Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 956 in total

  1. Ng TP, Tan WC
    Thorax, 1999 Nov;54(11):990-4.
    PMID: 10525557
    BACKGROUND: A study was undertaken to examine temporal trends and ethnic differences in the asthma mortality rate in Singapore.
    METHODS: Asthma mortality rates in Singapore were estimated from vital data for the years from 1976 to 1995. Trends in sex and age specific (5-14, 15-34, 35-59, 60+ years) rates were obtained for four periods (1976-80, 1981-85, 1986-90, 1991-95) and for Chinese, Malay, and Indian subjects for the years when these data were available (1989-95).
    RESULTS: An increase in asthma mortality was observed in children aged 5-14 years from 0.21 per 100,000 person years in 1976-80 to 0.72 per 100,000 person years in 1991-95. No increases were noted in the other age groups but a small decrease was observed in the 1991-95 period for the 35-59 year age group. Marked ethnic differences in mortality rates were observed. In the group aged 5-34 years the asthma mortality rates were 0.5 per 100,000 in Chinese subjects, 1.3 per 100,000 in Indians, and 2.5 per 100,000 in Malay subjects. Similar 2-4 fold differences were observed in all other age groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Apart from genetic factors, environmental exposures and medical care factors which influence asthma prevalence and severity are most likely to be the causes of the observed temporal trends and ethnic differences in the asthma mortality rate in Singapore, but further studies are needed to elucidate these more fully.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  2. Wu HM, Seet B, Yap EP, Saw SM, Lim TH, Chia KS
    Optom Vis Sci, 2001 Apr;78(4):234-9.
    PMID: 11349931
    PURPOSE: To study interethnic variation in myopia prevalence and severity in young adult males in Singapore and to determine whether these variations are related to differences in education level.

    METHODS: A population-based survey of refractive errors in a cohort of 15,095 military conscripts between July 1996 and June 1997 using noncycloplegic autorefraction and a standard questionnaire. Prevalence rates of myopia (

    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  3. Nadesan K
    Malays J Pathol, 1999 Dec;21(2):95-9.
    PMID: 11068413
    Suicide is one of the ten leading causes of death in the world, accounting for more than 400,000 deaths annually. The pattern of suicide and the incidence of suicide vary from country to country. Cultural, religious and social values play some role in suicide. Compared to the West and some of the countries in the Asian region the incidence of suicide is low in Malaysia. A three-year retrospective study of all the autopsies performed at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur was analysed and the cases that were definitely determined as suicides were further studied. 48.8% of all suicides were ethnic Indians though Indians formed only 8% of the Malaysian population. 38.1% of suicides were Chinese who formed 26% of the population while only 3.6% were Malays, who formed 59% of the population. The preferred methods of suicide were poisoning and hanging. The majority were in the age group 20-40 yr. The study may have missed some cases that would have been wrongly concluded as accidental deaths and a few others where the police would have released the bodies without postmortem examinations.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  4. Ling SG
    Ann Trop Paediatr, 2000 Sep;20(3):227-30.
    PMID: 11064777 DOI: 10.1080/02724936.2000.11748139
    A descriptive study using data from the medical records of 448 children with febrile convulsion was carried out to determine the seizure characteristics and use of anti-convulsant therapy for febrile convulsions in a Malaysian hospital. There was a higher incidence of multiple seizures and a lower incidence of focal seizures in the local population than in studies done among Western populations. The majority of initial seizures occurred within 24 h of fever onset. Transient neurological abnormalities following an acute seizure were common. A quarter of children referred by general practitioners had been given anti-convulsants prior to referral but up to 20% of general practitioners had used ineffective routes for administering diazepam. However, diazepam used in the hospital was found to be effective in controlling acute febrile seizures.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  5. Chan SC
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Dec;54(4):433-7.
    PMID: 11072459
    The practice of breast self-examination (BSE) amongst 1,303 women registered with the Well Person's Clinic, Outpatient Department, Hospital Ipoh between April 1995 and March 1997 were assessed through a questionnaire. Majority (98.2%) were never taught and did not practise BSE, 17(1.3%) practised BSE while 6 (0.5%) were taught BSE but failed to put it into practice. Only 5.8% of 52 women with past/family history of breast cancer/lump and 2.9% of 207 women with past/family history of other cancers were practising BSE regularly. Three out of 64 women with breast lumps found on clinical breast examination discovered the lumps themselves. Five of the 64 women were subsequently confirmed to have breast carcinoma.
    Study site: Outpatient clinic, Hospital Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  6. Jamal N, Ng KH, McLean D
    Br J Radiol, 2003 Apr;76(904):238-45.
    PMID: 12711643
    The primary objective of this study was to determine the mean glandular dose (MGD) during diagnostic mammography in Malaysia. The secondary objective was to evaluate some of the factors affecting MGD. A survey of standard MGD was performed, based upon quality control records for the period October 1999 to August 2001. This covered 30 mammography units from 9 manufacturers. MGD was also measured for a series of patients attending mammography examinations at three other mammography units. MGD per film was estimated from recorded radiographic factors, the compressed breast thickness (CBT) and X-ray unit calibration data. MGD per woman was calculated by summing the MGDs for all films, and averaging it over both breasts. 300 women drawn equally from three major ethnic groups, namely Malay, Chinese and Indian, took part in the study. The difference of MGD per woman between ethnic groups was tested for significance using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and median tests. The factors affecting MGD per woman were tested for significance using a multivariate analysis of variance. The MGD for the phantom was 1.23 mGy (range 0.22-2.39 mGy) while the mean patient based MGD per film was 1.54 mGy and 1.82 mGy for the craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique views, respectively. The mean MGD per woman was 3.37 mGy. It was also found that there is no significant difference in MGD per woman among the ethnic groups (p>0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). However, on the multivariate test two factors, namely half value layer of the X-ray beam and (CBT), had a significant effect on MGD per woman (p<0.05). No significant relationships were seen between MGD per woman with respect to ethnicity, body mass index or age.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  7. Lim TO, Ding LM, Zaki M, Suleiman AB, Fatimah S, Siti S, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):108-28.
    PMID: 11072496 MyJurnal
    We describe the distribution of body weight, height and body mass index (BMI) by age, sex and ethnicity in Malaysian adults. A national sample of 28,737 individuals aged 20 or older had usable data. They were selected by stratified 2-stage cluster sampling. Percentile tables and curves by age, sex and ethnicity are presented. The body weight and BMI distributions were right skewed, while that of height was symmetrical. BMI distribution showed the expected increase with age, while that of height decrease with age. Differences in BMI between the 2 sexes and among the 4 ethnic groups were observed. Indian had the highest BMI, followed by Malay, Chinese and other indigenous ethnic group.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  8. Lim TO, Ding LM, Zaki M, Suleiman AB, Kew ST, Maimunah AH, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):65-77.
    PMID: 11072493 MyJurnal
    We describe the distribution of capillary blood glucose (BG) by age, sex and ethnicity in Malaysian adults. A national sample of 20,041 individuals aged 30 or older had usable data. They were selected by stratified 2-stage cluster sampling. BG was measured using reflectance photometer. Percentile tables and curves by age, sex and ethnicity are presented. The BG distribution was right skewed and showed the expected increase with age. Except in Indian, women had higher BG than men. There were also marked ethnic differences. Indian had the highest BG concentration, followed by Chinese, Malay and other indigenous ethnic group.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  9. Lim TO, Ding LM, Goh BL, Zaki M, Suleiman AB, Maimunah AH, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):90-107.
    PMID: 11072495 MyJurnal
    We describe the distribution of blood pressure (BP) by age, sex and ethnicity in Malaysian adults. A national sample of 21,391 individuals aged 30 or older had usable data. They were selected by stratified 2-stage cluster sampling. BP was measured using an automated oscillometric device, Visomat. Percentile tables and curves by age, sex and ethnicity are presented. The systolic and diastolic BP distribution was right skewed and showed the expected increase with age. This was markedly so in Malay and other indigenous women; as a result they had most severe hypertension.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  10. Lim TO, Ding LM, Zaki M, Suleiman AB, Kew ST, Ismail M, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):78-89.
    PMID: 11072494 MyJurnal
    We describe the distribution of capillary blood total cholesterol (BC) by age, sex and ethnicity in Malaysian adults. A national sample of 20,041 individuals aged 30 or older had usable data. They were selected by stratified 2-stage cluster sampling. BC was measured using reflectance photometer. Percentile tables and curves by age, sex and ethnicity are presented. The BC distribution was right skewed and showed the expected increase with age. There were ethnic differences. Malay had the highest BC concentration, followed by Indian, Chinese and other indigenous ethnic group. However, for all ethnic groups, BC concentrations were low in comparison those prevailing in Western populations.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  11. Lee YM, Fock K, See SJ, Ng TM, Khor C, Teo EK
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000 Jun;15(6):622-5.
    PMID: 10921415
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence rates of inflammatory bowel disease in the different races in Singapore.

    METHODS: The patients studied consisted of 58 people with an established diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) as determined by a combination of clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histological criteria. The patients were residents of a well-defined geographical area in the northern part of Singapore and had been referred to the single regional hospital. Epidemiological data including sex, age, ethnicity, family history and disease type and extent were collected from case records and patient interviews.

    RESULTS: There were 37 UC and 21 CD patients. Of the patients with UC, 67.5% were Chinese, 13.5% were Malay and 19% were Indian. The CD group consisted of 81% Chinese, 9.5% Malay and 9.5% Indian patients. The study population from which the patients were drawn was approximately 0.5 million in size.

    CONCLUSIONS: The overall prevalence of UC was 6 per 100,000 and of CD was 3.6 per 100,000 in Singapore. There were disproportionately more Indians suffering from UC, with a prevalence of 16.2 per 100,000 in comparison with six per 100,000 for Chinese and seven per 100 000 for Malays. The relative risk of UC in Indians is 2.9-fold greater than for the Chinese (CI= 1.25-6.7) which was statistically significant. This trend was not seen for CD.

    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  12. Fathilah J, Jamaliah R
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Mar;58(1):111-4.
    PMID: 14556335
    A case of giant cell arteritis with systemic and panocular involvement is reported here. This elderly Indian male presented with symptoms of unilateral temporal headache and intermittent jaw claudication for a month followed by diplopia and blurring of vision and later loss of vision in the right eye. The right eye showed some limitation of ocular movements, presence of relative afferent pupil defect, anterior segment ischaemic changes and anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy. Visual evoked potential showed an absent P1 wave while the left eye with normal 6/6 vision sowed a prolonged P1 wave. Fundus fluoresceine angiography showed delay in choroidal perfusion. His erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was 120 mm/hr and he was started on oral prednisolone. Superficial temporal artery biopsy obtained one week after starting steroids was positive for giant cell arteritis. Steroids led to the resolution of optic disc swelling, disappearance of anterior segment signs, full recovery of right ocular movements and no further deterioration of the fellow eye. On steroids, he developed insomnia and progressive myopathy which resolved and is now symptom free at lower doses of steroids.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  13. Ling KL, Ooi CJ, Luman W, Cheong WK, Choen FS, Ng HS
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2002 Aug;35(2):144-8.
    PMID: 12172359
    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is rare in Asia. Singapore is an ethnically heterogeneous city-state with a population made up of Chinese (77%), Indians (7.5%), and Malays (14%). This study describes and compares the characteristics of Chinese, Malay, and Indian patients with UC.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  14. Lee J, Heng D, Chia KS, Chew SK, Tan BY, Hughes K
    Int J Epidemiol, 2001 Oct;30(5):983-8.
    PMID: 11689508
    OBJECTIVE: This prospective study in Singapore investigated the relationships of established coronary risk factors with incident coronary heart disease (CHD) for Chinese, Malay, and Asian Indian males.

    SUBJECTS: A cohort (consisting of 2879 males without diagnosed CHD) derived from three previous cross-sectional surveys.

    METHODS: Individual baseline data were linked to registry databases to obtain the first event of CHD. Hazard ratios (HR) or relative risks for risk factors were calculated using Cox's proportional hazards model with adjustment for age and ethnic group and adjustment for age, ethnic group and all other risk factors (overall adjusted).

    RESULTS: There were 24,986 person-years of follow-up. The overall adjusted HR with 95% CI are presented here. Asian Indians were at greatest risk of CHD, compared to Chinese (3.0; 2.0-4.8) and Malays (3.4; 1.9-3.3). Individuals with hypertension (2.4; 1.6-2.7) or diabetes (1.7; 1.1-2.7) showed a higher risk of CHD. High low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (1.5; 1.0-2.1), high fasting triglyceride (1.5; 0.9-2.6) and low high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (1.3; 0.9-2.0) showed a lesser but still increased risk. Alcohol intake was protective with non-drinkers having an increased risk of CHD (1.8; 1.0-3.3). Obesity (body mass index > or =30) showed an increased risk (1.8; 0.6-5.4). An increased risk of CHD was found in cigarette smokers of > or =20 pack years (1.5; 0.9-2.5) but not with lesser amounts.

    CONCLUSIONS: The increased susceptibility of Asian Indian males to CHD has been confirmed in a longitudinal study. All of the examined established risk factors for CHD were found to play important but varying roles in the ethnic groups in Singapore.

    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  15. Aziz AM, Ibrahim MI
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Jun;54(2):192-9.
    PMID: 10972029
    A study was conducted among out-patients attending the Melaka Tengah Health Clinic to determine their compliance status towards antihypertensive, antidiabetic and antiasthmatic drugs. A total of 585 patients were enrolled in this study. Assessment of compliance was carried out using pill-counting and house-to-house interviews 14 days from the date of medication dispensed at the counter. The noncompliance rate among the 464 successfully interviewed patients was 56%. The mean noncompliance percentage was 78.0 +/- 43.1% (range: -10.0-314.3%). Among the four variables of compliance studied, race was not seen as a determinant of compliance. The older age group and those taking two or more drugs were statistically significant to be a noncomplier. Females were highly likely not to comply with drug therapy. Patients who conform to their refill dates were not really drug compliers. Forgetting to take their drugs and inability to read instructions on drug labels were the main reasons given. Underdosing was more common than overdosing, with an estimated cost of RM20,261.00 of unused medications per year.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Melaka Tengah, Melaka, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  16. Wai BH, Heok KE
    Ethn Health, 1998 Nov;3(4):255-63.
    PMID: 10403107
    This study was undertaken to determine whether there were ethnic and social variations in parasuicide in the population of Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  17. Ma S, Cutter J, Tan CE, Chew SK, Tai ES
    Am J Epidemiol, 2003 Sep 15;158(6):543-52.
    PMID: 12965880 DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwg199
    Despite the high prevalence of diabetes mellitus, little is known about mortality associated with diabetes in Asia. Therefore, the authors followed 3,492 Chinese, Malay, and Asian Indian adults randomly selected from the general population in Singapore. Data on glucose tolerance, demographic characteristics, and other cardiovascular disease risk factors (lipid profile, blood pressure, smoking status, alcohol consumption, and obesity) were obtained in 1992. Vital status was determined as of December 31, 2001. There were 108 deaths over a period of 9 years. Impaired fasting glycemia or impaired glucose tolerance (IFG/IGT) (hazard ratio (HR)=1.39, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.84, 2.31) and diabetes mellitus (HR=2.49, 95% CI: 1.58, 3.94) were associated with increased mortality after adjustment for age, gender, ethnic group, and educational level. Compared with Chinese with diabetes, Indians with diabetes experienced significantly greater mortality (HR=3.86, 95% CI: 1.76, 8.44) after adjustment for gender, age, educational level, smoking, hypertension, alcohol intake, and obesity. Undiagnosed diabetes and IFG/IGT were more common than known diabetes and also were associated with increased mortality. For reduction of mortality associated with IFG/IGT and diabetes, the authors recommend a screening program to detect undiagnosed diabetes and IFG/IGT along with aggressive treatment of diabetes after diagnosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  18. Kua EH, Ko SM, Ng TP
    Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2003 Jun;18(6):533-6.
    PMID: 12789675
    There are a few reports on the trends of elderly suicide rates in western countries but none from Asian countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  19. Hughes K, Lun KC, Sothy SP, Thai AC, Leong WP, Yeo PB
    Int J Epidemiol, 1992 Jun;21(3):473-7.
    PMID: 1634308
    This study was a cross-sectional random survey of the whole of Singapore, based on 2143 subjects (aged 18-69 years, response rate 60.3%). The presence of corneal arcus was determined by a doctor using the naked eye in good light. Cardiovascular risk factors were measured by standardized techniques. The prevalence rates overall of corneal arcus were: 18-29 years (males 0.5%, females 0.3%), 30-49 years (males 18.1%, females 13.3%) and 50-69 years (males 70.7%, females 55.3%). In the 30-49 age group, people with arcus had higher serum low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations than people without arcus, the mean differences being, males 0.31 mmol/l (P = 0.040) and females 0.62 mmol/l (P less than 0.001) with an increased likelihood of having values greater than 5.5.mmol/l of males 1.8 (95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.0-3.4) and females 2.6 (95% CI: 1.4-4.8). There were no significant differences for LDL-cholesterol in the 50-69 age group. Arcus was weakly associated with fasting plasma glucose in the 30-49 age group. Arcus was not associated with serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, serum fasting triglyceride, blood pressure and cigarette smoking. It is concluded that while corneal arcus is primarily an age-related change, its formation is accelerated by high serum LDL-cholesterol so that in people under 50 years it is a marker for the condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
  20. Ismael NN
    Maturitas, 1994 Oct;19(3):205-9.
    PMID: 7799827
    In an attempt to gather data on the menopause in Malaysia, 400 women (13% Chinese, 70% Malays and 16% Indians), representing the three major ethnic groups in Malaysia, were interviewed. The majority (76%) of these women were still married and living with their husbands and 63% of them were working. Most of them (90%) had attained menarche by the age of 15 years and 50% of them had married before the age of 20. Their reproductive record was good, since 76% of them had 3 or more children who were still alive. The mean age at menopause in the Malaysian women studied was 50.7 years. Analysis of the climacteric symptoms reported showed significant differences in the vasomotor and nervosity indices in the perimenopausal and postmenopausal groups. Eighty percent (80%) of the women saw no need to consult a doctor about their climacteric symptoms. When they did, most of them (84%) received medication, but 43% of them did not comply with the prescribed treatment. Dyspareunia and urinary incontinence were evidently regarded as embarrassing complaints in all three groups, since around 80% of the women did not seek medical advice. This is not surprising in view of the fact that 89% of them rated their health as good.
    Matched MeSH terms: India/ethnology
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