Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 1328 in total

  1. Haridas G
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  2. Reddy G, Gleibs IH
    Front Psychol, 2019;10:792.
    PMID: 31040805 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00792
    Psychological literature on race has discussed in depth how racial identities are dialogically constructed and context dependent. However, racial identity construction is often not compared across different socio-political contexts. By researching racial identity construction in three different multicultural countries, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, we examined how three racial identities, Chinese, Malay, and Indian, are constructed among Malaysians and Singaporeans in this qualitative study comprised of 10 focus group discussions (N = 39). We applied Dialogical Analysis to the data. This paper shows that both racial ingroups and outgroups constructed all three racial identities, with ingroups constructing their identities more heterogeneously compared to outgroups. Participants also engaged with colonial constructions of the three racial identities. The geographical locations, and therefore their perceptual contexts, of the participants differed. Yet, colonial constructions of race endured in contemporary identity construction and were contested in the group settings. We conclude that the socio-political context as understood by the context of colonialism and post-coloniality influenced their racial identity constructions. Participants, regardless of differences in geographical location, used similar colonial constructions of Malay, Chinese, and Indian identities to position themselves as well as Others in their group interactions. These findings show that there is value in conceptualising the context beyond that which individuals are immediately presented with, and that psychologists should consider the inclusion of cultural legacies of colonialism in their conceptualisation of the present context.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  3. Shiraishi E, Takae S, Faizal AM, Sugimoto K, Okamoto A, Suzuki N
    PMID: 33810525 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18073466
    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a hallmark of reproductive medicine. However, the inconclusive outcome leads to marital disharmonies; thus, the choices of gamete donation and surrogacy (GD/S) are often offered. In restricted countries, the child-rearing choice through foster/adoption care is promising, but the uptake remains low. We explore the current reproductive services and adoption scenarios in Asian countries to delineate this issue. The web and literature search using PubMed and Ichushi was conducted in Japanese and English using the keywords "adoption", "foster care", "reproductive medicine", including the interview with the respective Asian clinicians. We found that an established adoption system was seen in China, Malaysia, and the Philippines, mainly due to the restriction of GD/S. Although GD/S were allowed in Thailand, Singapore, and India, the different local affordability of IVF cost led to various adoption system scenarios. Nevertheless, the country's economic aspect does influence the establishment of adoption care, mainly due to financial support from local government. Otherwise, the significant barrier was the cultural/religious background leading to low adoption rates. We concluded that the adoption option should always be highlighted as an alternative strategy as it synergistically contributes to children's and infertile couples' welfare.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  4. Hui WJ, Pikkarainen M, Nah SA, Nah SNJ, Pölkki T, Wang W, et al.
    J Pediatr Nurs, 2020 01 24;52:e42-e50.
    PMID: 31983480 DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.01.004
    PURPOSE: To explore the experiences and needs of parents while waiting for their children undergoing surgery.

    DESIGNS AND METHODS: A descriptive qualitative study was conducted. A purposive sample of 11 parents who went through their first waiting experiences during their children's surgeries in a Singapore public hospital was recruited. Children younger than or equal to 16 years of age were included. A semi-structured interview guide facilitated the individual face-to-face interviews. Thematic analysis was used.

    RESULTS: Four themes were identified: "Care and care provision affecting waiting experiences", "Parental concerns and surgery affecting waiting experiences", "Coping strategies used during waiting periods" and "Recommendations to improve waiting experiences". Pre-operative instructions, the professionalism of medical teams, and a lack of timely updates affected parental experiences. Parents expressed their worries. The complexities and types of surgery influenced how they felt. Their concerns included potential complications, surgical outcomes, anesthesia-related side effects, and post-operative care including pain. They spent their waiting times eating, resting, using their smart devices, and coping with a support system. Environmental improvements, more updates, and mobile applications were recommended by the participants.

    CONCLUSION: For a parent, the wait during his/her child's surgery can be unsettling. Our results give insights into parental waiting experiences and needs during their children's surgeries.

    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: These findings can guide the improvement of the current practise based on our evidence or the implementation of newer technology to provide better waiting experiences for parents during their children's surgeries and to enhance the quality of clients' experiences in the hospital.

    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  5. Sharifah Darmia Sharif Adam
    This paper discusses the roles and challenges of the national language, which is Malay as a language in
    uniting the various ethnic groups in Sabah. On September 16, 1963, the Federation of Malaysia was
    officially declared which comprised of the Malay States, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. In line with
    that, the special provisions on the national language in Sabah are contained in Article 161 of the
    national constitution. Although the provision of the constitution clarify that Sabah was given a 10-year
    period to use Malay and English as the official languages but later on September 16, 1973 the Malay language was declared the sole official language for the state of Sabah. Hence, various efforts have
    been made by the government to ensure the national language can play its role as a language that can
    unite the various ethnic groups in Sabah. However, ethnic diversity with their own ethnic mother
    tongue languages has resulted in the Malay language as a national language as well as the language of
    unity to face many challenges. Therefore, the discussion in this paper is focused on policies undertaken
    by the government to strengthen the national language in various fields in Sabah and the challenges
    faced by the national language to foster unity among the various ethnic communities in the state. This
    study was conducted using a qualitative analysis approach and used archive study methods as well as
    library study to obtain research information sources. This study will produce an analysis that can be
    used as a reference to improve or formulate policies particularly in matters that benefit in strengthening
    the multi-ethnic communities in Sabah.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  6. Marilyn Maluda, Noraziah B. Bakri
    Melioidosis an infectious disease caused by gram-negative bacteria, Burkholderia pseudomallei is highly endemic in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and parts of northern Australia. The district of Tuaran which is located on the west coast of Sabah had reported an increasing trend of Melioidosis cases where in 2017, a total of 19 cases were reported, more than doubling the number of cases reported the prior year (7 cases).
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  7. Linn K, Bravo L, Goh DYT, Nelson EAS
    Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2020 07 02;16(7):1476-1484.
    PMID: 31765270 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2019.1695460
    The 7th Asian Vaccine Conference (ASVAC 2019) was held in Yangon, Myanmar from 13 to 15, September 2019. It brought together stakeholders in the field of vaccination to address challenges and issues relevant to clinical practice and immunization programs in the region. The conference themed "Immunization: sustaining health security in Asia", included pre-conference workshops, a Vaccinology Masterclass, plenary lectures, symposia, and poster presentations. There were over 700 participants ~ 400 local and 300 international from 31 countries ~ and 55 international and local speakers from 19 countries. An Asian EPI managers' meeting was also held on 11-12 September in Naypyidaw, the new capital of Myanmar, and was hosted by the Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar with support from World Health Organization, UNICEF and other partners. This inter-regional meeting aimed to strengthen the cooperation and collaboration of EPI Managers and others involved in implementing immunization programs in the region. The conference was organized by the Immunization Partners in Asia Pacific (IPAP) and hosted by Myanmar Pediatric Society and the Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar. Other partners included the Confederation of Meningitis Organization, Philippine Foundation of Vaccination, Pediatric Infection Disease Society of the Philippines, Asia Pacific Alliance for the Control of Influenza, PATH, ROTA Council, International Society of Tropical Pediatrics, Asian Society for Pediatric Infection Diseases and other partners. Previous conferences have been held in Siem Reap (2009), Manila (2010), Jakarta (2011), Cebu (2013), Hanoi (2015) and Singapore (2017). The 8th Asian Vaccine Conference will be held in Penang, Malaysia in 2021 to further IPAP's vision of a world where no one suffers from a vaccine-preventable disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  8. Wu J, Wang HL, Liu X, Ding C, Zhou Y, Fu X, et al.
    Liver Int, 2020 02;40(2):298-307.
    PMID: 31674705 DOI: 10.1111/liv.14289
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Trends in long-term mortality rates for viral hepatitis in East and Southeast Asia have been rarely reported. The aim of our study was to explore the long-term trends in viral hepatitis mortality rates in East and Southeast Asian countries between 1987 and 2015 and provide predictions of mortality to 2030.

    METHODS: We obtained viral hepatitis mortality data from the WHO Mortality Database for six East and Southeast Asian countries between 1987 and 2015. We produced choropleth maps of viral hepatitis mortality rates in 1987 and 2015 in East and Southeast Asia to illustrate geographic variations. We made predictions of mortality rates for each included country until the year 2030 using a series of joinpoint models.

    RESULTS: Viral hepatitis mortality rates declined in China (the average annual percent change (AAPC) = -5.1%, 95% CI: -7.5, -2.6), Singapore (AAPC = -5.4%, 95% CI: -7.5, -3.2), and the Philippines (AAPC = -3.4%, 95% CI: -4.9, -1.8). In contrast, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Malaysia have experienced increasing trends in mortality rates, followed by decreasing trends. Our predictions indicate that all countries will experience slight to moderate downward trends until 2030.

    CONCLUSION: Favourable decreasing trends have been noted in East and Southeast Asian countries, which may not only inform the control and management of viral hepatitis in this region but also guide the prevention of viral hepatitis deaths in another region with a similar viral hepatitis epidemic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  9. Tiew PY, Ko FWS, Pang SL, Matta SA, Sio YY, Poh ME, et al.
    Eur Respir J, 2020 08;56(2).
    PMID: 32341102 DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00418-2020
    INTRODUCTION: Allergic sensitisation to fungi such as Aspergillus are associated to poor clinical outcomes in asthma, bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis; however, clinical relevance in COPD remains unclear.

    METHODS: Patients with stable COPD (n=446) and nondiseased controls (n=51) were prospectively recruited across three countries (Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong) and screened against a comprehensive allergen panel including house dust mites, pollens, cockroach and fungi. For the first time, using a metagenomics approach, we assessed outdoor and indoor environmental allergen exposure in COPD. We identified key fungi in outdoor air and developed specific-IgE assays against the top culturable fungi, linking sensitisation responses to COPD outcomes. Indoor air and surface allergens were prospectively evaluated by metagenomics in the homes of 11 COPD patients and linked to clinical outcome.

    RESULTS: High frequencies of sensitisation to a broad range of allergens occur in COPD. Fungal sensitisation associates with frequent exacerbations, and unsupervised clustering reveals a "highly sensitised fungal predominant" subgroup demonstrating significant symptomatology, frequent exacerbations and poor lung function. Outdoor and indoor environments serve as important reservoirs of fungal allergen exposure in COPD and promote a sensitisation response to outdoor air fungi. Indoor (home) environments with high fungal allergens associate with greater COPD symptoms and poorer lung function, illustrating the importance of environmental exposures on clinical outcomes in COPD.

    CONCLUSION: Fungal sensitisation is prevalent in COPD and associates with frequent exacerbations representing a potential treatable trait. Outdoor and indoor (home) environments represent a key source of fungal allergen exposure, amenable to intervention, in "sensitised" COPD.

    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  10. Girelli G
    Int J Drug Policy, 2021 06;92:103155.
    PMID: 33994308 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103155
    BACKGROUND: in recent years, many Asian countries have witnessed an intensification in populist discourses identifying the death penalty as a central tool of drug control, with public opinion surveys referred to as invaluable evidence of public support for the death penalty. This paper will address the claim that the public supports capital punishment, and the role of surveys in shaping this discourse.

    METHODS: review of thirty-nine public opinion surveys on the death penalty carried out in five Asian countries which retain the death penalty for drugs or are considering re-introducing it. The review was conducted by analysing and comparing design, methodology, findings, and the relationship between these elements.

    RESULTS: all but two surveys recorded a majoritarian support for the death penalty, driven by beliefs in (a) deterrent effect of the death penalty, and (b) perfect justice - both disproven. Complex surveys found a low intensity of support, and a limited interest and knowledge by the public in capital punishment. Support for capital punishment is lower for drug offences specifically, and it decreases significantly when expressed with reference to real-life cases. Limited data suggest that the public in the focus countries has reservations on the effectiveness of the death penalty to reduce drug offences, and prefers a discretionary system of punishment. The analysis also revealed correlations between the framing of survey questions and their findings.

    CONCLUSION: Public opinion surveys conducted in China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand suggest that the public knows little and has little interest in the death penalty. Although majoritarian, its support is based on a faulty understanding of key facts related to capital punishment, and an increase in knowledge is correlated to a decrease in support. More rigorous polling exercises demonstrate that public support for capital punishment - both in general and for drug offences specifically - is instinctive, abstract, elastic, and contextual.

    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  11. Wee SY, Salim H, Mawardi M, Koh YLE, Ali H, Shariff Ghazali S, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2021 06 14;11(6):e044192.
    PMID: 34127489 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044192
    OBJECTIVES: To compare the sociodemography, disease characteristics and hypertension self-care profiles and to determine the factors influencing Hypertension Self-Care Profiles (HTN-SCP) in two populations in primary care settings from Singapore and Malaysia.

    DESIGN: Cross-sectional, cross national.

    SETTING: Multi-centre, primary care clinics Malaysia and Singapore.

    PARTICIPANTS: 1123 adults with hypertension enrolled and analysed.

    PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Comparison between sociodemography, disease characteristics and the mean scores of HTN-SCP domains (behaviour, motivation and self-efficacy) and the factors influencing hypertension self-care.

    RESULTS: 1123 adults with hypertension attending primary care clinics in Malaysia and Singapore were involved. The participants' mean age was 63.6 years (SD 9.7) in Singapore and 60.4 (SD 9.1) in Malaysia. Most of the participants in Singapore had tertiary education (22.3%) compared with Malaysia (13.0%), p<0.001. A higher proportion of participants from Singapore had controlled blood pressure (74.6%) compared with Malaysia (33.8%), p<0.001. The mean total score of HTN-SCP was significantly higher among Singapore participants compared with Malaysia participants 190 (SD 28) versus 184 (SD 23) (p<0.001). Similarly, the mean score for motivation domain 67 (SD 10) versus 65 (SD 9), followed by self-efficacy score 65 (SD 11) versus 62 (SD 9) and behaviour score (58 SD 9 vs 56 SD 9) were higher among Singapore participants. In both countries, the factors which influenced higher HTN-SCP mean scores across all domains were being Indian and had tertiary education.

    CONCLUSIONS: The study population in Singapore had a higher HTN-SCP mean score compared with Malaysia. The common factors influencing higher HTN-SCP mean scores at both study sites were ethnicity and level of education. Future intervention to improve self-care among people with hypertension may need to be tailored to their behaviour, motivation and self-efficacy levels.

    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  12. Jeffery J, Lee RM, Tan SY, Liew C, Ng LC, Lam-Phua SG
    Trop Biomed, 2010 Apr;27(1):138-42.
    PMID: 20562825
    Nine species of mosquitoes in eight genera are recorded for the first time in Singapore. An additional two species were overlooked in a 1986 checklist for mosquitoes in Singapore, and one was described after 1986. Location and habitat data are provided for the nine new records. With the inclusion of these new records the number of species reported from Singapore is 137.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  13. Teo A, Guest JR, Neo ML, Vicentuan K, Todd PA
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2180.
    PMID: 27478697 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2180
    Most studies of coral reproductive biology to date have focused on oocyte numbers and sizes. Only one (ex situ) study has enumerated sperm numbers, even though these data have multiple potential applications. We quantified total coral sperm and eggs per gamete bundle collected from six species in situ during a synchronous spawning event in Singapore. Egg-sperm bundles were captured midwater as they floated towards the surface after being released by the colony. For each sample, a semi-transparent soft plastic bottle was squeezed and released to create a small suction force that was used to 'catch' the bundles. This technique provided several advantages over traditional methods, including low cost, ease of use, no diving prior to the night of collection needed, and the ability to target specific areas of the colony. The six species sampled were Echinophyllia aspera, Favites abdita, F. chinensis, Merulina ampliata, M. scabricula and Platygyra pini. The mean number of sperm packaged within one egg-sperm bundle ranged from 2.04 × 10(6) to 1.93 × 10(7). The mean number of eggs per egg-sperm bundle ranged from 26.67 (SE ± 3.27) to 85.33 (SE ± 17.79). These data are critical for fertilisation success models, but the collection technique described could also be applied to studies requiring in situ spawning data at the polyp level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  14. Tan MK, Kamaruddin KN
    Zootaxa, 2016 Sep 12;4162(3):559-70.
    PMID: 27615991 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4162.3.9
    Here, taxonomic notes on species from three genera of bark crickets are presented.  A new locality is recorded for Duolandrevus (Bejorama) parvulus Gorochov, 2016: Singapore. Two new species of Landrevinae are described: one species of Endodrelanva Gorochov, 1999 from Singapore: Endodrelanva jimini sp. nov.; one species of Odontogryllodes Chopard, 1969 from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia: Odontogryllodes gratus sp. nov. The male of Odontogryllodes latus Chopard, 1969 is also described for the first time and female is redescribed. Keys to all known species of Endodrelanva and Odontogryllodes is provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  15. Hing Wong A, Chin LE, Ping TL, Peng NK, Kun LS
    Indian J Palliat Care, 2016 Oct-Dec;22(4):437-445.
    PMID: 27803566
    Advance care planning (ACP) is a process of shared decision-making about future health-care plans between patients, health care providers, and family members, should patients becomes incapable of participating in medical treatment decisions. ACP discussions enhance patient's autonomy, focus on patient's values and treatment preferences, and promote patient-centered care. ACP is integrated as part of clinical practice in Singapore and the United States.
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
  16. Lye DC, Archuleta S, Syed-Omar SF, Low JG, Oh HM, Wei Y, et al.
    Lancet, 2017 Apr 22;389(10079):1611-1618.
    PMID: 28283286 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30269-6
    BACKGROUND: Dengue is the commonest vector-borne infection worldwide. It is often associated with thrombocytopenia, and prophylactic platelet transfusion is widely used despite the dearth of robust evidence. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of prophylactic platelet transfusion in the prevention of bleeding in adults with dengue and thrombocytopenia.
    METHODS: We did an open-label, randomised, superiority trial in five hospitals in Singapore and Malaysia. We recruited patients aged at least 21 years who had laboratory-confirmed dengue (confirmed or probable) and thrombocytopenia (≤20 000 platelets per μL), without persistent mild bleeding or any severe bleeding. Patients were assigned (1:1), with randomly permuted block sizes of four or six and stratified by centre, to receive prophylactic platelet transfusion in addition to supportive care (transfusion group) or supportive care alone (control group). In the transfusion group, 4 units of pooled platelets were given each day when platelet count was 20 000 per μL or lower; supportive care consisted of bed rest, fluid therapy, and fever and pain medications. The primary endpoint was clinical bleeding (excluding petechiae) by study day 7 or hospital discharge (whichever was earlier), analysed by intention to treat. Safety outcomes were analysed according to the actual treatment received. This study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01030211, and is completed.
    FINDINGS: Between April 29, 2010, and Dec 9, 2014, we randomly assigned 372 patients to the transfusion group (n=188) or the control group (n=184). The intention-to-treat analysis included 187 patients in the transfusion group (one patient was withdrawn immediately) and 182 in the control group (one was withdrawn immediately and one did not have confirmed or probable dengue). Clinical bleeding by day 7 or hospital discharge occurred in 40 (21%) patients in the transfusion group and 48 (26%) patients in the control group (risk difference -4·98% [95% CI -15·08 to 5·34]; relative risk 0·81 [95% CI 0·56 to 1·17]; p=0·16). 13 adverse events occurred in the transfusion group and two occurred in the control group (5·81% [-4·42 to 16·01]; 6·26 [1·43 to 27·34]; p=0·0064). Adverse events that were possibly, probably, or definitely related to transfusion included three cases of urticaria, one maculopapular rash, one pruritus, and one chest pain, as well as one case each of anaphylaxis, transfusion-related acute lung injury, and fluid overload that resulted in serious adverse events. No death was reported.
    INTERPRETATION: In adult patients with dengue and thrombocytopenia, prophylactic platelet transfusion was not superior to supportive care in preventing bleeding, and might be associated with adverse events.
    FUNDING: National Medical Research Council, Singapore.
    Study site: Hospitals, Singapore; University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Study protocol: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01030211
    Matched MeSH terms: Singapore
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