CASE PRESENTATION: The featured case describes a 40-year-old male who presented with symptoms suggestive for sinusitis. Further diagnostic investigation by the functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) revealed a chronic sinusitis with multiple biopsies showing negative for malignancy, viral and bacterial infections and therefore undiagnosed for sinonasal NK/T-cell lymphoma. Subsequently after a month of surgery, he developed multiple lymph nodes in inguinal where biopsy revealed extranodal NK/T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, high grade but in no time for treatment, he finally succumbed to the illness.
CONCLUSION: The case presented here was initially diagnosed as a chronic sinusitis, not as sinonasal NK/Tcell lymphoma which later developed into extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma. The prognosis showed improvement for nasal lymphomas but remains poor for disseminated and extranasal lymphomas which are more aggressive with lower survival rate. It is clinically important to differentiate diseases for proper staging and monitoring as they require completely different treatment strategies.
METHODS: Systematic database search was performed to recruit original human, animal or in vitro studies on khat and cancer. Sixteen studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria and subjected to assessment using Risk of Bias (RoB). Office of Health and Translation (OHAT) approach was used to rate the confidence level in the body of evidence. The evidence was integrated to establish the relationships between khat, premalignant conditions and cancer.
RESULTS: Seven out of eight studies showed that khat causes premalignant oral lesions with moderate evidence level. Four studies showed that khat causes cancer with low evidence level and another three studies showed that khat has anti-cancer effect with moderate to high evidence level. Only one study suggested that khat is unrelated to cancer.
CONCLUSION: RoB and OHAT approach are reliable systematic tools to evaluate plant risk to cancer and provide objective and uniform summary regardless of the study type. In conclusion, our pooled analysis did not find a direct relationship between khat and cancer but anti-cancer effect would require to be proofed on human studies.