Patient effective doses and the associated radiation risks arising from particular computed tomography (CT) imaging procedures are assessed. The objectives of this research are to measure radiation doses for patients and to quantify the radiogenic risks from CT brain and chest procedures. Patient data were collected from five calibrated CT modality machines in Saudi Arabia. The results are from a study of a total of 60 patients examined during CT procedures using the calibrated CT units. For CT brain and chest, the mean patient effective doses were 1.9 mSv (with a range of 0.6-2.5 mSv) and 7.4 mSv (with a range of 0.5-34.8 mSv) respectively. The radiogenic risk to patients ranged from between 10-5 and 10-4 per procedure. With 65% of the CT procedure cases diagnosed as normal, this prompts re-evaluation of the referral criteria. The establishment of diagnostic reference levels (DRL) and implementation of radiation dose optimisation measures would further help reduce doses to optimal values.
* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.