxing, was able to produce equipotent physiological responses as conventional heavy-bag boxing. The intensity of both exercise modalities achieved recommended intensities for health and fitness benefits.

    CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: Exergaming boxing have the potential to provide an enjoyable, self-competitive environment for moderate-vigorous exercise even at the comfort of their homes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  18. Ping WC, Keong CC, Bandyopadhyay A
    Indian J Med Res, 2010 Jul;132:36-41.
    PMID: 20693587
    Athletes in Malaysia need to perform in a hot and humid climate. Chronic supplementation of caffeine on endurance performance have been studied extensively in different populations. However, concurrent research on the effects of acute supplementation of caffeine on cardiorespiratory responses during endurance exercise in the Malaysian context especially in a hot and humid environment is unavailable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology
  19. Hasnan N, Mohamad Saadon NS, Hamzaid NA, Teoh MX, Ahmadi S, Davis GM
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2018 Oct;97(43):e12922.
    PMID: 30412097 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000012922
    This study compared muscle oxygenation (StO2) during arm cranking (ACE), functional electrical stimulation-evoked leg cycling (FES-LCE), and hybrid (ACE+FES-LCE) exercise in spinal cord injury individuals. Eight subjects with C7-T12 lesions performed exercises at 3 submaximal intensities. StO2 was measured during rest and exercise at 40%, 60%, and 80% of subjects' oxygen uptake (VO2) peak using near-infrared spectroscopy. StO2 of ACE showed a decrease whereas in ACE+FES-LCE, the arm muscles demonstrated increasing StO2 from rest in all of VO2) peak respectively. StO2 of FES-LCE displayed a decrease at 40% VO2 peak and steady increase for 60% and 80%, whereas ACE+FES-LCE revealed a steady increase from rest at all VO2 peak. ACE+FES-LCE elicited greater StO2 in both limbs which suggested that during this exercise, upper- and lower-limb muscles have higher blood flow and improved oxygenation compared to ACE or FES-LCE performed alone.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oxygen Consumption/physiology*
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