Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 782 in total

  1. Sharifa Ezat, A., Aljunid, S.M.
    A cross·sectional study was done to determine the capacity of Public Health Inspectors in Selangor using a seh administered questionnaire and universal sampling, to determine the enforcement of public health legislation and its influencing factors. A total of 99 respondents from the District Health Offices and 100 respondents from the Local Health Departments participated. The level of enforcement is generally low in all the units except for the Food Unit and Sanitary and Hygiene Units. Factors influencing enforcement of Public Health Legislations are the unit where the respondents worlc and the length of service with the unit. Further analysis using multiple logistic regression, found that respondents from the Food Unit (OR ZZ; 95% C1: 7 .9-58.9 ) , being in the
    U8 category (OR 5; 95% C1: l.4» 17.6), service offour years and above in the same unit (OR 6; 95% C1: 2.2»13.8) , received service rewards (OR 3; 95% C1 : 1.2· 6.9); low exposure to bribery (OR 46; 95% C1: 2.3·100.0) and offered bribes while on the field (OR 3; 95% C1: 1.02» 4.8) have higher kvel enforcement performance. Attention must be given to the enforcement organization with respect to duration of service, service awards and monitoring of bribes exposure to help develop the enforcement of public health legislations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  2. Mohammad Daher, Aqil
    Medical Health Reviews, 2010;2010(1):23-39.
    Health promotion (HP) is the process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. It is the corner stone in prevention of diseases and shifting the responsibilities of health care from health care provider into the community where the patient centered approach is an appropriate setting by offering continuous, coordinated and comprehensive care throughout the patient’s family and community. The Faculty of Medicine, University technology MARA has adopted dynamic approach in designing the curriculum to respond to the needs of this rapidly changing socioeconomic paradigm of the country, so that the graduates will be able to address the needs of their country and communities. Population health and preventive medicine component was included in the newly designed problem based curriculum, in which the student is introduced to the concepts of epidemiology, disease prevention, statistical analysis and community research. Health promotion program is part and parcel of population health and preventive medicine; it is incorporated with community health research in a course of four weeks of Year Four Medical Curriculum. The aim of this paper is to describe the rationales of health promotion program in medical curriculum, and critically review the components and methods of implementation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  3. Osman Che Bakar, Anisah Omar
    Medical Health Reviews, 2010;2010(1):51-63.
    Adolescence suicide represents a significant public health issue and needs serious medical attention. The prevention of suicide must especially focus on improving the assessment of risk of suicide. Mental health professionals must adequately understand the necessity of identifying adolescents’ clinical risk profile as a unique set of variables which need to be comprehensively addressed in their clinical assessment and case management. These would ensure the successful of management and prevention strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  4. Wong, L.P., Nur Liyana, A.H.
    JUMMEC, 2007;10(2):22-30.
    Prevalence and signs and symptoms of menopause have been extensively studied among Malaysian women but no one had investigated the level of knowledge and perception of menopause. This study aimed to examine the knowledge and perception of menopause among young to middle aged women (15 to 49 years old). A cross-sectional survey using 20-items questionnaire was conducted in three randomly chosen districts in Federal Territory, Kuala Lumpur. Women in this survey were aware of the meaning of the term menopause and its symptoms. However, the majority lacked comprehensive understanding about the health risks associated with menopause. Commonly cited sources of knowledge were magazines and family members. Lack of official sources for accurate information on menopause was reported. Communication with health care personnel regarding menopause was uncommon. An exploration into respondents' perceptions on menopause revealed that the majority displayed positive thinking towards menopause. Young respondents seemed to have better perception regarding menopause compared to middle aged women. Although the women had good knowledge about menopause, they expressed feelings of sadness and nervousness upon the approach of their own menopause. Our data provides insight on the knowledge and perception of menopause that will guide future public health initiatives for premenopausal women in order for them to cope better when approaching this stage of life cycle.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  5. Khan NA, Anwar A, Siddiqui R
    Curr Med Chem, 2018 May 10.
    PMID: 29745319 DOI: 10.2174/0929867325666180510125633
    BACKGROUND: First discovered in the early 1970s, Acanthamoeba keratitis has remained a major eye infection and presents a significant threat to the public health, especially in developing countries. The aim is to present a timely review of our current understanding of the advances made in this field in a comprehensible manner and includes novel concepts and provides clear directions for immediate research priorities.

    METHOD: We undertook a search of bibliographic databases for peer-reviewed research literature and also summarized our published results in this field.

    RESULTS: The present review focuses on novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in details which can provide access to management and treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis. This coupled with the recently available genome sequence information together with high throughput genomics technology and innovative approaches should stimulate interest in the rational design of preventative and therapeutic measures. Current treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis is problematic and often leads to infection recurrence. Better understanding of diagnosis, pathogenesis, pathophysiology and therapeutic regimens, would lead to novel strategies in treatment and prophylaxis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  6. Norfazillah Ab Manan, Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf, Rozita Hod
    Introduction: The transboundary smoke haze has become a major concern as it had a wide ranging impact in Southeast Asia from the aspect of public health to national economics. This review aims to synthesize available literature in epidemiology, economics and haze related studies to provide essential information for the valuation of health costs associated with haze in Malaysia. Methods: Evidence on health economic impact of haze was gathered by conducting a literature review and collecting information on the health effects of haze and the cost of it as well as the hospitalization cost from medical illnesses and hospital admissions due to haze. Articles were taken from those that were published from 1999 to 2016.Results: The 1997 Asian Haze episode has caused increasing trend of prematurity of mortality and respiratory problems and several series of haze later had caused increased number of hospitalization. The cost impact on hospital admission ranges from MYR1.8 million in 2005 to MYR118.9 million in 2013. During the 1997 haze, the incremental cost of illness (COI) was noted to be MYR 21million and it shot up to MYR 410 million during the 2013 haze. Conclusion: The haze gives a serious health effect to our country and our neighbours. These health effect has caused a significant health economy impact which include rise in hospital admission cost and medication, incremental cost of illness and extend to cost of medical-related leaves taken and lead to loss of income opportunities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  7. Tang KHD
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 Feb 10;650(Pt 2):1858-1871.
    PMID: 30290336 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.316
    PURPOSE: This paper reviews the past and future trends of climate change in Malaysia, the major contributors of greenhouse gases and the impacts of climate change to Malaysia. It also reviews the mitigation and adaptations undertaken, and future strategies to manage the impacts of regional climate change.

    METHODOLOGY: The review encompasses historical climate data comprising mean daily temperature, precipitation, mean sea level and occurrences of extreme weather events. Future climate projections have also been reviewed in addition to scholarly papers and news articles related to impacts, contributors, mitigation and adaptations in relation to climate change.

    FINDINGS: The review shows that annual mean temperature, occurrences of extreme weather events and mean sea level are rising while rainfall shows variability. Future projections point to continuous rise of temperature and mean sea level till the end of the 21st century, highly variable rainfall and increased frequency of extreme weather events. Climate change impacts particularly on agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, water resources, coastal and marine resources, public health and energy. The energy and waste management sectors are the major contributors to climate change. Mitigation of and adaptations to climate change in Malaysia revolve around policy setting, enactment of laws, formulation and implementation of plans and programmes, as well as global and regional collaborations, particularly for energy, water resources, agriculture and biodiversity. There are apparent shortcomings in continuous improvement and monitoring of the programmes as well as enforcement of the relevant laws.

    ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This paper presents a comprehensive review of the major themes of climate change in Malaysia and recommends pertinent ways forward to fill the gaps of mitigation and adaptations already implemented.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  8. Suppiah, J., Sakinah, S., Chan, S.Y., Wong, Y.P., Subbiah, S.K., Chee, H.Y., et al.
    Human platelets are anucleate cells that lack in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), thus hampering genomic study on them. However, the presence of their own messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) transcript allows functional study via the transcriptome approach. Transcriptome not only allows profiling of platelet but also aids in studying gene regulation in virus infections and other diseases that have an impact on platelets. Some viruses are known to affect the platelet either by causing a reduction or destruction. Dengue virus is one of the most postulated virus having such effect and frequently linked to platelet reduction. The transcriptome approach has a pivotal role in providing a deeper insight to link certain diseases and their effect on platelets. This review critically discusses role of platelet in dengue and other viral diseases of public health relevance, with a specific focus on the methods currently used in platelet transcriptome profiling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  9. Chan CY, Mohamed N, Ima-Nirwana S, Chin KY
    PMID: 30103534 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15081727
    Osteoporosis is a major public health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Increasing knowledge, correcting health belief and promoting osteoprotective practices are effective measures for building and maintaining strong bone throughout ones' life-span. This review aims to summarize the contemporary evidence on the knowledge, beliefs and practice of adolescents and young adults on bone health. We performed literature searches using the PubMed and Scopus databases to identify original studies from 2008 to May 2018 using the search terms "(knowledge OR beliefs OR attitude OR practice OR behaviours OR physical activity OR exercise OR diet OR nutrition) AND (young OR youth OR adolescents OR children OR young adults OR students OR teenager) AND (osteoporosis OR bone health)". Of the 3206 articles found, 34 met the inclusion criteria. Studies showed that most adolescents and young adults had poor knowledge and expressed disinterest in osteoporosis. They believed that other diseases were more serious than osteoporosis, contributing to low perceived susceptibility and seriousness towards this disease. Popular media emerged as a platform to obtain information regarding osteoporosis. The lack of knowledge and misconceptions about osteoporosis led to poor osteoprotective practices. As a conclusion, the current evidence revealed a lack of awareness about osteoporosis among adolescents and young adults. Educational interventions may be useful to improve the awareness of osteoporosis among this population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  10. Syafiqah, H.N., Umar, R., Kamarudin, M.K.A., Hazmin, S.N., Dianah, A.R.S.N., Jaafar, H., et al.
    ASM Science Journal, 2018;11(101):183-194.
    Nowadays, the wireless technology has become a lifestyle; even the children have their own
    mobile phones, although they are categorized as high risk susceptible to health problems
    due to radiation. Thus, the public exposure that stemmed from electromagnetic radiations
    become public concern since studies have been done and the finding showed that the repetitive
    and long term exposure may have adverse health effect. This study was conducted to
    evaluate the exposure level at UMT and UniSZA campuses by measuring the electric field
    strength. This measurement was conducted using omni-directional antenna below 4 GHz,
    connected to spectrum analyzer. In this paper, the measured values are compared with
    the previous study from several locations and then the spatial maps of exposure level are
    developed. The result shows that high exposure level was recorded at UMT and UniSZA.
    From this study, the findings may assist the Ministry of Health to monitor the public health
    due to non-ionizing radiation (NIR) exposure. This is crucial to make sure the international
    commission of non-ionizing radiation protection (ICNIRP) limit is complied. Moreover, the
    development of public NIR exposure policy can be initiated to the Malaysia government for
    health concern. For future study, the investigation of the suitable material used as antenna
    and casing or exposure reduction tool can be done to reduce NIR exposure rate on human
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  11. Landor JV
    DOI: 10.1016/S0035-9203(41)90065-2
    1. (1) The injection of serum prepared especially against strains of typhoid bacilli strong in "O" and "Vi" antigens appeared during the epidemic at Singapore to be of value in the treatment of serious cases of typhoid fever, even at a comparatively late stage of the disease. The time for the routine use of such serum in treatment has perhaps not yet come, but strong indications for its use are severe toxaemia, or failure to improve with general treatment. 2. (2) The absence of eosinophil cells in a differential white blood count is of value in the diagnosis though it is not an absolute sign in either a negative or positive direction. 3. (3) Congenital immunity against typhoid fever appears to be powerful for several years of childhood, in Malaya and presumably elsewhere also. 4. (4) Compulsory inoculation is advocated as a public health measure of protection against typhoid fever in countries where the disease is endemic, but not earlier than the 5th year of age. c 1941
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  12. Ismet Berber, Cumhur Avsar
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1835-1842.
    The presence of coliforms bacteria is one of the most prevalent problems in terms of public health in marine ecosystems over the world. In this study were investigated the physico-chemical properties of seawater and the numbers of total aerobic, total coliform, fecal coliform, E. coli O157:H7 and fecal streptococci in seawater and mussel samples collected from Sinop environs between May and October 2011. The microbiological analysis of seawater samples showed that the difference between total coliform, fecal coliform and fecal streptococci numbers (p<0.05) was significant for each station. However, the difference among total aerobic bacteria numbers for each stations (p>0.05) were not found significant. The difference between whole counting results for mussel samples taken from different sampling sites was not significant (p>0.05), too. Furthermore, the results of the screening assay for the presence of E. coli O157:H7 showed that the strain was not detected in neither seawater nor mussel samples. In conclusion, it was determined that fecal coliform and fecal streptococci counts in the seawater and mussel samples were higher than legal (Turkish Bathing Water and Quality of Fishery Products Regulation) limit values for some stations in Sinop coastal areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  13. Chang Ys
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1715-1720.
    Sewage treatment is an important issue in a country for public health and environmental protection. The treatment
    process not only consumes energy but also emits CO2
    . In this research, the idea of streamlined life cycle assessment was
    applied. The CO2
    emission from sewage treatment was assessed from direct energy consumption of four major sewage
    treatment plants in Taiwan. The results showed that the CO2
    emission at in-plant sewage treatment stage takes more
    than 95% of total CO2
    emission for most plants. The results suggested that CO2
    emission of sewage treatment can be
    calculated from energy consumption at in-plant sewage treatment stage to simplify the calculation. The CO2
    of sewage treatment was then assessed from sewage plants in Taiwan using in-plant electricity consumption. The unit
    emission of sewage treatment in Taiwan is 0.216 kg-CO2
    . This database will be an important reference for water
    resource research and future government environmental policies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  14. Abdulrahman SA, Ganasegeran K, Rampal L, Martins OF
    AIDS Rev, 2019;21(1):28-39.
    PMID: 30899114 DOI: 10.24875/AIDSRev.19000037
    Successful HIV treatment is contingent on sustained high levels of treatment adherence. Several barriers to optimal adherence have been documented. In this article, we first review the global burden of non-adherence among HIV/AIDS positive individuals on a public health scale. Second, we synthesized available evidence from different study designs and stratified across the European, African, and Asian literature to determine the factors influencing adherence to scheduled clinic appointments and medication non-adherence. Third, we discuss common measurement techniques that quantify the magnitude of non-adherence, their relative advantages and limitations in current practice. From January to May 2018, we reviewed guidelines, standard operating procedures, journal articles, and book chapters on treatment adherence among HIV patients receiving adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) globally. We searched PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews with the search terms "adherence," "adherence behavior," "medication adherence," and "HIV patients," or "HIV/AIDS," and "Antiretroviral Therapy" or "ART" or "ARVs" or "highly active ART " from 2000 to 2017. We also identified articles through searches of authors' files and previous research on HIV. We included only papers published in English in this review. We then generated a final list of reference on the basis of originality and the broad scope of this review. We found rich literature evidence of research findings and best practice recommendations on the importance of adherence in HIV/AIDS management, a general understanding of factors associated with non-adherence and approaches to investigating non-adherence behavior among different populations. We observed significant contextual differences exist with regard to barriers and burden of non-adherence among these populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  15. Sekhon PS, Karthigesu IT
    Solid waste collection has been a major challenge for local council Municipal workers in urban areas where the population is growing rapidly and the need for local councils to ensure they provide service to clear solid waste in a timely manner without disrupting the existing system. This case study is a review of awareness of health and safety among municipal workers on solid waste collection. The study is an examination of such awareness in Malaysia which involves the Petaling Jaya City Council in the state of Selangor. We review the operating system of the Petaling Jaya City Council and the risks which are being exposed to the municipal workers in their daily operations. Health and Safety of municipal workers in the areas of public health, safety, and industrial hygiene has been a concern for a long time. In most cases the majority of municipal workers exposed are from the contractual aspect of outsourced labour. It is important to understand how large the area of a solid waste is and to identify, evaluate, and eliminate or control risks and hazards across the operation zone of the municipal workers which involves environmental and occupational demands. The data we find provides the latest perspectives on topics of widespread concern such contractors management, ergonomic safety, confined space, motor vehicle safety, machinery safety, fall hazard safety, electrical safety and emergency response. Management of legal requirements is also discovered to be important to ensure any organization conducting business is not in violation of any law, and if there is a change of process how is this being addressed. Finally, we look at the control measures needed to support a operation on a large scale where it will not endanger the health and safety of municipal workers when they are involved in solid waste management. The recommendation we have based on the review are to ensure there is a holistic approach and systems in place to address all the concerns that will be faced by the local municipal council in their daily operations and responsibilities at every level of the organization. Conclusion: Research material and data related to this area is limited and we hope future holistic research can be conducted to future enhance the study of health and safety effecting the municipal workers. Health and Safety management system and procedures are the key elements in ensuring a successful organization.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  16. Diao Y, Li M, Huang Z, Sun J, Chee YL, Liu Y
    Risk Manag Healthc Policy, 2019;12:357-367.
    PMID: 31908552 DOI: 10.2147/RMHP.S226379
    China's healthcare reform aims to provide affordable and equitable basic healthcare for all by 2020. Access to medicines is an essential part of the healthcare. The efforts of promoting access to medicines have been moving from meeting the needs of the basic healthcare, towards increasingly dedicated resources to offer breakthrough therapies. Looking at access to novel medicines from a health system perspective, and placing the changes China has made into that system context, this paper makes a comprehensive review of the progress of access to novel medicines in China. The review drew on two sources of information, which included desk review of published and grey literature, and key informant interview. Five hurdles were identified which create barriers of access to novel medicines, ranging from regulation and financing of medicines, intellectually property rights protection, and development of innovation capacity, to other health system components. Multiple policies have been implementing in China to remove the multiple access barriers gradually. Universal access to medicines has been moving from towards the basic common conditions to the world breakthrough technologies. We see cause for optimism, but recognize that there is a long way to go. Achieving broader and better access to modern medicines for Chinese patients will require multiple and coordinated government efforts, which would need to target the whole lifecycle regulation of novel medicines with a health system perspective, from balancing IP protection, strengthening R&D and public health, to appropriate regulatory approach and financing mechanism, and to supply chain management, as well as smart use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  17. Abudula T, Gauthaman K, Hammad AH, Joshi Navare K, Alshahrie AA, Bencherif SA, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 May 29;12(6).
    PMID: 32485817 DOI: 10.3390/polym12061233
    Lack of suitable auto/allografts has been delaying surgical interventions for the treatment of numerous disorders and has also caused a serious threat to public health. Tissue engineering could be one of the best alternatives to solve this issue. However, deficiency of oxygen supply in the wounded and implanted engineered tissues, caused by circulatory problems and insufficient angiogenesis, has been a rate-limiting step in translation of tissue-engineered grafts. To address this issue, we designed oxygen-releasing electrospun composite scaffolds, based on a previously developed hybrid polymeric matrix composed of poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) and poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL). By performing ball-milling, we were able to embed a large percent of calcium peroxide (CP) nanoparticles into the PGS/PCL nanofibers able to generate oxygen. The composite scaffold exhibited a smooth fiber structure, while providing sustainable oxygen release for several days to a week, and significantly improved cell metabolic activity due to alleviation of hypoxic environment around primary bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs). Moreover, the composite scaffolds also showed good antibacterial performance. In conjunction to other improved features, such as degradation behavior, the developed scaffolds are promising biomaterials for various tissue-engineering and wound-healing applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  18. Li C, Lawrance EL, Morgan G, Brown R, Greaves N, Krzanowski J, et al.
    Int Rev Psychiatry, 2022 08;34(5):563-570.
    PMID: 36165755 DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2022.2097005
    The climate and ecological crisis will constitute the defining public health challenge of the twenty-first century, posing an unprecedented global threat to all determinants of health, and to healthcare delivery systems. We believe that mental health professionals have a crucial role to play in responding to this crisis. Whilst responding to the mental health consequences of the climate crisis will remain a key role for us as mental health professionals, we argue that our remit goes beyond this, and should include advancing public understanding of the climate crisis, highlighting its impact on physical and mental wellbeing, and advocating for systemic changes to limit its impending harms. This paper is an urgent call to action for all mental health professionals to take up a role in the context of the climate and ecological crisis. This paper will describe the relationship between mental health and climate change, and frame it within wider systemic and conceptual frameworks. It will demonstrate that as mental health professionals we are well placed to act as leaders of change-arguing that we have a duty to do so-and suggest actions that can be implemented depending on interests, skill sets and opportunities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  19. Ang CS, Lee KF
    J Genet Psychol, 2017 Sep-Oct;178(5):291-297.
    PMID: 28961083 DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2017.1355773
    Excessive technology use among young children remains a public health concern with diverse serious consequences. It is important to find out how children resist the temptation to use technology. Using focus group interviews, the authors explored what factors influence children's ability to delay gratification in using technology. Four specific themes emerged from the interview data: they found (a) fear of punishment, (b) self-directed speech, (c) reinforcement, and (d) parental modeling are effective measures to train children to forgo immediate pleasures of using technology. These findings provided some support for the hypothesis that children's self-control of technology use can be modified and improved. This study suggests methods to leverage and strengthen existing initiatives to promote self-control of technology use for children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  20. Soliman AM, Das S, Abd Ghafar N, Teoh SL
    Front Genet, 2018;9:38.
    PMID: 29491883 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00038
    Wound healing is a complex biological process that is generally composed of four phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. The proliferation phase is crucial for effective healing compared to other phases. Many critical events occur during this phase, i.e., migration of fibroblasts, re-epithelialization, angiogenesis and wound contraction. Chronic wounds are common and are considered a major public health problem. Therefore, there is the increasing need to discover new therapeutic strategies. MicroRNA (miRNA) research in the field of wound healing is in its early phase, but the knowledge of the recent discoveries is essential for developing effective therapies for the treatment of chronic wounds. In this review, we focused on recently discovered miRNAs which are involved in the proliferation phase of wound healing in the past few years and their role in wound healing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
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