The evaluation of degradation and growth kinetics of Serratia marcescens strain AQ07 was carried out using three half-order models at all the initial concentrations of cyanide with the values of regression exceeding 0.97. The presence of varying cyanide concentrations reveals that the growth and degradation of bacteria were affected by the increase in cyanide concentration with a total halt at 700 ppm KCN after 72 h incubation. In this study, specific growth and degradation rates were found to trail the substrate inhibition kinetics. These two rates fitted well to the kinetic models of Teissier, Luong, Aiba and Heldane, while the performance of Monod model was found to be unsatisfactory. These models were used to clarify the substrate inhibition on the bacteria growth. The analyses of these models have shown that Luong model has fitted the experimental data with the highest coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.9794 and 0.9582 with the lowest root mean square error (RMSE) value of 0.000204 and 0.001, respectively, for the specific rate of degradation and growth. It is the only model that illustrates the maximum substrate concentration (Sm) of 713.4 and empirical constant (n) of 1.516. Tessier and Aiba fitted the experimental data with a R2 value of 0.8002 and 0.7661 with low RMSE of 0.0006, respectively, for specific biodegradation rate, while having a R2 value of 0.9 and RMSE of 0.001, respectively, for specific growth rate. Haldane has the lowest R2 value of 0.67 and 0.78 for specific biodegradation and growth rate with RMSE of 0.0006 and 0.002, respectively. This indicates the level of the bacteria stability in varying concentrations of cyanide and the maximum cyanide concentration it can tolerate within a specific time period. The biokinetic constant predicted from this model demonstrates a good ability of the locally isolated bacteria in cyanide remediation in industrial effluents.
An electrogenerative flow-through reactor with an activated reticulated vitreous carbon cathode was developed. The influence of palladium-tin activation of the cathode towards gold deposition was studied by cyclic voltammetry. The reactor proved to be efficient in recovering more than 99% of gold within 4 h of operation. The performance of the reactor was evaluated with initial gold concentrations of 10, 100 and 500 mg L-1 and various electrolyte flow rates. Gold recovery was found to be strongly dependent on electrolyte flow rate and initial gold concentration in the cyanide solution under the experimental conditions used.
Traditional methods for the recovery of gold from electronic scrap by hydrometallurgy were cyanidation followed by adsorption on activated carbon or cementation onto zinc dust and by electrowinning. In our studies, a static batch electrochemical reactor operating in an electrogenerative mode was used in gold recovery from cyanide solutions. A spontaneous chemical reaction will take place in the reactor and generate an external flow of current. In this present work, a static batch cell with an improved design using three-dimensional cathodes namely porous graphite and reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) and two-dimensional cathode materials, copper and stainless steel plates were coupled with a zinc anode. The electrogenerative system was demonstrated and the performance of the system using various cathode materials for gold recovery was evaluated. The system resulted in more than 90% gold being recovered within 3h of operation. Activated RVC serves as a superior cathode material having the highest recovery rate with more than 99% of gold being recovered in 1h of operation. The morphology of gold deposits on various cathode materials was also investigated.
Electrodeposition of white copper-tin alloys (including white miralloys) has been done onto planar mild steel substrates from alkaline cyanide solutions at 65 0 C. The chemical composition of the coating is influenced by plating bath composition and current density. White miralloy can be produced from the test solution containing 10 g/l CuCN2 - , 45 g/l Na2SnO3, 25 g/l NaCN, and 12 g/l NaOH at current density about 5 mA/cm 2 . The local compositions of the coating cross section were analyzed using EDX installed in a FESEM operated at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. The phases formed during co-deposition process were identified using XRD at 25 mA current and 35 kV voltage.
A Rhodococcus sp. UKMP-5M isolate was shown to detoxify cyanide successfully, suggesting the presence of an intrinsic property in the bacterium which required no prior cyanide exposure for induction of this property. However, in order to promote growth, Rhodococcus sp. UKMP-5M was fully acclimatized to cyanide after 7 successive subcultures in 0.1 mM KCN for 30 days. To further shorten the lag phase and simultaneously increase the tolerance towards higher cyanide concentrations, the bacterium was induced with various nitrile compounds sharing a similar degradatory pathway to cyanide. Acetonitrile emerged as the most favored inducer and the induced cells were able to degrade 0.1 mM KCN almost completely within 18 h. With the addition of subsequent aliquots of 0.1 mM KCN a shorter period for complete removal of cyanide was required, which proved to be advantageous economically. Both resting cells and crude enzyme of Rhodococcus sp. UKMP-5M were able to biodegrade cyanide to ammonia and formate without the formation of formamide, implying the identification of a simple hydrolytic cyanide degradation pathway involving the enzyme cyanidase. Further verification with SDS-PAGE revealed that the molecular weight of the active enzyme was estimated to be 38 kDa, which is consistent with previously reported cyanidases. Since the recent advancement in the application of biological methods in treating cyanide-bearing wastewater has been promising, the discovery of this new bacterium will add value by diversifying the existing microbial populations capable of cyanide detoxification.
Pseudomonas sp. strain L10.10 (=DSM 101070) is a psychrotolerant bacterium which was isolated from Lagoon Island, Antarctica. Analysis of its complete genome sequence indicates its possible role as a plant-growth promoting bacterium, including nitrogen-fixing ability and indole acetic acid (IAA)-producing trait, with additional suggestion of plant disease prevention attributes via hydrogen cyanide production.
The present study investigated the use of modified titanium dioxide (TiO2) based photocatalytic degradation (PCD) process for the removal of some critical charged aqueous phase pollutants. First of all, the use of Nafion TiO2 (Nf-TiO2) and silica TiO2 (Si-TiO2) for the removal of aqueous phase ammonia (NH4+/NH3) species employing near UV lamp as energy source was studied. The use of Nf-TiO2 enhanced NH4+/NH3 PCD with optimum removal noted for 1 mL of Nafion solution coating per g of TiO2 and respective overall NH4+/NH3 removal was about 1.7 times higher compared to plain TiO2 at 6 h reaction time. Similarly the 0.5 mL silica solution coating per g TiO2 sample, also enhanced NH4+/NH3 removal with optimum efficiency similar to Nf-TiO2. The results from effect of ammonia concentration on to its PCD using Nf-TiO2 indicated that overall mass based NH4+/NH3 removal was higher at greater NH4+/NH3 amounts indicating high efficiency of Nf-TiO2. Similar trends were noted for Si-TiO2 as well. Furthermore, the results from modified TiO2 and mixed NH4+/NH3 and cyanide (CN-) systems indicated successful removal of co-pollutant CN- along with simultaneous degradation of NH4+/NH3 species at rates that were still higher than plain TiO2. Nevertheless application of Nf-TiO2 for the treatment of cationic dye methylene blue (MB) indicated slower MB removal compared to plain TiO2 though significant MB degradation using Nf-TiO2 could still be achieved at pH3. Additionally the results from solar radiation energized PCD process indicated positive role of solar radiation for the removal of NH4+/NH3 species under a varying set of conditions.
The capability of the crude extract of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M was enhanced by adopting the technology of immobilization. Among the matrices screened to encapsulate the crude extract, gellan gum emerged as the most suitable immobilization material, exceeding the activity of cyanide-degrading enzyme by 61% and 361% in comparison to alginate carrier and non-immobilized crude extract, respectively. Improved bead mechanical strength which supported higher biocatalyst activity by 63% was observed when concentration of gellan gum, concentration of calcium chloride, number of beads and bead size were optimized. The immobilized crude extract demonstrated higher tolerance towards broad range of pH (5-10) and temperature (30°C-40°C), superior cyanide-degrading activity over time and improved storage stability by maintaining 76% of its initial activity after 30 days at 4°C. Furthermore, repeated use of the gellan gum beads up to 20 batches without substantial loss in the catalytic activity was documented in the present study, indicating that the durability of the beads and the stability of the enzyme are both above adequate. Collectively, the findings reported here revealed that the utilization of the encapsulated crude extract of Rhodococcus UKMP-5M can be considered as a novel attempt to develop an environmentally favourable and financially viable method in cyanide biodegradation.
Cyanidation in gold extraction has detrimental impacts on the ecosystem and the population in surrounding areas. The research described in this article aimed to assess the health effects of environmental exposure to cyanide in a community near a gold mining area in Malaysia. A total of 255 members of the exposed community and 117 members of the control community answered questionnaires on their exposure to a gold mine and health outcomes. Urine samples were collected for biomarker assessment (i.e., urinary thiocyanate). The authors found that the mean level of urinary thiocyanate was significantly higher among the exposed community (0.30 ± 0.26 mg/dL) than the control community (0.24 ± 0.23 mg/dL) (p = .0021). The exposed community had a significantly higher prevalence of headaches (prevalence odds ratio [pOR] = 2.6, p = .001), dizziness (pOR = 3.7, p < .001), skin irritation (pOR = 2.1, p = .040), and eye irritation (pOR = 5.1, p = .004). No association occurred between dietary exposure and urinary biomarkers. Smokers living near a gold mine had a higher urinary thiocyanate level (0.56 mg/dL) than smokers in the control community (0.49 mg/dL).
The cell-free extract of locally isolated Rhodococcus UKMP-5M strain was used as an alternative to develop greener and cost effective cyanide removal technology. The present study aims to assess the viability of the cell-free extract to detoxify high concentrations of cyanide which is measured through the monitoring of protein concentration and specific cyanide-degrading activity. When cyanide-grown cells were subjected to grinding in liquid nitrogen which is relatively an inexpressive and fast cell disruption method, highest cyanide-degrading activity of 0.63 mM min(-1) mg(-1) protein was obtained in comparison to enzymatic lysis and agitation with fine glass beads. The cell-free extracts managed to degrade 80% of 20 mM KCN within 80 min and the rate of cyanide consumption increased linearly as the concentration of protein was raised. In both cases, the addition of co-factor was not required which proved to be advantageous economically. The successful formation of ammonia and formate as endproducts indicated that the degradation of cyanide by Rhodococcus UKMP-5M proceeded via the activity of cyanidase and the resulting non-toxic products are safe for disposal into the environment. Further verification with SDS-PAGE revealed that the molecular weight of the active enzyme was estimated to be 38 kDa, which is consistent with previously reported cyanidases. Thus, the utilization of cell-free extracts as an alternative to live microbial in cyanide degradation offers numerous advantageous such as the potential to tolerate and degrade higher concentration of cyanide and total reduction in the overall cost of operation since the requirement for nutrient support is irrelevant.
Introduction: Responder’s action during mass environmental chemical incident involves collaboration of multiple agency. They clean the exposure site, control public safety and safe lives. The health of the responder is also as valuable as the public and always been neglected. Hence, this study is to highlights the method used and challenges during the incidents. Methods: A modified Occupational Health Surveillance Programme designed by Baker and Matte (Thirteen Steps in designing and implementing an Occupational Health Surveillance Programme) was imple-mented. These method full fill the criteria of impossible further reduce exposure to known hazards and uncertain health effect of the offending chemicals. Two core workplace namely the source of chemical contamination locale and victims’ evacuation centre were identified. The exposed responder is identified and categorised according to their expected exposure. Offending chemicals identified were known hazardous to health. An electronic survey form was developed and the surveillance were conducted during the event and post-exposures of one, third and sixth months. Laboratory tests were performed as a grab sample randomly and strategically to represent responder exposure. Results: During the event, 1338 responders were surveyed and twenty percent had symptoms of cough, headache, sore throat, nausea and skin irritation. After one-month post-exposure, three percent of responder noted to have continue symptoms. Laboratory tests were performed randomly due to the sheer numbers of responders in action. Only sixty-one samples were collected and sixteen percent had positive metabolites for urine cyanide. Re-sponders with abnormal laboratory result (FBC/LFT/RP/Urine) were interviewed and a repeat sample were performed. Conclusion: The health surveillance of the responder in mass environmental chemical incident is a great challenge when the exposure level is unsure and involve more than one chemicals. Likewise, reliability and validity adopting statistical test for health surveillance instruments is unattainable due to urgency. However, a proper method of occu-pational surveillance need to be devised and implemented to ensure the protection of worker’s health is guaranteed.
Although carbon dioxide (CO2) is well known as one of the major green-house gases, it is also an economical C1 resource. Thus, CO2has been regarded as an appealing starting material for the synthesis of polymers, like polycarbonates by the reaction with epoxides. Herein the reaction between natural epoxidized soybean oil (ESO), propylene oxide (PO) and CO2under high pressure (4.0MPa) with the presence of Co-Zn double metal cyanide (Co-Zn DMC) catalyst was studied. Temperature and reaction time were varied accordingly and the products obtained were characterized by FTIR, GPC and1H NMR. The results obtained indicate the formation of polycarbonates in the samples collected with yields vary from 60 to 85%. The number average molecular weight (Mn) of the resultant polymer prepared at reaction temperature of 80°C and reaction time of 6h can reach up to 6498g/mol.
Molybdenum, an emerging pollutant, has being demonstrated recently to be toxic to
spermatogenesis in several animal model systems. Metal mines especially gold mine often use
cyanide and hence isolation of metal-reducing and cyanide-degrading bacteria can be useful for
the bioremediation of these pollutants. Preliminary screening shows that three cyanide-degrading
bacteria were able to reduce molybdenum to molybdenum blue (Mo-blue) when grown on a
molybdate low phosphate minimal salts media. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA gene of
the best reducer indicates that it belongs to the Serratia genus. A variety of mathematical models
such as logistic, Gompertz, Richards, Schnute, Baranyi-Roberts, von Bertalanffy, Buchanan
three-phase and Huang were used to model molybdenum reduction, and the best model based on
statistical analysis was modified Gompertz with lowest values for RMSE and AICc, highest
adjusted R2 values, with Bias Factor and Accuracy Factor nearest to unity (1.0). The reduction
constants obtained from the model will be used to carry out secondary modelling to study the
effect of various parameters such as substrate, pH and temperature to molybdenum reduction.
Cyanide is highly toxic to the living organisms as it inhibits respiration system in the cell mitochondria. Cyanide is commonly used in gold extraction process and its discharge into the environment not only causes pollution but it also brings harm to the surrounding population. Chemical treatment is expensive and the use of hazardous compound can exacerbate the problem. Biodegradation offers cheap and safe alternative as it overcomes the problems faced by chemical treatment. In this study, indigenous bacteria from mining wastewater were isolated. Cyanide degradation was done via shake flask method. A bacterium, designated W2 was found able to grow in the mining wastewater. 16S rRNA analysis identified the strain as Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes which could tolerate up to 39 mg/L cyanide concentration and growth was depleted at 52 mg/L. 60% cyanide degradation was achieved in wastewater containing medium. End-product analysis from high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) detected formamide implicating the role of cyanide hydratase in cyanide degradation. It can be concluded that P. pseudoalcaligenes is capable of biodegrading cyanide and its potential in wastewater treatment containing cyanide is feasible.
The lipid fraction of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis (kunth. Muell)) seed was extracted and analyzed for toxicological effect. The toxicological compound such as linamarin in rubber seed oil (RSO) extracted using different solvents, such as hexane (RSOh), mixture of chloroform + methanol (RSOchl+mth) and ethanol (RSOeth) were also studied. Various methods analysis such as Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and colorimetric methods were carried out to determine the present of such compounds.