METHODS: Methods involved were MTT assay (cytotoxic activity), morphological cells analysis, flow cytometry and cell cycle analysis and western blot.
RESULTS: MTT assay revealed IC50 concentration was 1.61 µg/mL, 3T3-L1 cell lines were used to determine whether AgNps-CN is cytotoxic to normal cells. At the highest concentration (3 µg/mL), no cytotoxic activity has been observed. Flow cytometry assay revealed AgNps-CN caused apoptosis effects towards HSC-4 cell lines with significant changes were observed at G1 phase when compared with untreated cells. Morphological cells analysis revealed that most of the cells exhibit apoptosis characteristics rather than necrosis. Protein study revealed that ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 increased mainly due to down-regulation of Bcl-2 expression.
CONCLUSION: AgNps-CN have shown potential in inhibiting HSC-4 cell lines. IC50 was low compared to few studies involving biosynthesized of silver nanoparticles. Apoptosis effects were shown towards HSC-4 cell lines by the increased in Bax/Bcl-2 protein ratio. Further study such as PCR or in vivo studies are required.
METHODS: This scoping review intended to investigate published studies on the current prevalence and incidence of oral cancer in LMICs. The review was conducted applying the search words "Oral Cancer" and "Mouth neoplasm" as the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) major topic and "Epidemiology" and ("prevalence" OR "incidence") as the MeSH subheading; the search was supplemented by cross-references. Included studies met the following criteria: original studies, reporting of prevalence or incidence rates, population-based studies, studies in English language and studies involving humans.
RESULTS: The sample sizes ranged from 486 to 101,761 with 213,572 persons included. Buccal mucosa is one of the most common sites of oral cancer, associated with the widespread exposure to chewing tobacco. The incidence is likely to rise in the region where gutkha, pan masala, pan-tobacco and various other forms of chewing tobacco are popular.
CONCLUSION: This review contributes to useful information on prevalence and incidence estimates of oral cancer in LMICs.
Methods: The effect of palbociclib was evaluated in a panel of well-characterized OSCC cell lines by cell proliferation assays and further confirmed by in vivo evaluation in xenograft models. PIK3CA-mutant isogenic cell lines were used to investigate the effect of PIK3CA mutation towards palbociclib response.
Results: We demonstrated that 80% of OSCC cell lines are sensitive to palbociclib at sub-micromolar concentrations. Consistently, palbociclib was effective in controlling tumor growth in mice. We identified that palbociclib-resistant cells harbored mutations in PIK3CA. Using isogenic cell lines, we showed that PIK3CA mutant cells are less responsive to palbociclib as compared to wild-type cells with concurrent upregulation of CDK2 and cyclin E1 protein levels. We further demonstrated that the combination of a PI3K/mTOR inhibitor (PF-04691502) and palbociclib completely controlled tumor growth in mice.
Conclusions: This study demonstrated the potency of palbociclib in OSCC models and provides a rationale for the inclusion of PIK3CA testing in the clinical evaluation of CDK4/6 inhibitors and suggests combination approaches for further clinical studies.
METHODS: Seventeen cases each of SSCC, OSCC, NOM, and NS were evaluated. Each section was immunohistochemically stained with a rabbit polyclonal TIG3 antibody. The entire procedure was blinded and evaluated by 5 observers. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test.
RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in TIG3 protein expression in OSCC and SSCC compared with that in NOM and NS (P = 0.008). The progressive loss of expression was observed as the grade of both malignancies increased. However, there was no significant difference in the expression among the normal tissue groups and within SCC groups of similar grades.
CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that the loss of TIG3 is an important event in carcinogenesis. TIG3 acts as a regulator of keratinocyte proliferation and terminal differentiation. Therefore, TIG3 could be a potential biomarker to differentiate aggressive and non-aggressive neoplasms.
Aims: To assess the OCT4 stemness factor in oral leukoplakia for its potential risk to malignant transformation.
Settings and Design: 20 cases of oral leukoplakia were obtained from archives at Oral Cancer Research & Coordinating center (OCRCC) Malaysia Subjects and Methods: 20 cases of oral leukoplakia were assessed by OCT4 immunohistochemically. Oral squamous cell carcinoma was used as a control.
Result: no expression of OCT 4 was observed in any cases of oral leukoplakia.
Conclusion: The molecular mechanisms of Oct4 regulation and in particular of its switch on and off in tissues depends upon its microenvironment, which makes it challenging in fundamental and applied research fields of regenerative medicine and cancer therapy. It's better that patients should undergo multiple biopsies for the early detection of malignant transformation with close follow-up during the first two to three years, a large amount of work remains to be done with multi-marker panel investigation, as cure rates have remained constant over three decades.
Materials and Methods: A self-administered questionnaire constructed in local Malay language consisting of 13 questions on sociodemographic details and 10 questions on the knowledge domain was distributed to eligible respondents while they were waiting for their consultation in the periodontal clinic waiting hall. There were 330 study participants aged 16 years old and above, who participated in this study from all 12 dental clinics in the state of Perlis, Malaysia. Data were entered into Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20.0 for analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sociodemographic data, whereas association between potential factor and the knowledge of awareness was found using the Pearson Chi-square test of independence or a Fisher's exact test, depending on the eligibility criteria.
Results: Our study showed that 4.5% (n = 15) of the respondents were not aware that smoking did add risk for oral cancer, 14.5% (n = 48) were not aware that smoking could cause gum disease. Smoking status was significantly associated with the awareness of smoking effect on gum disease (P = 0.002). The proportion of the active smokers being aware that smoking could potentially cause gum disease was considerably less as compared to the nonsmokers (62.7% vs. 83.3%).
Conclusions: Continuous dental health campaigns and awareness program are crucial to instil awareness and health-seeking behavior as well as to enforce public's knowledge.
Methodology: Ethical committee of the University approved this study. A validated, pre-tested questionnaire was sent electronically to 224 OHP. Questionnaire collected information regarding demography, knowledge about HPV-OSCC link, HPV vaccine, and willingness to educate patients about HPV OSCC link among the participants of this cross-sectional study. Data collected was analysed using "Stata/IC-13" and was summarised using descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
Results: Out of 179 participants, around 39% of the participant's opined virus was not a causative factor for OSCC. Around, 44% replied posterior portion of the tongue/oro-pharynx was the commonest site for HPV related OSCC, whereas 29% replied that lateral border of the tongue was the common site for HPV related OSCC. Forty one percent educated patients regarding HPV infection being a causative factor for OSCC. HPV vaccine can prevent OSCC was stated by 70% OHP. Only 12% were aware of the availability of HPV vaccine in Malaysia. Majority (99%), agreed that there is a need to offer continuing education programmes to dentists highlighting advances and preventive strategies in the fight against OSCC.
Conclusion: Substantial increase in awareness is required among OHP regarding HPV-OSCC link.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the awareness and knowledge of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of oral cancer among a Siamese ethnic group in Tumpat, Kelantan.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted, using a guided questionnaire on sociodemography, habits, awareness and knowledge of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of oral cancer. Individuals under 18 years old and who had been diagnosed with oral cancer were excluded from this study.
RESULTS: A total of 195 respondents participated, 61.5% were female and the mean age was 46 (1.64). About 41% of the respondents had received secondary education and 35.4% were illiterate. Most respondents were self-employed (21.5%), followed by farmers (19.5%) and housewives (20%). The majority of them had a monthly income that fell below the poverty level of RM 830 (76.9%). Among the respondents, 22.6% had the habit of smoking, 25.6% consumed alcohol, 8.2% were betel quid chewers and 2.6% chewed tobacco. Out of 195 respondents, only 6.7% were aware of oral cancer. About 16.9% of the respondents correctly answered all of the questions regarding the signs and symptoms of oral cancer and only 4.1% knew the risk factors of oral cancer.
CONCLUSION: The awareness and knowledge of oral cancer in this targeted population were unsatisfactory. Future effective health promotion programs and education should be emphasised.