Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 68 in total

  1. Hemanath S, Robinson F, Pang NTP, Lim EK, Ong SJ, Alyssa S, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 May;78(3):336-343.
    PMID: 37271843
    INTRODUCTION: Effective smoking cessation programmes are essential for assisting smokers in quitting, indirectly lowering mortality and morbidity associated with smoking. Numerous studies have indicated positive outcomes when using mindfulness treatment (MT) to treat psychological or behavioural health issues. Although to date, no study has looked at the effectiveness of online MT for quitting smoking while addressing mental health, particularly among the Asian population. Therefore, this study compares the efficiency of online MT to traditional counselling therapy (CT) in aiding smoking cessation programmes while also addressing mental health.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A randomised control study with a two-group, single-blind design and baseline evaluation was selected. Social media sites were used to advertise for participants, who were then admitted after meeting the requirements. Participants who met the eligibility requirements were randomly split into two groups. Each group received a total of three sessions of online therapy (MT or CT), once every two weeks, as well as one phone call per week as reinforcement. At the beginning and end of the intervention, participants completed questionnaires (1st week and 5th week). Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) statistical analysis was used to analyse all the variables.

    RESULTS: The MT group experienced a statistically significant decrease in cigarette consumption (β: -3.50, 95% Wald CI: - 4.62, -2.39) compared to the CT group over time. Furthermore, the MT group demonstrated significant improvements in their scores for the AAQ-2, anxiety, stress, depression and mindfulness compared to the CT group.

    CONCLUSION: Online MT is more successful at assisting smokers in lowering their daily cigarette intake and supporting their mental health during the smoking cessation process. Further longitudinal comparisons of the effectiveness of online MT should be undertaken using online platforms in future studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  2. Navaratnam V, Foong K
    Curr Med Res Opin, 1990;11(10):611-9.
    PMID: 2311417
    In a study of 249 opiate (mainly heroin) addicts special attention was paid to adjunctive drug use. Generally, nicotine (cigarette smoking), alcohol and cannabis preceded the use of heroin, and continued to be used as adjunctive drugs after the establishment of heroin addiction. Nicotine was the most common substance used together with opiates. Alcohol and cannabis were used as adjunctive drugs in about two-thirds of the cases. In the late stages of heroin addiction, benzodiazepines were also used concomitantly with opiates. The most frequently reported reason for the use of adjunctive drugs was to intensify the effect of the opiate. Three-quarters or more of the addicts had used different adjunctive drugs to boost the euphoric feeling derived from the primary drug, i.e. heroin. Attempt at self-treatment of withdrawal symptoms was a less frequently reported reason for adjunctive drug use. The findings show that heroin addiction is the major problem. The use of adjunctive drugs, especially benzodiazepines, can be partly explained on economic grounds. They must be clearly distinguished from the primary drug of abuse, heroin. For policy-making decisions, it is important that the elimination of heroin abuse through effective prevention measures would ultimately wipe out the problem of adjunctive drug use, while reduction of the overall supply of heroin without reduction in actual demand might result in an increasing trend to adjunctive drug use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Marijuana Smoking/psychology; Smoking/psychology
  3. Fathelrahman AI, Omar M, Awang R, Cummings KM, Borland R, Bin Mohd Samin AS
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2010 11;7(11):4089-99.
    PMID: 21139879 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph7114089
    The objective of this research was to compare the response of adult smokers in Malaysia to newly proposed pictorial cigarette warnings against the current text-only warnings. The study population included 140 adult male smokers who were enrolled in a randomized trial to view either the new pictorial warnings (intervention) or the old text-only warnings (control). Participants completed pre-exposure and post-exposure questionnaires that assessed their awareness of the health risks of smoking, response to the package warnings, and interest in quitting smoking. Exposure to the pictorial warnings resulted in increased awareness of the risks of smoking, stronger behavioral response to the warnings and increased interest in quitting smoking. The new warnings in Malaysia will increase smokers' knowledge of the adverse health effects of smoking and have a positive effect on interest in quitting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  4. Al-Sadat N, Binns CW
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2008 Oct;20 Suppl:6-14.
    PMID: 19533855
    The fast increase in the rate of uptake of smoking amongst adolescent girls in Malaysia is a public health concern. The objective of this study was to investigate factors that influenced the initiation of smoking and the effects of advertisement on consolidating the smoking habit among teenage girls in the urban city of Kuala Lumpur. Qualitative research was conducted using both interviews and focus group discussions with groups of adolescent girls. Data collected was analysed using grounded thematic theory methodology and validated using methodological triangulation. The reasons for initiating smoking elicited from the study can be grouped into 4 general themes; influence by peers, influence of seeing parents smoking, misguided belief that it could alleviate stress and finally that it would impress others. Smoking imageries in media and advertisements were not primary influencing factors in the initiation of smoking but it encouraged them to progress to become regulars. Ways should be sought to empower girls to feel more confident about resisting pressures to initiate smoking. This could be done through activities such as positive peer sports, education on how to alleviate stress and curbing of smoking imageries in the media.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  5. Yaacob I, Abdullah ZA
    PMID: 8362301
    A study of the smoking habits and attitudes toward smoking among 120 doctors at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia was conducted between May to August 1991. Eighteen percent of the doctors were smokers, 13% ex-smokers and 69% had never smoked. All the smokers were male and all except one smoked only cigarettes. Three of the 32 female doctors were ex-smokers. Nineteen of the 21 smokers only smoked in areas where they could not be seen by the public. Most doctors (equally among smokers and non-smokers) had first-degree relatives (mostly males) who were smokers and 28% had relative with smoking-related disease. 81% non-smoking and 43% smoking doctors had advised healthy people to stop smoking. 92% non-smoking and 52% smoking doctors support the smoking-ban in the hospital. Seven of the 21 smokers had never attempted to quit smoking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  6. Wong ML, Chen PC
    Med J Malaysia, 1989 Dec;44(4):317-23.
    PMID: 2520041
    On the basis of a questionnaire on smoking behaviour, knowledge and attitudes administered to medical students in the University of Malaya in July 1987, the prevalence of smoking was found to be low (10%) among medical students. Smokers and non-smokers were equally well informed about common smoking complications. Most students, irrespective of smoking status, felt that they would as future doctors, often advise sick smokers against smoking. In contrast, less than half would do so for healthy smokers who do not themselves raise the question of smoking. The students' personal smoking behaviour also influenced their view of their professional role. Appropriate values, attitudes and a preventive approach towards smoking need to be further developed in the medical students' thinking and behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  7. Kurtz ME, Johnson SM, Ross-Lee B, Narayanan S
    Med J Malaysia, 1990 Dec;45(4):319-24.
    PMID: 2152053
    This study investigated whether knowledge and attitudes of Malay college students regarding smoking can be positively influenced by educational intervention. The experiment included a pretest to assess the students knowledge and attitudes regarding smoking, a lecture on the health risks associated with smoking, and a posttest given six weeks later to assess whether any changes had occurred. A profile of the typical Malay student smoker was also elicited. Twenty-seven percent of the study population were smokers. Of the men in the sample, 44% were smokers, while less than 4% of the women were smokers. T-tests indicated that knowledge of the health risks associated with smoking was significantly improved for most groups, while attitudes towards smoking were essentially unchanged.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  8. Yong HH, Fong GT, Driezen P, Borland R, Quah AC, Sirirassamee B, et al.
    Nicotine Tob Res, 2013 Aug;15(8):1339-47.
    PMID: 23291637 DOI: 10.1093/ntr/nts241
    In this study, we aimed to examine, in Thailand, the impact on smokers' reported awareness of and their cognitive and behavioral reactions following the change from text-only to pictorial warnings printed on cigarette packs. We also sought to explore differences by type of cigarette smoked (roll-your-own [RYO] vs. factory-made [FM] cigarettes).
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  9. Gunasekaran K, Singh P, Ng DX, Koh EYL, Lee HY, Tan R, et al.
    Front Public Health, 2024;12:1359929.
    PMID: 39056076 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1359929
    OBJECTIVES: Early smoking initiation has been associated with a higher risk of developing long-term smoking habit. There is a growing global consensus that demands raising the minimum legal age (MLA) for smoking as an approach to address this problem. Singapore successfully raised the MLA from 18 to 21 years in 2021. This study aimed to evaluate the awareness and attitude of multi-ethnic Asian youth (aged 15-24) on raising MLA to 21 and passive smoking.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey comprising of 23 items was circulated via a secure internet-based platform, FORMSG between September and November 2022. Data were analyzed for descriptive statistics. Categorical variables were compared for association with receptivity toward change in MLA using Chi-Squared test and multivariable logistic regression analysis using Rstudio. Post-hoc Bonferroni correction were further utilized for pairwise comparison.

    RESULTS: Majority (80.3%) of the 608 participants expressed their support for MLA 21 implementation. Participants' age was a significant variable as those aged 15-17 years old (OR = 2.1, 95%CI = 1.01-4.32, p = 0.048) showed a higher likelihood of supporting MLA implementation compared to those aged 21 and above. In addition, majority (89.8%) of them were also aware of the harmful effects of passive smoking. When it came to discouraging smoking among youth, family influence (64%) and school education (55.6%) emerged as the top strategies.

    CONCLUSION: Most of the youth express strong support for raising the MLA to 21, with over 80% in favor of such change, reflects a significant harmony among youth in favor of tobacco-free environment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  10. Caszo B, Khair M, Mustafa MH, Zafran SN, Syazmin N, Safinaz RN, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2015;16(3):1159-64.
    PMID: 25735348
    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of smoking among secondary school children continues to remain unchanged over the last 3 decades even though awareness regarding the health effects of smoking is increasing. Common misconceptions about smoking and parental influence could be factors influencing future intentions to smoke among these students. Hence, we looked at the common misconceptions as well as student perceptions about their future intention to smoke among Form 4 students in Shah Alam, Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted by distribution of a questionnaire developed as part of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey to Form 4 student in 3 schools at Shah Alam.

    RESULTS: Prevalence of smoking (current smokers) was 7.5%. Almost half of the children came from families where one or both parents smoked and a third of the parents had no discussion regarding consequences of smoking with them. A large number of students were classified as "triers" as they had tried smoking and were unsure of whether they would not be smoking in the future. Contrary to our expectations, students generally felt smoking did make one feel more uncomfortable and helped one to reduce body weight. Most students seemed to be aware of the ill-effects of smoking on health. They felt they had received adequate information from school regarding the effects on smoking on health.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that even though Form 4 students in Shah Alam were knowledgeable about ill-effects of smoking and were taught so as part of their school curriculum, the prevalence of smoking was still high. Students in the "trier group" represent a potential group of future smokers and strategies targeting tobacco control may be aimed at tackling these vulnerable individuals. Efforts are also needed to help educate secondary school children about common misconceptions and dispel myths associated with cigarette smoking.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  11. Al-Naggar RA, Bobryshev YV, Anil S
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(24):10841-6.
    PMID: 25605187
    BACKGROUND: Smoking is a primary risk factor for cancer development. While most research has focused on smoking cigarettes, the increasing popularity of shisha or water pipe smoking has received less attention. This study measured the prevalence and risk factors for shisha and cigarette smoking and related knowledge.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Participants aged ≥ 18 years were selected from restaurants. Data regarding demographic variables, smoking patterns, and knowledge about shisha smoking were collected in local languages. Logistic regression was performed to assess risk factors.

    RESULTS: Of 239 participants, 61.9 % were male and 99.2% revealed their smoking status. Some 57.4% were smokers: 50.7% only cigarettes, 5.9% only shisha and 42% both. Mean age of starting cigarette smoking was 17.5 ± 2.4 years and for shisha smoking 18.7 ± 2.0 years. In a univariate model, male gender, age 33-52 years and monthly income > MYR 4,000 increased the risk and unemployment and being a student decreased the risk. In a multivariate model, male gender increased the risk of smoking, while being a student decreased the risk, adjusting for age and income. The perception of shisha being less harmful than cigarettes was present in 14.6% and 7.5% had the opinion that shisha is not harmful at all, while 21.7% said that it is less addictive than cigarettes, 39.7% said that shisha did not contain tar and nicotine, 34.3% said that it did not contain carbon monoxide and 24.3% thought that shisha did not cause health problems.

    CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of shisha and cigarette smoking is high in the general population in Malaysia and knowledge about shisha smoking is relatively low. The findings of our study might have implications for understanding similarities and differences in incidence of shisha and cigarette smoking in other cultural/geographic regions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  12. Han YW, Mohammad M, Liew SM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(17):7287-90.
    PMID: 25227830
    BACKGROUND: Brief physician counselling has been shown to be effective in improving smokers' behaviour. If the counselling sessions can be given at the workplace, this would benefit a larger number of smokers. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a ten-minute physician counseling session at the workplace in improving smoking behaviour.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective randomised control trial was conducted on smokers in a factory. A total of 163 participants were recruited and randomised into control and intervention groups using a table of random numbers. The intervention group received a ten-minute brief physician counselling session to quit smoking. Stages of smoking behaviour were measured in both groups using a translated and validated questionnaire at baseline, one month and three months post intervention.

    RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in smoking behaviour at one-month post intervention (p=0.024, intention to treat analysis; OR=2.525; CI=1.109-5.747). This was not significant at three-month post intervention (p=0.946, intention to treat analysis; OR=1.026; 95% CI=0.486-2.168).

    CONCLUSIONS: A session of brief physician counselling was effective in improving smokers' behaviour at workplace, but the effect was not sustained.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  13. Abidin NZ, Zulkifli A, Abidin EZ, Rasdi I, Ismail SN, Rahman AA, et al.
    Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2014 Jul;18(7):856-61.
    PMID: 24902566 DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.13.0906
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the relationship between knowledge, attitude and perception regarding environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and smoking among Malaysian adolescents living in states with complete or partial smoke-free legislation (SFL).
    METHODS: A total of 898 respondents aged 13-14 years were randomly selected from 21 secondary schools. The Malay version of the modified Global Youth Tobacco Survey questionnaire was used. Hierarchical logistic regression was performed in examining predictors of smoking attempt among adolescents.
    RESULTS: Participants exposed to ETS >5 h/day were more likely to have smoked compared to those exposed to ETS <1 h/day (OR 4.1, 95%CI 1.03-16.0). Living in a state with partial SFL was associated with a two-fold increase in self-reported smoking attempts (OR 1.95, 95%CI 1.10-3.43) compared to living in a state with complete SFL. Negative attitudes and perceptions towards smoking and ETS exposure were linked to lower smoking attempts in states with complete SFL.
    CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents with limited ETS exposure who lived in a state with complete SFL were less likely to attempt smoking compared to those exposed more regularly to ETS and living in a state with partial SFL. Preventing adolescents from becoming smokers is the key to reducing national prevalence rates in smoking. There is a need to implement comprehensive smoke-free legislation nationally across Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  14. Sansone G, Fong GT, Hall PA, Guignard R, Beck F, Mons U, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2013;13:346.
    PMID: 23587205 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-346
    Prior studies have demonstrated that time perspective-the propensity to consider short-versus long-term consequences of one's actions-is a potentially important predictor of health-related behaviors, including smoking. However, most prior studies have been conducted within single high-income countries. The aim of this study was to examine whether time perspective was associated with the likelihood of being a smoker or non-smoker across five countries that vary in smoking behavior and strength of tobacco control policies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  15. Yasin SM, Retneswari M, Moy FM, Taib KM, Isahak M, Koh D
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(4):2317-23.
    PMID: 23725134
    The role of The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) in predicting relapse is limited. We aimed to assess whether this model can be utilised to predict relapse during the action stage. The participants included 120 smokers who had abstained from smoking for at least 24 hours following two Malaysian universities' smoking cessation programme. The smokers who relapsed perceived significantly greater advantages related to smoking and increasing doubt in their ability to quit. In contrast, former smokers with greater self-liberation and determination to abstain were less likely to relapse. The findings suggest that TTM can be used to predict relapse among quitting smokers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  16. Lim KH, Idzwan MF, Sumarni MG, Kee CC, Amal NM, Lim KK, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012;13(1):343-6.
    PMID: 22502698
    Two methods of identifying smokers with high nicotine dependence, the heaviness of smoking index (HSI) and number of cigarettes per day (CPD) were compared with the Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence (FTND). The HSI, CPD and the FTND were administered to 316 adult Malaysian male, daily smokers aged between 25-64 years old in the Malaysian NCD Surveillance-1 Survey using a two-stage stratified random sampling of enumeration blocks and living quarters, via an interview based on a validated questionnaire. The cut-off point for classification of high nicotine dependence on the HSI was a score of four or higher, and for the heavy smoking category, smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day. Classification using each method was compared with classification by the FTND (score of six or more) as the reference standard. Sensitivity, specificity and kappa statistics for concordance between both measures and the FTND were evaluated. The HSI gave a similar prevalence rate of high nicotine dependence as the FTND. There was substantial agreement between the HSI and the FTND (kappa=0.63.), with moderate sensitivity (69.8%) and high specificity (92.5%). However, prevalence of high nicotine dependence using the CPD was 7% lower than the FTND. The heavy smoking category also showed fair agreement with the FTND (kappa=0.45) and moderate sensitivity (67.0%), but specificity was high (86.9%). The findings indicate that the HSI can be used as an alternative to the FTND in screening for high nicotine dependence among daily smokers in large population-based studies, while CPD may not be a suitable alternative to the FTND.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  17. Yong HH, Savvas S, Borland R, Thrasher J, Sirirassamee B, Omar M
    Int J Behav Med, 2013 Jun;20(2):252-8.
    PMID: 22302214
    BACKGROUND: This paper prospectively examined two kinds of social normative beliefs about smoking, secular versus religious norms.
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to determine the relative importance of these beliefs in influencing quitting behaviour among Muslim Malaysian and Buddhist Thai smokers.
    METHODS: Data come from 2,166 Muslim Malaysian and 2,463 Buddhist Thai adult smokers who participated in the first three waves of the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia project. Respondents were followed up about 18 months later with replenishment. Respondents were asked at baseline about whether their society disapproved of smoking and whether their religion discouraged smoking, and those recontacted at follow-up were asked about their quitting activity.
    RESULTS: Majority of both religious groups perceived that their religion discouraged smoking (78% Muslim Malaysians and 86% Buddhist Thais) but considerably more Buddhist Thais than Muslim Malaysians perceived that their society disapproved of smoking (80% versus 25%). Among Muslim Malaysians, religious, but not societal, norms had an independent effect on quit attempts. By contrast, among the Buddhist Thais, while both normative beliefs had an independent positive effect on quit attempts, the effect was greater for societal norms. The two kinds of normative beliefs, however, were unrelated to quit success among those who tried.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that religious norms about smoking may play a greater role than secular norms in driving behaviour change in an environment, like Malaysia where tobacco control has been relatively weak until more recently, but, in the context of a strong tobacco control environment like Thailand, secular norms about smoking become the dominant force.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  18. Yasin SM, Taib KM, Zaki RA
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011;12(6):1439-43.
    PMID: 22126478
    The transtheoretical model (TTM) has been used as one of the major constructs in developing effective cognitive behavioural interventions for smoking cessation and relapse prevention, in Western societies. This study aimed to examine the reliability and construct validity of the translated Bahasa Malaysia version of TTM questionnaire among adult smokers in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The sample consisted of 40 smokers from four different worksites in Klang Valley. A 26-item TTM questionnaire was administered, and a similar set one week later. The questionnaire consisted of three measures; decisional balance, temptations and impact of smoking. Construct validity was measured by factor analysis and the reliability by Cronbach' s alpha (internal consistency) and test-retest correlation. Results revealed that Cronbach' s alpha coefficients for the items were: decisional balance (0.84; 0.74) and temptations (0.89; 0.54; 0.85). The values for test retest correlation were all above 0.4. In addition, factor analysis suggested two meaningful common factors for decisional balance and three for temptations. This is consistent with the original construct of the TTM questionnaire. Overall results demonstrated that construct validity and reliability were acceptable for all items. In conclusion, the Bahasa Malaysia version of TTM questionnaire is a reliable and valid tool in ass.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  19. Rahman MM, Ahmad SA, Karim MJ, Chia HA
    J Community Health, 2011 Oct;36(5):831-8.
    PMID: 21359500 DOI: 10.1007/s10900-011-9382-6
    Despite established country's tobacco control law, cigarette smoking by the young people and the magnitude of nicotine dependence among the students is alarming in Bangladesh. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of smoking and factors influencing it among the secondary school students. A two-stage cluster sampling was used for selection of schools with probability proportional to enrollment size followed by stratified random sampling of government and private schools. The 70-item questionnaire included 'core GYTS' (Global Youth Tobacco Survey) and other additional questions were used to collect relevant information. Analysis showed that the prevalence of smoking was 12.3% among boys and 4.5% among girls, respectively. The mean age at initiation of smoking was 10.8 years with standard deviation of 2.7 years. Logistic regression analysis revealed that boys are 2.282 times likely to smoked than girls and it was 1.786 times higher among the students aged 16 years and above than their younger counterparts. Smoking by teachers appeared to be the strong predictor for students smoking behaviour (OR 2.206, 95% CI: 1.576, 3.088) followed by peer influence (OR 1.988, 95% CI: 1.178, 3.356). Effective smoking prevention program should to be taken to reduce smoking behaviour. The school curricula had less impact in preventing smoking except teacher's smoking behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*
  20. Al-Sadat N, Misau AY, Zarihah Z, Maznah D, Tin Tin Su
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2010 Jul;22(3 Suppl):175S-180S.
    PMID: 20566551 DOI: 10.1177/1010539510372835
    The use of tobacco by adolescents is a major public health concern worldwide. There are 1.2 billion smokers globally, of which more than 50% are young people. The Southeast Asian countries have about 600 million tobacco smokers within the global burden of tobacco users. Most smokers begin at early stage of life and persist through adulthood. Malaysia alone has about 5 million smokers, 20% of whom are younger than 18 years old. Many factors are implicated in the continuous rising trend of tobacco use among adolescents in Southeast Asia. A triad of family, environmental, and individual factors synergistically acts to motivate adolescents toward smoking. This article discusses the current trends of tobacco use and implications of increasing rise in adolescent smoking in the Southeast Asia region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
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