
  • 1 Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • 2 Universiti Teknologi MARA


Introduction: Benzimidazole analogues are bicyclic compounds that had been synthesized comprising the fusion of benzene and imidazole. It gains interest in research as it poses numerous therapeutic potential such as anti-ulcer, anti-malarial, anti-helminthic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer. Hence, this work aims to screen novel benzimidazole analogues using MTT assay for potential anti-proliferation activities on gastric cancer, which is the second cause of cancer-related death. Methods: MTT assay was conducted following standard protocol on HGT-1 gastric cancer cells. Cells were seeded and allowed to attach overnight before being introduced with various con-centration of benzimidazole analogues up to 72 hours and the optical density of the MTT was recorded using 560 nm wavelength. Two-Way ANOVA was used to analyse all data, followed by post-hoc Tukey test and the structure analysis relationship was analysed using MTT result. Results: From five analogues, only compound 4 showed an-ti-proliferation activity with IC50 8.212 ± 0.813 μM at 72 hours. Compound 4 had hydroxyl group at ortho- and para- position and remarkably, compound 2 which contained the hydroxyl group at ortho- and meta- position together with compound 5 which contained the combination of meta- and para- induced proliferation on gastric cancer. Conclusion: Different position of hydroxyl group on the benzene ring gives different activities on gastric cancer and from the experiment, only compound 4 had the anti-proliferative activity.