Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 458 in total

  1. Khan A
    Psychol Rep, 2012 Aug;111(1):149-55.
    PMID: 23045856
    Sex differences in educational encouragement and their predictiveness of academic achievement were examined among 442 secondary school students (M age = 13.2 yr., SD = 1.9). Education-related encouragement received from mothers, fathers, friends, and teachers was assessed. Academic achievement was based on student self-reports and grades. Female adolescents reported receiving statistically significantly more educational encouragement from their mothers, fathers, friends, and teachers than did male adolescents. In regression, sex and educational encouragement from parents, friends, and teachers were found to be significant predictors of academic achievement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  2. Aziz HA, Peh KK, Tan YT
    J Sex Med, 2009 Mar;6(3):682-95.
    PMID: 19143913 DOI: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.01157.x
    Khat (Catha edulis) is an evergreen tree/shrub that is thought to affect sexual motivation or libido. Its positive effect on sexual desire is more frequently observed in females than in males and occurs when khat is chewed. Thus, khat's effects on sexual behavior may depend on the release mode of its active constituent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  3. Adibah I, Bakar WY
    Indian J Med Ethics, 2005 Oct-Dec;2(4):126.
    PMID: 16619438
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  4. De Silva WD, Sinha DN, Kahandawaliyanag A
    Indian J Cancer, 2012 Oct-Dec;49(4):438-42.
    PMID: 23442410 DOI: 10.4103/0019-509X.107753
    Sri Lanka became a signatory to the WHO Frame Work Convention on Tobacco Control in September 2003, and this was ratified in November 2003. With a view to reduce the use of tobacco in Sri Lanka, the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Act (NATA) No. 27 of 2006 was implemented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  5. Tumin M, Mohd Satar NH, Zakaria RH, Raja Ariffin RN, Soo-Kun L, Kok-Peng N, et al.
    Urol J, 2015 Sep 04;12(4):2245-50.
    PMID: 26341766
    PURPOSE: This study explores the factors affecting the willingness of dialysis patients' family members to become involved in living and deceased organ donation.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We utilize cross sectional data on 350 family members of dialysis patients collected through self-administered survey from June to October 2013. The factors affecting willingness to become deceased and living organ donors among respondents were identified by running logistic regressions.

    RESULTS: The findings reveal that ethnicity, education and role in family are significant factors explaining will­ingness for living donation, while ethnicity, knowledge of organ donation and donor age drive willingness for deceased donation. We also find that the reasons of respondents being unwilling to donate center on the lack of information and family objections for deceased donation, while being medically unfit, scared of surgery and family objections are the reasons for unwillingness to donate living organs.

    CONCLUSION: In light of our findings, educational efforts are suggested to decrease the reluctance to become in­volved in living and deceased donation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  6. Musa MF, Bernabé E, Gallagher JE
    Hum Resour Health, 2015;13:47.
    PMID: 26066801 DOI: 10.1186/s12960-015-0040-4
    INTRODUCTION: Malaysia has experienced a significant expansion of dental schools over the past decade. Research into students' motivation may inform recruitment and retention of the future dental workforce. The objectives of this study were to explore students' motivation to study dentistry and whether that motivation varied by students' and school characteristics.
    METHODS: All 530 final-year students in 11 dental schools (6 public and 5 private) in Malaysia were invited to participate at the end of 2013. The self-administered questionnaire, developed at King's College London, collected information on students' motivation to study dentistry and demographic background. Responses on students' motivation were collected using five-point ordinal scales. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to evaluate the underlying structure of students' motivation to study dentistry. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to compare factor scores for overall motivation and sub-domains by students' and school characteristics.
    RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty-six final-year students in eight schools (all public and two private) participated in the survey, representing an 83% response rate for these schools and 67% of all final-year students nationally. The majority of participants were 24 years old (47%), female (70%), Malay (56%) and from middle-income families (41%) and public schools (78%). CFA supported a model with five first-order factors (professional job, healthcare and people, academic, careers advising and family and friends) which were linked to a single second-order factor representing overall students' motivation. Academic factors and healthcare and people had the highest standardized factor loadings (0.90 and 0.71, respectively), suggesting they were the main motivation to study dentistry. MANOVA showed that students from private schools had higher scores for healthcare and people than those in public schools whereas Malay students had lower scores for family and friends than those from minority ethnic groups. No differences were found by age, sex, family income and school type.
    CONCLUSION: Using CFA, this study shows that academic factors were the main motivation to study dentistry in this group of Malaysian students. There were also variations in students' motivation by students' ethnicity and school sector but not by other factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  7. Manshor AT, Abdullah A
    Psychol Rep, 2002 Dec;91(3 Pt 2):1187-93.
    PMID: 12585535
    This study identified job-related motivational factors among Malaysian employees in several telecommunication companies. Responses were obtained from 1,179 employees at all levels up to senior managers and six different functional divisions, sales and marketing, human resources, finance, technical, information, technology, and support division. All employees were asked to rate the importance of Kovach's 10 job-motivational factors. These factors were good wages, job security, opportunity for career growth in the organization, good working conditions, interesting work, company loyalty to employees, tactful discipline, full appreciation of work done, sympathetic help with personal problems, and feeling of being involved in the organization. The top five factors employees identified as motivating them in their jobs were good wages, job security, company loyalty to employees, good working conditions, and full appreciation for work done. Findings were in accordance with Kovach for U.S. employees, in which the top motivational factors were good wages and job security.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  8. M Yatim H, Wong YY, Neoh CF, Lim SH, Hassali MA, Hong YH
    Public Health, 2019 Aug;173:5-8.
    PMID: 31207425 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2019.04.020
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to explore factors influencing patients with hypertension to participating in a hypertension self-management education (HSME) programme and challenges of sustaining the learnt self-care practices.

    STUDY DESIGN: This was a qualitative study with focus group discussions.

    METHODS: Focus group discussions using a semistructured moderator guide were conducted among participants who had attended the HSME programme. Data were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using a thematic analysis approach.

    RESULTS: Three focus groups involving 19 participants were conducted. Four major themes emerged from the data collected. Most participants enjoyed the group-based HSME sessions because sharing experiences with those having similar health problems can reduce their sense of isolation. However, the participants highlighted the difficulty in sustaining self-care practices in the presence of friends and family influences.

    CONCLUSION: A number of patient-, family- and community-level motivators and barriers to patients' hypertension self-management have been identified. Efforts to tailor behavioural interventions to sustain daily self-care activities during social and cultural events are imperative.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  9. Balami AD, Said SM, Zulkefli NAM, Bachok N, Balami EL
    BMC Med Res Methodol, 2019 07 18;19(1):157.
    PMID: 31319810 DOI: 10.1186/s12874-019-0803-z
    BACKGROUND: Sleeping under a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) is recommended for all pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa, due to the high prevalence of malaria infection and its associated complications in the region. Despite this, LLIN use has still remained sub-optimal among pregnant women in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Understanding the interplay of factors influencing this important health behaviour would guide the development of interventions to promote its adoption.

    METHODS: Data was collected from 380 randomly selected antenatal care attendees of a hospital in Maiduguri, using structured questionnaires. This data was then used to test the Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills (IMB) model, for model fit, and interrelations among the constructs, using the structural equation modelling analysis with Smart-PLS.

    RESULTS: Information and motivation were significantly related to behavioural skills (r = 0.29, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  10. Shaoli SS, Islam S, Haque S, Islam A
    Asian J Psychiatr, 2019 Aug;44:143-149.
    PMID: 31376798 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2019.07.044
    BACKGROUND: The Preschool version of the Dimensions of Mastery Questionnaire (DMQ-18) is a popular instrument to assess children's ability to master the environment through action or activity to explore, influence, or control the physical atmosphere. Although this instrument was originally developed in English, it has now been translated and validated in five other languages: Hungarian, Turkish, Chinese, Spanish, and Persian. As we notice a growing interest in research on the mastery motivation among Bangladeshi preschoolers, we have taken this effort to translate and validate the DMQ-18 and explore the factor structure of the Bangla version of this questionnaire.

    METHOD: After translating all 39 items of the questionnaire into Bangla, it was administered on 206 children, aged 3 to 6 years, recruited randomly from ten preschools in Dhaka. The schools were selected randomly from the official list of preschools prepared by the Dhaka City Corporation. Class teachers of the respective children completed the questionnaire with the assistant of research assistants.

    RESULTS: The Bangla version of the questionnaire retained all 39 items, with seven factors as they were in the English version. The Bangla version shows sufficient reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.87; test-retest reliability = 0.89 for whole questionnaire and .79-.89 for sub-scales; inter-rater reliability = 0.88 for whole questionnaire and .79-.88 for sub-scales), and validity (correlated positively with the English version; r = 0.85).

    CONCLUSION: Due to its robust psychometric properties, the Bangla DMQ-18 is suggested to be used for Bangladeshi preschool children to assess their mastery motivation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation/physiology*
  11. Malik AA, Williams CA, Weston KL, Barker AR
    J Sports Sci Med, 2019 03;18(1):1-12.
    PMID: 30787646
    High-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) may not elicit prominent unpleasant feelings even with elevated perceived exertion and physiological stress in adolescents. However, the influence of different HIIE work intensities on the affective experience and cardiorespiratory responses is unknown. This study examined the acute affective, enjoyment, perceived exertion and cardiorespiratory responses to HIIE with different work intensities in adolescents. Participants (n = 16; 8 boys; age 12.0 ± 0.3 years) performed, on separate days, HIIE conditions consisting of 8 x 1-minute work-intervals at 70%, 85%, or 100% peak power separated by 75 seconds recovery at 20 W. Affect, enjoyment and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded before, during, and after HIIE. Heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake were collected during HIIE. Affect declined in all conditions (p < 0.01) but 100%HIIE elicited significantly lower affect than 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE at work-interval 8 (all p < 0.02, ES > 1.74; 70%HIIE = 2.5 ± 0.8; 85%HIIE = 1.1 ± 1.5; 100%HIIE = -1.5 ± 1.4 on feeling scale). Similar enjoyment was evident during and after all conditions (all p > 0.44). RPE was significantly higher during 100%HIIE than 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE across all work-intervals (all p < 0.01, ES > 1.56). The majority of the participants attained ≥90%HRmax during 85%HIIE (87%) and 100%HIIE (100%), but not during 70%HIIE (6%). Affect responses during HIIE are dependent on the intensity of the work-interval and are not entirely negative (unpleasant feelings). Despite similar enjoyment, positive affect experienced during 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE could serve as a strategy to encourage exercise adoption and adherence in adolescents, but only 85%HIIE elicits sufficient HR stimulus to facilitate potential health benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation/physiology
  12. Silim UA, Suhaimi AF, Moore G, Ryan B, Castle DJ
    Australas Psychiatry, 2019 Jun;27(3):262-266.
    PMID: 30931582 DOI: 10.1177/1039856219834074
    OBJECTIVES: To explore the relevance and adaptability of the Optimal Health Program for mental and primary healthcare providers in Malaysia.

    METHODS: Evaluate stakeholder engagement and training programme for psychiatrists, family medicine specialists, public health specialists, physicians, clinical psychologists, counsellors, and representatives from a patient support group. Evaluate the programme for applicability, as well as participant's knowledge and confidence in using key components.

    RESULTS: The training was very well received in terms of content, training materials and facilitation style. Development of culturally specific materials will be needed. Improvement in the self-rating measurement for knowledge and confidence in using key Optimal Health Program components was reported at the completion of the 2-day training.

    CONCLUSIONS: The Optimal Health Program has potential as a comprehensive socio-culturally responsive self-management programme that is relevant within mental health services and adaptable for task-sharing of mental health care in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  13. Tumin M, Noh A, Chong CS, Lim SK, Abdullah N, Ng KP
    Clin Transplant, 2013 May-Jun;27(3):E316-9.
    PMID: 23600843 DOI: 10.1111/ctr.12132
    Malaysians indicating that they did not intend to become organ donors upon their death were surveyed regarding interest in non-fungible financial incentives to be granted to surviving family members. Among the 730 (56% of the total sample of 1311) indicating unwillingness to be donors, 29.6% (216/730) subsequently indicated that they would be willing donors if the government introduced policies that, upon their death, "rewarded your (their) family with incentives for your (their) deeds." Among the 69% (504/730) who insisted that they would not become organ donor even with incentive, nearly 80% (404/501) of them were able to identify relevant incentives they thought should be provided by the state to those who make organ donations upon death. The majority of both groups preferred the state provide medical benefits to a surviving family member, suggesting this may be an attractive policy option for the state to raise the deceased organ donation pool.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  14. Refat N, Kassim H, Rahman MA, Razali RB
    PLoS One, 2020;15(8):e0236862.
    PMID: 32857762 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236862
    Language learning is an emerging research area where researchers have done significant contributions by incorporating technological assistantship (i.e., computer- and mobile-assistant learning). However, it has been revealed from the recent empirical studies that little attention is given on grammar learning with the proper instructional materials design and the motivational framework for designing an efficient mobile-assisted grammar learning tool. This paper hence, reports a preliminary study that investigated learner motivation when a mobile-assisted tool for tense learning was used. This study applied the Attention-Relevance-Confidence-Satisfaction (ARCS) model. It was hypothesized that with the use of the designed mobile- assisted tense learning tool students would be motivated to learn grammar (English tense). In addition, with the increase of motivation, performance outcome in paper- based test would also be improved. With the purpose to investigate the impact of the tool, a sequential mixed-method research design was employed with the use of three research instruments; Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS), a paper-based test and an interview protocol using a semi-structured interview. Participants were 115 undergraduate students, who were enrolled in a remedial English course. The findings showed that with the effective design of instructional materials, students were motivated to learn grammar, where they were positive at improving their attitude towards learning (male 86%, female 80%). The IMMS findings revealed that students' motivation increased after using the tool. Moreover, students improved their performance level that was revealed from the outcome of paper-based instrument. Therefore, it is confirmed that the study contributed to designing an effective multimedia based instructions for a mobile-assisted tool that increased learners' motivational attitude which resulted in an improved learning performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  15. Shahabudin SH, Edariah AB
    Med Educ, 1991 Sep;25(5):430-7.
    PMID: 1758320 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.1991.tb00091.x
    A random survey of 400 doctors was carried out over a period of 3 months to determine the factors that would facilitate or inhibit the participation of doctors in continuing medical education (CME) in Malaysia. Regular participation in CME was defined as participation in any activity (self-directed reading or attending organized activities) at least once a month during the past year. It was found that 78% of doctors regularly participated in CME. Working in a hospital environment and being members of the Malaysian Medical Association and at least one specialty organization appeared to be important facilitatory factors in CME participation. These doctors also read the local medical journals regularly and subscribed to other journals. In addition, they were more likely to possess postgraduate qualifications and would have teaching, research, diagnostic or clinical responsibilities as major components of their work. They were more likely to practise in the big cities and would tend to be active in at least one voluntary or social organization. If they were in the Government sector, they were more likely to work in the Universities or in the Hospital Division of the Ministry of Health. The 22% who were less likely to participate in CME were general practitioners in the private sector. They worked long hours with day, evening and/or night shifts every day. If the doctors were in the Government sector, they were more likely to be in the Health Division, working in administration and public health, or they were in the armed forces and other organizations such as local councils. They worked in the smaller towns or in the districts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  16. Molanorouzi K, Khoo S, Morris T
    BMC Public Health, 2015;15:66.
    PMID: 25637384 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-1429-7
    Background: In recent years, there has been a decline in physical activity among adults. Motivation has been shown to be a crucial factor in maintaining physical activity. The purpose of this study was to examine whether motives for participation could accurately discriminate gender, age, and type of physical activity.
    Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional descriptive research design was employed. The Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) was used to assess motives for physical activity in 1,360 adults (703 males, 657 females) who had been exercising regularly for at least six months. The PALMS consists of 40 items that constitute eight sub-scales (mastery, enjoyment, psychological condition, physical condition, appearance, others' expectations, affiliation, competition/ego). Respondents were divided into two age groups (young adults aged 20 to 40 years and middle-aged adults 41 to 64 years) and five types of activity (individual racing sports plus bowls, team sports, racquet sports, martial arts, and exercise).
    Results: The group discriminant function analyses revealed significant canonical functions correctly classifying the cases into gender (82%), age group (83%), team sport players 76%, individual racing sport plus bowls players 91%, racquet sport players 90%, exercisers 84%, and martial art players 91%. The competition/ego, appearance, physical condition, and mastery sub-scales contributed most to gender differences. Five sub-scales (mastery, psychological condition, others' expectations, affiliation, and enjoyment) contributed most to the discriminant function for age. For type of activity, different sub-scales were the strongest contributors to the discriminant function for each type of PA.
    Conclusion: The findings in this study suggest that strong and important motives for participation in physical activity are different across type of activity, age, and gender in adults. Understanding the motives that influence physical activity participation is critical for developing interventions to promote higher levels of involvement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  17. Zarei S, Memari AH, Moshayedi P, Mosayebi F, Mansournia MA, Khoo S, et al.
    Arch Iran Med, 2016 Oct;19(10):704-711.
    PMID: 27743435
    BACKGROUND: Given the importance of regular physical activity, it is crucial to evaluate the factors favoring participation in physical activity. We aimed to report the psychometric analysis of the Farsi version of the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS).

    METHODS: The Farsi version of PALMS was completed by 406 healthy adult individuals to test its factor structure and concurrent validity and reliability.

    RESULTS: Conducting the exploratory factor analysis revealed nine factors that accounted for 64.6% of the variances. The PALMS reliability was supported with a high internal consistency of 0.91 and a high test-retest reliability of 0.97 (95% CI: 0.97-0.98). The association between the PALMS and its previous version Recreational Exercise Motivation Measure scores was strongly significant (r= 0.86, P < 0.001).

    CONCLUSION: We have shown that the Farsi version of the PALMS appears to be a valuable instrument to measure motivation for physical activity and leisure.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  18. Goto N, Mushtaq F, Shee D, Lim XL, Mortazavi M, Watabe M, et al.
    Biol Psychol, 2017 09;128:11-20.
    PMID: 28666891 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.06.004
    We investigated whether well-known neural markers of selective attention to motivationally-relevant stimuli were modulated by variations in subjective preference towards consumer goods in a virtual shopping task. Specifically, participants viewed and rated pictures of various goods on the extent to which they wanted each item, which they could potentially purchase afterwards. Using the event-related potentials (ERP) method, we found that variations in subjective preferences for consumer goods strongly modulated positive slow waves (PSW) from 800 to 3000 milliseconds after stimulus onset. We also found that subjective preferences modulated the N200 and the late positive potential (LPP). In addition, we found that both PSW and LPP were modulated by subsequent buying decisions. Overall, these findings show that well-known brain event-related potentials reflecting selective attention processes can reliably index preferences to consumer goods in a shopping environment. Based on a large body of previous research, we suggest that early ERPs (e.g. the N200) to consumer goods could be indicative of preferences driven by unconditional and automatic processes, whereas later ERPs such as the LPP and the PSW could reflect preferences built upon more elaborative and conscious cognitive processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation/physiology*
  19. Ang BH, Oxley JA, Chen WS, Yap KK, Song KP, Lee SWH
    J Safety Res, 2019 09;70:243-251.
    PMID: 31848001 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2019.07.004
    INTRODUCTION: The ability to remain safe behind the wheels can become arduous with aging, yet important for sustaining local travel needs. This review aimed to explore safe mobility issues involving older adults and gain a broad understanding of older drivers' self-regulatory driving practices and motivators behind such behavioral changes, including strategies adopted to reduce or cease driving while maintaining safe mobility.

    METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed on 11 online databases for quantitative studies describing self-regulation of driving amongst older adults aged 60 years and above from database inception until December 2018. Data were described narratively and, where possible, data were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis.

    RESULTS: Of the 1556 studies identified, 54 studies met the inclusion criteria and 46 studies were included in the meta-analyses. All included studies examined car drivers only. Older adults who were single or female were found to be at higher odds of driving cessation. Physical fitness, mental health, social influence, and support systems received by older adults were important driving forces influencing mobility and adjustments made in their travel patterns.

    CONCLUSIONS: Driving self-regulation amongst older adults is a multifaceted decision, impacting mobility and mental health. Therefore, future interventions and support systems should not only create opportunities for retaining mobility for those who have ceased driving, but also promote better psychological and social well-being for regulators and for those who are transitioning from driving to non-driving status. Practical applications: (a) Engage and educate older adults about self-regulation, including strategies that can be adopted and non-car mobility options available. (b) Expand the research focus to explore potential interactions of factors facilitating or hindering the transition process to develop a more comprehensive framework of self-regulation. (c) Encourage ongoing research to formulate, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of policies and interventions implemented. (d) Expand the research horizon to explore and understand the perspectives of older adults from developing countries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
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