Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 1933 in total

  1. Teoh JI, Woon TH
    Singapore Med J, 1975 Jun;16(2):128-37.
    PMID: 1162391
    This paper deals with the evaluation of the effectiveness of individual psychotherapy by students on patients' subjective symptomatic improvement and the therapeutic benefits to medical students. The results of the study indicated that student psychotherapy was of significant benefit to psychoneurotic patients, but was of dubious value in the clinical teaching of psychotherapy in the psychiatric curriculum of the medical course at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  2. Wadi M, Yusoff MSB, Abdul Rahim AF, Lah NAZN
    BMC Psychol, 2022 Jan 06;10(1):8.
    PMID: 34991718 DOI: 10.1186/s40359-021-00715-2
    BACKGROUND: Medical students are vulnerable to test anxiety (TA), which impacts their professional lives and jeopardizes the optimal health care of their patients. The qualitative exploration of TA among medical students is crucial to understanding the problem. Hence, this study examined medical students' insights into TA and their suggestions on how to reduce it.

    METHODS: We conducted a phenomenological study on medical students at a public university. We utilized focus group discussions (FGDs) to investigate their experiences of TA. The FGDs were transcribed verbatim, and these transcripts were analyzed using Atlas.ti software. The thematic analysis followed the recommended guidelines.

    RESULTS: Seven FGD sessions were conducted with 45 students. Three major themes emerged: the students, their academic resources, and the examiner. Each theme comprised mutually exclusive subthemes. The "students" theme was divided into negative vs. positive thoughts and self-negligence vs. self-care, "academic recources" into heavy curriculum vs. facilitative curricular aids, and "examiner" into criticism vs. feedback and strict vs. kind approaches.

    CONCLUSION: This study provides a solid foundation for policymakers and decision makers in medical education to improve current assessment practices and student well-being. Medical students will be able to significantly alter and reduce TA if they are provided with additional psychological support and their examiners are trained on how to deal with examinees.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  3. Vashe A, Devi V, Rao KR, Abraham RR
    Natl Med J India, 2021 8 17;34(1):40-45.
    PMID: 34397005 DOI: 10.4103/0970-258X.323445
    Background: . The relevance of curriculum mapping to determine the links between expected learning outcomes and assessment is well stated in the literature. Nevertheless, studies confirming the usage of such maps are minimal.

    Methods: . We assessed links through curriculum mapping, between assessments and expected learning outcomes of dental physiology curriculum of three batches of students (2012-14) at Melaka-Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Manipal. The questions asked under each assessment method were mapped to the respective expected learning outcomes, and students' scores in different assessments in physiology were gathered. Students' (n = 220) and teachers' (n=15) perspectives were collected through focus group discussion sessions and questionnaire surveys.

    Results: . More than 75% of students were successful (≥50% scores) in majority of the assessments. There was moderate (r=0.4-0.6) to strong positive correlation (r=0.7-0.9) between majority of the assessments. However, students' scores in viva voce had a weak positive correlation with the practical examination score (r=0.230). The score in the assessments of problem-based learning had either weak (r=0.1-0.3) or no correlation with other assessment scores.

    Conclusions: . Through curriculum mapping, we were able to establish links between assessments and expected learning outcomes. We observed that, in the assessment system followed at MMMC, all expected learning outcomes were not given equal weightage in the examinations. Moreover, there was no direct assessment of self-directed learning skills. Our study also showed that assessment has supported students in achieving the expected learning outcomes as evidenced by the qualitative and quantitative data.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  4. Lee MHL, Kaur M, Shaker V, Yee A, Sham R, Siau CS
    PMID: 36833827 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20043136
    This study aims to determine the prevalence and factors associated with cyberbullying and social media addiction. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 270 medical students from a public university in Kuching, Malaysia. The instruments used in this study included the cyberbullying questionnaire survey, Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21-item (DASS-21). The prevalence of cyberbullying victimization was 24.4%, whilst 13.0% reported cyberbullying perpetration over the past six months. Male gender was positively associated with both cyberbullying perpetration and cybervictimization, whilst social media addiction was positively associated with cybervictimization. Psychological motives such as positive attitudes toward cyberbullying and gaining power were associated with cyberbullying perpetration. Cybervictimization doubled the tendency to depression (aOR 2.50, 95% CI [1.23, 5.08], p = 0.012), anxiety (aOR 2.38, 95% CI [1.29, 4.40], p = 0.006), and stress (aOR 2.85, 95% CI [1.41, 5.77], p = 0.004), whilst social media addiction was associated with a higher tendency to depression (aOR 1.18, 95% CI [1.10, 1.26], p < 0.001), anxiety (aOR 1.15, 95% CI [1.08, 1.22], p < 0.001), and stress (aOR 1.21, 95% CI [1.12, 1.32], p < 0.001). Medical schools in Malaysia need policies and guidelines against cyberbullying.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  5. Taleb OK, Siti-Azrin AH, Sarimah A, Abusafia AH, Baharuddin KA, Wan-Nor-Asyikeen WA
    BMC Med Educ, 2023 May 22;23(1):356.
    PMID: 37217957 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-023-04314-0
    BACKGROUND: Environmental factors are important for students' learning during online classes, especially during a pandemic, such as COVID-19. This study aimed to validate the environmental factors' questionnaire during online learning.

    METHODS: A total of 218 undergraduate medical students at the Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, participated in a cross-sectional study that involved an online survey. Environmental factor scales were assessed with the nine-item lighting, noise, and temperature (LNT) scale and the six-item technology scale. Analysis was performed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

    RESULTS: The English version of the LNT scale with nine items and three factors showed a good fit to the data, with no item deleted. For LNT, the composite reliability (CR) was 0.81, 0.81, and 0.84, respectively, while the average variance extracted (AVE) was 0.61, 0.59, and 0.6, respectively. The English version of the technology scale, with six items and one factor, also showed a good fit to the data, with no item deleted. The CR was 0.84, and the AVE was 0.51.

    CONCLUSIONS: The results provide psychometric evidence for environmental questionnaire scales in evaluating the factors associated with online learning among Malaysian university medical students. All items were retained and confirmed to fit the sample data.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  6. Mani SA, Uma E, John J, Nieminen P
    BMC Med Educ, 2023 May 25;23(1):384.
    PMID: 37231460 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-023-04359-1
    BACKGROUND: Professional and personal boundaries are blurred with the wide application of social media (SM) in the health professions line of work. Little is known about practice of extending friend requests to patients and faculty members among dental students, which encompass a part of E-professionalism. The aim of this study is to assess the factors associated with the perceptions and practices of interactions with patients and faculty on SM among dental students from Malaysia and Finland.

    METHODS: Dental students from 4 institutions in Malaysia and Finland completed self-administered questionnaires on the practices and perceptions of SM use. The main variables assessed were the perceptions and practices of student-patient and student-faculty communication on SM, between the two countries. Students' country, age, gender, time spent on SM and perceived importance of communicating dental related aspects over SM were analysed as potential explanatory variables. Crosstabulation was used to estimate the distributions of the response variables by the background characteristics. Multivariate analyses were performed using a dichotomous logistic regression model to investigate relevant associations between the responses and the explanatory variables independent from other factors.

    RESULTS: A total of 643 students completed the survey in March-April 2021. More Malaysian students agreed with "guiding patients online is a new responsibility for dentists in the digital age" compared to Finnish students (86.4% vs. 73.4%). Similarly, significantly more Malaysian students befriended patients (14.1% vs. 1%) and invited faculty to be friends on SM (73.6% vs. 11.8%). Expectedly, clinical year students befriended patients more than pre-clinical (13.8% vs. 6.8%). Significantly more students who felt 'communication of dental related issues over SM' were likely to extend friend requests to faculty rather than accept patient friend requests.

    CONCLUSIONS: Social media regulations and socio-cultural practices contribute to dental students' attitudes and behaviour when befriending patients and faculty members on social media. Future dental curriculum should incorporate guidelines for professional communication on social media based on local and cultural needs. Students' should be encouraged to interact with their patients using professional identities on social media.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental*
  7. Andoy-Galvan JA, Sriram S, Kiat TJ, Xin LZ, Shin WJ, Chinna K
    F1000Res, 2023;12:550.
    PMID: 37868299 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.125203.1
    Background: Doctors with a normal BMI and healthy living habits have shown to be more confident and effective in providing realistic guidance and obesity management to their patients. This study investigated obesogenic tendencies of medical students as they progress in their medical studies. Methods: A cohort of forty-nine medical students enrolled in a five-year cohort study and was followed up after one year. At the initiation of the cohort, socio-demography and information on anthropometry, accommodation, eating behavior, stress and sleeping habits of the students had been recorded. Follow-up data was collected using a standardized self-administered questionnaire. Results: Thirty-seven percent of the students in the cohort are either obese or overweight in the one-year period.. A year of follow-up suggests that there is an increase in BMI among the male students (P=0.008) and the changes are associated with changes in accommodation (P=0.016), stress levels (P=0.021), and sleeping habits (P=0.011). Conclusion: Medical education system should seriously consider evaluating this aspect in the curriculum development to help our future medical practitioners practice a healthy lifestyle and be the initiator of change in the worsening prevalence of obesity worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  8. Iqbal RM, Binti Riza Effendi NI, Syed Alwi SS, Saidi HI, Sarchio SNE
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0283098.
    PMID: 37816038 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0283098
    Rapid outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 has caused the implementation of the movement control order (MCO) which aimed to reduce the spread in Covid-19 infections. While some may find it easy to adjust to the new norm, others found it difficult to switch from their normal routines and habits as according to the MCO SOP. This resulted in a more frequent insomnia and depression that subsequently impacted their mental health. Insomnia and depression levels are examined in this study as they relate to the Covid-19 Pandemic and the MCO among Malaysian undergraduate health sciences students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UPM. Random sampling methods were utilised with consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) were the instrument packages used in this investigation. An internet platform was used to distribute the questionnaire. Based on the results, it is concluded that depression and insomnia are significantly correlated, with a p-value of 0.05. This study also revealed the link between the severity of insomnia and the severity of depression among UPM students studying health sciences. The percentage of students with depression and insomnia was rather high (54.9% and 33.9%, respectively), and this occurred during the second wave of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology
  9. Jeppu AK, Kumar KA, Sethi A
    BMC Med Educ, 2023 Oct 06;23(1):734.
    PMID: 37803418 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-023-04734-y
    BACKGROUND: Modern clinical practice increasingly relies on collaborative, cooperative and team-based approaches for effective patient care. Recently, Jigsaw cooperative learning has gained attention in medical education. There is a need for studies in Southeast Asian context to establish its effectives in developing various core competencies expected of health professionals such as interpersonal, communication, collaborative, and teamwork skills. This current study explores the impact of using Jigsaw Cooperative Learning on undergraduate medical students.

    METHOD: An explanatory mixed method research design was carried out on first year medical students at a private university in Malaysia. In Phase I, a survey was conducted to explore the effectiveness of jigsaw learning. Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated using SPSS. In Phase II, a focus group interview was conducted to explore their in-depth experiences. Qualitative data were thematically analysed.

    RESULTS: Fifty-seven students participated in the survey and seven students took part in the focus group interview. Quantitative data analysis showed a statistically significant improvement in the student's individual accountability, promotive interaction, positive interdependence, interpersonal skill, communication skill, teamwork skill, critical thinking and consensus building after jigsaw learning sessions. Qualitative data explained their experiences in-depth.

    CONCLUSION: Jigsaw cooperative learning improves collaboration, communication, cooperation and critical thinking among the undergraduate medical students. Educators should use jigsaw learning methods to encourage effective collaboration and team working. Future studies should explore the effectiveness of the jigsaw cooperative learning technique in promoting interprofessional collaboration in the workplace.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  10. Liew SC, Tan MP, Breen E, Krishnan K, Sivarajah I, Raviendran N, et al.
    BMC Med Educ, 2023 Oct 25;23(1):796.
    PMID: 37880711 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-023-04777-1
    BACKGROUND: Virtual consultation is a synchronous mode of telemedicine provided remotely via information and communication technology. The projected growth of digitalization in healthcare delivery, however, necessitates medical student training in virtual consultation (VC) to ensure safe and effective patient care. This study describes the implementation and preliminary evaluation of a competency-based VC training module for undergraduate medical students.

    METHODS: A newly developed six-week VC module was implemented online through asynchronous microlearning and synchronous simulation-based experiential learning modalities. Clinical students in years 4 and 5 and fresh graduates, who had not started pre-registration house officer or residency programmes, were invited to participate. Training outcomes using checklist-based video-recorded assessments of VC encounters between medical students and simulated patients were compared. Each video was independently assessed by two facilitators trained in VC teaching and assessment, using a direct observed virtual consultation skills checklist derived from established VC competencies. The participants completed course evaluations electronically as additional outcome measures.

    RESULTS: Fifty-two clinical phase medical students and alumni completed both the instructional and practical phases of this module. Altogether, 45 (95.7%) students found the module beneficial, and 46 (95.9%) reported increased self-efficacy for conducting VC. In total, 46 (95.9%) students would recommend the course to others. Post-test results showed a significant increase in the students' abilities to conduct a VC (t-test = 16.33, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  11. Lin GSS, Tan WW, Hashim H, Foong CC
    BMC Oral Health, 2023 Jun 23;23(1):417.
    PMID: 37353763 DOI: 10.1186/s12903-023-03141-5
    BACKGROUND: Feedback is regarded as a key component of formative assessment and one of the elements with the greatest impact on students' academic learning. The present study aimed to evaluate and compare students' perceptions of the use of two feedback models, namely feedback sandwich and Ask-Tell-Ask (ATA), in teaching dental materials science courses.

    METHODS: All undergraduate second-year dental students were invited to participate in the dental materials science practical session and were randomly allocated into two groups: Group 1 (feedback) sandwich and Group 2 (ATA). The session began with the teacher giving a short briefing on the commonly used dental materials, followed by a short demonstration of the manipulation of those materials. Students were then allowed to mix and manipulate the materials, and teachers provided feedback accordingly. At the end of the session, 16 close-ended (five-point Likert scales) and an open-ended questionnaire were distributed to students to evaluate their perceptions of the feedback given. Internal reliability of the questionnaire items was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha. Mean feedback scores were analysed using an independent t-test with ANCOVA for controlling gender and ethnicity. Thematic analysis was used to code the qualitative data.

    RESULTS: Sixty-nine students participated in the present study with the majority being females (72.5%) and Chinese (79.7%). Cronbach's alpha analysis suggested removing three Likert-scale items, with the remaining 13 items being accepted. Generally, no significant difference was noted between the two groups (p = 0.197), but three items were found to be significant (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental*
  12. Zalts R, Green N, Tackett S, Lubin R
    Int J Med Educ, 2021 Jan 28;12:25-30.
    PMID: 33513127 DOI: 10.5116/ijme.5ff9.bf5c
    OBJECTIVES: To assess the correlations between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, personal growth and quality of life with learning environment perceptions, perceived academic rank and burnout among medical students.

    METHODS: Cross-sectional questionnaires were administered to medical students at three medical schools in Israel, Malaysia, and China, at the end of one academic year. Surveys included demographic data, students' perceived academic rank, two learning environment perceptions scales, and scales for personal growth, goal orientation, burnout and quality of life. Comparative analyses were made to determine the significance of relationships between the outcome measures and control variables, using a series of t-tests. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to test the hypothesis.

    RESULTS: Sixty-four percent (400/622) of the students responded. Significant correlations were found between: intrinsic motivation (r(398) =.37, p

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  13. O'Neal CR, Khong K, Khong J, Tan SC
    Sch Psychol, 2024 Mar;39(2):132-143.
    PMID: 38032597 DOI: 10.1037/spq0000592
    Guided by a participatory culture-specific consultation model, this study contributes to an understanding of the effectiveness of school consultation with teachers of refugee students. The goal of the present study was to determine the impact of an individual consultation intervention with refugee teachers on their self-efficacy and self-care, in addition to their peer consultation skills. The participants were 109 teachers at refugee schools in Malaysia, most of whom were refugees (91% refugees; 73% female). Of the 109 participants, 84 teachers were coconsultants with psychology graduate students; all 109 were individual consultees. The study used a two-timepoint design with the outcomes of self-reported teacher self-care; teacher self-efficacy in the management of refugee student emotion regulation and emotional engagement; and consultation skills. Additionally, consultee-reported goal attainment, consultation effectiveness, and satisfaction were collected. The findings suggested significant latent growth from baseline to post-intervention in refugee teacher self-care and self-efficacy in the management of student emotion regulation and emotional engagement in addition to the growth of their consultation skills. The effect sizes were large for latent growth of teacher self-efficacy in promoting student emotion regulation, behavior, and emotional engagement (d = 1.19, 1.01, 1.02); the effect size for self-care was medium (d = .62). Growth was not dependent on dosage, age, gender, or consultee education, with the exception of teacher self-efficacy in management of emotional engagement which was dependent on dosage. After the intervention, the consultees reported that they completed their consultation goals at a higher level than expected, were satisfied with the consultation, and found the consultants to be helpful. The discussion situates the findings in relevant theory, research, and the culture-specific context. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology
  14. Lew B, Osman A, Chan CMH, Chen WS, Ibrahim N, Jia CX, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2021 02 09;21(1):322.
    PMID: 33563254 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-10370-2
    BACKGROUND: There is a need to understand the psychological characteristics of suicide attempters to prevent future suicide attempts. This study aims to examine potential differences between individuals who have attempted suicide and those who have not done so, on several risk and protective measures.

    METHOD: Participants were 11,806 undergraduate students from seven provinces in China, of which 237 reported a non-fatal suicide attempt. We used the random numbers generator function within the SPSS to randomly select a control subset of 1185 participants to be used as the comparison group based on a 1:5 case-control ratio. Scores on three commonly used risk measures (depression, hopelessness, and psychache) and three protective measures (social support, self-esteem, and purpose in life) for suicidality were adopted to compare the responses of the two groups.

    RESULTS: Suicide attempters had indicated higher Median scores for all three risk factor measurements. Suicide attempters also reported significantly lower Median scores for all three protective factor measurements compared to non-suicide attempters. The results suggest that the suicide attempters' group had higher risks of suicidality compared to the non-attempter group.

    CONCLUSIONS: Suicide attempters continued to report higher scores of risk factors and lower scores of protective factors, indicating that they may continue to be at a higher likelihood of a suicide attempt. Key protective factors should be identified for each individual in order to deliver appropriate clinical interventions to reduce their risk of reattempting.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students*
  15. Zhang JW, Howell RT, Januchowski JA, Ramis T, Mello Z, Monroy M
    J Pers, 2023 Jun;91(3):667-682.
    PMID: 35929345 DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12766
    INTRODUCTION: Despite broad consensus about multicultural experience's benefits, there is a lack of research on the antecedents to multicultural experiences. Research has indicated that awe shifts attention away from the self toward larger entities, which could include elements of other cultures.

    METHODS: Four studies (N = 2915) tested whether trait, daily, and induced awe promoted multicultural experience.

    RESULTS: Studies 1-2 (adolescents, young, middle, and older adults) showed that trait awe predicted greater multicultural identity and experience independent of other positive emotions and openness. Study 3 (students & adults in U.S. & Malaysia) demonstrated that daily awe predicted more daily multicultural experience independent of yesterday's multicultural experience. These results were explained by trait and daily curiosity. Study 4 (adults) found that induction of awe increased state multicultural identity and experience via state curious emotions and then state curious personality.

    CONCLUSION: We found that experiencing more awe can be a tool for enhancing the multicultural experience. The discussion focuses on the implications for future research on awe and multicultural experiences.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology
  16. Fazli Khalaf Z, Liow JW, Nalliah S, Foong ALS
    J Homosex, 2023 Jul 29;70(9):1763-1786.
    PMID: 35285780 DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2022.2042662
    A central tenet of the health professions is that of equitable access to health care. However, disparities in equitable healthcare provision continues to be a challenge in many societies due to prejudices against the LGBTQ community. This study was aimed at exploring the attitudes of medical students toward LGBTQ patients in Malaysia. A qualitative approach was adopted to seek depth of understanding of clinical year medical students' perceptions and attitudes toward LGBTQ patients. Data were collected in 2018 through individual interviews and focus group discussions with a total of 29 participants, using a semi-structured question guideline. Purposive sampling comprised representation from the three major ethnic groups in Malaysia. Thematic analysis using NVivo highlighted three main themes i.e., neutrality, in compliance with the Professional Code of Conduct; implicit biases and tolerance of an Odd Identity; explicit biases with prejudices and stereotyping. The lack of knowledge and understanding of the nature and issues of sexuality is problematic as found in this study. They are primarily biases and prejudices projected onto marginalized LGBTQ patients who must contend with multiple jeopardies in conservative societies such as in Malaysia. With some state policies framed around Islam the concern is with the belief among Malay/Islamic students for LGBTQ individuals to go through conversion 'therapies' to become cisgender and heterosexual.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  17. Al-Aboosi AM, Sheikh Abdullah SNH, Ismail R, Abdul Maulud KN, Nahar L, Zainol Ariffin KA, et al.
    JMIR Hum Factors, 2024 Jul 30;11:e48139.
    PMID: 39078685 DOI: 10.2196/48139
    BACKGROUND: The enormous consequences of drugs include suicides, traffic accidents, and violence, affecting the individual, family, society, and country. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly identify and monitor the drug abuse rate among school-going youth. A geospatial dashboard is vital for the monitoring of drug abuse and related crime incidence in a decision support system.

    OBJECTIVE: This paper mainly focuses on developing MyAsriGeo, a geospatial drug abuse risk assessment and monitoring dashboard tailored for school students. It introduces innovative functionality, seamlessly orchestrating the assessment of drug abuse usage patterns and risks using multivariate student data.

    METHODS: A geospatial drug abuse dashboard for monitoring and analysis was designed and developed in this study based on agile methodology and prototyping. Using focus group and interviews, we first examined and gathered the requirements, feedback, and user approval of the MyAsriGeo dashboard. Experts and stakeholders such as the National Anti-Drugs Agency, police, the Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, school instructors, students, and researchers were among those who responded. A total of 20 specialists were involved in the requirement analysis and acceptance evaluation of the pilot and final version of the dashboard. The evaluation sought to identify various user acceptance aspects, such as ease of use and usefulness, for both the pilot and final versions, and 2 additional factors based on the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire and Task-Technology Fit models were enlisted to assess the interface quality and dashboard sufficiency for the final version.

    RESULTS: The MyAsriGeo geospatial dashboard was designed to meet the needs of all user types, as identified through a requirement gathering process. It includes several key functions, such as a geospatial map that shows the locations of high-risk areas for drug abuse, data on drug abuse among students, tools for assessing the risk of drug abuse in different areas, demographic information, and a self-problem test. It also includes the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test and its risk assessment to help users understand and interpret the results of student risk. The initial prototype and final version of the dashboard were evaluated by 20 experts, which revealed a significant improvement in the ease of use (P=.047) and usefulness (P=.02) factors and showed a high acceptance mean scores for ease of use (4.2), usefulness (4.46), interface quality (4.29), and sufficiency (4.13).

    CONCLUSIONS: The MyAsriGeo geospatial dashboard is useful for monitoring and analyzing drug abuse among school-going youth in Malaysia. It was developed based on the needs of various stakeholders and includes a range of functions. The dashboard was evaluated by a group of experts. Overall, the MyAsriGeo geospatial dashboard is a valuable resource for helping stakeholders understand and respond to the issue of drug abuse among youth.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students*
  18. Chai SS, Ting SH, Goh KL, Chang YHR, Wee BL, Novita D, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(7):e0307262.
    PMID: 39083489 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0307262
    Amidst the digital transformation of education, the essence of the human touch in online teaching remains pivotal. Despite growing literature, there remains a significant gap in understanding how the human element in online teaching directly influences student engagement and learning outcomes, especially in diverse educational contexts. This study develops a quantifiable index capturing the essence of humanized online teaching and investigates the determinants influencing this humanization. Additionally, an index encapsulating students' online learning experiences, as perceived by their instructors, has been constructed. Bridging these indices, the research unravels the intricate relationship between the humanization of online teaching and the resulting student experiences in the virtual realm. Sourced from a self-constructed questionnaire and encompassing responses from 152 instructors across 22 Malaysian institutions, the data revealed an average incorporation of 81.38% humanized online teaching elements. Key determinants, such as subject matter, teaching experience, Internet quality, and platform choices, emerged as significant influences. A regression model showed approximately 31.7% (R-squared = 0.317, p<0.001) of the variation in the dependent variable. A significant moderate positive correlation (r = 0.423, p<0.001) between the Humanized Online Teaching Index and the Students' Online Learning Experiences Index highlights the intertwined nature of humanized instructional methodologies and enhanced student engagement in online settings. Though contextualised during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic, the study's implications transcend the immediate circumstances, offering transformative insights for future online teaching methodologies and enhancing student experiences in the evolving digital age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology
  19. Mohamed A, Mat Sanusi NSA, Azman NS, Zailani NS, Jasmin NH, Che Isa IN
    Radiography (Lond), 2024 Jan;30(1):388-393.
    PMID: 38159357 DOI: 10.1016/j.radi.2023.12.006
    INTRODUCTION: Postgraduate education in medical imaging is an important platform that can support in preparing radiographers for the role extension and advancement in radiography. Thus, this study aims to identify the factors influencing final year radiography students' intention to pursue postgraduate education in medical imaging.

    METHODS: An online cross-sectional survey was conducted among final year students in medical imaging programs from six institutions in Malaysia. Purposive convenience sampling has been employed. Data collection was related to students' interest in postgraduate study and possible factors that may affect students' intention to pursue postgraduate education after study degree completion. The questionnaire was a combination of a Likert Scale and open-ended question.

    RESULTS: A total of 148 (female, n = 132 and male, n = 16) responses were included in the analysis. Among the participants, n = 93 (62.8 %) of students intended to pursue study. The highest choice of study was mixed mode (41.9 %) and cardiac imaging was the field of choice by the students (22.3 %). Five factors have been found to significantly correlate with the students' intention to pursue postgraduate study in medical imaging which were student attributes, being an academician, remuneration, finance, and social influences (p  0.05).

    CONCLUSION: Five out of seven factors tested were found to significantly influence students' decision to pursue postgraduate education in medical imaging. Effective strategies based on the influencing factors should be strategized to encourage more students to pursue postgraduate education in medical imaging.

    IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Implementation of effective strategies based on the influencing factors will improve access to education among radiography students, ultimately enhancing future radiographers' capability and competency.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  20. Stanley N, Binti Bakar RS, Cheng KY, Nwedu AB, Binti Hassan II
    Creat Nurs, 2023 Feb;29(1):65-97.
    PMID: 37551007 DOI: 10.1177/107845352202900113
    BACKGROUND: Health systemsneed adequate personnelin order to function; improvements in health-care services delivery, and coverage and the enjoyment of standard healthcare as a right, depend on the availability, mixture, quality, and accessibility of the health-care workforce.

    PURPOSE: This review aimed to synthesize reliable evidence ondetermining factors among health science students' career choices to enhance policy advocacy for better health-care delivery.

    METHOD: We sourced empirical studies from Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar. From a total of 9,056 researcharticlesfrom 2010 to 2022, 27 studies with a total of 45,832 respondents met the inclusion criteria.

    RESULTS: The majority of the studies were of medical students; internal medicine was the commonest choice (64.3%), with psychiatry and public health receiving lesser attention. In the four available studies of nursing students, midwifery was not chosen at all. There is a paucity of studies on this all-important concept for nursing students. The determining factors of choice of specialty were in four themes: personal, socioeconomic, professional, and educational/policy. Among the barriers to choosing particular specialties were low prestige among colleagues, stigma, long working hours, and poor public recognition.

    CONCLUSION: The career choices of health science students do not reflect an adequate mix of health-care team members to meet the health-care needs of the world. Reforms of policy and educational training are needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
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