Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 298 in total

  1. Rusnani Ab Latif
    Psychological well-being is relatively complex notions with a variety of components that may contribute to it. Individuals differ in their overall levels of psychological health and well-being. Mother with low birth weight (LBW) babies required hospitalization especially in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) more exposed to the experience of anxious symptoms. Therefore, it would become a stressful event that might cause psychological distress or even emotional crisis in mother's when their infants were LBW especially premature. Health promotion is very important to prevent this problem. Health promotion efforts aimed at improving infant health status must do so by improving women's health. Improving women's health before, during, and after pregnancy is the key to reduce the human and economic costs associated with infant mortality and morbidity. To improve both women's and infants' health, efforts should include an emphasis on preventive health care services, family-oriented work site options, changes in social norms, and individual behavior modification. Therefore, it is important for health care professionals in NICU to be able to assess the factors associated psychological well-being of mother's with LBWinfant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  2. Jamil NA, Shahudin NN, Abdul Aziz NS, Jia Qi C, Wan Aminuddin WAA, Mat Ludin AF, et al.
    PMID: 31783521 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16234735
    This study assessed knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) related to vitamin D and its relationship with vitamin D status among Malay female office workers. A total of 147 women aged between 20 and 55 years were recruited from a university in Kuala Lumpur. They answered questionnaires related to KAP on vitamin D, sun exposure, dietary vitamin D intake and physical activity. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) was analysed using an enzyme-linked immunoassay. Nearly half (45%) of the subjects had good knowledge but moderate attitude (76%) and practice (84%) towards sunlight exposure and dietary vitamin D intake. Median serum 25OHD was 34.1 nmol/L with the majority (91%) had vitamin D insufficiency (25OHD < 50 nmol/L). Knowledge was weakly associated with attitude (r = 0.29, p < 0.001) but no association was found between knowledge and practice (r = 0.08, p = 0.355) nor attitude and practice (r = -0.001, p = 0.994). Serum 25OHD was positively associated with sunlight exposure (r = 0.22, p = 0.008) and dietary vitamin D intake (r = 0.37, p < 0.001). It can be implied that this group is at increased risk of low bone health status, which highlights the needs of public health campaigns to improve their vitamin D status.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  3. Muniandy S
    J Indian Soc Periodontol, 2019 5 31;23(3):275-280.
    PMID: 31143010 DOI: 10.4103/jisp.jisp_479_18
    Background: The impact of smoking on oral health is directly related to the toxic tobacco fumes. The study aimed to investigate the awareness of the link between smoking and periodontal disease among the population seeking periodontal treatment.

    Materials and Methods: A self-administered questionnaire constructed in local Malay language consisting of 13 questions on sociodemographic details and 10 questions on the knowledge domain was distributed to eligible respondents while they were waiting for their consultation in the periodontal clinic waiting hall. There were 330 study participants aged 16 years old and above, who participated in this study from all 12 dental clinics in the state of Perlis, Malaysia. Data were entered into Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20.0 for analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sociodemographic data, whereas association between potential factor and the knowledge of awareness was found using the Pearson Chi-square test of independence or a Fisher's exact test, depending on the eligibility criteria.

    Results: Our study showed that 4.5% (n = 15) of the respondents were not aware that smoking did add risk for oral cancer, 14.5% (n = 48) were not aware that smoking could cause gum disease. Smoking status was significantly associated with the awareness of smoking effect on gum disease (P = 0.002). The proportion of the active smokers being aware that smoking could potentially cause gum disease was considerably less as compared to the nonsmokers (62.7% vs. 83.3%).

    Conclusions: Continuous dental health campaigns and awareness program are crucial to instil awareness and health-seeking behavior as well as to enforce public's knowledge.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  4. Hidrus A, Kueh YC, Norsaádah B, Chang YK, Hung TM, Naing NN, et al.
    PMID: 32268601 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17072507
    Brain Breaks videos are web-based structured physical activity (PA) videos that aim at stimulating an interest in learning and promoting health. Exercise is one of the important treatment regimens for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the effects that Brain Breaks videos have on the motives for PA, as measured by the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale-Malay (PALMS-M), and the amount of PA, as measured by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Malay (IPAQ-M), in T2DM patients (the most common type of diabetes mellitus patients). This study was conducted using a randomized, double-blind design and grouped subjects under two research conditions: an experimental group given Brain Breaks videos and a control group. Purposive sampling was employed to recruit 70 T2DM patients (male = 39, female = 31) with the mean age of 57.6 (SD = 8.5) from Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan. Over a four-month period, the participants in the experimental group were asked to perform PA daily based on a Brain Breaks video (10 min in duration) that was shared through a WhatsApp group. All participants from both groups answered the PALMS-M questionnaire five times: pre-intervention, the end of the first month, second month, and third month, and post-intervention. A repeated measure multivariate analysis of variance and a repeated measure analysis of variance were performed for the analyses of the data. The results demonstrated that four (appearance, others' expectations, physical condition, and mastery) out of eight motives for PA produced a significant mean score difference between the two study groups. All eight motives for PA showed an upward trend for the experimental group during the study period, while the control group showed a downward trend for all motives during the study period. As for the amount of PA, both groups showed significant differences (p = 0.001). The amount of PA increased in the experimental group during the study period, while it decreased in the control group. Therefore, Brain Breaks videos can be considered as an effective intervention for motivating T2DM patients for PA and improving their amount of PA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  5. Aniza I, Jamsiah M, Amin SA, Ali M, Munizam AM
    Introduction : Family Health Development Division is one of the earliest divisions in Public Health Department, Ministry of Health Malaysia. The division has progressed each year with the extension and expansion of the scopes of services since the establishment of Maternal and Child Health Unit in 1956. The services currently include school children, adolescent, adult and elderly health and also known as life-course perspective: from womb to tomb.
    Objectives : The objective is to elaborate and explain the reformation of primary health care services implemented in the past and present.
    Methods : The methodology applied is compilation, data review and comparison from annual report, action plan report, articles, speeches, specialists and stake holder view.
    Results : The focus of Primary Health Care Service is covering health promotion, disease prevention, early detection and treatment, acute disease care, disease limitation and rehabilitation, clinical support services and teleprimary care. The reformation is caused by factors such as globalization, modernization, growth of health market, emergence and re-emergence of diseases, and development of medical technology. Three health fields that have underwent and under going reformation are concept and wellness practise in primary healthcare, primary healthcare clinical support services development and primary healthcare informatics development. The outcome of these reformations is the increment of service quality and outstanding services for patients and health staffs.
    Conclusion : Health reformation in primary healthcare is greatly needed to give excellent services for primary health care for today and future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  6. Siti Affira K, Mohd Nasir MT, Hazizi AS, Kandiah M
    Malays J Nutr, 2011 Dec;17(3):315-24.
    PMID: 22655453
    This study was conducted on 215 working women from four private corporate companies in a suburb in Malaysia to determine the factors related to their physical activity levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  7. Mohammed Ali Mohammed Al-Wesabi, Zaleha Md Isa
    Int J Public Health Res, 2015;5(1):560-568.
    Introduction There is a strong and increased worldwide interest on the aspects of
    prevention of oral disease and oral health promotion in dental education.
    However, some studies imply that dental students are not knowledgeable
    enough in this issue. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of, attitude
    towards and practice on preventive dentistry among senior dental students in

    Methods Self-administered questionnaires were distributed among senior dental
    students in six dental schools in Yemen. The questionnaire obtained personal
    information, and questions about knowledge on preventive dental care,
    attitudes towards and practice on preventive dentistry.

    Results Among 346 students who filled the questionnaire, a total of 91.6% has good
    knowledge about fissure sealant effectiveness, only 34.7% knows about the
    importance of fluoride toothpaste compared to brushing technique in
    preventing caries, with significant gender difference (p=0.005). Odds of good
    knowledge among non-Qat chewers was 1.9 (95%CI: 1.26-4.42).
    Multivariable regression analysis indicated that female gender was associated
    with higher positive attitudes (OR: 2.03, 95%CI:1.21-3.36,p=0.007).
    Attitudes were significantly associated with Qat chewing (OR = 1.95,
    95%CI: 1.04-3.66, p=0.03), type of university (OR = 0.59, 95%CI: 0.36-0.94,
    p=0.02), and mothers' level of education (OR = 1.91, 95%CI: 1.05-3.47,
    p=0.03). There was a high percentage of competency in practicing preventive
    measures among students (80.9%).

    Conclusions Dental education should emphasize the overall aspects of preventive dentistry
    with early exposure of preventive dental training in order to improve
    students' knowledge and attitudes and consequently practice on preventive
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  8. Ab Malik N, Mohamad Yatim S, Abdul Razak F, Lam OLT, Jin L, Li LSW, et al.
    J Oral Rehabil, 2018 Feb;45(2):132-139.
    PMID: 29090475 DOI: 10.1111/joor.12582
    Maintaining good oral hygiene is important following stroke. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of two oral health promotion (OHP) programmes to reduce dental plaque levels following stroke. A multi-centre randomised clinical control trial was conducted among patients hospitalised following stroke in Malaysia. Patients were randomly allocated to two OHP groups: (i) control group who received the conventional method for plaque control-daily manual tooth brushing with a standardised commercial toothpaste, (ii) test group-who received an intense method for plaque control-daily powered tooth brushing with 1% Chlorhexidine gel. Oral health assessments were performed at baseline, at 3 months and 6 months post-intervention. Within- and between-group changes in dental plaque were assessed over time. Regression analyses were conducted on dental plaque levels at 6 months controlling for OHP group, medical, dental and socio-demographic status. The retention rate was 62.7% (54 of 86 subjects). Significant within-group changes of dental plaque levels were evident among the test group (P  .05). Regression analyses identified that baseline plaque levels (adjusted ß = 0.79, P health promotion programmes may successfully reduce dental plaque during stroke rehabilitation and are of comparable effectiveness. Baseline dental plaque levels and functional dependency level were key factors associated with dental plaque levels at follow-up at 6 months.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  9. William Cairns Steward Smith
    Int J Public Health Res, 2014;4(1):425-430.
    Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are a major component of non-communicable
    diseases and include coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular
    disease. Public health strategies to address cardiovascular disease require
    three elements: surveillance, health promotion, and individual health care.

    Methods Surveillance includes monitoring of mortality and morbidity as well as
    surveys to monitor risk factors levels in the community. Data on mortality
    from cardiovascular diseases are readily available and analysed by age and
    sex specific rates looking are secular trends, geographical and ethnical group
    variations and international comparisons. However many deaths from
    cardiovascular disease occur suddenly and the cause of death may be
    registered without autopsy or any other validation. Cardiovascular morbidity
    information is more difficult to collate and interpret as it is closely related to
    availability and access to health care. Periodic surveys of cardiovascular risk
    factors are essential in monitoring the underlying trends in blood pressure,
    smoking, cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes as they predict future trends, and
    support planning for prevention and healthcare.

    Results Prevention and health promotion activities are informed by the levels and
    trends in cardiovascular disease and its risk factors. There has been debate
    about population health promotion and individual health care strategies, but
    both are necessary. Cigarette smoking, nutrition and physical exercise are the
    main behaviours to be addressed but these are complex and require
    multifaceted approaches. Education alone is insufficient to change health
    behaviours and health promotion needs to look to changing attitudes.
    Legislation, taxation and other fiscal interventions have been shown to be
    effective however these can be difficult for legislators as there are other
    competing interests, particularly in the area of nutrition and tobacco. Creating
    health promoting environments that make healthy behaviour choices easier
    can be beneficial.

    Conclusions Health care interventions are also effective in reducing the burden of
    cardiovascular disease. A balanced approach of health promotion and
    individual health care is recommended in the development of a strategy for
    cardiovascular disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  10. Naing C, Lai PK, Mak JW
    BMC Public Health, 2017 08 04;17(1):637.
    PMID: 28778191 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-017-4650-8
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to estimate potential reductions in case incidence of colorectal cancer attributable to the modifiable risk factors such as alcohol consumption, overweight and physical inactivity amongst the Malaysian population.

    METHODS: Gender specific population-attributable fractions (PAFs) for colorectal cancer in Malaysia were estimated for the three selected risk factors (physical inactivity, overweight, and alcohol consumptions). Exposure prevalence were sourced from a large-scale national representative survey. Risk estimates of the relationship between the exposure of interest and colorectal cancer were obtained from published meta-analyses. The overall PAF was then estimated, using the 2013 national cancer incidence data from the Malaysian Cancer Registry.

    RESULTS: Overall, the mean incidence rate for colorectal cancer in Malaysia from 2008 to 2013 was 21.3 per 100,000 population, with the mean age of 61.6 years (±12.7) and the majority were men (56.6%). Amongst 369 colorectal cancer cases in 2013, 40 cases (20 men, 20 women), 10 cases (9 men, 1 woman) or 20 cases (16 men,4 women) would be prevented, if they had done physical exercises, could reduce their body weight to normal level or avoided alcohol consumption, assuming that these factors are causally related to colorectal cancer. It was estimated that 66 (17.8%;66/369) colorectal cancer cases (42 men, 24 women) who had all these three risk factors for the last 10 years would have been prevented, if they could control these three risk factors through effective preventive measures.

    CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that approximately 18% of colorectal cancer cases in Malaysia would be prevented through appropriate preventive measures such as doing regular physical exercises, reducing their body weight to normal level and avoiding alcohol consumption, if these factors are causally related to colorectal cancer. Scaling-up nationwide public health campaigns tailored to increase physical activity, controlling body weight within normal limits and avoid alcohol intake are recommended. Future studies with other site-specific cancers and additional risk factors are needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  11. Perak AM, Benuck I
    Pediatr Ann, 2018 Dec 01;47(12):e479-e486.
    PMID: 30543376 DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20181115-01
    The origins of cardiovascular disease are at the beginning of life, and national guidelines recommend evaluation for cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity and hypertension as part of general pediatric care. In this review, a simple plan is proposed for clear and consistent monitoring and messaging throughout childhood, based on the American Heart Association's "cardiovascular health" construct. A framework is provided for age-appropriate scoring of the cardiovascular health components, including diet, physical activity and screen time, sleep, smoking exposure, body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose. Guidance is provided for evidence-based, efficient intervention by pediatric clinicians to preserve or restore cardiovascular health. Finally, anticipated near-term advances in pediatric cardiovascular health promotion are previewed. [Pediatr Ann. 2018;47(12):e479-e486.].
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  12. Chai ZF, Gan WY, Chin YS, Ching YK, Appukutty M
    Nutr Res Pract, 2019 Feb;13(1):23-31.
    PMID: 30788053 DOI: 10.4162/nrp.2019.13.1.23
    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: A large number of studies on anemia have focused mostly on pregnant women or children. The vegetarian population, which is another potential risk group for anemia, remains largely unexplored. Therefore, this cross-sectional study examined the associations of the sociodemographic, lifestyle, nutritional, and psychological factors with the anemia status among female adult vegetarians.

    SUBJECTS/METHODS: A total of 177 female vegetarians were recruited from a Buddhist and Hindu organization in Selangor, Malaysia. The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire, which analyzed their sociodemographic characteristics, physical activity level, sleep quality, depression, anxiety, and stress. The body weight, height, waist circumference, and body fat percentage of the participants were also measured. A 3-day dietary recall was conducted to assess their dietary intake. Blood samples (3 ml) were withdrawn by a nurse from each participant to determine the hemoglobin (Hb) level.

    RESULTS: The findings revealed 28.2% of the participants to be anemic. The age group (AOR = 2.46, 95% CI = 1.19-5.05), marital status (AOR = 2.69, 95% CI = 1.27-5.71), and percentage of energy from protein (AOR = 5.52, 95% CI = 1.41-21.65) were the significant predictors of anemia.

    CONCLUSIONS: Anemia is a public health problem among female vegetarians in this study. Health promotion programs that target female adult vegetarians should be conducted to manage and prevent anemia, particularly among those who are married, aged 50 and below, and with an inadequate protein intake.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  13. Sundram BM, Dahlui M, Chinna K
    Ind Health, 2016 Jun 10;54(3):204-14.
    PMID: 26726829 DOI: 10.2486/indhealth.2014-0091
    The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) as part of a Worksite Health Promotion Program on self-perceived stress, anxiety and depression among male automotive assembly-line workers through a quasi-experimental trial. Two assembly plants were chosen with one receiving PMR therapy and the other Pamphlets. Intention-to-treat analysis was conducted to test the effectiveness of the relaxation therapy. Stress, Depression and Anxiety levels were measured using the shortened DASS-21 questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Chi-square, Independent sample t test and Repeated-measures analysis of variance to test the significance of the effects of intervention (time * group) for the measures of Stress, Depression and Anxiety. Significant favourable intervention effects on stress were found in the PMR group (Effect size=0.6) as compared to the Pamphlet group (Effect size=0.2). There was a significant group *time interaction effect (p<0.001) on Stress levels. Depression and Anxiety levels were minimal at baseline in both the groups with mild or no reduction in levels. The improvement in stress levels showed the potential of PMR therapy as a coping strategy at the workplace. Further research in this field is necessary to examine the beneficial effects of coping strategies in the workplace.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  14. Zhang SX, Looi KH, Li N, Wan X, Li J
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 2021 Aug 09;105(6):1516-1518.
    PMID: 34370702 DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0566
    Wearing a face mask has been a key approach to contain or slow down the spread of COVID-19 in the ongoing pandemic. However, there is huge heterogeneity among individuals in their willingness to wear face masks during an epidemic. This research aims to investigate the individual heterogeneity to wear face masks and its associated predictors during the COVID-19 pandemic when mask-wearing was not mandatory. Based on a survey of 708 Malaysian adults and a multivariate least-squares fitting analysis, the results reveal a significant variance among individuals in wearing masks, as 34% of the individual adults did not always wear masks in public places. Female individuals, individuals who wash their hands more frequently, and those who reported more availability of personal protective equipment were more likely to practice mask-wearing. The identification of less-compliant groups of mask wearing has critical implications by enabling more specific health communication campaigns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  15. Dugee O, Khor GL, Lye MS, Luvsannyam L, Janchiv O, Jamyan B, et al.
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2009;18(3):433-40.
    PMID: 19786392
    Mongolia is experiencing changes in its unique nomadic lifestyle and dietary habits in the last two decades with accompanying increase in obesity rate. The dietary pattern approach, which investigates the overall diet in relation to obesity risks, has become appealing in nutrition epidemiology. The aim of this study was to identify major dietary patterns of the Mongolian adults in relation to the risk of having obesity. Dietary intake of a total 418 adults aged ? 25 years was assessed by using a food frequency questionnaire with 68 items. An exploratory factor analysis resulted in three dietary patterns: transitional high in processed meat and potato, traditional rich in whole milk, fats and oils and healthy with greater intake of whole grains, mixed vegetables and fruits. Individuals in the upper quintile of the transitional pattern had significantly greater risk of obesity (BMI > or =25 kg/m2: OR=2.47; 95% CI=1.04-5.86) while subjects in the highest quintile of the healthy dietary pattern were found to have significantly decreased risk of obesity (OR: 0.49; 95% CI=0.25-0.95). Men in the highest quintile of the transitional pattern had greater risk of abdominal obesity WC > or =90 cm: OR= 4.08; 95% CI=1.11-14.97) than those in the lowest quintile. Women in the top quintile of the traditional pattern had a greater odds of having abdominal obesity (WC > or =80 cm: OR=4.59; 95% CI=1.58-13.30) than those in the lowest quintile. The study suggests that public health efforts be targeted at adults in Mongolia to address the undesirable aspects of the transitional and the traditional dietary patterns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  16. Arokiasamy JT
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 1990;4(1):65-71.
    PMID: 2223281
    Nutritional status of children is an important factor in child survival, especially in developing countries. It is therefore important that nutritional problems are addressed and overcome. This paper reviews the many studies conducted in Malaysia on nutritional problems among children. It also documents the approaches, including intersectoral approaches, that have been taken to overcome these problems. Possible actions that have to be taken in the future to further improve the nutritional status of Malaysian children are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  17. Viegas CM
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2006;18(2):51-5.
    PMID: 16883971 DOI: 10.1177/10105395060180020901
    University Malaysia Sabah campus moved to its present site in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia in 1999. A health centre was included in the development plans and a two-storey building was constructed to provide the facility for in-patient and out-patient care. Clinical catchments include 10,000 students, 1000 academic and support staff. The medical faculty was inaugurated in 2003, and it was given the responsibility to establish and run the facility for students and staff of the University. This paper describes the development of the facility from merely a physical structure to what is now a comprehensive, functional outpatient service catering for student healthcare, screening, preventive medicine and health promotional activities. Currently, these services are provided by the faculty members of the Medical School. The incorporation of the medical student teaching and collaborative research adds intangible value to the facility. Future plans for expansion include specialist medical services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  18. Kassim NK, Adnan MM, Wern CW, Ru LZ, Hanafi MH, Yusoff A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2017 Aug;24(4):47-54.
    PMID: 28951689 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2017.24.4.6
    INTRODUCTION: Oral cancer is a life-threatening disease. Lack of public awareness is a potent barrier for the early detection of oral cancer, especially for high-risk populations.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the awareness and knowledge of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of oral cancer among a Siamese ethnic group in Tumpat, Kelantan.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted, using a guided questionnaire on sociodemography, habits, awareness and knowledge of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of oral cancer. Individuals under 18 years old and who had been diagnosed with oral cancer were excluded from this study.

    RESULTS: A total of 195 respondents participated, 61.5% were female and the mean age was 46 (1.64). About 41% of the respondents had received secondary education and 35.4% were illiterate. Most respondents were self-employed (21.5%), followed by farmers (19.5%) and housewives (20%). The majority of them had a monthly income that fell below the poverty level of RM 830 (76.9%). Among the respondents, 22.6% had the habit of smoking, 25.6% consumed alcohol, 8.2% were betel quid chewers and 2.6% chewed tobacco. Out of 195 respondents, only 6.7% were aware of oral cancer. About 16.9% of the respondents correctly answered all of the questions regarding the signs and symptoms of oral cancer and only 4.1% knew the risk factors of oral cancer.

    CONCLUSION: The awareness and knowledge of oral cancer in this targeted population were unsatisfactory. Future effective health promotion programs and education should be emphasised.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  19. Rakhshani F, Moghaddam AA, Shahraki-Sanavi F, Mohammadi M, Fakhrerahimi S
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 Mar;25(2):82-94.
    PMID: 30918458 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.2.9
    Background: This study was carried out on Iranian female adolescents to understand health needs for the purpose of designing health promoting intervention in schools.

    Methods: In this exploratory qualitative study, two focus group discussion (15 teachers) and 30 individual in-depth interviews were conducted among female adolescents in the eighth grade in Zahedan, Iran. Qualitative content analysis was used for data evaluation.

    Results: The views of students and teachers demonstrated nine of needs including: informing students about the schools' health project aims, education and training all dimensions of health with an emphasis on mental health, use of experts in various fields for education from other organisations, employing capable and trusted counselors in schools, utilisation of a variety of teaching methods, activating reward systems for encouraging students' participation in group activities, teaching communication and the ability to establish good relationships with parents and strategies for resolving family conflict, teaching parents and students high-risk behaviours and strategies for handling them as well as reforming wrong attitudes and indigenous sub-culture.

    Conclusion: This study found the different needs of Iranian female students compared to other cultures about a health promoting school programme. Therefore, their contribution can provide an insight for formulating policies and intervention in schools.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
  20. Yun TC, Ahmad SR, Quee DKS
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):56-66.
    PMID: 30899187 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.6
    Background: Young adults are at risk of developing obesity, especially when transitioning into university life as they become responsible for their daily eating and lifestyles. This study estimates the prevalence of overweight/obesity and explores the eating patterns and lifestyle practices of university students.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). A total of 303 students participated. Data was collected from January to April 2016. Self-designed questionnaires comprised questions pertaining to current weight, self-reported height data, information on eating habits, exercise and knowledge of the food pyramid. The collected data were used to compare and contrast eating habits and lifestyle practices among overweight/obese students with those of non-overweight/obese students.

    Results: The prevalence of overweight/obesity was 28.8% (95% CI: 24.0%, 34.0%). The majority ate regular daily meals, but more than half skipped breakfast. Frequent snacking, fried food consumption at least three times per week and low intake of daily fruits and vegetables were common. The frequency of visits to fast food restaurants was significantly higher in the overweight/obese. 25.4% of the students exercised at least three times per week. Almost all students are aware of balanced nutrition and the food pyramid.

    Conclusions: Most university students had poor eating habits, although the majority had good nutrition knowledge. By way of recommendation, the university is encouraged to provide a multi-disciplinary team specialising in health promotion that includes nutrition and physical activity programmes to increase the awareness among the university students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Promotion
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