Displaying publications 221 - 240 of 966 in total

  1. Soyiri IN, Reidpath DD
    PLoS One, 2012;7(10):e47823.
    PMID: 23118897 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047823
    The concept of forecasting asthma using humans as animal sentinels is uncommon. This study explores the plausibility of predicting future asthma daily admissions using retrospective data in London (2005-2006). Negative binomial regressions were used in modeling; allowing the non-contiguous autoregressive components. Selected lags were based on partial autocorrelation function (PACF) plot with a maximum lag of 7 days. The model was contrasted with naïve historical and seasonal models. All models were cross validated. Mean daily asthma admission in 2005 was 27.9 and in 2006 it was 28.9. The lags 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 were independently associated with daily asthma admissions based on their PACF plots. The lag model prediction of peak admissions were often slightly out of synchronization with the actual data, but the days of greater admissions were better matched than the days of lower admissions. A further investigation across various populations is necessary.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services*
  2. Soyiri IN, Reidpath DD
    Environ Health Prev Med, 2013 Jan;18(1):1-9.
    PMID: 22949173 DOI: 10.1007/s12199-012-0294-6
    Health forecasting is a novel area of forecasting, and a valuable tool for predicting future health events or situations such as demands for health services and healthcare needs. It facilitates preventive medicine and health care intervention strategies, by pre-informing health service providers to take appropriate mitigating actions to minimize risks and manage demand. Health forecasting requires reliable data, information and appropriate analytical tools for the prediction of specific health conditions or situations. There is no single approach to health forecasting, and so various methods have often been adopted to forecast aggregate or specific health conditions. Meanwhile, there are no defined health forecasting horizons (time frames) to match the choices of health forecasting methods/approaches that are often applied. The key principles of health forecasting have not also been adequately described to guide the process. This paper provides a brief introduction and theoretical analysis of health forecasting. It describes the key issues that are important for health forecasting, including: definitions, principles of health forecasting, and the properties of health data, which influence the choices of health forecasting methods. Other matters related to the value of health forecasting, and the general challenges associated with developing and using health forecasting services are discussed. This overview is a stimulus for further discussions on standardizing health forecasting approaches and methods that will facilitate health care and health services delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Needs and Demand*
  3. Legido-Quigley H, Pocock N, Tan ST, Pajin L, Suphanchaimat R, Wickramage K, et al.
    BMJ, 2019 Sep 16;366:l4160.
    PMID: 31527060 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.l4160
    Helena Legido-Quigley and colleagues examine the barriers that migrants face in accessing healthcare and argue they are counterproductive for host countries
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility*
  4. Htwe O, Yuliawiratman BS, Tannor AY, Nor Asikin MZ, Soh E, DE Groote W, et al.
    Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 2024 Jun;60(3):514-522.
    PMID: 38551518 DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.24.08154-1
    INTRODUCTION: With an increasing number of people experiencing limitations in functioning during their life course, the need for comprehensive rehabilitation services is high. In 2017, the WHO Rehabilitation 2030 initiative noted that the need for the establishment and expansion of rehabilitation services is paramount in order to obtain well-being for the population and to ensure equal access to quality healthcare for all. The organization of rehabilitation services is however facing challenges especially in low-and middle-income countries with a very small proportion of people who require rehabilitation actually getting them. Various surveys conducted in low-and -middle income countries have revealed existing gaps between the need for rehabilitation services and the actual receipt of these services. This systematic review aimed to determine the barriers and facilitators for increasing accessibility to rehabilitation services in low- and middle-income countries. Recommendations for strengthening rehabilitation service organization are presented based on the available retrieved data.

    EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: In this systematic review, an electronic search through three primary databases, including Medline (PubMed), Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) was conducted to identify original studies reporting on barriers and facilitators for rehabilitation service organization in low-and middle-income countries. Date of search: 25th April 2021 (PubMed), 3rd May 2021 (Scopus and Web of Science). All studies including barriers or/and facilitators for rehabilitation services in low- and middle income countries which were written in English were included in the review. The articles written in other languages and grey literature, were excluded from this review.

    EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Total of 42 articles were included from year 1989 to 2021. Numerous barriers were identified that related to education, resources, leadership, policy, technology and advanced treatment, community-based rehabilitation (CBR), social support, cultural influences, political issues, registries and standards of care. National health insurance including rehabilitation and funding from government and NGOs are some of the facilitators to strengthen rehabilitation service organization. Availability of CBR programs, academic rehabilitation training programs for allied health professionals, collaboration between Ministry of Heath (MOH) and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) on telerehabilitation services are amongst other facilitators.

    CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations for improving and expanding rehabilitation service organization include funding, training, education, and sharing of resources.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility*
  5. Li H, Zhang X, Ma F, Romanus O
    Afr J Reprod Health, 2024 Aug 31;28(8):122-132.
    PMID: 39225559 DOI: 10.29063/ajrh2024/v28i8.12
    This study examines the relationship between out-of-pocket medical expenditures, remittances and health outcomes in China using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Propensity Score Matching (PSM) methods. The analysis is based on data from the Global Financial Inclusion database by the World Bank (2021), encompassing a sample of 3,446 individuals. The results indicate that out of-pocket expenditure has a negative impact on health outcomes, while remittance shows a positive association across all age groups, including reproductive and non-reproductive populations. These findings suggest that high out-of-pocket medical costs may hinder access to healthcare services and lead to poorer health outcomes. Conversely, remittance plays a beneficial role in improving health outcomes, highlighting the potential of financial support to positively impact the well-being of individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/economics
  6. Yunus NA, Russell G, Muhamad R, Sturgiss EA
    BMJ Open, 2023 Nov 21;13(11):e071087.
    PMID: 37989390 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-071087
    OBJECTIVE: To explore patients' experiences accessing healthcare for obesity and their perceived behaviour changes following the care.

    DESIGN: Using a descriptive qualitative research approach informed by Levesque's framework of access to healthcare, we conducted phone interviews in the Malaysian language, which were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed inductively using a reflexive thematic analysis approach.

    SETTING: Primary care clinics in five states in Peninsular Malaysia.

    PARTICIPANTS: Adult patients with obesity receiving face-to-face care for obesity from healthcare providers in Peninsular Malaysia.

    RESULTS: We interviewed 22 participants aged 24-62, with the majority being female (77%), Malay (95%), married (73%) and with tertiary education (82%). Most participants attended obesity management services at public primary care clinics. We identified five themes: (1) moving from perceiving the need to seeking obesity care is a non-linear process for patients, (2) providers' words can inspire patients to change, (3) patients' needs and preferences are not adequately addressed in current obesity care, (4) over-focusing on weight by patients and healthcare providers can lead to self-blame and loss of hope for patients and (5) obesity healthcare can have consequences beyond weight loss.

    CONCLUSION: Patients lack the self-regulatory skills to continue their lifestyle changes and struggle with self-blame and hopelessness. Over-focusing on weight by patients and obesity healthcare increase patients' self-stigmatisation. While provider-initiated weight discussions and engaging and personalised consultation provide the initial step towards weight management, obesity healthcare could be enhanced by behavioural support and patient education on the complexity of obesity. Further considerations could be given to shifting from a weight-centric to a more holistic health-centred approach in obesity healthcare.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility*
  7. Mokhtar AH, Zin RMWM, Yahya A, Zain FM, Selamat R, Ishak Z, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2025 Jan 10;24(Suppl 1):3626.
    PMID: 39794750 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-20726-z
    BACKGROUND: Childhood obesity has increased rapidly in recent years and is now a global epidemic. To combat this, MyBFF@school program, a multi-faceted obesity intervention incorporating physical activity in the form of small-sided games (SSG), nutrition, and psychology components for schoolchildren was designed. This paper is aimed at describing the protocol of the MyBFF@school program and presenting the baseline findings including the overweight and obesity prevalence.

    METHODS: MyBFF@school is a school-based, cluster randomized controlled trial (C-RCT) study. The investigators selected government schools from Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan by stratified proportionate random sampling based on the multi-ethnic population and the urban-rural location of schools. Subsequently, the schools were assigned randomly to intervention and control groups. The intervention schools underwent MyBFF@school program, whereas the control followed standard school curriculum for a duration of six months. The intervention modules replaced the existing two physical education classes and one co-curriculum activity per week. Three assessments i.e. at baseline, month-3 and month-6 were conducted. Anthropometric, clinical examination, blood, physical fitness, nutrition, and psychology parameters were collected.

    RESULTS: Twenty-three out of 1,196 primary schools (seven interventions and 16 controls) and 15 out of 416 secondary schools (six interventions and nine controls). The investigators screened 11,950 primary (age 9-11 years) and 10,866 secondary (age 13, 14, 16 years) schoolchildren. The investigators found 3,516 primary schoolchildren (29.4%) and 2,910 secondary schoolchildren (26.8%) had BMI z-score of more than + 1SD who were eligible for the study. Of these, 39.7% (N = 1397) of the primary and 35.8% (N = 1041) of the secondary schoolchildren agreed to participate in the study. The mean (SD) characteristics for the participating primary and secondary schoolchildren were: BMI z-score, + 2.29 (± 0.81) and + 2.10 (± 0.71); waist circumference, 75.06 (± 9.6) cm and 85.5 (± 10.9) cm; percentage body fat, 37.8% (± 6.5%) and 39.2% (± 7.3%); and muscle mass, 14.7 (± 2.9) and 23.1 (± 5.2) kg respectively.

    CONCLUSION: MyBFF@school program, a school-based multi-pronged intervention was designed to combat childhood obesity. Screening of 22,816 primary and secondary schoolchildren found 29.4% of primary schoolchildren and 26.8% of secondary schoolchildren to be overweight and obese which reflected the urgency for an effective intervention.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical trial number: NCT04155255, November 7, 2019 (Retrospective registered). National Medical Research Register: NMRR-13-439-16563. Registered July 23, 2013. The intervention program was approved by the Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC), Ministry of Health Malaysia and Educational Planning and Research Division (EPRD), Ministry of Education Malaysia. It was funded by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: School Health Services*
  8. Trede F, McEwen C, Kenny A, O'Meara P
    Nurse Educ Today, 2014 May;34(5):783-8.
    PMID: 24698307 DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2013.10.003
    OBJECTIVES: We present our findings from a scoping review that sought to identify what is known about nursing and paramedic clinical supervisors' experiences of their supervision practices in rural settings. Our interest in these two groups is based on the central role that nurses and paramedics play in rural health care.

    DESIGN: Scoping reviews support identification of a broad range of literature, including all types of study designs. We adopted Arksey and O'Malley's five-stage approach: identifying the research question; identifying relevant studies; study selection; charting the data; and collating, summarising and reporting results.

    DATA SOURCES: Databases searched included Academic Search Complete, Springer, Factiva, ProQuest, Ebsco, Informit, VOCEDplus and Scopus.

    REVIEW METHOD: Based on our research question and inclusion and exclusion criteria we selected relevant literature and summarised and reported it using Arksey and O'Malley's framework.

    RESULTS: The review yielded five articles from four countries: Sweden, Belgium, Malaysia and Australia.

    CONCLUSION: From this scoping review, we identified key themes related to supervisors' experiences, including clarification of expectations, support from managers and colleagues, the need for shared understanding between university, students and supervisors and required skills and competence in supervising students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Health Services*
  9. McCormick I, Tong K, Abdullah N, Abesamis-Dischoso C, Gende T, Hashim EB, et al.
    Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 2024 Sep;44(6):1148-1161.
    PMID: 38881170 DOI: 10.1111/opo.13348
    PURPOSE: Uncorrected refractive error is the leading cause of vision impairment globally; however, little attention has been given to equity and access to services. This study aimed to identify and prioritise: (1) strategies to address inequity of access to refractive error services and (2) population groups to target with these strategies in five sub-regions within the Western Pacific.

    METHODS: We invited eye care professionals to complete a two-round online prioritisation process. In round 1, panellists nominated population groups least able to access refractive error services, and strategies to improve access. Responses were summarised and presented in round 2, where panellists ranked the groups (by extent of difficulty and size) and strategies (in terms of reach, acceptability, sustainability, feasibility and equity). Groups and strategies were scored according to their rank within each sub-region.

    RESULTS: Seventy five people from 17 countries completed both rounds (55% women). Regional differences were evident. Indigenous peoples were a priority group for improving access in Australasia and Southeast Asia, while East Asia identified refugees and Oceania identified rural/remote people. Across the five sub-regions, reducing out-of-pocket costs was a commonly prioritised strategy for refraction and spectacles. Australasia prioritised improving cultural safety, East Asia prioritised strengthening school eye health programmes and Oceania and Southeast Asia prioritised outreach to rural areas.

    CONCLUSION: These results provide policy-makers, researchers and funders with a starting point for context-specific actions to improve access to refractive error services, particularly among underserved population groups who may be left behind in existing private sector-dominated models of care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data
  10. Selamat R, Raib J, Aziz NAA, Zulkafly N, Ismail AN, Mohamad WNAW, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2025 Jan 09;24(Suppl 1):3624.
    PMID: 39789494 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-21090-8
    BACKGROUND: The increasing global and national prevalence of childhood obesity particularly among schoolchildren has warranted a more viable school-based obesity intervention. Apart from physical activity, nutrition is important in any obesity intervention package. This study examined the effects of the MyBFF@school program with nutrition education intervention (NEI) on nutrition knowledge and attitude of overweight and obese secondary schoolchildren.

    METHODS: This is a cluster randomized controlled trial which involved schoolchildren aged 13, 14 and 16 years old from 15 out of 415 government secondary schools in central Peninsular Malaysia which were randomly assigned into six intervention (N = 579 schoolchildren) and nine control (N = 462 schoolchildren). The intervention group was given NEI consisting of a nutrition education module carried out by trained personnel for 24 weeks on top of the existing curriculum while the control group only followed the existing school curriculum by the Ministry of Education. The primary outcomes were the nutrition knowledge and attitude score. The mixed effect model taking into consideration the cluster effect was used to assess the changes of nutrition knowledge and attitude scores from baseline until 6 months.

    RESULTS: Overall, there was no significant increase in the adjusted mean difference (AMD) of nutrition knowledge score (AMD = 0.33%, Confident Interval (95 CI): -4.35% to 5.01) between the intervention and control group after 6 months of intervention after controlling for nutrition knowledge score at baseline, gender, location and ethnicity. Similarly, after controlling for the nutrition attitude score at baseline, ethnicity, location and gender as well as taking into account the cluster effects, there was no significant increase on the AMD of nutrition attitude score in the overall (AMD = 0.194, (95 CI): -1.17 to 1.56) and also among girls, location (urban vs rural) and Malays. There was also no significant reduction of AMD in the nutrition attitude score among boys and non-Malays.

    CONCLUSION: MyBFF@school with NEI resulted with no significant improvement for nutrition knowledge and attitude among older schoolchildren. Therefore, to effectively impart the nutrition knowledge and change their nutrition attitude requires an in-depth study and multi-pronged and customized approach.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical trial number: NCT04155255, November 7, 2019 (Retrospective registered). National Medical Research Register: NMRR-13-439-16563. Registered July 23, 2013. The intervention program was approved by the Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC), Ministry of Health Malaysia and Educational Planning and Research Division (EPRD), Ministry of Education Malaysia. It was funded by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: School Health Services*
  11. Yusoff F, Saari R, Naidu BM, Ahmad NA, Omar A, Aris T
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2014 Sep;26(5 Suppl):9S-17S.
    PMID: 25038193 DOI: 10.1177/1010539514542424
    The National School-Based Health Survey 2012 was a nationwide school health survey of students in Standard 4 to Form 5 (10-17 years of age), who were schooling in government schools in Malaysia during the period of data collection. The survey comprised 3 subsurveys: the Global School Health Survey (GSHS), the Mental Health Survey, and the National School-Based Nutrition Survey. The aim of the survey was to provide data on the health status of adolescents in Malaysia toward strengthening the adolescent health program in the country. The design of the survey was created to fulfill the requirements of the 3 subsurveys. A 2-stage stratified sampling method was adopted in the sampling. The methods for data collection were via questionnaire and physical examination. The National School-Based Health Survey 2012 adopted an appropriate methodology for a school-based survey to ensure valid and reliable findings.
    Study name: Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS)
    Matched MeSH terms: School Health Services*
  12. Low WY, Binns C
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Mar;27(2 Suppl):7S-8S.
    PMID: 25712494 DOI: 10.1177/1010539515574405
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/organization & administration
  13. Saw Chien G, Chee-Khoon C, Wai VH, Ng CW
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Nov;27(8 Suppl):79S-85S.
    PMID: 26116582 DOI: 10.1177/1010539515591847
    The goal of ensuring geographic equity of health care can be achieved if the geographic distribution of health care services is according to the health needs. This study aims to examine whether acute Ministry of Health hospital beds are distributed according to population health needs in various states within Peninsular Malaysia. The health needs of each state are indicated by the crude death rate. Comparisons of the share of hospital beds to that of population with differential health needs were assessed using concentration curve and index. In most years between 1995 and 2010, the distribution of hospital beds in Peninsular Malaysia were concentrated among states with higher health needs. This is in line with the principle of vertical equity and could be one advantage of a central federal government that can allocate health care resources to prioritize states with higher health care needs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Needs and Demand*
  14. Zainuddin J, Arokiasamy JT, Poi PJ
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2003;15(2):88-93.
    PMID: 15038681 DOI: 10.1177/101053950301500203
    This is a preliminary cross-sectional study of 51 caregivers of older persons attending the Geriatric Clinic at an urban hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A questionnaire helped determine how the duration of caregiving affects the outcome of caregiver burden. The short version of Zarit's Burden Interview (BI) allowed the burden level to be grouped as low or high burden. The duration of caregiving was also grouped into short (two or less years) or long (more than two years) durations. One third of the caregivers, 31% (16 out of 51) reported high burden and within this group 81%, (13 out of 16) are short duration caregivers. Majority of the longer duration caregivers, 88% (21 out of 24) reported low level of burden. This was a significant finding (p-value 0.008). The study also showed that a higher proportion of caregivers are employed, working in the private sector, and earn less than RM2,000 per month. However, these findings were not significantly associated with high burden. It is concluded that although this study showed low level of caregiver burden, shorter duration of caregiving is associated with higher level of burden and longer duration of caregiving is associated with lower level of burden.
    Study site: Geriatric clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services for the Aged*
  15. Pindus DM, Mullis R, Lim L, Wellwood I, Rundell AV, Abd Aziz NA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2018;13(2):e0192533.
    PMID: 29466383 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192533
    OBJECTIVE: To describe and explain stroke survivors and informal caregivers' experiences of primary care and community healthcare services. To offer potential solutions for how negative experiences could be addressed by healthcare services.

    DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-ethnography.

    DATA SOURCES: Medline, CINAHL, Embase and PsycINFO databases (literature searched until May 2015, published studies ranged from 1996 to 2015).

    ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Primary qualitative studies focused on adult community-dwelling stroke survivors' and/or informal caregivers' experiences of primary care and/or community healthcare services.

    DATA SYNTHESIS: A set of common second order constructs (original authors' interpretations of participants' experiences) were identified across the studies and used to develop a novel integrative account of the data (third order constructs). Study quality was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist. Relevance was assessed using Dixon-Woods' criteria.

    RESULTS: 51 studies (including 168 stroke survivors and 328 caregivers) were synthesised. We developed three inter-dependent third order constructs: (1) marginalisation of stroke survivors and caregivers by healthcare services, (2) passivity versus proactivity in the relationship between health services and the patient/caregiver dyad, and (3) fluidity of stroke related needs for both patient and caregiver. Issues of continuity of care, limitations in access to services and inadequate information provision drove perceptions of marginalisation and passivity of services for both patients and caregivers. Fluidity was apparent through changing information needs and psychological adaptation to living with long-term consequences of stroke.

    LIMITATIONS: Potential limitations of qualitative research such as limited generalisability and inability to provide firm answers are offset by the consistency of the findings across a range of countries and healthcare systems.

    CONCLUSIONS: Stroke survivors and caregivers feel abandoned because they have become marginalised by services and they do not have the knowledge or skills to re-engage. This can be addressed by: (1) increasing stroke specific health literacy by targeted and timely information provision, and (2) improving continuity of care between specialist and generalist services.


    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services*
  16. Dalaba MA, Akweongo P, Aborigo RA, Saronga HP, Williams J, Aninanya GA, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2015;15:34.
    PMID: 25608609 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-014-0659-1
    The cost of treating maternal complications has serious economic consequences to households and can hinder the utilization of maternal health care services at the health facilities. This study estimated the cost of maternal complications to women and their households in the Kassena-Nankana district of northern Ghana.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Health Services/economics*; Maternal Health Services/utilization*; Maternal Health Services/statistics & numerical data
  17. Ahmadian M, Samah AA, Saidu MB
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(12):5097-105.
    PMID: 24998591
    Knowledge of health and community psychology in health professionals influences psychosocial and community determinants of health and promoting participation in disease prevention at the community level. This paper appraises the potential of knowledge on psychology in health care professionals and its contribution to community empowerment through individual behavior change and health practice. The authors proposed a schematic model for the use of psychological knowledge in health professionals to promote participation in health interventions/disease prevention programs in developing countries. By implication, the paper provides a vision on policies towards supporting breast cancer secondary prevention efforts for community health development in Asian countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services/legislation & jurisprudence; Health Services Needs and Demand*
  18. Grépin KA, Klugman J
    Lancet, 2013 May 18;381(9879):1691-3.
    PMID: 23683617 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60981-2
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Health Services
  19. Martinez AM, Khu DT, Boo NY, Neou L, Saysanasongkham B, Partridge JC
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2012 Sep;48(9):852-8.
    PMID: 22970681 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2012.02544.x
    Hospital care and advanced medical technologies for sick neonates are increasingly available, but not always readily accessible, in many countries. We characterised parents' and providers' perceptions of barriers to neonatal care in developing countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child Health Services/supply & distribution*; Health Services Accessibility*
  20. Tong SF, Low WY, Ismail SB, Trevena L, Willcock S
    BMC Fam Pract, 2011;12:29.
    PMID: 21569395 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-12-29
    BACKGROUND: Men have been noted to utilise health care services less readily then women. Primary care settings provide an opportunity to engage men in health care activities because of close proximity to the target group (men in the community). Understanding attitudes towards men's health among Malaysian primary care doctors is important for the effective delivery of health services to men. We aimed to explore the opinions and attitudes of primary care doctors (PCDs) relating to men's health and help-seeking behaviour.
    METHODS: A qualitative approach to explore the opinions of 52 PCDs was employed, using fourteen in-depth interviews and eight focus group discussions in public and private settings. Purposive sampling of PCDs was done to ensure maximum variation in the PCD sample. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim for analysis. Open coding with thematic analysis was used to identify key issues raised in the interview.
    RESULTS: The understanding of the concept of men's health among PCDs was fragmented. Although many PCDs were already managing health conditions relevant and common to men, they were not viewed by PCDs as "men's health". Less attention was paid to men's help-seeking behaviour and their gender roles as a potential determinant of the poor health status of men. There were opposing views about whether men's health should focus on men's overall health or a more focused approach to sexual health. There was also disagreement about whether special attention was warranted for men's health services. Some doctors would prioritise more common conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolaemia.
    CONCLUSIONS: The concept of men's health was new to PCDs in Malaysia. There was wide variation in understanding and opposing attitudes towards men's health among primary care doctors. Creating awareness and having a systematic approach would facilitate PCDs in delivering health service to men.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/organization & administration; Health Services Needs and Demand/organization & administration*
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