Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 34 in total

  1. Seleena P, Lee HL, Nazni WA, Rohani A, Kadri MS
    PMID: 9185282
    In an effort to develop a more effective technique in dispersing a microbial control agent, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a truck-mounted ultra low volume (ULV) generator (Scorpion) was used to disperse B. thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) and Bti with malathion. Complete larval and adult mortalities for all tested mosquito species within the first 70-80 feet from the ULV generator were achieved. Beyond that distance less than 50% mortality was achieved as insufficient sprayed particles reached the area. A minimum of 10(3) Bti colony forming units per ml is required to cause 100% larval mortality. The sprayed Bti larvicidal toxins were persistent in the test water 7 days post ULV. The effectiveness of B. thuringiensis jegathesan (Btj), a new mosquitocidal Bt serotype was also evaluated. Similar mortality results as Bti were achieved except that the Btj toxins underwent degradation in the test water, since less than 50% less in larval mortality was observed in 7 days post ULV samples. This ULV method has the potential to disperse Bt and malathion effectively for a simultaneous control of mosquito adults and larvae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  2. Meekes ET, Fransen JJ, van Lenteren JC
    J Invertebr Pathol, 2002 Sep;81(1):1-11.
    PMID: 12417207
    Entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Aschersonia are specific for whitefly and scale insects. They can be used as biological control agents against silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii and greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Forty-four isolates of Aschersonia spp. were tested for their ability to sporulate and germinate on semi-artificial media and to infect insect hosts. Seven isolates sporulated poorly (less than 1x10(7) conidia/dry weight) and 10 were not able to infect either of the whitefly species. Several isolates were able to produce capilliconidia. Infection level was not correlated with germination on water agar. After a selection based on spore production and infection, virulence of 31 isolates was evaluated on third instar nymphs of both whitefly species on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). Whitefly infection levels varied between 2 and 70%, and infection percentages of B. argentifolii correlated with that of T. vaporariorum. However, mortality was higher for T. vaporariorum than for B. argentifolii, as a result of a higher 'mortality due to unknown causes.' Several isolates, among which unidentified species of Aschersonia originating from Thailand and Malaysia, A. aleyrodis from Colombia, and A. placenta from India showed high spore production on semi-artificial medium and high infection levels of both whitefly species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  3. Lee YW, Zairi J
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 2006 Mar;22(1):97-101.
    PMID: 16646329
    Susceptibility levels of a few laboratory-cultured and dengue-endemic area field-collected strains of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus to Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) at different storage ages were studied. The susceptibility of laboratory-cultured World Health Organization (WHO) Bora Bora reference, Vector Control Research Unit (VCRU), and Fumakilla Malaysia Berhad (FMB) strains of Ae. aegypti to Bti was examined. The sensitivity to Bti decreased with storage age. The median lethal concentration (LC50) for Bti increased by 2-3 times after 2 years compared to a fresh sample (3-6 months of storage). However, after the 2-year storage period, Bti still provided very good efficacy against all laboratory-cultured susceptible strains of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. The observed 95% lethal concentration values were about 20 times lower than the recommended concentration (6,000 international toxic units (ITU)/liter). Results obtained from the study against the dengue-endemic area field-collected strains of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus confirmed the effectiveness of the Bti after storage for 2 years (18-24 months). For Ae. aegypti, the Ujung Batu strain was the most susceptible to Bti, whereas the Sungai Nibong strain showed the most tolerance. Susceptibility of laboratory-cultured strains varied; the Air Itam strain of Ae. albopictus was the most susceptible to Bti, whereas the Kampung Serani strain was the most tolerant among the field strains. However, the laboratory strain of Ae. albopictus was more susceptible than all the field strains.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  4. Jamian S, Norhisham A, Ghazali A, Zakaria A, Azhar B
    Insect Sci, 2017 Apr;24(2):285-294.
    PMID: 26712127 DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12309
    Integrated pest management (IPM) is widely practiced in commercial oil palm agriculture. This management system is intended to minimize the number of attacks by pest insects such as bagworms on crops, as well as curb economic loss with less dependency on chemical pesticides. One practice in IPM is the use of biological control agents such as predatory insects. In this study, we assessed the response of predatory natural enemies to pest outbreak and water stress, and document the habitat associations of potential pest predators. The abundances of 2 predatory insect species, namely Sycanus dichotomus and Cosmolestes picticeps (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), were compared bagworm outbreak sites and nonoutbreak sites within oil palm plantations. We also examined habitat characteristics that influence the abundances of both predatory species. We found that the abundance of C. picticeps was significantly higher in bagworm outbreak sites than in nonoutbreak sites. There were no significant differences in the abundance of S. dichotomus among outbreak and non-outbreak sites. Both species responded negatively to water stress in oil palm plantations. Concerning the relationship between predatory insect abundance and in situ habitat quality characteristics, our models explained 46.36% of variation for C. picticeps and 23.17% of variation for S. dichotomus. Both species of predatory insects thrived from the planting of multiple beneficial plants in oil palm plantations. The results suggest that C. picticeps can be used as a biological agent to control bagworm populations in oil palm plantations, but S. dichotomus has no or little potential for such ecosystem service.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  5. Hanson SM, Mutebi JP, Craig GB, Novak RJ
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1993 Mar;9(1):78-83.
    PMID: 8468578
    Eggs of temperate Aedes albopictus populations are cold hardy and can diapause, but tropical populations are not cold hardy and cannot diapause. Heterozygotes possess intermediate diapause and cold hardiness. Males of a tropical strain from Malaysia with a distinctive genetic marker were released into an existing temperate population in East St. Louis, Illinois. Subsequent egg samples from the release site had genetic marker frequency of up to 24%. Reduced cold hardiness and decreased diapause incidence were also observed in the release site population. No such changes occurred at a nearby control site. The rank order of overwintering survival of eggs at the release site was: Aedes triseriatus > temperate Ae. albopictus > hybrid temperate/tropical Ae. albopictus > tropical Ae. albopictus. Eggs collected from the release population the next summer showed total absence of the genetic marker; presumably carriers were removed by the winter.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  6. Nyamah MA, Sulaiman S, Omar B
    Trop Biomed, 2011 Aug;28(2):312-9.
    PMID: 22041750
    This study explored the efficacy of Toxorhynchites splendens, predator of Aedes albopictus as a biocontrol agent. There was a negative correlation between Ae. albopictus larval population and Tx. splendens larval population in ovitraps (r=-0.287, R²=0.0821). The correlation is higher between the mean number of Ae. albopictus larvae per ovitrap and the number of Tx. splendens larvae in an ovitrap (r=-0.987, R²=0.9737). Larvae of Tx. splendens were observed to co-exist with larvae of Ae. albopictus and Culex fuscocephala in the ovitraps placed in the study area. The existence of Tx. splendens larvae in the study area coincides with their habit, preferring to breed in bamboo stumps. A total of 480 ovitraps were inspected for 30-week study period and 281 ovitraps were positive with Ae. albopictus larvae respectively. There was a significant difference between numbers of ovitrap positive for Ae. albopictus larvae with number of Tx. splendens larvae in the ovitraps (ANOVA, F((4,475)) 2.655, p<0.05). Of 281 ovitraps positive with Ae. albopictus larvae, 255 ovitraps contained only one Tx. splendens larva each. Only one ovitrap contained four, the most number of Tx. splendens larvae (p< 0.05). Thus, Tx. splendens could be utilised as an alternative for dengue vector control programme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  7. Lee YW, Zairi J
    Trop Biomed, 2006 Jun;23(1):37-44.
    PMID: 17041550 MyJurnal
    Studies were carried out on the residual efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 (water dispersible granule, VectoBac ABG 6511) as direct application in the control of Aedes larvae in the field. Field Aedes sp populations in the earthen and glass jars were predetermined before initiation of the trial. On confirmation of the presence of Aedes species in the designated area, Sungai Nibong Kecil, Penang Island, Malaysia, Bti was introduced in the 55L earthen and 3L glass jars). Two test designs were carried out. The first design had treated water replenished daily with 6L of seasoned water and the second design is without the replenishment of water but evaporated water was replenished. Bti was effective in the field for at least 35 days with more than 80% reduction in the Aedes larvae in the treated containers. For earthen jars with daily replenishment of water, 100% reduction was recorded for the first 3 days, while more than 80% reduction was recorded up to day 40. At day 60, Bti still provided an efficacy of 54.32 +/- 4.61 (%) of reduction. Whilst for earthen jars without daily replenishment of water, 100% reduction was recorded for the first 5 days, while more than 80% of reduction was recorded up to day 40. For the glass jars studied, similar efficacy was observed. In jars with daily replenishment of water a better larval control was observed. Percentage of reduction from day 50 to 60 for replenishment of water was between 50 to 70% compared to without replenishment of water with less than 40%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  8. Abagli AZ, Alavo TBC
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Dec 01;36(4):1003-1013.
    PMID: 33597470
    Cx. quinquefasciatus is a common nuisance mosquito widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. This mosquito is also a vector of urban filariasis. Control with chemicals has been hampered by the development of resistance against chemical insecticides and rising problems of environmental contamination associated with them. Therefore, it is important to adopt more integrated mosquito management approaches that include sustainable, non chemical solutions. The mermithid nematode Romanomermis iyengari is one of several natural control alternatives to synthetic pesticides for mosquito suppression. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the nematode R. iyengari for control of Cx. quinquefasciatus. The nematode R. iyengari was mass-produced, and pre-parasitics (J2) were used for laboratory and field experiments. In laboratory experiments, two concentrations of pre-parasitics (5 and 10 J2 per larva) were tested against L1, L2 and L3 instars larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus. Infected larvae were observed daily to determine their mortality rate and the number of postparasitic nematodes emerging from dead larvae. In field experiments, 1000, 2000 and 3000 J2/m2 were sprayed in separate natural Cx. quinquefasciatus breeding sites. After treatment, the larval mosquito density in the breeding sites was assessed every 5 days. Laboratory results showed that all tested Cx. quinquefasciatus instars larvae were susceptible to nematode infection. The mortality rates observed for each larval stage indicated that the concentration of 10 J2 kills larvae faster, and that the L1 larvae died earlier than older larvae. The average number of post-parasitic nematodes emerging per larva increases with increasing nematode concentration; also more post-parasitic nematodes emerged from the L2 larvae. Field data showed that, in breeding site treated with 3000 J2 per square meter, larval mosquito reduction reached 97% after nematode application. The dosage of 1000 J2 per square meter did not reduce the larval density. The insect parasitic nematode R. iyengari could be easily used as component of integrated mosquitoes control program in lymphatic filariasis endemic countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  9. Holzner A, Ruppert N, Swat F, Schmidt M, Weiß BM, Villa G, et al.
    Curr Biol, 2019 10 21;29(20):R1066-R1067.
    PMID: 31639346 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.09.011
    Conversion of tropical forests into oil palm plantations reduces the habitats of many species, including primates, and frequently leads to human-wildlife conflicts. Contrary to the widespread belief that macaques foraging in the forest-oil palm matrix are detrimental crop pests, we show that the impact of macaques on oil palm yield is minor. More importantly, our data suggest that wild macaques have the potential to act as biological pest control by feeding on plantation rats, the major pest for oil palm crops, with each macaque group estimated to reduce rat populations by about 3,000 individuals per year (mitigating annual losses of 112 USD per hectare). If used for rodent control in place of the conventional method of poison, macaques could provide an important ecosystem service and enhance palm oil sustainability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  10. Castellanos-Sánchez P, Falconi-Agapito F, Pariona N, Paredes-Esquivel C
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Dec 01;37(4):864-870.
    PMID: 33612739 DOI: 10.47665/tb.37.4.864
    Chagas disease is endemic to the Americas and is transmitted by blood-feeding kissing bugs. We evaluated the insecticidal potential of a fungus (Beauveria bassiana strain Pr-11) against Triatoma infestans, an important vector in South America. This fungal species was isolated from a locust (Schistocerca piceifrons) that inhabits the Central Andes region of Peru. Ten days post inoculation, this strain induced high insect mortality (97%) at low fungal concentrations (2 × 107 conidia/ml) at 70% relative humidity. The Pr-11 strain outperformed reference strain CCBLE-216 B. bassiana, provided by the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture. Our results are consistent with previous reports on the virulence of this fungal strain against other insect pests. This is the first study to evaluate an orthopteran-isolated B. bassiana to control Chagas disease vectors. We conclude that strain Beauveria bassiana Pr-11 is effective against Triatoma infestans, resulting in a promising tool to control Chagas disease in Peru and may be used in integrated vector control programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  11. Hafeez F, Abbas M, Zia K, Ali S, Farooq M, Arshad M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(10):e0257952.
    PMID: 34644343 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257952
    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production is significantly altered by the infestation of sucking insects, particularly aphids. Chemical sprays are not recommended for the management of aphids as wheat grains are consumed soon after crop harvests. Therefore, determining the susceptibility of different wheat genotypes and selecting the most tolerant genotype could significantly lower aphid infestation. This study evaluated the susceptibility of six different wheat genotypes ('Sehar-2006', 'Shafaq-2006', 'Faisalabad-2008', 'Lasani-2008', 'Millat-2011' and 'Punjab-2011') to three aphid species (Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus, Schizaphis graminum Rondani, Sitobion avenae Fabricius) at various growth stages. Seed dressing with insecticides and plant extracts were also evaluated for their efficacy to reduce the incidence of these aphid species. Afterwards, an economic analysis was performed to compute cost-benefit ratio and assess the economic feasibility for the use of insecticides and plant extracts. Aphids' infestation was recorded from the seedling stage and their population gradually increased as growth progressed towards tillering, stem elongation, heading, dough and ripening stages. The most susceptible growth stage was heading with 21.89 aphids/tiller followed by stem elongation (14.89 aphids/tiller) and dough stage (13.56 aphids/tiller). The genotype 'Punjab-2011' recorded the lower aphid infestation than 'Faisalabad-2008', 'Sehar-2006', 'Lasani-2008' and 'Shafaq-2006'. Rhopalosiphum padi appeared during mid-February, whereas S. graminum and S. avenae appeared during first week of March. Significant differences were recorded for losses in number of grains/spike and 1000-grain weight among tested wheat genotypes. The aphid population had non-significant correlation with yield-related traits. Hicap proved the most effective for the management of aphid species followed by Hombre and Husk among tested seed dressers, while Citrullus colocynthis L. and Moringa oleifera Lam. plant extracts exhibited the highest efficacy among different plant extracts used in the study. Economic analysis depicted that use of Hombre and Hicap resulted in the highest income and benefit cost ratio. Therefore, use of genotype Punjab-2011' and seed dressing with Hombre and Hicap can be successfully used to lower aphid infestation and get higher economic returns for wheat crop.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  12. Sulaiman S, Pawanchee ZA, Wahab A, Jamal J, Sohadi AR
    J Vector Ecol, 1997 Dec;22(2):122-4.
    PMID: 9491362
    The efficacy of three formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis was studied against Aedes albopictus in discarded tires. The formulations were: Vectobac G (corn cob formulation), Vectobac 12AS (aqueous suspension), and Bactimos WP (wettable powder formulation). Both Vectobac G and Vectobac 12AS were effective for 24 hr with more than 80% mortality. Both Vectobac formulations were significantly more effective than Bactimos WP for 24 hr after treatment (P < 0.0005). A week after treatment, Vectobac 12AS was significantly different than Bactimos WP (P < 0.05). However, Vectobac G did not differ significantly from Bactimos WP (P > 0.05); two weeks after spraying there was no significant difference among the various formulations (P > 0.05).
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  13. Serit MA, Yap HH
    PMID: 6151744
    Comparative laboratory bioassays of Tolypocladium cylindrosporum, California strain (Kal) was conducted against third instar larvae of four species of mosquito, viz. Aedes aegypti, Anopheles balabacensis, Culex quinquefasciatus and Mansonia uniformis in Malaysia. Of the four mosquito species tested, Ma. uniformis was found to be the most susceptible, followed by Cx. quinquefasciatus, An. balabacensis and Ae. aegypti, in a decreasing order. The LC50 values for Ma. uniformis, Cx. quinquefasciatus, An. balabacensis and Ae. aegypti after four days of exposure were 1.18 X 10(4), 2.02 X 10(5), 4.76 X 10(5) and 1.84 X 10(7) spores per ml test media, respectively. The high sensitivity of Ma. uniformis and its longer life cycle seems to indicate that T. cylindrosporum Kal has good potential as a biocontrol agent for this species of mosquito. But, for Ae. aegypti, this fungus appears to be less effective.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  14. Kermani N, Abu Hassan ZA, Suhaimi A, Abuzid I, Ismail NF, Attia M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2014;9(6):e100671.
    PMID: 24968125 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100671
    The diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella (L.) has traditionally been managed using synthetic insecticides. However, the increasing resistance of DBM to insecticides offers an impetus to practice integrated pest management (IPM) strategies by exploiting its natural enemies such as pathogens, parasitoids, and predators. Nevertheless, the interactions between pathogens and parasitoids and/or predators might affect the effectiveness of the parasitoids in regulating the host population. Thus, the parasitism rate of Nosema-infected DBM by Cotesia vestalis (Haliday) (Hym., Braconidae) can be negatively influenced by such interactions. In this study, we investigated the effects of Nosema infection in DBM on the parasitism performance of C. vestalis. The results of no-choice test showed that C. vestalis had a higher parasitism rate on non-infected host larvae than on Nosema-treated host larvae. The C. vestalis individuals that emerged from Nosema-infected DBM (F1) and their progeny (F2) had smaller pupae, a decreased rate of emergence, lowered fecundity, and a prolonged development period compared to those of the control group. DBM infection by Nosema sp. also negatively affected the morphometrics of C. vestalis. The eggs of female C. vestalis that developed in Nosema-infected DBM were larger than those of females that developed in non-infected DBM. These detrimental effects on the F1 and F2 generations of C. vestalis might severely impact the effectiveness of combining pathogens and parasitoids as parts of an IPM strategy for DBM control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  15. Subramaniam TS, Lee HL, Ahmad NW, Murad S
    Biotechnol J, 2012 Nov;7(11):1323-7.
    PMID: 23125042 DOI: 10.1002/biot.201200282
    On December 21, 2010, 6000 genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes were released in an uninhabited forest in Malaysia. The purpose of the deliberate release was a limited “marked release and recapture” (MRR) experiment, a standard ecological method in entomology, to evaluate under field conditions, the flight distance and longevity of the sterile male Aedes aegypti strain OX513A(My1), a GM strain. As with any other GM technologies, the release was received with mixed responses. As the scientific community debate over the public engagement strategies for similar GM releases, dengue incidence continues to rise with a heavy toll on morbidity, mortality and healthcare budgets. Meanwhile the wild female Aedes aegypti continues to breed offspring, surviving and evading conventional interventions for vector control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  16. Gay H
    Ambix, 2012 Jul;59(2):88-108.
    PMID: 23057183
    The use of chemical pesticides increased considerably after World War II, and ecological damage was noticeable by the late 1940s. This paper outlines some ecological problems experienced during the post-war period in the UK, and in parts of what is now Malaysia. Also discussed is the government's response. Although Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring (1962), was important in bringing the problems to a wider public, she was not alone in sounding the alarm. Pressure from the public and from British scientists led, among other things, to the founding of the Natural Environment Research Council in 1965. By the 1970s, environmentalism was an important movement, and funding for ecological and environmental research was forthcoming even during the economic recession. Some of the recipients were ecologists working at Imperial College London. Moved by the political climate, and by the evidence of ecological damage, they carried out research on the biological control of insect pests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods
  17. Aldridge S
    Nat Biotechnol, 2008 Jul;26(7):725.
    PMID: 18612284 DOI: 10.1038/nbt0708-725a
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  18. Susanto A, Sudharto PS, Purba RY
    Mycopathologia, 2005 Jan;159(1):153-7.
    PMID: 15750748
    Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease caused by Ganoderma boninense is the most destructive disease in oil palm, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia. The available control measures for BSR disease such as cultural practices and mechanical and chemical treatment have not proved satisfactory due to the fact that Ganoderma has various resting stages such as melanised mycelium, basidiospores and pseudosclerotia. Alternative control measures to overcome the Ganoderma problem are focused on the use of biological control agents and planting resistant material. Present studies conducted at Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute (IOPRI) are focused on enhancing the use of biological control agents for Ganoderma. These activities include screening biological agents from the oil palm rhizosphere in order to evaluate their effectiveness as biological agents in glasshouse and field trials, testing their antagonistic activities in large scale experiments and eradicating potential disease inoculum with biological agents. Several promising biological agents have been isolated, mainly Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride, Gliocladium viride, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Bacillus sp. A glasshouse and field trial for Ganoderma control indicated that treatment with T. harzianum and G. viride was superior to Bacillus sp. A large scale trial showed that the disease incidence was lower in a field treated with biological agents than in untreated fields. In a short term programme, research activities at IOPRI are currently focusing on selecting fungi that can completely degrade plant material in order to eradicate inoculum. Digging holes around the palm bole and adding empty fruit bunches have been investigated as ways to stimulate biological agents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
  19. Sariah M, Choo CW, Zakaria H, Norihan MS
    Mycopathologia, 2005 Jan;159(1):113-7.
    PMID: 15750742
    Basal stem rot of oil palm caused by Ganoderma boninense is of major economic importance. Observations of the low incidence of disease due to Ganoderma species in natural stands, suggest that the disease is kept under control by some biological means. Trichoderma spp. are saprophytic fungi with high antagonistic activities against soil-borne pathogens. However, their abundance and distribution are soil and crop specific. Trichoderma species have been found to be concentrated in the A1 (0-30 cm) and Be soil horizons (30-60 cm), although the abundance of Trichoderma was not significantly different between the oil palm and non-oil palm ecosystems. Characterisation of Trichoderma isolates based on cultural, morphological and DNA polymorphism showed that T. harzianum, T. virens, T. koningii and T. longibrachiatum made up 72, 14, 10 and 4% of the total Trichoderma isolates isolated. As Trichoderma species are present in the oil palm ecosystem, but at lower numbers and in locations different from those desired, soil augmentation with antagonistic Trichoderma spp. can be developed as a strategy towards integrated management of basal stem rot of oil palm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pest Control, Biological/methods*
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