Browse publications by year: 2016

  1. Mohamad Faisol Keling, Mohamad Hanapi Mohamad
    Logistics development of Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) involving the Malaysian Army (TDM),
    Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) have been developed since
    1957. Since the 1990s, ATM has been through the process of modernization which is can seen through
    the rapid and strong capabilities in logistics aspect. Defense policy development has involved the
    development of the logistical aspects of ATM. Purchasing of defense equipments such as the most
    modern warship in Armed Force in 1990, Scorpene submarines, fighter aircraft which is used by the
    developed countries such as the MiG-29, FA/18 Hornet and Sukhoi 30MKM, battle tanks from Poland
    and so on with the transfer package technology is essential to ensure that the principle of self-reliance
    defense ATM can be achieved. This process has force the government to allocate a large amount of
    money in providing modern logistics equipments so it can be used to the maximum by the defense forces. In fact, the development of the defense and Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) also growing
    along with the development of technology, defense policy, doctrine of current world logistics. However
    the logistics development has raised questions because of the capabilty of logistic and Malaysian
    Armed Forces (ATM) itself which are caused various accidents and issues affecting ATM.
    MeSH terms: Accidents; Aircraft; Animals; Government; Military Personnel; Poland; Policy Making; Social Change; Wasps; Developed Countries; Policy
  2. Lee Saat, Shukri Zain
    The objective of this study is to identify the level of instructional leadership, efficacy and the routine
    duties of the principal including their influence towards academic achievement of the school. Three
    instrument have been used in the collection of data namely Principal Instruction Management Rating
    Scale (PIMRS); Principals Sense Of Efficacy Scale (PSES); and The Principal’s Routine Duties.
    Whilst the academic achievement statistic refers to the SPM examinations result for the 2011 that was
    sourced directly from the JPNS examination unit. All the instruments was found to have a high level of
    genuineness and reliability with Cronbach’s alfa multiplier at 0.94. Altogether 650 set of
    questionnaires have been distributed to the secondary school in the southern zone namely Kuching,
    Samarahan, Sri Aman and Betong Division and 91% of them have been collected successfully. From
    the total number, 487 set have been processed after it was found to be complete and have fully satisfied
    the set characteristics. The research data has been analysed using SPSS software version 21.0. The
    result of the research shows that the level of instructional leadership, efficacy and the principal’s
    routine duties are high. Nevertheless, there is no significant and clear relationship between those
    variables with the school academic achievement. This shows that instructional leadership, efficacy and
    principal routine duties are not factors that would absolutely determine the academic achievement
    without the support of the other factors. Nonetheless, sub scale variable of the instructional leadership
    namely coordinate curriculum (r=.123, p=.01) and incentive given to teachers (r=.094, p=.04) shows
    that there is a significant relationship with the school academic achievement but not for the sub scale
    for efficacy and principal’s routine duties. Arising thereof, the principal is advised to implement
    capability enhancement, streamline interpersonal relationship, effective work delegation in
    collaboration with their subordinate in order to attain a more positive academic achievement. For this
    purpose, the principals are required at the outset to equip themselves by enhancing their knowledge,
    garner more experience, increase skilfulness including keeping abreast with the latest ability related to
    their duties as an instructional leader. In order words, the principal which lead the school should equip
    their self with the current requirement including applying “Leadership For a Need” culture.
  3. Nurfatin Afza Mohamad Murad, Nobaya Ahmad, Hanina Halimatusaadiah Hamsan
    This paper aims to describe the activities of drug treatment and rehabilitation program at one center in
    Kuala Lumpur based on the preliminary study. Treatment and rehabilitation center adopts the biopsycho
    - socio – spiritual model in their recovery process. The data was collected using observation as
    well as personal interviews of respondents who are undergoing treatment and rehabilitation at the
    center. Counsellors are also interviewed to get information about treatment programs that are being
    conducted. Initial research findings indicated that the approach to treatment and rehabilitation using the
    Therapeutic Community has helped facilitate the drug rehabilitation process, especially during the
    remodeling behavior and vocational life skills. Therefore, the results of this study indicated that the
    program can be used as an alternative to drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation in this country.
  4. Mohamad Faisol Keling, Mohamad Hanapi Mohamad, Mohamed Fajil Abdul Batau
    This article describes the development process of the National Defence Policy (NDP), which is
    executed by the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) and government. In this chapter, it will touch on the
    early development of the international political developments during and after the Cold War (1991),
    the Southeast Asian region and threats that affect the development of the defense. In addition, this
    paper describes the development process of the Malaysian defense policy adopted since 1957 to 2010.
    The NDP formed since 1957 involves various aspects such as the importance of the region to Malaysia,
    the concept of defense and the principle of national defense. This article clarify in detail on the aspects
    as set out in the NDP in particular the principle of self-reliance defense, principal of regional
    cooperation defense and the principle of the foreign aid defense. In addition, this paper also describes
    the implementation of a number of defense strategies implemented by MAF as resistant barring
    defense, forward defense, diplomacy defense, and total defense. To fine-tune the process of national
    defense developmet, this chapter also will look on the efforts and development process by all branches of service of MAF which are Malaysian Army (MA), Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and Royal
    Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
    MeSH terms: Diplomacy; Government; International Cooperation; Malaysia; Military Personnel; Touch; Therapeutic Touch
  5. Nazrolnizah Mohamad Noorzeli, Muhammad Nubli Abdul Wahab
    Self performance is important among entrepreneurs due to increasing the business enhancement.
    Nevertheless, previous literature showed that there are less current study which focused on the self
    performance using Biofeedback techniques among entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Thus, this study was
    aimed; 1) to look at how Emwave Biofeedback techniques can be used to improve self performance
    among Ikhtiar Malaysia women entrepreneurs and 2) to improve the HRV score among participants
    through increased the HF coherence. A total of 10 respondents were recruited in this study. The
    changing nature of Heart Rate variability (HRV) of HF, LF and VLF frequencies was measured
    through Biofeedback Emwave training techniques. The HRV Biofeedback techniques were used to
    determine the emotional state and the balance ability between individual Sympathetic and
    Parasympathetic systems. This balance is important to enable women entrepreneurs to control internal
    and external stimuli to be adapted to their business environment. The study showed that the technique
    is able to improve the characteristics of HRV to increase self performance among women
    entrepreneurs. The study found that respondents who successfully completed the HRV training able to
    increase their self performance in term of HRV score and businesses. Result showed that there was a
    positive correlation (0.80-1.00) between all the business and HRV. This showed that Emwave
    Biofeedback training is appropriate to be used as an intervention program to improve self performance
    and business enhancement among the participants. Thus, this study concludes that HRV Biofeedback
    techniques can be an important measure in gauging business entrepreneur’s health and performance.
  6. Ahamad Jama' Amin Yang
    Fabian Society is a type of political think tank which was founded by a group of students and
    intellectuals at London School of Economics (LSE), United Kingdom in the late of 19 centuries. The
    Fabian political thought is a new manifestation of socialist ideology in United Kingdom emerged through the role of Labour Party Partiat that time. After the World War II, the influence of this political
    thought began to widespread throughout Malaya via British-educated Malayan students. This
    development brought about a new form of political idealism based on social-democrat orientation
    which emphasized on class struggles and civil issues in Malaya. Thus, the aim of this article is to
    scrutinize objectively and descriptively the influence of the Fabian political thought in the Malaysian
    political development from 1952 to 1970. Using the approach of history reconstructionist, the analysis
    discussion was developed based on the use of primary sources as the argument base. The research
    findings indicate that the influence of the Fabian political thought developed in Malaya by the role of
    the socialist intellectual-progressive group throughout the research. The development did not only
    involve labour movements and left-wing political parties such as Malayan Democratic Union (MDU)
    and the Malayan Labour Party, but it also influenced students movements at universities through
    University of Malaya Socialist Club in Singapore around 1950s and students societies in Universiti
    Malaya, Kuala Lumpur around 1960s. In fact, at the same time the progressive Fabian group slipped in
    right-conservative group through their direct involvement in UMNO and the Perikatan regime at the
    time. This indirectly proves that there is a different side of the socialist role through the role of the
    Fabian group in the development of democracy and politics in Malaysia.
    MeSH terms: Democracy; London; Malaysia; Politics; Research; Singapore; Students; Universities; Dissent and Disputes; World War II
  7. Kumuthini Jagabalan, J.D., Tan, Helen, Nimehchisalem, Vahid
    Writing ability is essential in second language (L2) learners’ educational and professional life.
    However, experiencing writing apprehension can inhibit the L2 learners’ confidence (Daly, 1975). The
    objective of this study was to investigate the writing apprehension levels of ESL pre-university learners
    in writing argumentative composition. 320 pre-university learners from a local institution participated
    in the study. Two instruments were employed in the study. The first was the Second Language Writing
    Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) and the other one was the Analytic Scale of Argumentative Writing
    (ASAW). The findings revealed a moderate level of writing apprehension among the pre-university
    learners in argumentative writing. Among the three Second Language Writing Apprehension (SLWA)
    dimensions, avoidance behaviour obtained the highest mean score. As writing is one of the important
    components tested in Malaysian University English Test (MUET), the findings of the present study
    may become a platform for instructors to develop a better understanding about SLWA. Hence, it may
    throw light on what educators can do to help these L2 learners cope with or eliminate writing
    apprehension as it hampers the writing quality.
  8. Fazreena Mansor, Ismail Baba, Najib Ahmad Marzuki
    This The fields of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resource (HR) function have gained
    increasingly importance to corporate strategies. As many hotels are concerned with sustainability
    issues and CSR, the HR function is positioned to assist implementing and enhancing CSR strategy as
    well as administering its core functions. In most cases, CSR in the hotels are housed in HR Department
    where the managers have responsibility for the strategic application of CSR in the hotels. This paper
    presents a case study of five hotels in Penang Island, Malaysia as an attempt to demonstrate how
    Human Resource managers of these hotels perform their CSR practices. Specific focus is placed on the
    role of Human Resource managers who are not well-equipped with social work experience or
    background and specifically to investigate how these managers perceive CSR concept, the impact of
    their CSR programs on beneficiaries and the challenges that they encountered in the process. To
    answer these questions, we have conducted interviews with five managers from four and five star
    hotels in Penang. Our findings have reflected the importance of conceptualization of CSR particularly
    in hotel sector as well as gaining insight into current HR profession in administering CSR activities to
    consider someone with social work background in a bid to improve the quality of life of targeted
    MeSH terms: Housing; Humans; Malaysia; Professional Corporations; Quality of Life; Social Behavior; Social Responsibility; Social Work; Islands
  9. Noni Harianti Junaidi, Dani Salleh
    The practice of development planning does not empower the local authority to prepare a development
    plan, as planning and development control is under the jurisdiction of the State Planning Authority
    (SPA). Rapid growth in the housing sector shows a positive indicator towards urbanization in Sarawak.
    This study showed that the current centralised process is fair to all parties, for it ensures equilibrium in
    all areas. Beside that, the study also found that there is some confusion in the roles played by the
    involved parties. The study also identified few problems that often occur, among them complicated
    procedures, slow approval process, bureaucracy, and risks in planning and marketing. However, the
    practice of development planning is concerned with aspects quality and quantity so as not to burden the
    purchaser. The state government, through the SPA, controls the price of housing to ensure equilibrium
    and to avoid the occurrence of abandoned housing projects.
    MeSH terms: Commerce; Confusion; Housing; Malaysia; Social Planning; State Government; Urbanization; Marketing
  10. Chan, Tak Jie, Nurul Ain Mohd Hasan
    This study aimed to examine the relationship between dimensions of corporate social responsibility
    (CSR) practices and intrinsic job motivation of employees in one of the banking companies in
    Malaysia. The study utilised CSR framework by Bursa Malaysia with localised CSR best practices
    dimensions developed by Mohd Hasan (2013). Multistage sampling was employed in this study,
    whereby simple random sampling and cluster sampling were employed. A survey method was used in
    this study, whereby questionnaires were distributed to 110 bank staff (managerial and non-managerial),
    but with 37 valid responses received. A set of self-administered questionnaires was used as the
    instrument for the data collection. The data was then analysed using Spearman’s rho correlation test
    through the SPSS version 22.0. Based on the findings, all the dimensions namely; workplace,
    environment, community, and marketplace have a positive and moderate relationship with internal job
    motivation. Limitations of the study, implications of the findings, and suggestions for future study are
    also discussed.
  11. Ang, Kean Hua
    Research study is an academic methods applied in real world in solving problems associated with the
    society. The research process in achieving objectives of study will have a complete framework
    including methodology. Methodology can be defined as method used to collec and compile data
    through effective procedures in resulting the study problems. Methodology is divided into three stages,
    namely the planning process, application process, and analysis process. This literature review of
    methodology framework prioritizes on the planning process that involve with research study design,
    which can be divided into an experimental and non-experimental. Experimental methods can be
    categorized into real-experimental studies and quasi-experimental studies. Meanwhile, nonexperimental
    can be divided into experimental survey, field studies, case studies, action studies and
    historical studies. Mostly experimental methods are used in pure science and non-experimental methods used in social sciences. However, both methods are still relevant to be applied into certain
    areas of study in order to achieve the objectives and hypothesis. Therefore, the methodology are
    compulsory to be designed and applied properly, precisely and accurately so that the process of
    collecting data in the period of before, during and after collection will not involve with ant errors,
    mistakes and carelessness that may affect the research study.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Ants; Surveys and Questionnaires; Research Design; Social Sciences
  12. Mohamed Fajil Abdul Batau, Ahmad Shah Pakeer Mohamed
    This study examines the factors that influence organizational commitment among public employees in
    residential colleges in the University of Malaya. A total of 100 employees representing 12 colleges
    responded to the questionnaires that were designed to measure their motivation and level of
    commitment. The data obtained were analyzed using correlation, analysis of variance and regression
    analysis were used in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The findings of this study indicated
    that there are significant and positive relationships between all factors (employment compensation,
    training and development, career development and management support) with organization
    commitment. Furthermore, the findings also showed a directional relationship between independent
    and dependent variables by which the public employees at the colleges have positive commitment to
    the organization when the management provides attractive training and development, career
    development and good management support. In addition, the findings indicated that career
    development was the most dominant factor influencing organizational commitment followed by
    training development and job compensation. However, management support factor does not affect the
    organizational commitment among public employees compared to the other factors.
    MeSH terms: Analysis of Variance; Defense Mechanisms; Employment; Motivation; Surveys and Questionnaires
  13. Nurhanis Sahiddan, Haizan Mohd Taha, Mastura Johar
    Anthony Burgess (1917 - 1993) has written a trilogy of novels on the Malay World, namely The
    Malayan Trilogy (1964). It has been suggested that the trilogy, which consists of the novels Time for a
    Tiger (1956), The Enemy in the Blanket (1958) and Beds in the East (1959), depicts the Islamic
    practices through its Muslim Malay characters, displaying their hypocrisy and their wayward Islamic
    practices as stated by Zawiyah Yahya (2003). In contrast, the trilogy has rarely been studied based on
    elements of the paradigm of Malayness in literature, consisting of six elements, namely the Malay
    language, Islam, the Malay rulers, adat/culture, ethnicity, and identity. Therefore, we aim to analyse
    one of the novels in the trilogy, The Enemy in the Blanket, in light of Islam as one of the elements
    under the paradigm of Malayness in literature as stated by Ida as our primary conceptual framework in
    this study. To achieve these objectives, we employ a close textual reading on the novel by analysing
    the Muslim Malay characters in The Enemy in the Blanket. The findings show that the Muslim Malay
    characters in The Enemy in the Blanket could be considered as wayward Muslims in their practices and
    beliefs. Therefore, we would like to reconfirm that the paradigm of Malayness in in fact, an everydaydefined
    social reality, as experienced by the people in the course of their everyday life as opposed to it
    as an authority-defined social reality, as defined by people of the dominant power structure. It is hoped
    that this study will contribute to the on-going discourse on Islam as the paradigm of Malayness as well
    as English literature on the Malay World.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Beds; Ethnic Groups; Humans; Islam; Language; Malaysia; Publications; Reading; Writing; Tigers
  14. Fauziah Ani, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah, Ma'rof Redzuan, Norbaya Ahmad
    This paper seeks to illustrate how empowerment theory can be applied as a critical approach which
    could heighten power and capacity in community development. This is because empowerment is not
    just viewed through theory or philosophy only, but as an active approach which could be applied to
    enhance individual, oganizational or even communal prosperity. Many communal issues discussed by
    scholars such as poverty, health, women, people with disability, single mothers, youth, leadership, organization and many others utilises the empowerment approach. This is because it is the most
    effective approach in resolving issues by empowering individual or target group to take effective action
    through ability and potential, which have been developed. Discussion will ensue with definition of
    empowerment, which will be elucidated, with the concept of power. In the context of community
    development, empowerment refers to a mechanism where individual, organization and community will
    amass control on life and related issues affecting them such as economy, social, psychology and
    politics. To understand this concept clearly, discussion of empowerment concept will be closely
    examined to view the definition from two different dimensions, which is whether empowerment can be
    ascertained as a process, benefit or outcome. By using the qualitative approach, which is through
    analysing content, books, journals and other references, a few steps or process have been unearthed to
    apply empowerment as an approach, which could be practiced in the context of community
    development specifically in rural areas.
    MeSH terms: Adolescent; Books; Female; Disabled Persons; Humans; Leadership; Mothers; Philosophy; Politics; Poverty; Power (Psychology); Social Planning; Life
  15. Kwok, Chin Hoe, Lyndon, Novel, Haris Abd Wahab
    The participation of the local community in the decision-making activity has its own significant role in
    determining that every decision made, centralizes on the needs of the local community. Such an
    involvement is admittedly crucial in ensuring that every program held is “blessed” by the local
    community and wins their support and cooperation in rendering success to the program. In relation to
    this, this article aims at recognizing the participation of the Iban community in the decision-making
    activities with regards to the poverty eradication programs (or People’s Welfare Development Scheme)
    implemented in the district of Song, Sarawak. To meet this objective, the survey method has been
    adopted to obtain the information important for the study. The questionnaire forms were distributed to
    260 Iban community’s Heads of Household at the longhouse. The data obtained were then analysed
    using the descriptive statistics through SPSS. All in all, the discovery of this study points to the fact
    that the majority of the Heads of Household (90.0%) have had participated in at least one decisionmaking
    activity in relation to the implementation of the programs under the SPKR or the People’s
    Welfare Development Scheme. The study finding also shows that the Heads of Household participated
    in the program’s decision-making activities have pointed out that they occasionally make their voices
    heard and are involved in ways such as attending the meeting, representing the locals in the
    discussions, giving opinion in the discussions, managing the conflict that emerges out of the program
    implementation and posing questions in the discussion of the program under the scheme mentioned.
    Notwithstanding, the findings also establish that many of the Heads of the Household admitted that
    they had never taken part in the planning of work, evaluating or troubleshooting that might occur in the
    execution of the program, in the resolution of implementation issues and in the decision-making on the
    program implementation under this scheme.
  16. Ang, Kean Hua
    This Methodology framework in research study smoothing the process of collecting data. Research
    study is categorized into qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research refer to a studies
    require careful observation, while quantitative research refers to a studies involve in statistics.
    Qualitative and quantitative research study can be determined through primary and secondary data.
    Primary data is defined as data that comes from original or the first source, while secondary data is
    defined as data that has been collected by other researchers. Primary data can be categorized into
    active and passive. Active primary data can be divided into direct interview (through face to face
    between researcher and respondents) and interviewed indirectly (e.g. by phone, mail, technology),
    while passive primary data involve with structured and secret characteristic, structured and open
    characteristic, unstructured and secret characteristic, unstructured and open characteristic. Secondary
    data involves with writing (journals, books, magazines, past records, reports and documents, internet, theses, short stories, newspaper), as well as vision and hearing (speeches, movies and videos, songs,
    stories). Even secondary data has its advantages and disadvantages, but both secondary and primary
    data are depend on each other in solving the society problems through the achievement of the
    objectives or hyphotheses in a research study.
    MeSH terms: Books; Postal Service; Surveys and Questionnaires; Research Personnel; Writing; Internet; Qualitative Research
  17. Norizan Rameli, Dani Salleh, Mazlan Ismail
    Homeownership affordability is not only the ability of households to pay the housing cost. But homeownership affordability is also involving the ability of households to pay housing costs as well as to maintain the basic needs in the continuity of life. Thus, affordability aspect is important in home ownership. Meanwhile, home ownership is the biggest decision for a household in a term. The combination of affordability and homeownership led to research on factors that affect the affordability of homeownership, especially in terms of socio-economic households inclusively. Socio-economic factors as discussed include income, household expenditures, job type, education level, number of dependents, monthly housing loan and financial savings. Each factor plays the role of its own to ensure the affordability level of homeownership. In fact, the factors that affect the homeownership affordability is different between households. Analysis of the socio-economic factors is necessary because homeownership affordability issues impact the quality life of mankind.
    MeSH terms: Health Expenditures; Family Characteristics; Housing; Income; Maintenance; Ownership; Quality of Life
  18. Kwok, Chin Hoe, Haris Abd Wahab, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah, Ahmad Hariza Hashim, Ma'rof Redzuan, Wan Munira Wan Jaafar, et al.
    Artikel ini meneliti desentralisasi kuasa dan hubungnya dengan penglibatan komuniti Iban dalam Skim
    Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Rakyat (SPKR). Bagi tujuan pengumpulan data kajian, kaedah temu bual
    berstruktur menggunakan borang soal selidik telah dijalankan ke atas 260 Ketua Isi Rumah (KIR)
    rumah panjang di Daerah Song, Sarawak. Penemuan kajian menunjukkan desentralisasi kuasa dalam
    program di bawah SPKR berada pada tahap sederhana. Analisis Ujian Khi Kuasa Dua pula
    menunjukkan terdapat perhubungan yang signifikan (p ≤ 0.05) antara tahap desentralisasi kuasa dengan
    penglibatan masyarakat Iban dalam pelaksanaan dan penilaian program di bawah SPKR. Ini
    menggambarkan semakin tinggi tahap desentralisasi kuasa yang diterima oleh masyarakat, maka
    semakin tinggi tahap penglibatan mereka dalam aktiviti pelaksanaan dan penilaian program di bawah
    skim tersebut. Sebaliknya, perhubungan tersebut adalah tidak signifikan (p ≥ 0.05) dari segi tahap
    penglibatan dalam membuat keputusan dan berkongsi manfaat daripada program di bawah SPKR.
  19. Sarker MR, Mohamed A, Mohamed R
    Micromachines (Basel), 2016 Sep 23;7(10).
    PMID: 30404344 DOI: 10.3390/mi7100171
    This paper presents a new method for a vibration-based piezoelectric energy harvesting system using a backtracking search algorithm (BSA)-based proportional-integral (PI) voltage controller. This technique eliminates the exhaustive conventional trial-and-error procedure for obtaining optimized parameter values of proportional gain (Kp), and integral gain (Ki) for PI voltage controllers. The generated estimate values of Kp and Ki are executed in the PI voltage controller that is developed through the BSA optimization technique. In this study, mean absolute error (MAE) is used as an objective function to minimize output error for a piezoelectric energy harvesting system (PEHS). The model for the PEHS is designed and analyzed using the BSA optimization technique. The BSA-based PI voltage controller of the PEHS produces a significant improvement in minimizing the output error of the converter and a robust, regulated pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal to convert a MOSFET switch, with the best response in terms of rise time and settling time under various load conditions.
    MeSH terms: Algorithms; Heart Rate; Vibration; Physical Phenomena
  20. Dauda AB, Teh JC, Amin SMN, Kamarudin MS, Romano N
    J Pestic Sci, 2016 Aug 20;41(3):83-86.
    PMID: 30363129 DOI: 10.1584/jpestics.D16-055
    Trypsin-modulating oostatic factor (TMOF) is an effective mosquito larvicide, but information on its potential toxicity to non-target organisms is limited. To investigate this, triplicate groups of 10 Macrobrachium rosenbergii were exposed to 0, 10, 50 or 100 mg/L nominal TMOF concentrations for 12 days. Tail moisture, crude protein, and hepatopancreatic glycogen/histopathology were unaffected, but increasing TMOF linearly decreased survival and growth. TMOF at the lowest concentration employed significantly decreased trypsin and chymotrypsin activities.
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