Materials and Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study of dental records from 2010 to 2015 was done by collecting data on the source and reason of referral, types of heart condition, dental procedure, and antibiotic given.
Results: There were 210 patients; 69.5% had acyanotic CHD, 21.9% cyanotic CHD, 6.7% repaired CHD with residual defects, and 1.9% with previous infective endocarditis. Slightly more than 58% were referred from government doctors (pediatric cardiologist and National Heart Institute). The common cause for referral was dental assessment (47.6%). Antibiotics were prescribed to 23.3% (49/210) patients, of which, 34.7% was given ampicillin or amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. About 96% of cyanotic heart cases undergoing invasive dental procedures were prescribed antibiotic prophylaxis. Almost 31% were prescribed with antibiotic prophylaxis even though it was not indicated.
Conclusion: This study shows that there is variability in prescribing antibiotic prophylaxis, and it is important for dental clinicians to standardize the practice of giving antibiotic prophylaxis.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: All IE patients who were diagnosed with definite or possible IE and were treated at Sarawak Heart Centre from 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2022 were recruited. We examined the demographic features of the subjects and the factors that contributed to in-hospital mortality. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyse the associated factors and in-hospital mortality.
RESULTS: Our study population comprised a total of 37 patients with a mean age of 46.4 years and male predominance. The in-hospital mortality rate of IE in this study was 44.4%. Haemodynamic instability and anaemia were found to be strong predictors of IE survival outcome, with an odds ratio of 51.5 and 35.7 respectively. Patients with vascular phenomenon and heart failure were at 10.5- and 6.0-times higher odds of dying, however, these two associations were found to be not statistically significant.
CONCLUSION: The in-hospital mortality due to IE in our study was among the highest in developing countries. Factors of hypotension and optimal response to individual hemodynamic parameters may confer lower mortality. While anaemia is demonstrable as a risk factor for inpatient mortality, a target has yet to be reasonably established.
CASE PRESENTATION: A 60-year-old lady with type II diabetes mellitus presented with fever, malaise, right hypochondriac pain and vomiting for two weeks. Ultrasound abdomen revealed a collection within liver, and distended gallbladder with echogenic debris within. 3 days after ultrasound guided pigtail drainage of gallbladder empyema, newly presence murmur detected. Pus, urine, and blood cultures obtained were positive for Klebsiella pneumonia. Echocardiogram exhibited oscillating mass attached to anterior mitral valve leaflet. After 6 weeks of intravenous ceftriaxone, follow-up echocardiogram and ultrasound showed complete resolution of mitral valve vegetation, hepatic and gallbladder collection.
CONCLUSION: Concomitant extrahepatic infective endocarditis (IE) should raise concerns in daily practice for patients with Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscesses, despite the rarity of Klebsiella endocarditis. In the absence of diagnostic suspicion, antibiotic treatment regimens may be shortened, and adverse effects from IE infection may ensue.
METHODS: The methodology was based on the search process described in the paper, "Bibliography of clinical research in Malaysia: methods and brief results". The search databases included PubMed, Scopus and several Malaysian journals such as MyJurnal and UKM Journal Repository, by using the following keywords: (heart valve disease OR infective endocarditis OR rheumatic heart disease) and (Malaysia).
RESULTS: In all 94 papers were identified of which 39 papers were selected and reviewed on the basis of their relevance. The local studies contributed to the knowledge and understanding of the epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations, investigations, treatment, and outcomes of heart valve disease in the country.
DISCUSSION: The clinical relevance of the studies performed in the country is discussed along with recommendations for future research.