The greenhouse phytotoxicity experiment was conducted to analyse and assess the capability of Scirpus mucronatus (L.) in tolerating and removing petrol in contaminated soil. This research was conducted for 72 days by using 5, 10 and 30 g/kg petrol as soil contaminants. Results showed that the system planted with S. mucronatus (L.) had high potential to treat the 10 g/kg petrol-contaminated soil and had an average Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) removal of 82.1%. At 5 and 30 g/kg petrol, the planted system removed 74.9% and 75.8% TPH, respectively. The petrol (10 g/kg) affected the plant growth positively, which was indicated by the increase in dry and wet weights throughout the research period. The removal of the TPH in the system was performed because of the interaction of plants and rhizobacteria. SEM showed that a high concentration of petrol (30 g/kg) affected the plant tissue negatively, as indicated by the altered structures of the root and stem cells. EDX results also confirmed that petrol was absorbed by the plant, as shown by the increased carbon content in the plant's root and stem after the treatment.
A crude oil spill is a common issue during offshore oil drilling, transport and transfer to onshore. Second, the production of petroleum refinery effluent is known to cause pollution due to its toxic effluent discharge. Sea habitats and onshore soil biota are affected by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as a pollutant in their natural environment. Crude oil pollution in seawater, estuaries and beaches requires an efficient process of cleaning. To remove crude oil pollutants from seawater, various physicochemical and biological treatment methods have been applied worldwide. A biological treatment method using bacteria, fungi and algae has recently gained a lot of attention due to its efficiency and lower cost. This review introduces various studies related to the bioremediation of crude oil, TPH and related petroleum products by bioaugmentation and biostimulation or both together. Bioremediation studies mentioned in this paper can be used for treatment such as emulsified residual spilled oil in seawater with floating oil spill containment booms as an enclosed basin such as a bioreactor, for petroleum hydrocarbons as a pollutant that will help environmental researchers solve these problems and completely clean-up oil spills in seawater.
The synthesis of new surfactants helps to mitigate the environmental and financial effects of oil spills by providing efficient cleanup options. Herein, this study provides the development of a binary mixture of Span 80 and Choline myristate [Cho][Mys], a surface-active ionic liquid (SAIL) as green dispersant for oil spill remediation. The synergistic interaction at a 60:40 (w/w) ratio significantly lowered the critical micelle concentration (cmc) to 0.029 mM. Dispersion efficiency tests with Arab crude oil showed optimal performance at a 60:40 ratio of Span 80 and [Cho][Mys] (1:25 dispersant to oil ratio, v/v), achieving 81.16 % dispersion effectiveness in the baffled flask test. The binary mixture demonstrated superior emulsion stability (6 h) and the lowest interfacial tension (1.12 mN/m). Acute toxicity experiments revealed the dispersant's practical non-toxicity with an LC50 value of 600 mg/L. Overall, this environmentally benign surfactant combination shows promise as a safe and effective oil spill dispersant.
The growths of oil and gas exploration and production activities have increased environmental problems, such as oil spillage and the resulting pollution. The study of the methods for cleaning up oil spills is a critical issue to protect the environment. Various techniques are available to contain oil spills, but they are typically time consuming, energy inefficient and create secondary pollution. The use of a sorbent, such as a nanofibre sorbent, is a technique for controlling oil spills because of its good physical and oil sorption properties. This review discusses about the application of nanofibre sorbent for oil removal from water and its current developments. With their unique physical and mechanical properties coupled with their very high surface area and small pore sizes, nanofibre sorbents are alternative materials for cleaning up oil spills.
Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are expected to play an essential role in achieving the aviation industries' goal of carbon-neutral growth. However, producing biomass-based SAFs may induce changes in global land use and the associated carbon stock. The induced land use change (ILUC) emissions, as a part of the full life-cycle emissions for SAF pathways, will affect whether and to what extent SAFs reduce emissions compared with petroleum-based jet fuels. Here, we estimate the ILUC emission intensity for seventeen SAF pathways considered by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), covering five ASTM-certified technologies, nine biomass-based feedstocks, and four geographical regions. We introduce the SAF pathways into a well-established computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, GTAP-BIO, and its coupled emission accounting model, AEZ-EF, to study economy-wide implications of SAF production and estimate ILUC emissions intensity for each pathway. The estimated SAF ILUC emission intensities, using a 25-year amortization period, range from -58.5 g CO2e MJ-1 for the USA miscanthus alcohol (isobutanol)-to-jet (ATJ) pathway to 34.6 g CO2e MJ-1 for the Malaysia & Indonesia palm oil Hydrotreated Esters of Fatty Acids (HEFA) pathway. Notably, the vegetable oil pathways tend to have higher ILUC emission intensities due to their linkage to palm expansion and peatland oxidation in Southeast Asia. The cellulosic pathways studied provide negative ILUC emissions, mainly driven by the high carbon sequestrations in crop biomass and soil. Using the core life-cycle emissions established by ICAO, we show that fifteen of the assessed pathways have a lower full life-cycle emission intensity than petroleum-based jet fuels (89 g CO2e MJ-1), offering promising options to reduce aviation emissions.
The term "Total petroleum hydrocarbons" (TPH) is used to describe a complex mixture of petroleum-based hydrocarbons primarily derived from crude oil. Those compounds are considered as persistent organic pollutants in the terrestrial environment. A wide array of organic amendments is increasingly used for the remediation of TPH-contaminated soils. Organic amendments not only supply a source of carbon and nutrients but also add exogenous beneficial microorganisms to enhance the TPH degradation rate, thereby improving the soil health. Two fundamental approaches can be contemplated within the context of remediation of TPH-contaminated soils using organic amendments: (i) enhanced TPH sorption to the exogenous organic matter (immobilization) as it reduces the bioavailability of the contaminants, and (ii) increasing the solubility of the contaminants by supplying desorbing agents (mobilization) for enhancing the subsequent biodegradation. Net immobilization and mobilization of TPH have both been observed following the application of organic amendments to contaminated soils. This review examines the mechanisms for the enhanced remediation of TPH-contaminated soils by organic amendments and discusses the influencing factors in relation to sequestration, bioavailability, and subsequent biodegradation of TPH in soils. The uncertainty of mechanisms for various organic amendments in TPH remediation processes remains a critical area of future research.
Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is among the common corrosion types for buried and deep-water pipelines that result in costly repair and pipeline failure. Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are commonly known as the culprit of MIC. The aim of this work is to investigate the performance of combination of ultrasound (US) irradiation and ultraviolet (UV) radiation (known as Hybrid soliwave technique, HyST) at pilot scale to inactivate SRB. The influence of different reaction times with respect to US irradiation and UV radiation and synergistic effect toward SRB consortium was tested and discussed. In this research, the effect of HyST treatment toward SRB extermination and corrosion studies of carbon steel coupon upon SRB activity before and after the treatment were performed using weight loss method. The carbon steel coupons immersed in SRB sample were exposed to HyST treatment at different time of exposure. Additionally, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy were used to investigate the corrosion morphology in verifying the end product of SRB activity and corrosion formation after treatment. Results have shown that the US irradiation treatment gives a synergistic effect when combined with UV radiation in mitigating the SRB consortium.
Petroleum pollution is a major concern in Antarctica due to the persistent nature of its hydrocarbon components coupled with the region's extreme environmental conditions, which means that bioremediation approaches are largely inapplicable at present. The current study assessed the ability of the psychrotolerant phenol-degrader, Rhodococcus sp. strain AQ5-07, to assimilate diesel fuel as the sole carbon source. Factors expected to influence the efficiency of diesel degradation, including the initial hydrocarbon concentration, nitrogen source concentration and type, temperature, pH and salinity were studied. Strain AQ5-07 displayed optimal cell growth and biodegradation activity at 1% v/v initial diesel concentration, 1 g/L NH4Cl concentration, pH 7 and 1% NaCl during one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) analyses. Strain AQ5-07 was psychrotolerant based on its optimum growth temperature being near 20 °C. In conventionally optimised media, strain AQ5-07 showed total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) mineralisation of 75.83%. However, the optimised condition for TPH mineralisation predicted through statistical response surface methodology (RSM) enhanced the reduction to 90.39% within a 2 days incubation. Our preliminary data support strain AQ5-07 being a potential candidate for real-field soil bioremediation by specifically adopting sludge-phase bioreactor system in chronically cold environments such as Antarctica. The study also confirmed the utility of RSM in medium optimisation.
Biodiesel is an alternative to fossil-derived diesel with similar properties and several environmental benefits. Biodiesel production using conventional catalysts such as homogeneous, heterogeneous, or enzymatic catalysts faces a problem regarding catalysts deactivation after repeated reaction cycles. Heterogeneous nanocatalysts and nanobiocatalysts (enzymes) have shown better advantages due to higher activity, recyclability, larger surface area, and improved active sites. Despite a large number of studies on this subject, there are still challenges regarding its stability, recyclability, and scale-up processes for biodiesel production. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review current modifications and role of nanocatalysts and nanobiocatalysts and also to observe effect of various parameters on biodiesel production. Nanocatalysts and nanobiocatalysts demonstrate long-term stability due to strong Brønsted-Lewis acidity, larger active spots and better accessibility leading to enhancethe biodiesel production. Incorporation of metal supporting positively contributes to shorten the reaction time and enhance the longer reusability. Furthermore, proper operating parameters play a vital role to optimize the biodiesel productivity in the commercial scale process due to higher conversion, yield and selectivity with the lower process cost. This article also analyses the relationship between different types of feedstocks towards the quality and quantity of biodiesel production. Crude palm oil is convinced as the most prospective and promising feedstock due to massive production, low cost, and easily available. It also evaluates key factors and technologies for biodiesel production in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, and the USA as the biggest biodiesel production supply.
Despite the potential shown by previous investigations on the use of ultrasound for the remediation of oil-contaminated sand, the influence and interactions among ultrasonic parameters and oily sand are unclear, leading to possible ineffective treatment and high-power consumption. In order to improve the process efficiency, this work analyzes the effects of ultrasonic power, frequency, and load toward the cleaning of crude oil-contaminated sand, using two different sample positions and sand types. Crude oil-contaminated beach sand and produced sand from offshore oil well were used as samples. They were cleaned in custom-made ultrasonic bath reactor for 10 min with power from 30 to 120 W, frequency covering 25-60 kHz, and sand load of 10-100 g. With experimental design consisting multiple factors and levels, the interactions between factors in all possible combinations were determined using ANOVA (n = 210). From p-value based at 95% confidence interval and extensive F test, the three most significant factors were the sand type, the ultrasonic frequency, and the interaction between sand type and frequency. The best setting for suspended samples involved high frequency of 60 kHz, whereas bottom samples preferred low frequency at 28 kHz. This finding was justified when the acoustic pressure attenuation, standing wave pattern, and surface pitting/cracking were found in correlation with the cleaning results. Overall, the maximum treatment under ultrasonic bath solely gained around 60%, improvable by hybrid cleaning with other techniques such as chemical, biological, mechanical, and thermal.
Oil spills are a major contributor to water contamination, which sets off a significant impact on the environment, biodiversity, and economy. Efficient removal of oil spills is needed for the protection of marine species as well as the environment. Conventional approaches are not efficient enough for oil-water separation; therefore, effective strategies and efficient removal techniques (and materials) must be developed to restore the contaminated marine to its normal ecology. Several research studies have shown that nanotechnology provides efficient features to clean up these oil spills from the water using magnetic nanomaterials, particularly carbon/polymer-based magnetic nanocomposites. Surface modification of these nanomaterials via different techniques render them with salient innovative features. The present review discusses the advantages and limitations of conventional and advanced techniques for the oil spills removal from wastewater. Furthermore, the synthesis of magnetic nanocomposites, their utilization in oil-water separation, and adsorption mechanisms are discussed. Finally, the advancement and future perspectives of magnetic nanocomposites (particularly of carbon and polymer-based magnetic nanocomposites) in environmental remediation are presented.
The exponential increase in the use and careless discard of synthetic plastics has created an alarming concern over the environmental health due to the detrimental effects of petroleum based synthetic polymeric compounds. Piling up of these plastic commodities on various ecological niches and entry of their fragmented parts into soil and water has clearly affected the quality of these ecosystems in the past few decades. Among the many constructive strategies developed to tackle this global issue, use of biopolymers like polyhydroxyalkanoates as sustainable alternatives for synthetic plastics has gained momentum. Despite their excellent material properties and significant biodegradability, polyhydroxyalkanoates still fails to compete with their synthetic counterparts majorly due to the high cost associated with their production and purification thereby limiting their commercialization. Usage of renewable feedstocks as substrates for polyhydroxyalkanoates production has been the thrust area of research to attain the sustainability tag. This review work attempts to provide insights about the recent developments in the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates using renewable feedstock along with various pretreatment methods used for substrate preparation for polyhydroxyalkanoates production. Further, the application of blends based on polyhydroxyalkanoates, and the challenges associated with the waste valorization based polyhydroxyalkanoates production strategy is elaborated in this review work.
Various empirical studies have examined the nexus between financial markets, but this study focused on the comovement among prominent markets. Our study examines the interrelationship among main financial markets, i.e., stock, oil, and commodity during the recent pandemic. The interconnections among the selected markets are investigated using a battery of wavelet coherence tools and the Granger causality test. From the wavelet coherence analysis, our findings indicate strong co-movements among the VIX, oil volatility, and commodity prices during pandemic and localized in all scales and over the sample period. The dependency strength among the considered economies is noted to increase in pandemic, which implies increased short- and long-term benefits for the investors. Moreover, Our result exhibits a feedback causality between OVIX and crude oil, VIX and S&P 500, and gasoline and VIX. Interestingly, a unidirectional causality exists between VIX and crude oil, S&P 500 and crude oil, Brent and crude oil, gasoline, crude oil, and VIX and OVIX. We advocate that the findings will be helpful for portfolio managers, investors, and officials around the world.
Wood-based panels provide efficient alternatives to materials such as plastics derived from traditional petroleum sources and thereby help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, using indoor manufactured panel products also results in significant emissions of volatile organic compounds including olefins, aromatic and ester compounds, which negatively affect human health. This paper highlights recent developments and notable achievements in the field of indoor hazardous air treatment technologies to guide future research toward environmentally friendly and economically feasible directions that may have a significant impact on the improvement of human settlements. Summarizing and synthesizing the principles, advantages, and limitations of different technologies can assist policymakers and engineers in identifying the most appropriate technology for a particular air pollution control program based on criteria such as cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and environmental impact. In addition, insights into the development of indoor air pollution control technologies are provided and potential areas for innovation, improvement of existing technologies, and development of new technologies are identified. Finally, the authors also hope that this sub-paper will raise public awareness of indoor air pollution issues and promote a better understanding of the importance of indoor air pollution control technologies for public health, environmental protection, and sustainable development.
Palm oil fuel ash (POFA) has limited use as a fertilizer, while contribute effectively to the environmental contamination and health risks. Petroleum sludge poses a serious effect on the ecological environment and human health. The present work aimed to present a novel encapsulation process with POFA binder for treating petroleum sludge. Among 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, four compounds were selected for the optimization of encapsulation process due to their high risk as carcinogenic substrates. Percentage PS (10-50%) and curing days (7-28 days) factors were used in the optimization process. The leaching test of PAHs was assessed using a GC-MS. The best operating parameters to minimize PAHs leaching from solidified cubes with OPC and10% POFA were recorded with 10% PS and after 28 days, at which PAH leaching was 4.255 and 0.388 ppm with R2 is 0.90%. Sensitivity analysis of the actual and predicted results for both the control and the test (OPC and 10% POFA) revealed that the actual results of the 10% POFA experiments have a high consistency with the predicted data (R2 0.9881) while R2 in the cement experiments was 0.8009. These differences were explained based on the responses of PAH leaching toward percentage of PS and days of cure. In the OPC encapsulation process, the main role was belonged to PS% (94.22%), while with 10% POFA, PS% contributed by 32.36 and cure day contributed by 66.91%.
Lipases are of great interest for different industrial applications due to their diversity and versatility. Among different lipases, microbial lipases are preferable due to their broad substrate specificity, and higher stability with lower production costs compared to the lipases from plants and animals. In the past, a vast number of bacterial species have been reported as potential lipases producers. In this study, the lipases-producing bacterial species were isolated from an oil spillage area in the conventional night market. Isolated species were identified as Bacillus species by biochemical tests which indicate their predominant establishment, and further screened on the agar solid surfaces using lipid and gelatin as the substrates. Out of the ten strains tested, four potential strains were subjected to comparison analysis of the lipolytic versus proteolytic activities. Strain 10 exhibited the highest lipolytic and proteolytic activity. In all the strains, the proteolytic activity is higher than the lipolytic activity except for strain 8, suggesting the possibility for substrate-based extracellular gene induction. The simultaneous secretion of both the lipase and protease is a mean of survival. The isolated bacterial species which harbour both lipase and protease enzymes could render potential industrial-based applications and solve environmental issues.
Removal of oil spillage from the environment is a global concern. Various methods, including the use of fibers as sorbents, have been developed for oil spill control. Oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) fiber is a plant biomass that may be acetylated by acetic anhydride using N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) as a catalyst; here, the extent of acetylation may be calculated in terms of weight percent gain (WPG). The modified fiber was used to remove Tapis and Arabian crude oils. The optimum time, temperature, and catalyst concentration were 4 h, 120 °C, and 3 %, respectively, and these parameters could achieve an 11.49 % increase in WPG. The optimized parameters improved the adsorption capacity of OPEFB fibers for crude oil removal. The acetylated OPEFB fibers were characterized by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy to observe the functional groups available and morphology. Kinetic and isotherm studies were conducted using different contact times and oil/water ratios. The rate of oil sorption onto the OPEFB fibers can be adequately described by the pseudo-second-order equation. Adsorption studies revealed that adsorption of crude oil on treated OPEFB fiber could be best described by the Langmuir isotherm model.
Oil fields located in cold environments and deep-sea locations often face challenges with paraffin wax buildup in pipelines during long-distance crude oil transportation. Various strategies have been employed to address this issue, with chemical methods being the most effective and economical. However, traditional chemical inhibitors present problems due to their high toxicity and low biodegradability, leading to increased operational costs and environmental concerns. This study focuses on developing an eco-friendly paraffin inhibitor system using three different concentrations of Glycine and Palm-based Methyl Ester Sulfonate (MES). Experiments were conducted on crude oil samples from the Dulang Oilfield. The experimental measurements include wax appearance temperature (WAT), pour point temperature (PPT), and rheological tests in the absence and presence of the proposed inhibitors. The results revealed that both Glycine and MES can effectively reduce WAT, viscosity, and yield point. Specifically, 10% Glycine was the best inhibitor, reducing WAT by 23.3%. However, MES (1%, 5%, and 10%) demonstrated greater overall effectiveness, with an average WAT reduction of 13.76% compared to Glycine's 10.85%. MES also shows a better performance in reducing viscosity and yield stress. While PPT results were insignificant, MES is recommended as a flow improver rather than a pour point depressant. The successful development of these newly formulated chemical inhibitors promises an environmentally sustainable and economically efficient approach to maximizing oil production from mature fields while mitigating paraffin precipitation.
The main focus of this study is exploring the spatial distribution of polyaromatics hydrocarbon links between oil spills in the environment via Support Vector Machines based on Kernel-Radial Basis Function (RBF) approach for high precision classification of oil spill type from its sample fingerprinting in Peninsular Malaysia. The results show the highest concentrations of Σ Alkylated PAHs and Σ EPA PAHs in ΣTAH concentration in diesel from the oil samples PP3_liquid and GP6_Jetty achieving 100% classification output, corresponding to coherent decision boundary and projective subspace estimation. The high dimensional nature of this approach has led to the existence of a perfect separability of the oil type classification from four clustered oil type components; i.e diesel, bunker C, Mixture Oil (MO), lube oil and Waste Oil (WO) with the slack variables of ξ ≠ 0. Of the four clusters, only the SVs of two are correctly predicted, namely diesel and MO. The kernel-RBF approach provides efficient and reliable oil sample classification, enabling the oil classification to be optimally performed within a relatively short period of execution and a faster dataset classification where the slack variables ξ are non-zero.
The well-known toxicity of conventional chemical oil spill dispersants demands the development of alternative and environmentally friendly dispersant formulations. Therefore, in the present study we have developed a pair of less toxic and green dispersants by combining lactonic sophorolipid (LS) biosurfactant individually with choline myristate and choline oleate ionic liquid surfactants. The aggregation behavior of resulted surfactant blends and their dispersion effectiveness was investigated using the baffled flask test. The introduction of long hydrophobic alkyl chain with unsaturation (attached to choline cation) provided synergistic interactions between the binary surfactant mixtures. The maximum dispersion effectiveness was found to be 78.23% for 80:20 (w/w) lactonic sophorolipid-choline myristate blends, and 81.15% for 70:30 (w/w) lactonic sophorolipid-choline oleate blends at the dispersant-to-oil ratio of 1:25 (v/v). The high dispersion effectiveness of lactonic sophorolipid-choline oleate between two developed blends is attributed to the stronger synergistic interactions between surfactants and slower desorption rate of blend from oil-water interface. The distribution of dispersed oil droplets at several DOR were evaluated and it was observed that oil droplets become smaller with increasing DOR. In addition, the acute toxicity analysis of developed formulations against zebra fish (Danio rerio) confirmed their non-toxic behavior with LC50 values higher than 400 ppm after 96 h. Overall, the proposed new blends/formulations could effectively substitute the toxic and unsafe chemical dispersants.