Displaying publications 2241 - 2260 of 2448 in total

  1. Shek KL, Atan IK, Dietz HP
    Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg, 2016 Nov-Dec;22(6):472-475.
    PMID: 27682743
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to correlate clinical findings of anal sphincter defects and function with a sonographic diagnosis of significant sphincter defects.

    METHODS: This is an observational cross-sectional study on women seen 6 to 10 weeks after primary repair of obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIs). All patients underwent a standardized interview including the St Mark incontinence score, a digital rectal examination, and 3-/4-dimensional transperineal ultrasound imaging.

    RESULTS: Two hundred forty-five patients were seen after primary repair of OASIs. Mean age was 29 (17-43) years. They were assessed at a median of 58 (15-278) days postpartum. One hundred fifty-seven (64%) delivered normal vaginally, 72 (29%) delivered by vacuum, and 16 (7%) delivered by forceps. A comparison of external anal sphincter (EAS) and internal anal sphincter ultrasound volume data and palpation was possible in 220 and 212 cases, respectively. Sphincter defects at rest and on contraction were both detected clinically in 17 patients. Significant abnormalities of the EAS were diagnosed on tomographic ultrasound imaging in 99 cases (45%), and significant abnormalities of the internal anal sphincter were diagnosed in 113 cases (53%). Agreement between digital and sonographic findings of sphincter defect was poor (k = 0.03-0.08). Women with significant EAS defects on ultrasound were found to have a lower resistance to digital insertion (P = 0.018) and maximum anal squeeze (P = 0.009) on a 6-point scale. The difference was however small.

    CONCLUSIONS: Digital rectal examination does not seem to be sufficiently sensitive to diagnose residual sphincter defects after primary repair of OASIs. Imaging is required for the evaluation of sphincter anatomy after repair.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  2. van Vliet E, Dijkema GH, Schuit E, Heida KY, Roos C, van der Post J, et al.
    BJOG, 2016 Oct;123(11):1753-60.
    PMID: 27550838 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.14249
    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity in developed countries. Whether continued tocolysis after 48 hours of rescue tocolysis improves neonatal outcome is unproven.

    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance tocolytic therapy with oral nifedipine on the reduction of adverse neonatal outcomes and the prolongation of pregnancy by performing an individual patient data meta-analysis (IPDMA).

    SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases for randomised controlled trials of maintenance tocolysis therapy with nifedipine in preterm labour.

    SELECTION CRITERIA: We selected trials including pregnant women between 24 and 36(6/7)  weeks of gestation (gestational age, GA) with imminent preterm labour who had not delivered after 48 hours of initial tocolysis, and compared maintenance nifedipine tocolysis with placebo/no treatment.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: The primary outcome was perinatal mortality. Secondary outcome measures were intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS), prolongation of pregnancy, GA at delivery, birthweight, neonatal intensive care unit admission, and number of days on ventilation support. Pre-specified subgroup analyses were performed.

    MAIN RESULTS: Six randomised controlled trials were included in this IPDMA, encompassing data from 787 patients (n = 390 for nifedipine; n = 397 for placebo/no treatment). There was no difference between the groups for the incidence of perinatal death (risk ratio, RR 1.36; 95% confidence interval, 95% CI 0.35-5.33), intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) ≥ grade II (RR 0.65; 95% CI 0.16-2.67), necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) (RR 1.15; 95% CI 0.50-2.65), infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) (RR 0.98; 95% CI 0.51-1.85), and prolongation of pregnancy (hazard ratio, HR 0.74; 95% CI 0.55-1.01).

    CONCLUSION: Maintenance tocolysis is not associated with improved perinatal outcome and is therefore not recommended for routine practice.

    TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Nifedipine maintenance tocolysis is not associated with improved perinatal outcome or pregnancy prolongation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  3. Vellasamy S, Tong CK, Azhar NA, Kodiappan R, Chan SC, Veerakumarasivam A, et al.
    Cytotherapy, 2016 10;18(10):1270-83.
    PMID: 27543068 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2016.06.017
    BACKGROUND AIMS: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been identified as pan-immunosuppressant in various in vitro and in vivo inflammatory models. Although the immunosuppressive activity of MSCs has been explored in various contexts, the precise molecular signaling pathways that govern inhibitory functions remain poorly elucidated.

    METHODS: By using a microarray-based global gene expression profiling system, this study aimed to decipher the underlying molecular pathways that may mediate the immunosuppressive activity of umbilical cord-derived MSCs (UC-MSCs) on activated T cells.

    RESULTS: In the presence of UC-MSCs, the proliferation of activated T cells was suppressed in a dose-depended manner by cell-to-cell contact mode via an active cell-cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle. The microarray analysis revealed that particularly, IFNG, CXCL9, IL2, IL2RA and CCND3 genes were down-regulated, whereas IL11, VSIG4, GFA1, TIMP3 and BBC3 genes were up-regulated by UC-MSCs. The dysregulated gene clusters associated with immune-response-related ontologies, namely, lymphocyte proliferation or activation, apoptosis and cell cycle, were further analyzed.

    CONCLUSIONS: Among the nine canonical pathways identified, three pathways (namely T-helper cell differentiation, cyclins and cell cycle regulation, and gap/tight junction signalling pathways) were highly enriched with these dysregulated genes. The pathways represent putative molecular pathways through which UC-MSCs elicit immunosuppressive activity toward activated T cells. This study provides a global snapshot of gene networks and pathways that contribute to the ability of UC-MSCs to suppress activated T cells.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  4. Adamu HA, Imam MU, Der-Jiun O, Ismail M
    J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 2017;10(1-2):19-31.
    PMID: 28399529 DOI: 10.1159/000469663
    BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have reported on the influence of diet on insulin resistance. Our study provides insight into the effect of germinated brown rice (GBR) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on early environment-driven programming and susceptibility to insulin resistance in rat offspring.

    METHODS: Male rat offspring from female Sprague-Dawley rats fed with a high-fat diet (HFD) alone, HFD + GBR, or HFD + GABA extract throughout pregnancy and lactation were weaned 4 weeks after delivery and followed up for 8 weeks. A biochemical analysis and an assessment of the hepatic expression of insulin signaling genes were performed.

    RESULTS: The results showed that intrauterine exposure to HFD caused metabolic perturbations in rat offspring which gravitated towards insulin resistance even though the rat offspring did not consume an HFD. GBR and GABA attenuated the HFD-induced changes by underlying regulation of the insulin signaling genes.

    CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that intake of GBR and GABA during pregnancy and lactation can influence the programming of genes in rat offspring, thereby enhancing insulin sensitivity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  5. Mohd Nazri H, Noor Haslina MN, Shafini MY, Noor Shaidatul Akmal AR, Rapiaah M, Wan Zaidah A
    Malays J Pathol, 2017 Apr;39(1):73-76.
    PMID: 28413208 MyJurnal
    Haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn (HDFN) is caused by maternal red blood cells (RBC) alloimmunisation resulted from incompatibility of maternal and foetal RBCs. However, only a few HDFN attributed to anti-M were reported, varying from asymptomatic to severe anaemia with hydrops foetalis and even intrauterine death. A case of severe HDFN due to anti-M alloantibody from an alloimmunized grandmultiparous Malay woman with recurrent pregnancy loss is reported here. The newborn was delivered with severe and prolonged anaemia which required frequent RBC transfusions, intensive phototherapy and intravenous immunoglobulin administration. Although anti-M is rarely known to cause severe HDFN, a careful serological work-up and close assessment of foetal well-being is important, similar to the management of RhD HDFN. Alloimmunisation with anti-M type can lead to severe HDFN and even foetal loss.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  6. Lie-Injo LE, Caldwell J, Ganesan S, Ganesan J
    Cancer, 1976 Jul;38(1):341-5.
    PMID: 59626 DOI: 10.1002/1097-0142%28197607%2938%3A1<341%3A%3AAID-C
    The level of serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was estimated by radioimmunoassay in 153 normal healthy Malysians of different ethnic groups. The mean level was 7.5 In1/ml (SD 2.28InU/ml). Among 330 patients with malignant tumors, 11 had increased levels of AFP. The only patient who had hepatoma had a very high level of serum AFP. High levels were also found in three of four patients with dysgerminoma of the ovary, in the only two patients with carcinoma of the testis, and in one patient with secondary carcinoma of the humerus of unknown origin. Lower, but significantly increased levels were observed in one patient (of 48) with breast carcinoma, one patient (of 8) with basal cell carcinoma of the nose, one patient (0f 27) with carcinoma of the lung, and one patient (of 59) with nasopharynegeal carcinoma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  7. Salih, F.A.M., Haque, Q.M.
    The number of people worldwide living with human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS) is more than 40 million, among them 17.7 millions are women (UNAIDS/WHO, 2006) The latest report from the Eastern Mediterranean Region shows that at least one million people are infected with HIV; among them 30% are women. The great majority of reported cases in the Region are men. However, the ratio of men to women cases varies in different countries. It ranges between “9:1 (as for example in Egypt), to 2:1” (as in Morocco and some parts of Yemen). Due to religious, social and cultural values regarding female purity, women and girls living with HIV and AIDS are subjected to greater discrimination than men. WHO reports show that a large percentage of the infected women in Arab countries have contacted the infection from their husbands especially migrants and drug abusers. In Arab countries, studies conducted show that 86% of women choose not to disclose their status of infection for the fear of abandonment, rejection, discrimination, violence, upsetting family members, and accusations of infidelity from their partners, families, and communities. As a result, many women only seek help at the last minute when they are already been terminally ill. Violence against women and girls in its different forms increases women's vulnerability to HIV infection and undermines AIDS control efforts. The fear of violence prevents many women from accessing HIV information, from getting testing and seeking treatment. Stigma and discrimination may also prevent them from carrying out their normal life activities. When women are blamed, this can lead to heightened levels of sexual and domestic violence, abandonment by families and communities, forced abortion or sterilization, dismissal from employment and loss of livelihood opportunities. A study of AIDS-related discrimination in Arab region found that over ten percent of women had lost financial support from family members since being diagnosed as HIV positive. There is a great deal of evidence to establish the significant link between gender-based violence and rising rates of HIV infection among women and girls throughout the world. HIV-positive women must be supported to make their own reproductive choices about whether and/or when to have children. Promote male involvement in sexual and reproductive health programmes. Finally the stigma, discrimination and violations must be stopped.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  8. Kay, Sin Tan, Navarro, Jose C, Ka, Sing Wong, Yi, Ning Huang, Hou, Chang Chiu, Poungvarin, Niphon, et al.
    Neurology Asia, 2014;19(2):117-127.
    Background and Objective: There is a lack of international collaborative studies on young adults with ischaemic stroke in Asia. The aim of this study was to investigate risk factors, aetiology and outcome at hospital discharge of these patients across 8 participating countries in Asia. Methods: This was a prospective, observational, multicentre, hospital based cohort study. Consecutive young stroke patients with confirmed cerebral infarction between the ages of 18-49 were recruited from December 2011 to May 2012. Data was collected for patient demography, risk factors, investigations, clinical profile and TOAST classification. Outcome measures were death and independence (modified Rankin score≤ 2) at hospital discharge. Results: Two hundred and eighteen patients with the mean age was 40.8±6.7 years were recruited. There was a larger proportion of male patients with a ratio of 1.9:1. Traditional risk factors observed were hypertension (n=103; 47.3%), dyslipidaemia (n=93; 42.4%), smoking (n=85; 38.8%), diabetes (n=53; 24.3%), alcohol use (n=33; 15.0%), a previous history of stroke and transient ischaemic attacks (6.4%), family history (n=12; 5.5%), migraine (n=6;2.8%), pregnancy related (n=5; 2.3%) and numerous cardiac risk factors (0.9-5.5%). The majority suffered arterial infarction; n=216 (99.4%) while n=2 (0.6%) had venous strokes. The predominant stroke subtypes were large artery atherosclerosis (LAA); 29.8% and small vessel occlusion (SVO); 20.2%. LAA and SVO accounted for 37.5% of all stroke subtypes in the ≤36 year age-group. Cardioembolism (15.1%) and stroke of determined aetiology (14.7%) contributed to the other categories of identified stroke subtypes. Mortality on hospital discharge was 3.1% while 65.1% of patients were independent on discharge. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the substantial presence of premature atherosclerosis and conventional risk factors in young ischaemic stroke patients from 8 Asian cities. Venous infarction from cerebral venous thrombosis was rare in this study. Outcome on hospital discharge was poorer compared to Western studies. Detection of vascular risk factors and primary prevention measures should be initiated during late adolescence or early adulthood in urban Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
    Med J Malaysia, 1963 Jun;17:269-73.
    PMID: 14060503
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  10. Chen PC
    Trop Geogr Med, 1977 Dec;29(4):441-8.
    PMID: 610030
    Since Independence, gained in 1957, major changes have occurred in the rural areas of Malaysia not least amongst which has been the provision of maternal and child care services to hitherto neglected areas. In the first part of this paper, the demographic and disease patterns are described. The second part outlines the general development efforts and describes in greater detail the rural health services that have been organized in Malaysia. In the concluding section, changes in mortality and morbidity are examined.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  11. Gnanapragasam A
    Med J Malaysia, 1975 Jun;29(4):280-92.
    PMID: 53779
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  12. Arumanayagam P, San SJ
    Int J Epidemiol, 1972;1(2):101-9.
    PMID: 4204766
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  13. Luan Eng LI, Wiltshire BG, Lehmann H
    Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1973 Oct 18;322(2):224-30.
    PMID: 4765089
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  14. Atuk FA, Basuni JBM
    J Med Case Rep, 2018 May 21;12(1):140.
    PMID: 29779493 DOI: 10.1186/s13256-018-1689-9
    BACKGROUND: While gestational trophoblastic disease is not rare, hydatidiform mole with a coexistent live fetus is a very rare condition occurring in 0.005 to 0.01% of all pregnancies. As a result of the rarity of this condition, diagnosis, management, and monitoring will remain challenging especially in places with limited resources and expertise. The case we report is an interesting rare case which presented with well-described complications; only a few similar cases have been described to date.

    CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of a 21-year-old local Sarawakian woman with partial molar pregnancy who presented with severe pre-eclampsia in which the baby was morphologically normal, delivered prematurely, and there was a single large placenta showing molar changes.

    CONCLUSION: Even though the incidence of this condition is very rare, recognizing and diagnosing it is very important for patient care and it should be considered and looked for in patients presenting with pre-eclampsia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  15. Voon HY, Suharjono HN, Shafie AA, Bujang MA
    Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol, 2018 Jun;57(3):332-339.
    PMID: 29880160 DOI: 10.1016/j.tjog.2018.04.002
    OBJECTIVE: Postpartum hemorrhage remains the leading cause of maternal mortality in developing countries and a significant proportion of these cases are attributable to uterine atony. In contrast to the advances made in the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage, there has been few novel prophylactic agents. This study was undertaken to analyze the effectiveness of carbetocin compared to oxytocin for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage, in the context of cesarean deliveries.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Major electronic databases were searched for randomized-controlled trials comparing carbetocin with oxytocin. Only trials involving cesarean deliveries were included. Non-randomized trials, non-cesarean deliveries, studies which did not directly compare carbetocin to oxytocin and studies which did not analyze the intended outcomes were excluded. Outcomes analysed were postpartum hemorrhage, additional use of uterotonic and transfusion requirement.

    RESULTS: Seven studies involving 2012 patients were included in the meta-analysis. There was a significant reduction in the rates of postpartum hemorrhage (RR 0.79; 95% CI 0.66 to 0.94; p = 0.009), use of additional uterotonics (RR 0.57; 95% CI 0.49 to 0.65; p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
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