Displaying all 17 publications

  1. Kathiravelu, S. R., Ramayah, T., Abu Mansor, N. N.
    Knowledge is Power - one of the most important sayings that demonstrate an individual’s
    growth and development to the highest level. Therefore, the goal of presenting this paper is to be able
    to impart an in-depth understanding pertaining to various notions about knowledge sharing (KS)
    presented in different institutions and also to raise some recommendations on how to improve
    knowledge sharing in Malaysia. Moreover, the content of this paper is geared on exploring insights in
    the Malaysian perspective of KS specifically in the public sector along with illustrating certain ways
    of effectively enhancing KS in a particular organization. The information that is presented in this
    paper were collected from various related literatures gathered from books, academic journals and
    articles. Findings from several literatures revealed that most public sector employees are reluctant to
    shared their knowledge as well as best practices, and this is regarded as the ultimate factors that
    leads to poor quality and inefficient in the service delivery. Through the useful highlights in this
    paper, it would provide beneficial information on contributing factor to enhance successful KS, not
    only the Malaysian public sector but also to other countries with similar public sector settings and
  2. Ramayah T, Yeap JAL, Ignatius J
    Eval Rev, 2014 Apr;38(2):160-187.
    PMID: 25015259 DOI: 10.1177/0193841X14539685
    BACKGROUND: There is a belief that academics tend to hold on tightly to their knowledge and intellectual resources. However, not much effort has been put into the creation of a valid and reliable instrument to measure knowledge sharing behavior among the academics.

    OBJECTIVES: To apply and validate the Knowledge Sharing Behavior Scale (KSBS) as a measure of knowledge sharing behavior within the academic community.

    SUBJECTS: Respondents (N = 447) were academics from arts and science streams in 10 local, public universities in Malaysia.

    MEASURES: Data were collected using the 28-item KSBS that assessed four dimensions of knowledge sharing behavior namely written contributions, organizational communications, personal interactions, and communities of practice.

    RESULTS: The exploratory factor analysis showed that the items loaded on the dimension constructs that they were supposed to represent, thus proving construct validity. A within-factor analysis revealed that each set of items representing their intended dimension loaded on only one construct, therefore establishing convergent validity. All four dimensions were not perfectly correlated with each other or organizational citizenship behavior, thereby proving discriminant validity. However, all four dimensions correlated with organizational commitment, thus confirming predictive validity. Furthermore, all four factors correlated with both tacit and explicit sharing, which confirmed their concurrent validity. All measures also possessed sufficient reliability (α > .70).

    CONCLUSION: The KSBS is a valid and reliable instrument that can be used to formally assess the types of knowledge artifacts residing among academics and the degree of knowledge sharing in relation to those artifacts.

  3. Ratnam KA, Dominic PD, Ramayah T
    J Med Syst, 2014 Aug;38(8):82.
    PMID: 24957398 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-014-0082-5
    The investments and costs of infrastructure, communication, medical-related equipments, and software within the global healthcare ecosystem portray a rather significant increase. The emergence of this proliferation is then expected to grow. As a result, information and cross-system communication became challenging due to the detached independent systems and subsystems which are not connected. The overall model fit expending over a sample size of 320 were tested with structural equation modelling (SEM) using AMOS 20.0 as the modelling tool. SPSS 20.0 is used to analyse the descriptive statistics and dimension reliability. Results of the study show that system utilisation and system impact dimension influences the overall level of services of the healthcare providers. In addition to that, the findings also suggest that systems integration and security plays a pivotal role for IT resources in healthcare organisations. Through this study, a basis for investigation on the need to improvise the Malaysian healthcare ecosystem and the introduction of a cloud computing platform to host the national healthcare information exchange has been successfully established.
  4. Ramayah T, Lee JW, Lim S
    J Environ Manage, 2012 Jul 15;102:141-7.
    PMID: 22446140 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.02.025
    This paper examines the determinants of recycling behaviour among 200 university students from the perspective of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Data was analysed using Structural Equation Modelling technique. Findings indicate that environmental awareness was significantly related to attitude towards recycling, whilst attitude and social norms had significant impact on recycling behaviour. However, convenience and cost of recycling were not significant reasons for recycling. The study has enhanced the understanding of the determinants of recycling behaviour and has implications for schools and governmental agencies in educating and encouraging positive recycling behaviour. It also confirms the appropriateness of the TPB in examining studies of this nature. Further suggestions for future research are offered.
  5. Lee HW, Ramayah T, Zakaria N
    J Med Syst, 2012 Aug;36(4):2129-40.
    PMID: 21384267 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-011-9675-4
    Studies related to healthcare ICT integration in Malaysia are relatively little, thus this paper provide a literature review of the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the healthcare sector in Malaysia through the hospital information system (HIS). Our study emphasized on secondary data to investigate the factors related to ICT integration in healthcare through HIS. Therefore this paper aimed to gather an in depth understanding of issues related to HIS adoption, and contributing in fostering HIS adoption in Malaysia and other countries. This paper provides a direction for future research to study the correlation of factors affecting HIS adoption. Finally a research model is proposed using current adoption theories and external factors from human, technology, and organization perspectives.
  6. Rahman SA, Taghizadeh SK, Ramayah T, Ahmad NH
    Springerplus, 2015;4:810.
    PMID: 26722630 DOI: 10.1186/s40064-015-1580-8
    Service innovation management practice is currently being widely scrutinized mainly in the developed countries, where it has been initiated. The current study attempts to propose a framework and empirically validate and explain the service innovation practices for successful performance in the telecommunications industry of two developing countries, Malaysia and Bangladesh. The research framework proposes relationships among organisational culture, operating core (innovation process, cross-functional organisation, and implementation of tools/technology), competition-informed pricing, and performance. A total of 176 usable data from both countries are analysed for the purpose of the research. The findings show that organisational culture tends to be more influential on innovation process and cross-functional organisation in Malaysian telecommunication industry. In contrast, implementation of tools/technology plays a more instrumental role in competition-informed pricing practices in Bangladesh. This study revealed few differences in the innovation management practices between two developing countries. The findings have strategic implications for the service sectors in both the developing countries regarding implementation of innovative enterprises, especially in Bangladesh where innovation is the basis for survival. Testing the innovation management practices in the developing countries perhaps contains uniqueness in the field of innovation management.
  7. Mahmud I, Sultana S, Rahman A, Ramayah T, Cheng Ling T
    Waste Manag Res, 2020 Dec;38(12):1438-1449.
    PMID: 32364437 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X20914753
    Each year Bangladesh produces around 400,000 metric tonnes of e-waste. E-waste accumulation is expected to increase by 20% annually. In order to facilitate e-waste recycling, it is crucial to identify the factors. In this study, building on the stimulus-organism-response framework, we develop a research model to explore the effect of information publicity, ascription of responsibility and convenience of recycling on the recycling attitude, subjective norm, personal norm and perceived behaviour control which lead to recycling intention. Data were gathered from 127 small and medium electronics store managers. The structural equation modelling technique was used to test the paths. The result suggests a significant influence of the element of stimulus (S) on the element of organism (O). The relationship between the element of organism (O) and the element of response (R) is partial. This paper contributes to the body of work dedicated to helping us better understand the recycling behaviour from the stimulus-organism-response perspective. From the viewpoint of practice, this research sheds light on some of the challenges that the implementer might face when making strategy and policy for e-waste management in Bangladesh.
  8. Khan R, Fatima T, Ramayah T, Awan TM, Kayani ZK
    Illn Crises Loss, 2023 Jan;31(1):73-99.
    PMID: 36605779 DOI: 10.1177/10541373211033962
    The purpose of this study is to explore the behavior and lifestyle of individuals in response to the coronavirus that the safety behavior of people in the coronavirus disease of 2019 pandemic. Hence, the study integrates the theory of planned behavior and the health belief model to understand the behavioral change in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The current study is qualitative therefore, a survey-based online questionnaire was used for data collection from university students and staff (faculty and nonfaculty) residing in top-tier cities of Pakistan, nonprobability convenient sampling was used to approach the audience. A two-stage approach was used to test the model using partial least square (variance-based structural equation modeling). The reliability and validity of the measurement model indicate that the data is reliable and valid. Outcomes prove all the relationships as proposed by the study, except for the impact of perceived barriers on intention and individual safety behavior. Perceived barriers act as obstacles that abstain individuals from following the standard operating procedures. The research agenda provides new insights into the fields of marketing, health care, consumer behavior, and behavioral studies. It contributes to the existing literature in the field of social marketing by studying the behavior and changes in the behavior of people in the global pandemic.
  9. Yubo S, Ramayah T, Hongmei L, Yifan Z, Wenhui W
    Heliyon, 2023 Sep;9(9):e19922.
    PMID: 37809860 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19922
    This study presents a comprehensive overview of the development process and the latest trends in technology management (TM), laying a robust foundation for further advancements in this domain. To achieve this, we analysed 1944 TM articles from the Web of Science database and 2642 articles from Scopus, spanning the last 20 years. Employing methodologies that involve scientific knowledge graphs and bibliometrics, we analysed diverse aspects such as changes in the annual publication of articles; geographical distribution among countries, institutions, disciplines, and authors; keyword co-occurrence and clusters; and timezone view. Our findings reveal a significant surge in TM's growth in recent years, showcasing its highly promising potential. The USA is the frontrunner in contributing to TM research, followed by China and the UK. TM research is relatively concentrated in the UK, while it appears more dispersed in China. The University of Cambridge had the highest volume of research, and the disciplines of Business, Management, Engineering, and Computer Science occupied the top spots. As TM evolves, a possible challenge could be the emergence of new authoritative authors. Second, TM's vibrant landscape is characterised by hotspots such as innovation, technology strategy, technology acquisition, technology application, technology standards, and sustainable development. Among these, information and medical technologies stand out as the most frequently referenced technologies. Third, the trends in TM are as follows: innovation is subdivided into technological innovation and open innovation, bibliometric analysis and patent analysis have become pivotal methods for knowledge management, the scope of TM has expanded from internal organisational processes to encompass external aspects, and TM is gradually evolving into a mature science, with its focus transitioning from macro to micro and becoming more profound and detailed. Last, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, big data, and the IoT represent the latest frontier technologies in the realm of TM.
  10. Vafaei-Zadeh A, Ganesan V, Hanifah H, Teoh AP, Ramayah T
    Educ Inf Technol (Dordr), 2023;28(5):5385-5419.
    PMID: 36373038 DOI: 10.1007/s10639-022-11362-4
    This paper aims to investigate the factors affecting cyber-entrepreneurial intentions among final-year students of public universities in Malaysia utilizing the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Theory of Self-Efficacy (TSE). The quantitative survey-based research method was adopted to conduct the study using both final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students from business and management schools to test the proposed research framework. A total of 364 useful responses were received to be analyzed for this study. Results showed that attitude toward entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial creativity, entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and opportunity recognition were positively correlated with cyber-entrepreneurial intentions except for personal innovativeness in technology and subjective norm, which was insignificant. This study provides insights into the way individual's intention towards cyber-entrepreneurship could be ameliorated as a career choice, particularly for final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students of business and management schools in Malaysian public universities. It helps determine appropriate approaches to direct the government, educators, and policymakers. The findings from this study invaluably contribute to the existing literature by establishing correlation between TPB and TSE and inquiring into their ultimate influences on cyber-entrepreneurial intentions.
  11. Hassan SH, Teo SZ, Ramayah T, Al-Kumaim NH
    PLoS One, 2021;16(3):e0249286.
    PMID: 33780487 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249286
    Social media influencers play a role in the beauty industry by making it more accessible and diverse, engaging in cultural acceptance and diversity, and making their lives public through social media. Known as 'beauty gurus', these influencers use their makeup skills to work with cosmetics brands, in which they earn substantial remuneration by raising brand awareness among social media audiences. While work was conducted on social media influencers, there was no clear focus on how influencers engage with young millennials regarding the choice of cosmetics products and its use. Hence, this study analysed the beauty 'gurus' credibility in influencing young female millennials' cosmetics brands of choice. A survey method was used to collect data using a judgemental sampling from young females who have subscribed and observed makeup tutorials on social media platforms, such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, among many others. Additionally, a total of 271 usable questionnaires were gathered and analysed using AMOS. Credibility traits, such as knowledge, attractiveness, and relatability, were the core elements of an influencer's capability to influence young millennials. Social media influencers were seen as a new and effective marketing tool in targeting a broad demographic and increasing brand awareness.
  12. Shela V, Ramayah T, Aravindan KL, Ahmad NH, Alzahrani AI
    Heliyon, 2023 Dec;9(12):e22476.
    PMID: 38125546 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22476
    Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is emerging as a prominent methodological tool in strategic management research. Although it offers various advancements to stay relevant with growing research needs, the pace of PLS-SEM adoption may differ in different parts of the world. In this paper, we conducted a systematic review using the PRISMA framework and extracted from the top-ranking strategic management journals 120 articles published between 2011 and 2022 that presented a microscopic view on developing nations. Our findings reveal that despite the astounding methodological solutions offered by PLS-SEM, the studies from developing nations are still trailing behind developed nations in terms of fully exploiting the advancements of PLS-SEM to provide substantial insights to strategic management literature. This review identifies discrepancies in the current application of the method, discusses the most recent advancements and provides the best practices, standard guidelines and recommendations for the best use of PLS-SEM in strategic management research.
  13. Khozaei F, Islam QU, Ramayah T, Ayub N, Carbon CC
    J Migr Health, 2024;9:100211.
    PMID: 38312935 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmh.2024.100211
    This study aims to explore the factors contributing mental health of Afghan migrants residing in Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges encountered by migrants, especially during times of crisis, this research delves into the influential factors of experienced anxiety, social cohesion, and stress and their significant contribution to the development of depression among Afghan migrants. The study included a sample of 469 individuals from the Afghan migrant community, aged 15 to 80 years. Data collection took place from December to March 2022 in Iran. The study revealed that anxiety and the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly influenced the occurrence of depression among Afghan migrants. Furthermore, the relationship between these factors and depression was mediated by the experience of stress. Conversely, higher levels of perceived social cohesion in the host country were linked to reduced stress and depression among the migrants. As Afghan migrants in Iran face a heightened risk of developing depression, the importance of social support and integration is underscored by the association between higher levels of perceived social cohesion in the host country and reduced levels of stress and depression. Recognizing the vulnerabilities of this population, it becomes evident that fostering social support networks and promoting integration can play a crucial role in mitigating the negative impact of migration-related stressors and enhancing mental wellbeing among this population.
  14. Al-Kumaim NH, Alhazmi AK, Ramayah T, Shabbir MS, Gazem NA
    Front Psychol, 2021;12:637808.
    PMID: 33643168 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.637808
    Value Co-Creation (VCC) plays a major role in engaging knowledgeable individuals in a community via innovation, problem solving, and new service/product development. This study investigates the personal factors that influence individuals' engagement in value co-creation in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through the use of online platforms. Some higher education institutions have successfully established or used appropriate online platforms, such as online forums, web applications, and mobile applications to engage their community in ideation or crowdsourcing as a part of the value co-creation process. On the other hand, some HEIs have failed to engage their community in value co-creation activities, and even if they managed to engage some individuals in value co-creation once, they failed to sustain these individuals' engagement in value co-creation using online platforms. Using the Stimulus Organism Response (S-O-R) framework, this study examines the relationship between relevant personal factors (commitment and knowledge self-efficacy) and other motivational factors that provide perceived benefits with value co-creation engagement. Data was collected from 308 respondents at five Malaysian research universities. The software analysis tool Smart PLS is used for data analysis and validation. The results demonstrate that personal factors and perceived benefits as a motivational factor has a significant effect on individual engagement in value co-creation. However, the significance of these findings varies from one individual to another. The implications of these findings are discussed.
  15. Uzir MUH, Al Halbusi H, Lim R, Jerin I, Abdul Hamid AB, Ramayah T, et al.
    Technol Soc, 2021 Nov;67:101780.
    PMID: 34697510 DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101780
    The evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many aspects of human life, including healthcare. Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, AI-enabled smartwatches are being used to help users to self-monitor and self-manage their health. Using a framework based on Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) theory, this present study aimed to explore the use of AI-enabled smartwatches for health purposes, in particular the effects of product quality, service quality, perceived convenience, and perceived ease of use on user experience, trust and user satisfaction. Based on a purposive survey sample of 486 smartphone users in Bangladesh, data collected was analyzed using SPSS software for elementary analyses and PLS-SEM for hypotheses testing. The findings showed that the predictors, namely product quality, service quality, perceived convenience, and perceived ease of use, significantly affected user experience and trust. Similarly, user experience and trust were influential on user satisfaction and played partial mediating roles between predictors and user satisfaction. Besides, gender and age moderate the relationships of experience and trust with customer satisfaction. These findings support the S-O-R theoretical framework and have practical implications for brand and marketing managers of smartwatches in developing product features and understanding users' attitudes and behaviours.
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