The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1992 has reported a 60Co gamma factor ГIAEA-Co-60 as 0.351 mSv m-2 (GBq h)-1. Experiments that were carried-out in 2003 at the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology (MINT) obtained a gamma factor, ГEKS-Co-60 as 0.368 + 0.017 mSv m-2 (GBq j)-1. Despite a difference of 4.84%, ГEKS-Co-60 is considered closer to ГIAEA-Co-60 as three previously reported value have recorded a larger difference. In fact, the range of ГEKS-Co-60 i.e. 0.351-0.385 covers ГIAEA-Co-60.
[Badan Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA) pada tahun 1992 telah melaporkan faktor gama 60Co, ГIAEA-Co-60 sebagai 0.351 mSv m-2 (GBqj)-1. Eksperimen yang dilakukan di Institut Penyelidikan Teknologi Nuklear (MINT) pada tahun 2003 mendapati faktor gama 60Co, ГEKS-Co-60 sebagai 0.368 + 0.017 mSv m-2 (GBq j)-1. Walaupun perbezaan sebanyak 4.84%, ГEKS-Co-60 dianggap dekat dengan ГIAEA-Co-60, kerana tiga nilai yang dilaporkan sebelum ini mempunyai perbezaan yang lebih besar. Lagipun, julat ГEKS-Co-60 iaitu 0.351-0.385 merangkumi ГIAEA-Co-60].
It is shown that for an arbitrary simple harmonic oscillator, the square of the modulus of the corresponding Schroedinger’s wave function which is initially a normal distribution, is a normal distribution with variable mean and variance. Furthermore, the square of the modulus of the wave function satisfies a diffusion equation with a variable drift coefficient which depends on the derivative of the phase of the wave function, and a source which depends not only on the classical potential of the oscillator but also on the first and second derivatives of the phase of the wave function. The modulus of the wave function also satisfies a diffusion equation with the same diffusion and drift coefficients, but a different source. A similar result holds in terms of the corresponding phase of the harmonic ascilator with an arbitrary square integrable function as the initial condition. This gives a new light on the nature of the the probability interpretation of the modulus square of the wave function which is now directly related to a killing stochastic process X the killing X such that dX = adt + b dB, where a is a known drift coefficient, b2/2 is a known diffusion coefficient, and B is the standard Wiener process.
[Kuasa dua atau kuadrat modulus fungsi gelombang Schroedinger pengayun harmonik ringkas yang bersyarat awalnya taburan normal ditunjukkan memenuhi taburan normal dengan min dan varians yang berubah. Oleh itu kuasa dua modulus fungsi gelombang ini memenuhi persamaan resapan yang berpekali/berkoefisien resapan malar/konstan yang berkadaran dengan pemalar/konstan Planck, berpekali hanyutan/pergeseran yang berkadaran dengan terbitan/turunan derivatif fasa/fase fungsi gelombang tersebut, dan bersumberkan kuantiti/kuantitas yang berkadaran dengan hasil tambah atau jumlah potensi/potensial klasik pengayun harmonik itu, satu sebutan/suku kuadratik, dan ungkapan/ekspresi dalam sebutan terbitan pertama dan kedua fungsi gelombang. Modulus fungsi gelombang itu juga memenuhi persamaan resapan dengan pekali resapan dan hanyutan yang sama, tetapi dengan sumber yang berbeza dan lebih simpel. Hasil yang serupa berlaku untuk syarat awal yang berupa sembarang fungsi yang kuasa duanya/kuadratnya terkamirkan/terintegralkan. Hasil ini memberi cahaya baru ke atas tabii tafsiran/interpretasi kebarangkalian/peluang/ probabilitas bagi/daripada kuasa dua fungsi gelombang kerana kini terserlah pula hubungannya secara langsung dengan satu proses stokastik, pembunuhan X sehingga dX = a dt + b dB, dengan a diketahui sebagai pekali hanyutan dan b2/2 diketahui sebagai pekali resapan, dan B ialah proses Wiener piawai/baku/standar].
A laboratory study was carried out to study the microbiological quality of local honey and its potential as an antibacterial agent. Five local honeys namely, Belimbing, Gelam (Sample 1,2, and 3), Durian (Sample 1 and 2), Kelapa and Tualang were studied. Microbial colony count of each sample was determined using filtration method. Screening for antibacterial action against Staphylococcus aureus was carried out using agar diffusion method. The result showed that all samples had low colony counts ranging from 37 cfu/ml in Kelapa honey to 161 cfu/ml in Durian honey (Sample 2). All samples showed a very clear zone of inhibition for bacterial growth and there was significant difference (ANOVA, p<0.05) among the samples. Belimbing honey showed the biggest diameter (2.1cm) and Gelam honey – Sample 3 had the smallest (1.7 cm).
[Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji kualiti mikrobiologi madu tempatan dan keupayaannya sebagai agen antibakteria. Lima madu tempatan iaitu Belimbing, Gelam (Sampel 1, 2, dan 3), Durian (Sampel 1 dan 2), Kelapa dan Tualang telah dikaji. Bilangan koloni mikrob ditentukan menggunakan kaedah turasan. Sifat antibakteria terhadap Staphylococcus aureus pula dikaji menggunakan kaedah serapan agar. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa semua sampel mempunyai bilangan koloni yang rendah sekitar 37 cfu/ml dalam madu Kelapa hingga 161 cfu/ml dalam madu Durian – Sampel 2. Semua sampel menunjukkan kesan rencatan pertumbuhan bakteria dan terdapat perbezaan ketara (ANOVA, p
Several conventional staining techniques were employed to detect the life stages (in particular the spores) of Nosema bombycis from infected larvae of Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth, DBM) and the effects of the infection of N. bombycis on the larvae were studied. Larval instars 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the DBM were infected with four different spore concentrations (407150, 41420, 4260 and 420 spores/μl) accordingly by allowing them to feed on artificial diet previously inoculated with the respective spore concentrations. Larval tissues were processed for staining and the number of spores were counted and direct observations on the larvae were carried out at 24, 48 and 72 h post infection. The Gram s, Giemsa's, haematoxylin and trichrome staining techniques were more superior in detecting the spores, sporonts and meronts than the good Pasteurs. The main effect of the infection was mortality which was dose-dependent and that the younger ins tars were more susceptible to infection than the older ones. Spore concentrations of 407150, 41420 and 4260 spores/μl) caused death to the instars whereas the dose of 420 spores)μl was unable to kill the larval instars. The mortality rate of the younger instars was significantly higher (p<0.001) than the older ones. The LC50 and LC95 values of instar 1 and 2 were lower than those of the instar 3 and 4 after 48 and 72 h post infection. This showed that high spore concentrations were needed to kill the bigger size and matured instars. Histological studies on the infected larvae indicated that the infection caused severe cellular damages in fat tissues and the intestine leading to death. Results of this studies showed that life stages of N. bombycis in particular the spores were detected effectively using conventional staining techniques and the infectivity and the effects of the infection on the larval tissues of DBM were also established.
[Beberapa teknik pewarnaan biasa telah digunakan untuk mengesan peringkat hidup Nosema bombycis (khususnya spora) yang terdapat pada larva Plutella xylostella (rama-rama belakang intan, DBM) yang terjangkit begitujuga kesan jangkitan spora ini ke atas larva telah dikaji. Larva instar 1,2,3 dan 4 DBM yang bebas daripadajangkitan spora telah dijangkiti dengan empat kepekatan spora (407150, 41420, 4260 dan 420 spora/μl) secara berasingan dengan membiarkan larva ini memakan makanan buatan yang telah dicemari dengan kepekatan spora tersebut. Pemprosesan tisu dengan teknik pewarnaan, penentuan kepekatan spora daripada larva dan cerapan langsung telah dilakukan dalam tempoh 24, 48 dan 72 j selepas jangkitan. Didapati teknik pewarnaan Gram, Giemsa, hematoksilin dan trikrom lebih sesuai untuk mengesan spora, sporon dan meron daripada tisu larva yang terjangkit berbanding teknik 'good Pasteur'. Kesan utama jangkitan spora ialah kematian larva yang bergantung kepada kepekatan spora yang digunakan dan didapati ins tar yang lebih muda adalah lebih rentan terhadap jangkitan ini berbanding instar yang lebih matang. Kepekatan spora 407150, 41420 dan 4260 spora) μl boleh menyebabkan kematian manakala kepekatan spora terendah (420 spora/)1.l) tidak menyebabkan kematian. Kadar kematian instar yang lebih muda lebih tinggi (p<0.001 ) berbanding instar yang lebih matang. Nilai LC50 dan LC95 bagi instar 1 dan 2 lebih rendah berbanding instar 3 dan 4, selepas 48 dan 72 j jangkitan. lni menunjukkan bahawa kepekatan spora yang lebih tinggi diperlukan untuk membunuh instar yang bersaiz lebih besar dan lebih matang. Bilangan spora terendah diperolehi pada tempohjangkitan 24 j manakala bilangan spora tertinggi diperolehi pada tempoh jangkitan 72 j. Kajian histologi ke atas tisu larva terjangkit mendapati kerosakan terjadi pada tisu lemak dan usus yang menyebabkan kematian. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa peringkat hidup N bombycis khususnya spora dapat dikesan dengan baik menerusi teknik pewarnaan yang biasa dan kebolehjangkitan parasit ini dan kesannya kepada larva DBM telah diketahui].
This study comprised of physicochemical characterizations of starch extracted from Msp94 sweet potato tuber and production of high fructose glucose syrup from the starch. Msp94 sweet potato starch consisted of 7.3% water, 0.2% protein, 0.4% fat, 1.3% total ash, 94.8% total carbohydrates, 83.0% starch and 20.6% apparent amylose. The starch granules were spherical, polygonal and irregular in shapes with the size of 13-14 mm. Enzymatic hydrolysis of Msp94 sweet potato starch for 24,48, 72 hours, using a mixture of amyglucosidase-pullulanase enzymes during saccharification process, produced starch hydrolysates with dextrose equivalent (DE) of 94.8, 99.1, 99.3 respectively. This is followed by reduction in viscosity of the starch hydrolysates. Conversion of the Msp94 starch to percent of glucose after hydrolysing for 24,48 and 72 hours were 97.1%, 109.5% and 103.2%, respectively. Msp94 starch hydrolysates was then purified using three types of ion exchange resins and isomerized to highfructose syrup using glucose isomerase enzyme (Sweetzyme T). Thefructose content in isomerized Msp94 syrup was (43.8-46.5%) was comparable to the fructose content (44%) in commercial High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) 42.
[Kajian ini merangkumi pencirian fizikokimia kanji yang diekstrak daripada ubi keledek Msp94 dan penghasilan sirap glukosa berfruktosa tinggi daripada kanji ini. Kanji ubi keledek Msp94 mengandungi 7.3% air, 0.2% protein, 0.4% lemak, 1.3% abu total, 94.8% karbohidrat total, 83.0% kanji dan 20.6% amilosa ketara. Purata saiz granul kanji adalah 13-14 mm, berbentuk bulat, poligon dan bentuk yang tidak tetap. Hidrolisis berenzim menggunakan gabungan enzim glukoamilase-pululanase dalam proses sakarifikasi, yang dijalankan ke atas kanji ubi keledek Msp94 selama 24, 48, 72 jam menghasilkan hidrolisat kanji dengan setaraan dekstrosa (DE) masing-masing pada 94.8, 99.1, 99.3. 1ni diikuti dengan kelikatan hidrolisat kanji yang semakin menurun. Penukaran kanji Msp94 kepada peratus glukosa adalah sebanyak 97.1 %, 109.5% dan 103.2% setelah dihidrolisis selama 24,48 dan 72 jam. Hidrolisat kanji Msp94 ditulenkan menggunakan tiga jenis resin penukar ion dan diisomer kepada sirap berfruktosa tinggi menggunakan enzim glukosa isomerase (Sweetzyme T). Kandungan fruktosa (43.8-46.5%) dalam sirap Msp94 yang telah diisomer adalah setara dengan kandunganfruktosa (44%) dalam sirap komersial, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) 42].
Kuasa dua atau kuadrat modulus fungsi gelombang Schroedinger pengayun harmonik ringkas yang bersyarat awalnya taburan normal ditunjukkan memenuhi taburan normal dengan min dan varians yang berubah. Oleh itu kuasa dua modulus fungsi gelombang ini memenuhi persamaan resapan yang berpekali resapan malar yang berkadaran dengan pemalar Planck, berpekali hanyutan yang berkadaran dengan terbitan/derivatif fasa fungsi gelombang tersebut, dan bersumberkan kuantiti yang berkadaran dengan hasil tambah atau jumlah potensi klasik pengayun harmonik itu: satu sebutan kuadratik, dan ungkapan/ekspresi dalam sebutan terbitan pertama dan kedua fungsi gelombang. Modulus fungsi gelombang itu juga memenuhi persamaan resapan dengan pekali resapan dan hanyutan yang sama, tetapi dengan sumber yang berbeza dan lebih simpel. Hasil yang serupa berlaku untuk syarat awal yang berupa sembarang fungsi yang kuasa duanya terkamirkan. Hasil ini memberi cahaya baru ke atas tabii tafsiran kebarangkalian bagi kuasa dua fungsi gelombang kerana kini terserlah pula hubungannya secara langsung dengan satu proses stokastik: pembunuhan X sehingga
dX = a dt + b dB, dengan a diketahui sebagai pekali hanyutan dan b**2/2 diketahui sebagai pekali resapan, dan B ialah proses Wiener piawai.
MeSH terms: Animals; Ataxia Telangiectasia; Autonomic Nervous System Diseases; Gastropoda
This paper discusses the multilevel approach in constructing a model for estimating hierarchically structured data of students' performance. Multilevel models that take into account variation from the clustering of data in different levels are compared to regression models using least squares method. This study also estimates the contributions of gender and ethnic factors on students' performance. Performance data of866 students in a science faculty in an institution of higher learning is obtained and analyzed. This data is hierarchically structured with two levels, namely students and departments. Analysis findings show different parameter estimates for both models. Also, the multilevel model which incorporates variability from different levels and predictors from higher levels is found to provide a better fit for model explaining students' performance.
[Rencana ini membincangkan pendekatan multitahap dalam pembinaan model penganggaran pencapaian pelajar yang mempunyai struktur data hierarki. Model multitahap yang mengambil kira variasi data yang berpunca dari pengelompokan data pada tahap-tahap yang berbeza dibandingkan dengan model regresi linear yang menggunakan kaedah kuasa dua terkecil. Seterusnya kajian ini menganggar sumbangan faktor jantina dan etnik ke atas pencapaian pelajar. Data pencapaian akademik seramai 866 pelajar fakulti sains di sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi telah diperoleh dan dianalisis. Data pelajar ini berstruktur hierarki dengan dua tahap, iaitu pelajar dan jabatan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kedua-dua kaedah memberikan penganggaran yang berbeza. Malah, didapati model multitahap yang memasukkan variasi dari tahap-tahap berlainan dan pembolehubah peramal dari tahap yang lebih tinggi memberikan padanan model lebih baik bagi menerangkan pencapaian pelajar].
Artificial Immune System (AIS) is an emerging field to the computer scientists and most of the recent works concerning AIS is in the area of Intrusion Detection System (IDS). AIS is based on human immune system. It is distributed in nature, deploys the adaptive learning and exercises complementary mechanism to defend human body from bacteria or foreign elements. Artificial Immune system is non-linear and adopts the biological concept in classifying self against the non-Âself cells. This paper discusses on the implementation of AIS using the Negative Selection Algorithm in classifying and recognizing patterns on digits (0 to 9). Data for every digit is extracted using moment invariants and is represented in 8 bit string. There are 10 sets of detectors generated and the complementary process between self and non-self is done using the XOR operator. The result for classification for a digit is based on the percentage matched. Higher percentage indicates that the test data is closed to the digit to be recognized.
[Sistem Kebal Buatan (SKB) adalah satu bidang biologi yang telah membuka lembaran baru kepada penyelidik sains komputer untuk menggabungkan konsep kebal buatan di dalam penyelidikan yang berkaitan seperti pencerobohan sistem keselamatan. SKB tabi'i adalah suatu sistem pembelajaran adaptif iaitu yang mempunyai ciri selari dan mekanisma pelengkap bagi pertahanan terhadap unsur asing atau bakteria yang memasuki tubuh badan manusia. SKB bertindak secara tak linear dan menggarap konsep biologi seperti pengelasan terhadap sel kendiri dan sel tak kendiri. Rencana ini memperihalkan pelaksanaan kaedah SKB menggunakan pendekatan pilihan negatif bagi proses pengelasan dan pengecaman corak terhadap digit sifar hingga digit sembilan. Data bagi setiap digit tersebut disari menggunakan kaedah momen tak ubah dan diwakili sebagai rentetan 8 bit. Setiap kelompok digit dikelaskan sebagai kendiri bagi menghasilkan data tak kendiri atau pengesan. Ini bermakna terdapat 10 kelas pengesan yang dijana, dan proses padanan antara data kendiri dan tak kendiri dilaksanakan menggunakan operasi XOR. Penjanaan keputusan bagi pengelasan untuk suatu digit dihitung berasaskan kepada nilai peratusan yang terhasil, iaitu nilai yang dijana merupakan nilai yang digunakan bagi mengecam digit yang wujud pada data ujian. Semakin besar nilai peratusan yang diperolehi, maka semakin hampir nilai tersebut kepada digit yang hendak dicam].
Science has been defined as 'a way of knowing' which is, in certain respects, unlike other ways of knowing. While some forms of knowledge are highly personal and intuitive, the methods of science are designed to be as objective and impersonal as possible. Science has been referred to as 'public knowledge' because of its procedures for verification involve the whole of society. Science is also 'organised knowledge' because it is systematic and because it is supported by a group of social institutions without which it could not exist in its modern form. For many decades, Fensham, an internationally recognised science educator, has been one of the most important and consistent voices for the reform of science education based on his vision of a democratic and socially responsible science education for all, based on the fundamental premise that if society is to understand the world it must be educated in the principles of science upon which a sustainable world is premised. Thus, science has a real place in society and a social responsibility. From a chemistry perspective, this enabling science is perceived by society as irrelevant to the real world and the cause of many of the evils of the world. This paper addresses the pivotal role of chemistry both in science education and in the social responsibility of science campaign and simultaneously shows how chemistry is at the leading edge of sustainable science in both a scientific and social context.
Sains telah ditakrifkan sebagai 'suatu cara mengetahui'. Dalam ertikata tertentu, takrif ini berlainan dengan cara-cara mengetahui hal-hal lain. Sesetengah bentuk pengetahuan sangatlah tersendiri dan intuitif, namun kaedah sains direkabentuk sedemikian sehingga sejauh mungkin ia berobjektif dan tidak tersendiri. Sains telah dirujukkan sebagai 'pengetahuan awam' kerana prosedur pensahihannya melibatkan seluruh masyarakat. Sains juga merupakan 'pengetahuan yang tersusun' kerana ini bersistem dan kerana ia disokong oleh kumpulan institusi sosial. Tanpa sokongan ini sains tidak boleh wujud dalam bentuk modemnya. Selama beberapa dekad yang lalu, Fensham, seorang ahli pendidikan sains yang diiktiraf antarabangsa, merupakan seorang penggiat yang penting dan konsisten dalam menyuarakan pendapat ke arah perubahan pendidikan sains berdasarkan visinya, iaitu pendidikan sains untuk semua secara demokratik dan bertanggungjawab kepada masyarakat, berlandaskan kepada premis asas bahawa jika masyarakat hendak memahami dunia, maka ia mestilah dididik dalam prinsip-prinsip sains dengan prinsip-prinsip itu sendiri dijadikan premos bagi sebuah dunia mampan. Dengan demikian, sains mempunyai tempatnya yang sebenar dalam masyarakat dan mempunyai tanggungjawab kemasyarakatan. Dari perspektif kimia, masyarakat bertanggapan bahawa sains tersebut tidaklah relevan dalam dunia nyata dan merupakan penyebab kepada banyak keburukan dalam dunia ini. Kertas ini mengupas peranan pengimbangan bidang kimia dalam pendidikan sains dan dalam tanggungjawab sosial kempen sains dan sekali gus menunjukkan bahawa kimia adalah teraju bagi sains mampan dalam kedua-dua konteks sainstifik dan sosial.
MeSH terms: Perception; Social Environment; Social Responsibility; Knowledge
We describe a patient who had fever and bilateral cortical blindness and was later found to have leaking intracerebral mycotic aneurysm secondary to Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis. He had a vegetation at the .tricuspid valve with evidence of systemic embolisation, however, chest radiograph did not reveal any evidence of pulmonary emboli.
Keywords: Endocarditis, cortical blindness, mycotic aneurysm, Staphylococcus
Juxtafacet cyst of the spine is a rare occurrence. Reports have described them as synovial cysts; ganglion cysts; extradural cysts as well as degenerative cysts of the spine. Patients may present with radicular pain, motor deficits, sensory disturbances, cauda equina syndrome and even myelopathy. Lumbar juxtafacet cysts may be confused clinically with prolapsed intervertebral discs or other conditions involving nerve root compression such as arachnoid cysts, ependymal cysts, dermoid cysts or teratomatous cysts. In the case of the juxtafacet cyst, surgical excision is usually curative. We report a case of spinal synovial juxtafacet cyst found intraoperatively in a case that was preoperatively diagnosed as prolapsed intervertebral disc. Synovial juxtafacet cyst of the spine should be considered as one of the differential diagnoses in patients, especially in older patients, presenting with nerve root compression.
Objective: This study was done to identify blood donors with thalassaemia and iron deficiency. A cross sectional study was carried out at Pusat Darah Negara (PDN), Kuala Lumpur in November 2003.
Methods: Full blood counts were done on 242 blood donors (166 males and 76 females) Hb analysis and serum ferritin assay were done for all the samples. The first time donors were used as controls.
Results: Only 20 (8.3%) donors had MCV <80 fL and MCH <26pg. Six of the 25 donors with iron deficiency had a low MCV <80 fL) and low MCH <26 pg) but all the 8 (40%) donors with thalassaemia or HbE had a low MCV and MCH! The mean ferritin levels were found to be lower among regular blood donors (95.3 ug/L) compared to first time blood donors (116.6 ug/L) but this was not statistically significant. There were 25 donors who were iron deficient: one was a first time donor and 24 were regular donors - 12 (50%) had donated 3 times a year in the last two years. Iron deficiency was seen in 12 Malays, and 9 Chinese, and 4 Indians. 13.3% of the males (22 out of 166 donors) and 4% (3 of 76) of female donors were iron deficient. Thalassaemia and HbE were found in 8 donors. HbE trait was identified in 5 Malay donors. One Malay and 1 Chinese donor had beta-thalassaemia trait. Another Chinese had alpha (a^o) thalassaemia trait. Neither HbE nor thalassaemia were seen in the Indian donors.
Conclusion: In this study thalassaemia and RbE were seen in 3.3% and iron deficiency in 10.3% of the 242 blood donors at PDN. Iron deficiency was present in 3.2% of the first time donors and 12.8% of the regular donors. Regular donors should have the serum ferritin done for their iron status and if their MCV and MCH are low, Hb analysis for thalassaemia or haemoglobinopathy.
Keywords: Blood donors, serum ferritin, iron deficiency, haemoglobinopathy
Objective: Despite much progress in treatment strategies, long term survival of adult ALL is still inferior to that in children. The underlying mechanisms for these differences are largely unknown. Intensification of contemporary therapy has also resulted in many children being over-treated. The action of chemotherapeutic drugs used in the treatment of ALL includes cell cycle dependent agents which are effective on cells that are proliferating. Cell proliferation in haemopoietic cells is controlled by cytokines. Thus, we proposed to study the cell cycle profile of ALL cases and also expression of cytokines to determine their role in affecting treatment outcome in the different age groups.
Methods: We determined the S-phase fraction from the cell cycle profile by flowcytometry and tested the expressions of cytokine IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-18, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and GM-CSF using RT-PCR in de novo ALL cases.
Results: We found a significantly higher S-phase fraction in samples from children 2-10 years old compared to the older age group (>10 years old) (p=0.001). GM-CSF was found to be expressed in a significantly lower percentage of children compared to adults (p=0.008).
Conclusion: Our results implied that GM-CSF may have induced cell cycle arrests in adult ALL resulting in a lower percentage of S-phase fraction. This may contribute to the poorer prognosis in adult ALL because non-cycling blasts are less sensitive to some chemotherapeutic drugs.
Keywords: ALL, S-phase fraction, GM-CSF, age
Occult mucosal prolapse syndrome, also known as the solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is uncommon. Due to its rarity, a misdiagnosis of rectal cancer is occasionally made as the clinical features may closely mimic those of rectal malignancy. We hereby report a case of SRUS in an elderly Malay gentleman who had primary symptoms of rectal bleeding with associated anaemia and anorectal pain. Even though the clinical features and specific investigations suggested the presence of rectal cancer, preoperative histological analysis failed to confirm this. In view of the intractable symptoms and rectal bleeding, a low anterior resection was performed. A detailed examination of the resected specimen intraoperatively, together with the histological report and awareness of this condition avoided the performance of an abdomino-perineal resection. Incidently coexisting malrotation of the sigmoid colon to the right side was discovered during surgery. This finding, which may be coincidental, has not been reported thus far in the medical literature. The patient's symptoms improved postoperatively with a subsequent uneventful recovery. A brief literature review supplements this case report.
Keywords: Mucosal prolapse syndrome, solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, rectal cancer
Aims: To investigate whether in Malaysia, a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) less than 80 fl and a mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) less than 27 pg will identify carriers in pregnant women with severe forms of thalassaemia, a-thal 1 (a0) and classical b (b0)-thalassaemia. The results from this study will aid the implementation of a national program to screen for thalassaemia.
Methods: For classical b (b0)-thalassaemia, blood samples collected in EDTA from 153 pregnant women were taken for full blood counts and haemoglobin subtyping by automated blood counting and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) respectively. For a-thal 1 (a0), the full blood counts were obtained from archives of 30 pregnant women who were genotyped positive for the a-thal 1 (a0) during prenatal diagnosis for Hb Barts hydrops fetalis. The effects of storage on MCV, MCH and Hb A2 were determined by tests done daily for 3 weeks.
Results: By correlating red cell indices with high performance liquid chromatography and genotypic data, we show that mean corpuscular volume (MCV) <80 fl and mean corpuscular haemoglobin <27pg is able to detect all heterozygous carriers of a-thal 1 (a0) and classical b (b0)-thalassaemia. On storage, the MCV of heterozygous carriers with classical b (b0)-thalassaemia rose at 1% a day after 24 hours reaching a mean of 80 fl by day 15. However, the MCH and Hb A2 were stable for 3 weeks.
Conclusion: A mean corpuscular volume (MCV) <80 fl and mean corpuscular haemoglobin <27pg should be recommended as cut-off values for screening of carriers of a-thal 1 (a0) and classical b (b0)-thalassaemia. In blood samples, not processed within a day, MCH with a cut-off value of 27 pg is the recommended choice for screening of carriers. Keywords: Screen, thalassaemia, pregnant, MCV, MCH
MeSH terms: Erythrocyte Indices; Female; Humans; Malaysia; Mass Screening; Pregnancy; Thalassemia; Women
We report a case of sciatic nerve entrapment resulting in a patient experiencing pain over the posterior aspect of the knee, simulating a Baker's cyst. Surgical exploration revealed a tight fibrous arch compressing the distal portion of the sciatic nerve, proximal to its bifurcation. Decompression of this entrapment led to complete relief of symptoms. This form of presentation is rare and should be considered as a differential diagnosis when a patient presents with complaints of pain in the back of the knee. Keywords: Sciatic nerve compression, pain in the back of the knee
Objective: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine and evaluate the effects of schoolbag load on electromyography (EMG) activity of the erector spinae muscle.
Methods: Eighty-four primary schoolchildren were selected from two national medium primary schools in Seri Kembangan, 42 from Primary Two (P2) and 42 from Primary Five (PS), aged 8 and 11 respectively. Data were collected through interviews, anthropometries measurements, the weight of schoolbag load and surface electromyography (SEMG) of the erector spinae using Muscle Tester ME3000f'®. SurfaceAg-AgCl electrodes were used to measure: unloaded standing and walking, and loaded standing and walking.
Results: The study revealed that the erector spinae was found to be more efficient in loaded standing probably due to other trunk muscle co-activity compared to unloaded standing (p<0.05). However, the erector spinae was less efficient when loads were carried on the back while walking, compared to unloaded walking. When the schoolbag was carried over both shoulders, forces generated by the erector spinae were reduced and resulted in a more efficient use of the erector spinae compared to other asymmetrical carrying methods (p<0.05).
Conclusions: Bending slightly forward when carrying schoolbag was found to reduce the forces generated by the erector spinae compared to normal sagittal posture (p<0.05), however no significant difference was found between the different frontal postures. A significant inverse relationship (p<0.01) between the weight of schoolbag load and the average electromyography (AEMG), showed that the signifieance of the erector spinae muscle was reduced when a heavier schoolbag load was carried, owing to other trunk muscles co-activity. The study also revealed that apart from age of schoolchildren, family history of back pain, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), weight of the schoolbag and method of carrying schoolbag also play important role as risk factors for back pain.
Keywords: Electromyography, schoolbag, primary school, back pain
MeSH terms: Back Pain; Child; Humans; Malaysia; Pain; Schools; Students; Prevalence; Low Back Pain
Introduction: A cross-sectioned study was carried out on 1016 drug addicts from Johor state to better understand their profile.
Method: A structured questionnaire prepared in three languages was used to collect the data which was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences.
Result & Discussion: The overall mean age of the respondents was 33.8 (95% CI= 33.3 - 34.4) years and ranged from 16 to 61 years. ANOVA post hoc multiple comparison tests showed that there was a significant difference in the mean age between Malays and Chinese (p<0.05). The majority of the respondents were Malay (79.6%) and had secondary education (72.1%) or primary education (21.7%). The majority (79%) was either semi-skilled or unskilled. More than 70% had mores than five siblings. About 36% of the respondents had past a history of discipline problem at school. The majority (99.6%) of the drugs addicts had smoked before and more than 90% were currently smoking. More than 80% had consumed alcoholic beverages. The majority did not use condom when they had sex. Only 24% stated that they did use a needle or syringe that had previously been used by someone else. Less than 4% had either bleached or boiled the needle or syringe that had previously been used by someone else. About 17% were tested positive for HIV. The mean age at which the respondents first started injecting drugs was 21.5 (95% CI= 20.7 - 22.2) years. ANOVA post hoc multiple comparison tests showed that there was no significant difference in the mean age of the different ethnic groups at which the respondents first started injecting drugs. The majority (84.2%) of the drug addicts started injecting drugs between 10 and 20 years of age. Friends introduced 80% of the drug addicts to drugs. The common reasons given for first taking drugs was " I was curious about the feeling of taking drugs (43.6%), "my friends asked me to try" (23.4%), "to release tension" (15.6%) and 5% stated "to try for fun", and 3% that they were "depressed". The majority (64.2%) of the drug addicts spend RM 500 or more per month on drugs and more than 10% of them spend as much as RM 1000 or more per month.
Conclusion: These results indicate an urgent need for a more comprehensive prevention program involving family, schools, commmunities and the media and aimed at reducing drug abuse. Keywords: Profile, drug addicts, Malaysia
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of anxiety among medical students at a local university in Malaysia and to identify its associated factors.
Methods: Across-sectional study design was used. Three-hundred and ninety-six medical students at a local university in Malaysia were included in the study. A pre-tested, modified, self-administered Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was used to screen for anxiety.
Results: Three-hundred-and-ninety-six out of 414 medical students participated (response rate 95.7%).38.4% of the medical students were found to have anxiety.
Conclusion: The overall prevalence of anxiety among medical students was high (38.4%). Factors found to be significantly associated with anxiety were gender, perceived level of pressure, year of study in medical school, ethnicity and depression(p<0.05).
Keywords: Anxiety, depression, medical students, prevalence