
This paper presents some properties of the sample of carbon pellets prepared from fibres of oil palm empty fruit bunches by a carbonization process up to the temperature of 1000°C. It is found that the samples have (i) microcracks and micropores (ii) about 70 percent weight lost and 20­-30 percent volume shrinkage (iii) the densities of 0.6gcm-3 and 0.9gcm-3 for the fast and slow heating rate respectively (iv) the X-ray diffraction spectrum which clearly indicates the disordered structure and (v) the experimental and predicted electrical resistivities of 7.75 ´ 10-2 Ω cm and 8.57 ´ 10-2 Ω cm respectively. Reasons that make these properties differ from that of the glassy carbon commercial have been identical and effort to overcome this is being carried out.
Kertas kerja ini membincangkan beberapa sifat sampel karbon pelet yang disediakan daripada serabut tandan kelapa sawit melalui proses karbonisasi sehingga suhu 1000°C. Didapati bahawa sampel mempunyai (i) rekahan­ mikro dan liang mikro (ii) spektrum belauan sinar-X yang jelas memperlihatkan struktur taktertib (iii) kira-kira 70 peratus kehilangan berat dan 20-30 peratus susutan isipadu (iv) ketumpatan 0.6gcm-3 dan 0.9gcm-3 bagi masing­masing kadar pemanasan cepat dan perlahan dan (v) kerintangan elektrik eksperimen dan ramalan masing-masing 7.75 ´ 10-2 Ω cm dan 8.57 ´ 10-2 Ω cm. Alasan yang menyebabkan sifat-sifat ini berbeza daripada sifat-sifat karbon glasi komersial telah dikenalpasti dan usaha mengatasinya sedang dijalankan.