Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 1008 in total

  1. Ahmed HMA, Neelakantan P, Dummer PMH
    Int Endod J, 2018 Feb;51(2):164-176.
    PMID: 28635100 DOI: 10.1111/iej.12800
    Thorough knowledge of anatomical complexities of the root canal system has a direct impact on the effectiveness of canal preparation and filling, and is an essential prerequisite for successful root canal treatment. A wide range of complex variations in root canal anatomy exists, including root canal configuration type, developmental anomalies and minor canal morphology such as accessory canals and apical deltas. Accessory canals and apical deltas have been associated with pulp disease, primary canal infection, canal reinfection and post-treatment disease. The current definitions of accessory canal anatomy are not standardized and potentially confusing. Given their role in endodontic disease and their impact on treatment outcomes, there is a need to have a simple classification of their anatomy to provide an accurate description of their position and path from the canal to the external surface of the root. The purpose of this article is to introduce a new system for classifying accessory canal morphology for use in research, clinical practice and training.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology*
  2. Takaoka H, Sofian-Azirun M, Ya'cob Z, Chen CD, Lau KW, Low VL, et al.
    Acta Trop, 2017 May;169:170-186.
    PMID: 28115156 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2017.01.016
    Surveys of pupae and larvae of black flies were carried out in Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa and Flores in the Lesser Sunda Archipelago, Indonesia, where 10 species were known. A total of 14 simuliid species including four new species and five new records of the genus Simulium were collected, bringing the number of species from the Lesser Sunda Archipelago to 19. They are classified into four subgenera: two in Nevermannia, nine in Gomphostilbia, seven in Simulium and one in Wallacellum. One of four new species, Simulium (Simulium) baliense, is described based on females, males, pupae and larvae from Bali and Lombok. This new species, which is placed in the Simulium striatum species-group of the subgenus Simulium, is closely related to S. (S.) argyrocinctum De Meijere from Java and Sumatra, but it is distinguished from the latter species by the smaller number of the male enlarged upper-eye facets and larval abdomen lacking dorsal pairs of conical protuberances. The distribution record of S. (S.) upikae Takaoka & Davies from Flores is corrected as that of S. (S.) eximium De Meijere. Some aberrant characters of the pupal gill filaments of S. (G.) atratum De Meijere, S. (G.) floresense Takaoka, Hadi & Sigit and S. (G.) sunapii Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Suana are illustrated. Characteristics of the fauna of black flies in this archipelago are briefly noted. Keys to all 19 species are provided for females, males, pupae and larvae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Simuliidae/anatomy & histology*
  3. Takaoka H, Srisuka W, Low VL, Saeung A
    J Med Entomol, 2019 02 25;56(2):408-415.
    PMID: 30398654 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy180
    A man-biting black fly species so far regarded as Simulium rufibasis Brunetti in Thailand was morphologically analyzed. It was found to be almost indistinguishable in the female from S. rufibasis sensu stricto but distinguishable in the male by the slender fore basitarsus and abdominal segments 2, 6, and 7 each with a pair of shiny dorsolateral patches, and in the pupa by the absence of spine-combs on abdominal segment 7 and terminal hooks on segment 9. It is described as a new species, Simulium tenebrosum. Taxonomic notes are given to separate it from all 11 known species of the S. rufibasis subgroup of the Simulium (Simulium) tuberosum species-group. An analysis of the COI gene sequences shows that this new species is distantly separated from the closely related species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Simuliidae/anatomy & histology*
  4. Ayaz S, Ahmad M, Zafar M, Ali MI, Sultana S, Mustafa MRU, et al.
    Microsc Res Tech, 2020 Mar;83(3):239-248.
    PMID: 31713962 DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23407
    The current study deals with the detailed morphology investigation of eight Cypsela species belonging to tribe Cichoreae. The different Cypsela types were described, explained, compared, and their taxonomic significance is discussed in detail. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been used to highlight quantitative and qualitative characters of underestudied species. Cypsela exhibit great diversity in macro and micromorphological features such as shape, color, length, width, anticlinal and periclinal wall patterns, surface patterns, epicuticular projections. Majority of Cypsela species were brownish in color and their size ranges from 2.16 to 3.98 mm in length and 1.16 to 0.82 mm in breadth. A great diversity in Cypsela shapes like oblanceolate to obovate, obovoid to cylindrical, obvate, narrowly lanceolate were observed. Most of the platelets having epicuticular projections were observed. The surface pattern on the cypsela surface varied from rugose papillate, verrucose papillate, and striated. On the basis of considerable variations observed, the present study can assist as useful constraints at various taxonomic levels. The aim of the present study is to provide a comprehensive description of the Cypsela morphology and to determine the extent to which these micro morphological data can be used as a taxonomic character to delineate various taxa belonging to the tribe Cichoreae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asteraceae/anatomy & histology*
  5. Palm HW, Morales-Ávila JR, Galván-Magaña F, Haseli M
    Syst Parasitol, 2020 04;97(2):133-142.
    PMID: 32065375 DOI: 10.1007/s11230-020-09904-w
    Two new tentaculariid species were found infecting carcharhiniform sharks from off the coasts of Malaysian Borneo and the southwestern coast of the Baja California Sur, Mexico. Both new species exhibit a homeoacanthous heteromorphous basal and a homeoacanthous homeomorphous metabasal armature. Since this hook arrangement is unique within the tentaculariids and the taxonomy in this group deeply depends on the tentacular armature, Reimeriella n. g. is erected to accommodate R. varioacantha n. sp. ex Carcharhinus sorrah (Müller & Henle) and R. mexicoensis n. sp. ex Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith). Unlike R. mexicoensis n. sp., R. varioacantha n. sp. has a pars bothrialis not overlapping the pars bulbosa and the number of testes is higher. Reimeriella mexicoensis n. sp. possesses very large uncinate to falcate hooks in the basal armature, while in R. varioacantha n. sp. these hooks are almost the same in size as the remaining hooks in both the basal and metabasal armature. The latter species is the first tentaculariid species where the metabasal armature very closely resembles an eutetrarhynchid with a heteroacanthous typical homeomorphous metabasal armature and a high number of spiniform hooks per half spiral row (10-11 vs 6-7 in R. mexicoensis n. sp.) in the metabasal and apical armature. This pattern provides further morphological evidence for the close relationship of the Eutetrarhynchoidea and the Tentacularioidea. Reimeriella varioacantha n. sp. enriches the trypanorhynch fauna from off the coast of Malaysian Borneo while R. mexicoensis n. sp. is a novel record of a tentaculariid trypanorhynch from the Mexican Pacific.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cestoda/anatomy & histology
  6. Al-Talafha HA, Yaakop S, Idris AB
    J Med Entomol, 2018 01 10;55(1):112-121.
    PMID: 29040652 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx172
    Horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) are of medical and veterinary importance, as their blood-sucking feeding habit enables them to transmit several disease-causing agents. In Malaysia, the family Tabanidae consists of 120 species belonging to eight genera. The current study describes two new species (Chrysops idlani sp. nov. and Tabanus ekor sp. nov.) and presents new records for seven species: Tabanus fontinalisSchuurmans Stekhoven, 1926; Tabanus fuscifronsSchuurmans Stekhoven, 1926, Tabanus latifasciesSchuurmans Stekhoven, 1926, Tabanus megalops (Walker, 1854), Tabanus rhinargusPhilip, 1962, Tabanus salvazai (Surcouf, 1922), and Tabanus tristisWulp, 1881. Complete descriptions and illustrations are provided for the new species, and species variations for the new records are discussed. Male Tabanus latifasciesSchuurmans Stekhoven, 1926 and Tabanus perakiensis Ricardo, 1911 are thoroughly described herein.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diptera/anatomy & histology
  7. Aftab SMA, Ahmad KA
    PLoS One, 2017;12(8):e0183456.
    PMID: 28850622 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183456
    The Humpback whale tubercles have been studied for more than a decade. Tubercle Leading Edge (TLE) effectively reduces the separation bubble size and helps in delaying stall. They are very effective in case of low Reynolds number flows. The current Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study is on NACA 4415 airfoil, at a Reynolds number 120,000. Two TLE shapes are tested on NACA 4415 airfoil. The tubercle designs implemented on the airfoil are sinusoidal and spherical. A parametric study is also carried out considering three amplitudes (0.025c, 0.05c and 0.075c), the wavelength (0.25c) is fixed. Structured mesh is utilized to generate grid and Transition SST turbulence model is used to capture the flow physics. Results clearly show spherical tubercles outperform sinusoidal tubercles. Furthermore experimental study considering spherical TLE is carried out at Reynolds number 200,000. The experimental results show that spherical TLE improve performance compared to clean airfoil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Structures/anatomy & histology*
  8. Tyagi K, Mound LA, Kumar V
    Zootaxa, 2016 Nov 29;4200(2):zootaxa.4200.2.8.
    PMID: 27988624 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4200.2.8
    Chirothripoides brahmaputrai sp.n. is described based on a holotype female from Assam State, India, and a paratype female from Peninsular Malaysia. A key to the six species of Chirothripoides is provided, and partial sequence data of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (mtCOI) from the holotype of the new species is generated and submitted to Barcode of Life Database.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thysanoptera/anatomy & histology
  9. Palmieri JR, Krishnasamy M
    J Helminthol, 1978 Jun;52(2):155-8.
    PMID: 670674
    Matched MeSH terms: Trematoda/anatomy & histology
  10. Palmieri JR, Sullivan JT
    J Helminthol, 1977 Sep;51(3):205-8.
    PMID: 599267
    Mesocoelium malayanum sp. n. is described from the frog Rana macrodon, in Malaysia. Elongate body, broader anteriorly, measuring 1.900 (1.679-2.070) mm long by 0.404 (0.380-0.437) wide, tegument aspinose oral sucker 0.212 (0.200-0.228) by 0.202 (9.191-0.205), acetabulum 0.141 (0.132-0.150) by 0.139 (0.123-0.146), prepharynx present, oesophagus 0.115 (0.096-0.137), caeca reaching posterior 1/3 of body, anterior testis 0.097 (0.087-0.110) by 0.091 (0.087-0.100) dorsal to acetabulum, posterior testis 0.094 (0.087-0.101) by 0.092 (0.091-0.100), cirrus pouch 0.121 (0.111-0.130) by 0.047 (0.041-0.055), genital pore at left of midline of oesophagus just anterior to intestinal bifurcation, ovary 0.110 (0.091-0.127) by 0.089 (0.085-0.096) on left of body and posterior to acetabulum, vitelline glands with single follicles extending from intestinal bifurcation to ends of caeca, excretory vesicle I-shaped and eggs 0.040 (0.037-0.046) by 0.023 (0.022-0.024). Although morphologically related to M. maroccanum and M. meggitti, M. malayanum is considered to be a new species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trematoda/anatomy & histology
  11. Palmieri JR, Sullivan JT
    J Helminthol, 1977 Jun;51(2):121-4.
    PMID: 886177
    Stunkardia minuta sp. n. was recovered from the small intestine and rectum of 5 box-tortoises (Cuora amboinensis) in Malaysia. The average body size (L X W) is 11-42 X 2-35 mm; oral sucker 1-51 X 1.02; oral pouches 0-21 X 0.18; ventral sucker 1-67 X 1-43; oesophageal bulb 0-54 X 0-54; ant. testis 0-95 X 0-98; post. testis 0-94 X 0.94; seminal vesicle 0-82 X 0-24; ootype 0-21 X 0-41; ovary 0-41 X 0-34; and egg 121 X 83 micrometer. Although morphologically similar to S. dilymphosa, S. minuta is distinct from any other reported member of the Paramphistomidae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trematoda/anatomy & histology
  12. Betterton C
    J Helminthol, 1976 Sep;50(3):157-61.
    PMID: 993573
    Neodiplostomum (Conodiplostomum) ramachandrani sp. n. is described from Rattus muelleri in Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia. It is characterised by having symmetrical dumbell-shaped testes, and vitellaria as a single ventral band in the hindbody. The taxonomic relations of Neodiplostomum, Conodiplostomum and Fibricola are discussed and possible significance of the fluke as an ecological indicator noted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trematoda/anatomy & histology
  13. Singh M, Ho BC
    J Helminthol, 1973;47(2):127-33.
    PMID: 4724312
    Matched MeSH terms: Filarioidea/anatomy & histology*
  14. Grant PM
    Zootaxa, 2024 Feb 09;5407(1):1-87.
    PMID: 38480125 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5407.1.1
    The genus Thraulus is widespread throughout much of the Eastern Hemisphere. Since Eaton established Thraulus in 1881, 62 species have, at one time or another, been placed in this genus. Thirty-eight of those species were eventually moved to other genera. Any comprehensive study of the remaining species, based on the published literature, is difficult as they were described by many authors, using different criteria, over a period of 142 years. The purpose of this study was to redescribe this genus, based on previously described species and nine new species, and to provide a format for future taxonomic and morphological studies of Thraulus. Redescriptions of most species were based on direct examination of external morphological characters. Descriptions or diagnoses of species, whose types were unavailable for study, were made using the original published description and additional information provided by authors of several of those species. The following species were studied: Thraulus amravati Vasanth, Subramanian & Selvakumar, 2022; T. bellus Eaton, 1881; T. bishopi Peters & Tsui, 1972; T. cuspidatus Vasanth, Subramanian & Selvakumar, 2022; T. demoulini Peters & Tsui, 1973; T. fasciatus (Kimmins, 1956); T. fatuus Kang & Yang, 1994; T. femoratus Li, Liu & Zhou, 2006; T. gopalani Grant & Sivaramakrishnan, 1985; T. jacobusi Isack, Srinivasan, Sivaruban & Barathy, 2022; T. macilentus Kang & Yang, 1994; T. malabarensis Vasanth, Subramanian & Selvakumar, 2022; T. mudumalaiensis Soman, 1991; T. plumeus Selvakumar, Vasanth & Subramanian, 2022; T. semicastaneus (Gillies, 1951); T. thiagarajani Balasubramanian & Muthukatturaja, 2019; T. thraker Jacob, 1988; T. torrentis (Gillies, 1964); T. turbinatus (Ulmer, 1909); T. umbrosus Kang & Yang, 1994; and T. vellimalaiensis Vasanth, Subramanian & Selvakumar, 2022. Nine new species of Thraulus are described: T. connubialis sp. nov., Malaysia; T. cursus sp. nov., Japan; T. eatoni sp. nov., Indonesia; T. ishiwatai sp. nov., Japan; T. madagasikarensis sp. nov., Madagascar; T. nihonensis sp. nov., Japan; T. opifer sp. nov., Australia; T. parentalis sp. nov., Malaysia; and T. petersorum sp. nov., Malaysia. Thraulus can be distinguished from all other genera of Leptophlebiidae by the following combination of characters: In the imagos, 1) upper portion of eyes oval-suboval, major axes diverge anteriorly; 2) vein MA fork of fore wings symmetrical; 3) vein MP fork of fore wings asymmetricala cross vein connects base of MP2 to MP1, MP fork closer to base of wing than Rs fork; 4) strongly oblique cross vein extends between veins R4+5 and MA1 just apical to fork of vein MA; 5) 2 cubital intercalary veins in fore wings; 6) costal projection on hind wings well-developed, bluntly rounded to acutely pointed; 7) claws dissimilarone blunt and pad-like, the other apically hooked; 8) penes long, relatively straight, narrow, parallel, usually contiguous mesally but not fused, apex may have lateral projections; 9) sternum 7 of female with posterior margin straight or shallowly concave or convex mesally; and 10) sternum 9 of females rounded apically. In addition, penile spines occur on most species. In the nymphs, 1) lateral margins of clypeus parallel; 2) width of labrum subequal to width of clypeus; 3) 2 dorsal rows of setae on labrum; 4) venter of labrum with 1 row of short stout setae on either side of midline near anterior margin, rows curve mesally; 5) hypopharynx with small, rounded, posterolateral projections on arms of superlingua; 6) large spine on posterolateral corners of terga 69, 79 or 89; 7) gills 17 dissimilar: gill 1 composed of 1 or 2 subulate lamellae or a dorsal subulate lamella and a ventral fimbriate oval lamella, and gills 27 composed of dorsal and ventral oval lamellae with fimbriate margins. Two species continue to be nomen dubiumT. siewertii (Weyenbergh, 1883) and T. vogleri (Weyenbergh, 1883). Thraulus grandis Gose, 1980 is considered nomen nudum. A review of published phylogenetic studies involving Thraulus is provided. With the species discussed in this paper, along with reports of additional new species to be described, Thraulus has the potential to be included among the more specious genera of Ephemeroptera.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nymph/anatomy & histology
  15. Mardon DK, Durden LA
    Med Vet Entomol, 2003 Mar;17(1):75-86.
    PMID: 12680929 DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2915.2003.00410.x
    The fleas (Siphonaptera: Pygiopsyllidae) Farhangia quattuordecimdentata sp. n. and Farhangia sedecimdentata sp. n. are described from pygmy squirrels (Prosciurillus spp.), and Nestivalius sulawesiensis sp. n. from murine rodents, all from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Both new species of Farhangia were collected in Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah); F. quattuordecimdentata sp. n. was recovered mainly from P. murinus, whereas F. sedecimdentata sp. n. was recovered mainly from P. leucomus. These new species are compared with the two previously described species of Farhangia: F. celebensis (Ewing) from P. murinus in North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Utara) and F. sciuri (Ewing) from the tree squirrel Callosciurus prevosti in Sabah (Borneo). Nestivalius sulawesiensis sp. n. was collected from six species of endemic murine rodents in both North and Central Sulawesi. It is compared to the morphologically similar N. pomerantzi (Traub) from Mindanao, which parasitizes murine hosts that are endemic to the Philippines.
    Matched MeSH terms: Siphonaptera/anatomy & histology*
  16. Mak JW, Yong HS
    PMID: 7344119
    Matched MeSH terms: Filarioidea/anatomy & histology*
  17. Sullivan JJ
    PMID: 1025749
    Parapleurogonius brevicecum gen. et sp. n. is described from the freshwater turtle, Kachuga trivittata, in Selangor, Malaysia. Parapleurogonius is most closely related to Pleurogonius Looss, 1901, but from which it can be distinguished by the termination of the ceca at or just overlapping the anterior border of the testes and the pretesticular position of the excretory pore. Additionally, Parapleurogonius is described from a freshwater turtle, whereas Pleurogonius is only known from marine hosts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trematoda/anatomy & histology*
  18. Lim BL
    PMID: 1221505
    Angiostrongylus cantonensis Chen, was recovered from a field rat, Rattus tiomanicus from the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The parasite constitutes the first reported record occurring in this country. Morphological character of the parasite are compared with the original description of A. cantonensis by Chen (1935), A. cantonensis from Formosa and A. malaysiensis from Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metastrongyloidea/anatomy & histology
  19. Karobari MI, Ahmed HMA, Khamis MFB, Ibrahim N, Noorani TY
    J Dent Educ, 2023 Aug;87(8):1089-1098.
    PMID: 37164913 DOI: 10.1002/jdd.13236
    PURPOSE: To assess the application and accuracy of two systems (Vertucci et al. 1974 and Ahmed et al. 2017) in classifying the root and canal morphology of human dentition among final-year undergraduates, interns, and postgraduate dental students in India.

    METHODS: The survey was conducted using physical and online presentation modes in two phases. Phase 1; PowerPoint presentation (PPT), describing the most used classification system (Vertucci et al. 1974) and its supplementary types and Ahmed et al. (2017) classification. A single presenter delivered the PPT to participants, using either a projector in an auditorium/seminar hall (face-to-face) or an online platform (zoom meeting software). Phase 2 involved determining the students' responses. A questionnaire was distributed amongst the participants after the lecture and collected for analysis. Fisher's exact test was used to analyze the data statistically, and the significance level was set at 0.05 (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology
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