MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective crosssectional study of HCC cases within a five-year period in our center with data collected from Hospital Canselor Tunku Mukhriz (HCTM). This study examines the HCC risk factors, the pattern of diagnosis, treatment options and overall survival.
RESULTS: The findings from this study showed that viral hepatitis was the highest risk factor in which most of the patients were elderly males who presented with abdominal distension. In addition, given the high prevalence of metabolic diseases Malaysia, it is predicted that the number of non-alcoholic steatohepatosis (NASH)-related HCC cases might increase. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) proved to have no significant role in the detection of the disease. The number of patients detected at early BCLC was minimal, resulting in limited options of treatment. Overall survival of our HCC patients was poor at 17 months.
CONCLUSION: We conclude that HCC patients in HCTM mostly presented at late stage to hospital, hence limiting the treatment options and resulted in poor survival rate. Disease awareness should be implemented at primary care level to detect HCC at its early stage. Subsequently, a multidisciplinary hospital team is required to manage the disease at its different stages of presentation.