Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 385 in total

  1. Al-Amri A, Salim MR, Aris A
    Water Sci Technol, 2011;64(7):1398-405.
    PMID: 22179635 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2011.421
    A study has been carried out to define the effect of drastic temperature changes on the performance of lab-scale hollow-fibre MBR in treating municipal wastewater at a flux of 10 L m(-2) h(-1) (LMH). The objectives of the study were to estimate the activated sludge properties, the removal efficiencies of COD and NH(3)-N and the membrane fouling tendency under critical conditions of drastic temperature changes (23, 33, 42 & 33 °C) and MLSS concentration ranged between 6,382 and 8,680 mg/L. The study exhibited that the biomass reduction, the low sludge settleability and the supernatant turbidity were results of temperature increase. The temperature increase led to increase in SMP carbohydrate and protein, and to decrease in EPS carbohydrate and protein. The BRE of COD dropped from 80% at 23 °C to 47% at 42 °C, while the FRE was relatively constant at about 90%. Both removal efficiencies of NH(3)-N trended from about 100% at 33 °C to less than 50% at 42 °C. TMP and BWP ascended critically with temperature increase up to 336 and 304 mbar respectively by the end of the experiment. The values of suspended solids (SS) and the turbidity in the final effluent were negligible. The DO in the mixed liquor was varying with temperature change, while the pH was within the range of 6.7-8.3.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  2. Lam MK, Lee KT
    Biotechnol Adv, 2012 May-Jun;30(3):673-90.
    PMID: 22166620 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.11.008
    Culturing of microalgae as an alternative feedstock for biofuel production has received a lot of attention in recent years due to their fast growth rate and ability to accumulate high quantity of lipid and carbohydrate inside their cells for biodiesel and bioethanol production, respectively. In addition, this superior feedstock offers several environmental benefits, such as effective land utilization, CO(2) sequestration, self-purification if coupled with wastewater treatment and does not trigger food versus fuel feud. Despite having all these 'theoretical' advantages, review on problems and issues related to energy balance in microalgae biofuel are not clearly addressed until now. Base on the maturity of current technology, the true potential of microalgae biofuel towards energy security and its feasibility for commercialization are still questionable. Thus, this review is aimed to depict the practical problems that are facing the microalgae biofuel industry, covering upstream to downstream activities by accessing the latest research reports and critical data analysis. Apart from that, several interlink solutions to the problems will be suggested with the purpose to bring current microalgae biofuel research into a new dimension and consequently, to revolutionize the entire microalgae biofuel industry towards long-term sustainability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  3. Zahed MA, Aziz HA, Isa MH, Mohajeri L, Mohajeri S, Kutty SR
    J Hazard Mater, 2011 Jan 30;185(2-3):1027-31.
    PMID: 21041026 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.10.009
    Hydrocarbon pollution in marine ecosystems occurs mainly by accidental oil spills, deliberate discharge of ballast waters from oil tankers and bilge waste discharges; causing site pollution and serious adverse effects on aquatic environments as well as human health. A large number of petroleum hydrocarbons are biodegradable, thus bioremediation has become an important method for the restoration of oil polluted areas. In this research, a series of natural attenuation, crude oil (CO) and dispersed crude oil (DCO) bioremediation experiments of artificially crude oil contaminated seawater was carried out. Bacterial consortiums were identified as Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. First order kinetics described the biodegradation of crude oil. Under abiotic conditions, oil removal was 19.9% while a maximum of 31.8% total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) removal was obtained in natural attenuation experiment. All DCO bioreactors demonstrated higher and faster removal than CO bioreactors. Half life times were 28, 32, 38 and 58 days for DCO and 31, 40, 50 and 75 days for CO with oil concentrations of 100, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/L, respectively. The effectiveness of Corexit 9500 dispersant was monitored in the 45 day study; the results indicated that it improved the crude oil biodegradation rate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  4. Alam Z, Muyibi SA, Jamal P
    PMID: 17365300
    Forty-six bacterial strains were isolated from nine different sources in four treatment plants namely Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) sewage treatment plant (STP), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) wastewater treatment plant-1,-2 and -3 to evaluate the bioconversion process in terms of efficient biodegradation and bioseparation. The bacterial strains isolated were found to be 52.2% (24 isolates) and 47.8% (22 isolates) in the IWK and IIUM treatment plants, respectively. The results showed that higher microbial population (9-10 x 10(4) cfu/mL) was observed in the secondary clarifier of IWK treatment plant. Among the isolates, 23 isolates were gram-positive bacillus (GPB) and gram-positive cocci (GPC), 19 isolates were gram-negative bacillus (GNB) and gram-negative cocci (GNC), and the rest were undetermined. Gram-negative cocci (GNC) were not found in the isolates from IWK. A total of 15 bacterial strains were selected for effective and efficient sludge bioconversion. All the strains were tested against sludge (1% total suspended solids, TSS) to evaluate the biosolids production (TSS% content), chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal and filtration rate (filterability test). The strain S-1 (IWK1001) showed lower TSS content (0.8% TSS), maximum COD removal (84%) and increased filterability (1.1 min/10 mL of filtrate) of treated sludge followed by the strains S-11, S-14, S-2, S-15, S-13, S-7, S-8, S-4, S-3, S-6, S-12, S-16, S-17 and S-9. The pH values in the fermentation broth were affected by the bacterial cultures and recorded as well. Effective bioconversion was observed during the first three days of sludge treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  5. Thung WE, Ong SA, Ho LN, Wong YS, Ridwan F, Oon YL, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2015 Dec;197:284-8.
    PMID: 26342340 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.08.078
    Single chambered up-flow membrane-less microbial fuel cell (UFML MFC) was developed to study the feasibility of the bioreactor for decolorization of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) and electricity generation simultaneously. The performance of UFML MFC was evaluated in terms of voltage output, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color removal efficiency by varying the concentration of AO7 in synthetic wastewater. The results shown the voltage generation and COD removal efficiency decreased as the initial AO7 concentration increased; this indicates there is electron competition between anode and azo dye. Furthermore, there was a phenomenon of further decolorization at cathode region which indicates the oxygen and azo dye are both compete as electron acceptor. Based on the UV-visible spectra analysis, the breakdown of the azo bond and naphthalene compound in AO7 were confirmed. These findings show the capability of integrated UFML MFC in azo dye wastewater treatment and simultaneous electricity generation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  6. Abdul PM, Jahim JM, Harun S, Markom M, Lutpi NA, Hassan O, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2016 Jul;211:200-8.
    PMID: 27017130 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.02.135
    Oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) fibre is widely available in Southeast Asian countries and found to have 60% (w/w) sugar components. OPEFB was pretreated using the ammonia fibre expansion (AFEX) method and characterised physically by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that there were significant structural changes in OPEFB after the pretreatment step, and the sugar yield after enzymatic hydrolysis using a cocktail of Cellic Ctec2® and Cellic Htec2® increased from 0.15gg(-1) of OPEFB in the raw untreated OPEFB sample to 0.53gg(-1) of OPEFB in AFEX-pretreated OPEFB (i.e. almost a fourfold increase in sugar conversion), which enhances the economic value of OPEFB. A biohydrogen fermentability test of this hydrolysate was carried out using a locally isolated bacterium, Enterobacter sp. KBH6958. The biohydrogen yield after 72h of fermentation was 1.68mol H2 per mol sugar. Butyrate, ethanol, and acetate were the major metabolites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  7. Choong YY, Norli I, Abdullah AZ, Yhaya MF
    Bioresour Technol, 2016 Jun;209:369-79.
    PMID: 27005788 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.03.028
    This paper critically reviews the impacts of supplementing trace elements on the anaerobic digestion performance. The in-depth knowledge of trace elements as micronutrients and metalloenzyme components justifies trace element supplementation into the anaerobic digestion system. Most of the earlier studies reported that trace elements addition at (sub)optimum dosages had positive impacts mainly longer term on digester stability with greater organic matter degradation, low volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration and higher biogas production. However, these positive impacts and element requirements are not fully understood, they are explained on a case to case basis because of the great variance of the anaerobic digestion operation. Iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co) are the most studied and desirable elements. The right combination of multi-elements supplementation can have greater positive impact. This measure is highly recommended, especially for the mono-digestion of micronutrient-deficient substrates. The future research should consider the aspect of trace element bioavailability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  8. Hosseini SE, Abdul Wahid M
    J Air Waste Manag Assoc, 2015 Jul;65(7):773-81.
    PMID: 26079550 DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2013.873092
    Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is a by-product of the palm industry and it releases large amounts of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Water systems are also contaminated by POME if it is released into nonstandard ponds or rivers where it endangers the lives of fish and water fowl. In this paper, the environmental bottlenecks faced by palm oil production were investigated by analyzing the data collected from wet extraction palm oil mills (POMs) located in Malaysia. Strategies for reducing pollution and technologies for GHG reduction from the wet extraction POMs were also proposed. Average GHG emissions produced from processing 1 ton of crude palm oil (CPO) was 1100 kg CO2eq. This amount can be reduced to 200 kg CO2eq by capturing biogases. The amount of GHG emissions from open ponds could be decreased from 225 to 25 kg CO2eq/MT CPO by covering the ponds. Installation of biogas capturing system can decrease the average of chemical oxygen demand (COD) to about 17,100 mg/L and stabilizing ponds in the final step could decrease COD to 5220 mg/L. Using a biogas capturing system allows for the reduction of COD by 80% and simultaneously using a biogas capturing system and by stabilizing ponds can mitigate COD by 96%. Other ways to reduce the pollution caused by POME, including the installation of wet scrubber vessels and increasing the performance of biogas recovery and biogas upgrading systems, are studied in this paper.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  9. Oslan SNH, Tan JS, Abbasiliasi S, Ziad Sulaiman A, Saad MZ, Halim M, et al.
    Microorganisms, 2020 Oct 24;8(11).
    PMID: 33114463 DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8111654
    Growth of mutant gdhA Pasteurella multocida B:2 was inhibited by the accumulation of a by-product, namely ammonium in the culture medium during fermentation. The removal of this by-product during the cultivation of mutant gdhA P. multocida B:2 in a 2 L stirred-tank bioreactor integrated with an internal column using cation-exchange adsorption resin for the improvement of cell viability was studied. Different types of bioreactor system (dispersed and internal) with resins were successfully used for ammonium removal at different agitation speeds. The cultivation in a bioreactor integrated with an internal column demonstrated a significant improvement in growth performance of mutant gdhA P. multocida B:2 (1.05 × 1011 cfu/mL), which was 1.6-fold and 8.4-fold as compared to cultivation with dispersed resin (7.2 × 1010 cfu/mL) and cultivation without resin (1.25 × 1010 cfu/mL), respectively. The accumulation of ammonium in culture medium without resin (801 mg/L) was 1.24-fold and 1.37-fold higher than culture with dispersed resin (642.50 mg/L) and culture in the bioreactor integrated with internal adsorption (586.50 mg/L), respectively. Results from this study demonstrated that cultivation in a bioreactor integrated with the internal adsorption column in order to remove ammonium could reduce the inhibitory effect of this by-product and improve the growth performance of mutant gdhA P. multocida B:2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  10. Thiruvenkadam S, Izhar S, Hiroyuki Y, Harun R
    Biomed Res Int, 2018;2018:1931634.
    PMID: 30533428 DOI: 10.1155/2018/1931634
    Subcritical water extraction (SCW) was used to extract oil from Chlorella pyrenoidosa. The operational factors such as reaction temperature, reaction time, and biomass loading influence the oil yield during the extraction process. In this study, response surface methodology was employed to identify the desired extraction conditions for maximum oil yield. Experiments were carried out in batch reactors as per central composite design with three independent factors including reaction temperature (170, 220, 270, 320, and 370°C), reaction time (1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 min), and biomass loading (1, 3, 5, 10, and 15%). A maximum oil yield of 12.89 wt.% was obtained at 320°C and 15 min, with 3% biomass loading. Sequential model tests showed the good fit of experimental data to the second-order quadratic model. This study opens the great potential of SCW to extract algal oil for use in algal biofuel production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  11. Khalid NA, Rajandas H, Parimannan S, Croft LJ, Loke S, Chong CS, et al.
    3 Biotech, 2019 Oct;9(10):364.
    PMID: 31588388 DOI: 10.1007/s13205-019-1892-4
    Empty fruit bunch (EFB) and palm oil mill effluent (POME) are the major wastes generated by the oil palm industry in Malaysia. The practice of EFB and POME digester sludge co-composting has shown positive results, both in mitigating otherwise environmentally damaging waste streams and producing a useful product (compost) from these streams. In this study, the bacterial ecosystems of 12-week-old EFB-POME co-compost and POME biogas sludge from Felda Maokil, Johor were analysed using 16S metagenome sequencing. Over ten phyla were detected, with Chloroflexi being the predominant phylum, representing approximately 53% of compost and 23% of the POME microbiome reads. The main bacterial lineage found in the compost and POME was Anaerolinaceae (Chloroflexi) with 30% and 18% of the total gene fragments, respectively. The significant differences between compost and POME communities were abundances of Syntrophobacter, Sulfuricurvum and Coprococcus. No methanogens were identified due to the bias in general 16S primers to eubacteria. The preponderance of anaerobic species in the compost and high abundance of secondary metabolite fermenting bacteria is due to an extended composting time, with anaerobic collapse of the pile due to the tropical heat. Predictive functional profiles of the metagenomes using 16S rRNA marker genes suggest that the presence of enzymes involved in degradation of polysaccharides such as glucoamylase, endoglucanase and arabinofuranosidase, all of which were strongly active in POME. Eubacterial species associated with cellulytic methanogenesis were present in both samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  12. Zentou H, Zainal Abidin Z, Yunus R, Awang Biak DR, Abdullah Issa M, Yahaya Pudza M
    ACS Omega, 2021 Feb 16;6(6):4137-4146.
    PMID: 33644536 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c04025
    Despite the advantages of continuous fermentation whereby ethanol is selectively removed from the fermenting broth to reduce the end-product inhibition, this process can concentrate minor secondary products to the point where they become toxic to the yeast. This study aims to develop a new mathematical model do describe the inhibitory effect of byproducts on alcoholic fermentation including glycerol, lactic acid, acetic acid, and succinic acid, which were reported as major byproducts during batch alcoholic fermentation. The accumulation of these byproducts during the different stages of batch fermentation has been quantified. The yields of total byproducts, glycerol, acetic acid, and succinic acid per gram of glucose were 0.0442, 0.023, 0.0155, and 0.0054, respectively. It was found that the concentration of these byproducts linearly increases with the increase in glucose concentration in the range of 25-250 g/L. The results have also showed that byproduct concentration has a significant inhibitory effect on specific growth coefficient (μ) whereas no effect was observed on the half-velocity constant (Ks). A new mathematical model of alcoholic fermentation was developed considering the byproduct inhibitory effect, which showed a good performance and more accuracy compared to the classical Monod model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  13. Huong KH, Kannusamy S, Lim SY, Amirul AA
    J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015 Sep;42(9):1291-7.
    PMID: 26233315 DOI: 10.1007/s10295-015-1657-y
    Two-stage fermentation was normally employed to achieve a high poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB-co-4HB)] productivity with higher 4HB molar fraction. Here, we demonstrated single-stage fermentation method which is more industrial feasible by implementing mixed-substrate cultivation strategy. Studies on bioreactor scale show a remarkably high PHA accumulation of 73 wt%, contributing to a high PHA concentration and product yield of 8.6 g/L and 2.7 g/g, respectively. This fermentation strategy has resulted in copolymers with wider range of 4HB monomer composition, which ranges from 12 to 55 mol%. These copolymers show a broad range of weight average molecular weight (M w ) from 119.5 to 407.0 kDa. The copolymer characteristics were found to be predominantly affected by the nature of the substrates and the mixture strategies, regardless of the 4HB monomer compositions. This was supported by the determination of copolymer randomness using (13)C-NMR analysis. The study warrants significantly in the copolymer scale-up and modeling at industrial level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  14. Lyn CW, Bashir MJ, Wong LY, Lim JW, Sethupathi S, Ng CA
    Chemosphere, 2020 Nov 25.
    PMID: 33276996 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.129050
    Domestic wastewater has been generated massively along with rapid growth of population and economic. Biological treatment using sequencing batch reactor (SBR) augmented with palm oil fuel ash (POFA) was investigated for the first time. The performance of POFA in enhancing biological treatment of wastewater has not been tested. The porosity property of POFA can improve SBR efficiency by promoting growth of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) and formation of larger flocs for settling and facilitating attachment of microorganisms and pollutants onto POFA surfaces. The properties of POFA were tested to identify morphological properties, particle size, surface area, chemical compositions. Four SBRs, namely SBR1, SBR2, SBR3 and SBR4 were provided with aeration rate of 1, 2, 3 and 4 L/min, respectively. Each reactor was augmented with different dosages of POFA. Optimum aeration rate and POFA concentration were identified by the performance of SBRs in removing chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) and colour from domestic wastewater. The results showed the most efficient COD (97.8%), NH3-N (99.4%) and colour (98.8%) removals were achieved at optimum POFA concentration of 4 g/L in SBR and aeration rate of 1 L/min. The study also found that higher aeration rate would contribute to the smaller specific size of flocs and decrease the pollutant removal efficiency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  15. Sawitri DR, Mulyono P, Rochmadi, Hisyam A, Budiman A
    J Oleo Sci, 2020 Oct 07;69(10):1297-1305.
    PMID: 32908088 DOI: 10.5650/jos.ess20034
    Oleic acid is a mono-unsaturated fatty acid that can be found abundantly in various vegetable oils and potentially attractive to be used as raw material for epoxide chemical. In-situ epoxidation of oleic acid was conducted in batch reactor using peroxy-formic at 30-60°C. Pseudo-steady-state-hypothesis (PSSH) was applied to develop the kinetic model. Heterogeneous liquid-liquid system was chosen and four models which emphasized on the ring opening agent (ROA) and reversibility of the epoxidation reaction were proposed. It has been suggested that reversible model is well suited to represent the experimental data. Activation energy obtained from Arrhenius equation is in the range of 40-195 kJ/mol.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  16. Hassan MNFB, Yazid MD, Yunus MHM, Chowdhury SR, Lokanathan Y, Idrus RBH, et al.
    Stem Cells Int, 2020;2020:9529465.
    PMID: 32733574 DOI: 10.1155/2020/9529465
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells with strong immunosuppressive property that renders them an attractive source of cells for cell therapy. MSCs have been studied in multiple clinical trials to treat liver diseases, peripheral nerve damage, graft-versus-host disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular damage. Millions to hundred millions of MSCs are required per patient depending on the disease, route of administration, frequency of administration, and patient body weight. Multiple large-scale cell expansion strategies have been described in the literature to fetch the cell quantity required for the therapy. In this review, bioprocessing strategies for large-scale expansion of MSCs were systematically reviewed and discussed. The literature search in Medline and Scopus databases identified 26 articles that met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. These articles described the large-scale expansion of 7 different sources of MSCs using 4 different bioprocessing strategies, i.e., bioreactor, spinner flask, roller bottle, and multilayered flask. The bioreactor, spinner flask, and multilayered flask were more commonly used to upscale the MSCs compared to the roller bottle. Generally, a higher expansion ratio was achieved with the bioreactor and multilayered flask. Importantly, regardless of the bioprocessing strategies, the expanded MSCs were able to maintain its phenotype and potency. In summary, the bioreactor, spinner flask, roller bottle, and multilayered flask can be used for large-scale expansion of MSCs without compromising the cell quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  17. Noh NA, Salleh SM, Yahya AR
    Lett Appl Microbiol, 2014 Jun;58(6):617-23.
    PMID: 24698293 DOI: 10.1111/lam.12236
    A fed-batch strategy was established based on the maximum substrate uptake rate (MSUR) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa USM-AR2 grown in diesel to produce rhamnolipid. This strategy matches the substrate feed rates with the substrate demand based on the real-time measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO). The MSUR was estimated by determining the time required for consumption of a known amount of diesel. The MSUR trend paralleled the biomass profile of Ps. aeruginosa USM-AR2, where the MSUR increased throughout the exponential phase indicating active substrate utilization and then decreased when cells entered stationary phase. Rhamnolipid yield on diesel was enhanced from 0·047 (g/g) in batch to 0·110 (g/g) in pulse-pause fed-batch and 0·123 (g/g) in MSUR fed-batch. Rhamnolipid yield on biomass was also improved from 0·421 (g/g) in batch, 3·098 (g/g) in pulse-pause fed-batch to 3·471 (g/g) using MSUR-based strategy. Volumetric productivity increased from 0·029 g l(-1) h(-1) in batch, 0·054 g l(-1) h(-1) in pulse-pause fed-batch to 0·076 g l(-1) h(-1) in MSUR fed-batch.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  18. Biglari N, Orita I, Fukui T, Sudesh K
    J Biotechnol, 2020 Jan 10;307:77-86.
    PMID: 31669355 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2019.10.013
    This study investigates the effect of strategies on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] production in bioreactor. In the production of P(3HB), urea and glucose feeding streams were developed to characterize the fed-batch culture conditions for new Cupriavidus necator NSDG-GG mutant. Feeding urea in repeated fed-batch stage (RFB-I) at 6, and 12 h in cultivation led to insignificant kinetic effect on the cell dry mass (CDM) and P(3HB) accumulation. Feeding glucose in repeated fed-batch stage (RFB-II) demonstrated that the incremental feeding approach of glucose after urea in fill-and-draw (F/D) mode at 24, 30, 36, 42, and 48 h in fermentation increased CDM and P(3HB) concentration. In the 1st cycle in RFB-II, the cumulative CDM reached the value of 26.22 g/L and then it increased with the successive repeated fed-batches to attain biomass of 145 g/L at the end of 5th cycle of RFB-II. The final cumulative P(3HB) concentration at the end of 5th cycle of RFB-II reached 111 g/L with the overall yield of 0.50 g P(3HB) g gluc- 1; the CDM productivity from the RFB-II cycles was in the range of 0.84-1.3 g/(L·h). The RFB-II of glucose in an increment mode produced nearly 2.2 times more increase in CDM and P(3HB) productivities compared to the decrement RFB-II mode. Repeated cultivation had also the advantage of avoiding extra time required for innoculum preparation, and sterilization of bioreactor during batch, thereby it increased the overall industrial importance of the process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  19. Hossain K, Quaik S, Ismail N, Rafatullah M, Avasan M, Shaik R
    Iran J Biotechnol, 2016 Sep;14(3):154-162.
    PMID: 28959331 DOI: 10.15171/ijb.1216
    BACKGROUND: Application of membrane technology to wastewater treatment has expanded over the last decades due to increasingly stringent legislation, greater opportunities for water reuse/recycling processes and continuing advancement in membrane technology.

    OBJECTIVES: In the present study, a bench-scale submerged microfiltration membrane bioreactor (MBR) was used to assess the treatment of textile wastewater.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The decolorization capacity of white-rot fungus coriolus versicolor was confirmed through agar plate and liquid batch studies. The temperature and pH of the reactor were controlled at 29±1°C and 4.5±2, respectively. The bioreactor was operated with an average flux of 0.05 m.d(-1) (HRT=15hrs) for a month.

    RESULTS: Extensive growth of fungi and their attachment to the membrane led to its fouling and associated increase of the transmembrane pressure requiring a periodic withdrawal of sludge and membrane cleaning. However, stable decoloration activity (approx. 98%), BOD (40-50%), COD (50-67%) and total organic carbon (TOC) removal (>95%) was achieved using the entire system (fungi + membrane), while the contribution of the fungi culture alone for TOC removal, as indicated by the quality of the reactor supernatant, was 35-50% and 70%, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: The treated wastewater quality satisfied the requirement of water quality for dyeing and finishing process excluding light coloration. Therefore, textile wastewater reclamation and reuse is a promising alternative, which can both conserve or supplement the available water resource and reduce or eliminate the environmental pollution.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
  20. Lim YF, Chan YJ, Abakr YA, Sethu V, Selvarajoo A, Singh A, et al.
    Environ Technol, 2021 Feb 18.
    PMID: 33502966 DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1882587
    As the population increases, energy demands continue to rise rapidly. In order to satisfy this increasing energy demand, biogas offers a potential alternative. Biogas is economically viable to be produced through anaerobic digestion (AD) from various biomass feedstocks that are readily available in Malaysia, such as food waste (FW), palm oil mill effluent (POME), garden waste (GW), landfill, sewage sludge (SS) and animal manure. This paper aims to determine the potential feedstocks for biogas production via AD based on their characteristics, methane yield, kinetic studies and economic analysis. POME and FW show the highest methane yield with biogas yields up to 0.50 L/g VS while the lowest is 0.12 L/g VS by landfill leachate. Kinetic study shows that modified Gompertz model fits most of the feedstock with R 2 up to 1 indicating that this model can be used for estimating treatment efficiencies of full-scale reactors and performing scale-up analysis. The economic analysis shows that POME has the shortest payback period (PBP), highest internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). However, it has already been well explored, with 93% of biogas plants in Malaysia using POME as feedstock. The FW generation rate in Malaysia is approximately 15,000 tonnes per day, at the same time FW as the second place shows potential to have a PBP of 5.4 years and 13.3% IRR, which is close to the results achieved with POME. This makes FW suitable to be used as the feedstock for biogas production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bioreactors
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