
  • 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia


Electrodeposition of white copper-tin alloys (including white miralloys) has been done onto planar mild steel substrates from alkaline cyanide solutions at 65 0 C. The chemical composition of the coating is influenced by plating bath composition and current density. White miralloy can be produced from the test solution containing 10 g/l CuCN2 - , 45 g/l Na2SnO3, 25 g/l NaCN, and 12 g/l NaOH at current density about 5 mA/cm 2 . The local compositions of the coating cross section were analyzed using EDX installed in a FESEM operated at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. The phases formed during co-deposition process were identified using XRD at 25 mA current and 35 kV voltage.