Texture and biochemical changes, specifically in moisture, protein content and amino acid profile were studied throughout the molt cycle of Panaeus monodon. This study was initiated to investigate changes that may occur in mass and tissue composition during different molting stages. Molting of Penaeus monodon are classified into 3 main stages; postmolt, intermolt and premolt. Result of biochemical analysis, shows that moisture varies from 78.02-80.88%, indicating a maximum value during postmolt and minimum value during premolt. Total protein content was found to be higher during intermolt (23.48%) and postmolt (22.27%) compared to premolt (23.10%). The result of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis shows a higher intensity of protein band during intermolt which corresponds to higher protein content. Thus, this electrophoresis method is useful as an alternative to determine different stages of shrimp molting. This is based on intensity of the protein band which is referring to protein content of the shrimp at its different stages. The amino acid profile showed that arginine, alanine, glutamic acid, glycine, lycine, and thronine increased during premolt whilst isoleucine and phenylalanine higher during postmolt. Aspartic acid and histidine was higher in intermolt than in premolt and postmolt. Texture analysis carried out give an elastic modulus value that is high during premolt compared to postmolt and intermolt. There are significant changes in texture and biochemical composition through elastic modules value and protein composition of Penaeus monodon during each stages of moltcycle.