Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 351 in total

  1. Abdul Nasir NA, Agarwal R, Sheikh Abdul Kadir SH, Vasudevan S, Tripathy M, Iezhitsa I, et al.
    PLoS One, 2017;12(3):e0174542.
    PMID: 28350848 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174542
    Cataract, a leading cause of blindness, is of special concern in diabetics as it occurs at earlier onset. Polyol accumulation and increased oxidative-nitrosative stress in cataractogenesis are associated with NFκB activation, iNOS expression, ATP depletion, loss of ATPase functions, calpain activation and proteolysis of soluble to insoluble proteins. Tocotrienol was previously shown to reduce lens oxidative stress and inhibit cataractogenesis in galactose-fed rats. In current study, we investigated anticataract effects of topical tocotrienol and possible mechanisms involved in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced in Sprague Dawley rats by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Diabetic rats were treated with vehicle (DV) or tocotrienol (DT). A third group consists of normal, non-diabetic rats were treated with vehicle (NV). All treatments were given topically, bilaterally, twice daily for 8 weeks with weekly slit lamp monitoring. Subsequently, rats were euthanized and lenses were subjected to estimation of polyol accumulation, oxidative-nitrosative stress, NFκB activation, iNOS expression, ATP levels, ATPase activities, calpain activity and total protein levels. Cataract progression was delayed from the fifth week onwards in DT with lower mean of cataract stages compared to DV group (p<0.01) despite persistent hyperglycemia. Reduced cataractogenesis in DT group was accompanied with lower aldose reductase activity and sorbitol level compared to DV group (p<0.01). DT group also showed reduced NFκB activation, lower iNOS expression and reduced oxidative-nitrosative stress compared to DV group. Lenticular ATP and ATPase and calpain 2 activities in DT group were restored to normal. Consequently, soluble to insoluble protein ratio in DT group was higher compared to DV (p<0.05). In conclusion, preventive effect of topical tocotrienol on development of cataract in STZ-induced diabetic rats could be attributed to reduced lens aldose reductase activity, polyol levels and oxidative-nitrosative stress. These effects of tocotrienol invlove reduced NFκB activation, lower iNOS expression, restoration of ATP level, ATPase activities, calpain activity and lens protein levels.
  2. Ahmad NS, Hairi NN, Said MA, Kamaruzzaman SB, Choo WY, Hairi F, et al.
    PLoS One, 2018;13(11):e0206445.
    PMID: 30395649 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0206445
    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to describe the prevalence and transitions of frailty among rural-community dwelling older adults in Malaysia and to analyse factors associated with different states of frailty transition. Frailty was conceptualized using modified Fried phenotype from the Cardiovascular Health Study.

    DESIGN: This is a prospective longitudinal study with 12-months follow up among older adults in Malaysia.

    SETTING: Kuala Pilah, a district in Negeri Sembilan, which is one of the fourteen states in Malaysia.

    PARTICIPANTS: 2,324 community-dwelling older Malaysians aged 60 years and older.

    RESULTS: The overall prevalence of frailty in this study was 9.4% (95% CI 7.8-11.2). The prevalence increased at least three-fold with every 10 years of age. This increase was seen higher in women compared to men. Being frail was significantly associated with older age, women, and respondents with a higher number of chronic diseases, poor cognitive function and low socioeconomic status (p<0.05). During the 12-months follow-up, our study showed that the transition towards greater frailty states were more likely (22.9%) than transition toward lesser frailty states (19.9%) while majority (57.2%) remained unchanged. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that presence of low physical activity increased the likelihood of worsening transition towards greater frailty states by three times (OR 2.9, 95% CI 2.2-3.7) and lowered the likelihood of transition towards lesser frailty states (OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.2-0.4).

    CONCLUSION: Frailty is reported among one in every eleven older adults in this study. The prevalence increased across age groups and was higher among women than men. Frailty possesses a dynamic status due to its potential reversibility. This reversibility makes it a cornerstone to delay frailty progression. Our study noted that physical activity conferred the greatest benefit as a modifiable factor in frailty prevention.

  3. Borhanuddin B, Mohd Nawi A, Shah SA, Abdullah N, Syed Zakaria SZ, Kamaruddin MA, et al.
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2018;2018:2979206.
    PMID: 30111990 DOI: 10.1155/2018/2979206
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) leads to high morbidity and mortality rate worldwide. Therefore, it is important to determine the risk of CVD across the sociodemographic factors to strategize preventive measures. The current study consisted of 53,122 adults between the ages of 35 and 65 years from The Malaysian Cohort project during recruitment phase from year 2006 to year 2012. Sociodemographic profile and physical activity level were assessed via self-reported questionnaire, whereas relevant CVD-related biomarkers and biophysical variables were measured to determine the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). The main outcome was the 10-year risk of CVD via FRS calculated based on lipid profile and body mass index (BMI) associated formulae. The BMI-based formula yielded a higher estimation of 10-year CVD risk than the lipid profile-based formula in the study for both males (median = 13.2% and 12.7%, respectively) and females (median = 4.3% and 4.2%, respectively). The subgroup with the highest risk for 10-year CVD events (based on both FRS formulae) was the Malay males who have lower education level and low physical activity level. Future strategies for the reduction of CVD risk should focus on screening via BMI-based FRS in this at-risk subpopulation to increase the cost-effectiveness of the prevention initiatives.
    Study name: The Malaysian Cohort (TMC) project
  4. Jamal R, Syed Zakaria SZ, Kamaruddin MA, Abd Jalal N, Ismail N, Mohd Kamil N, et al.
    Int J Epidemiol, 2015 Apr;44(2):423-31.
    PMID: 24729425 DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyu089
    The Malaysian Cohort study was initiated in 2005 by the Malaysian government. The top-down approach to this population-based cohort study ensured the allocation of sufficient funding for the project which aimed to recruit 100,000 individuals aged 35-70 years. Participants were recruited from rural and urban areas as well as from various socioeconomic groups. The main objectives of the study were to identify risk factors, to study gene-environment interaction and to discover biomarkers for the early detection of cancers and other diseases. At recruitment, a questionnaire-based interview was conducted, biophysical measurements were performed and biospecimens were collected, processed and stored. Baseline investigations included fasting blood sugar, fasting lipid profile, renal profile and full blood count. From April 2006 to the end of September 2012 we recruited a total of 106,527 participants. The baseline prevalence data showed 16.6% participants with diabetes, 46.5% with hypertension, 44.9% with hypercholesterolaemia and 17.7% with obesity. The follow-up phase commenced in June 2013. This is the most comprehensive and biggest cohort study in Malaysia, and has become a valuable resource for epidemiological and biological research. For information on collaboration and also data access, investigators can contact the project leader at (rahmanj@ppukm.ukm.edu.my).
    Study name: The Malaysian Cohort (TMC) project
  5. Hassan MR, Jamhari MN, Hayati F, Ahmad N, Zamzuri MIA, Nawi AM, et al.
    Pan Afr Med J, 2021;39:206.
    PMID: 34603587 DOI: 10.11604/pamj.2021.39.206.30410
    Introduction: type 2 diabetes mellitus has become a global public health crisis. The increment in the cases has contributed significantly to the parallel increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity. This paper aimed to analyse the relationship between lipid profile, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI) with the glycaemic control of the diabetes patients in Kedah.

    Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted, using the Kedah audit samples data extracted from the National Diabetes Registry (NDR) from the year 2014 to 2018. A total of 25,062 registered type 2 diabetes mellitus patients were selected using the inclusion and exclusion criteria from the registry. Only patients with complete data on their HbA1C, lipid profile, waist circumference and BMI were analysed using SPSS version 21.

    Results: the means for the age, BMI and waist circumference of the samples were 61.5 (±10.85) years, 27.3 (±5.05) kg/m2 and 89.46 (±13.58) cm, respectively. Poor glycaemic control (HbA1c>6.5%) was observed in 72.7% of the patients, with females having poorer glycaemic control. The BMI and waist circumference were found to be significantly associated with glycaemic control (P<0.001). The total cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins values showed positive correlation with glycaemic control (r = 0.178, 0.157, 0.145, p<0.001), while high-density lipoproteins values are negatively correlated (r = -0.019, p<0.001).

    Conclusion: implementing lifestyle changes such as physical activity and dietary modifications are important in the management of BMI, waist circumference and body lipids, which in turn results in improved glycaemic control.

  6. Ho BK, Mohamad Haniki NM, Jamalludin AR, Samsul D, Mira K, Norny Syafinaz AR, et al.
    Malays Fam Physician, 2019;14(2):10-17.
    PMID: 31827730
    Introduction: Electronic cigarettes (ECs) are new devices that have been accepted widely by both smokers and non-smokers. However, the evidence on EC used in Malaysia is scarce. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of EC use and the socio-demographic and smoking characteristics associated with current EC use among Malaysian current and ex-smokers.

    Methods: This was a sub-analysis of data from a cross-sectional, national-population- based EC study conducted from May to June in 2016 in Malaysia. A detailed description of the sampling methods can be found in the National E-cigarette Survey (NECS) 2016 report. Briefly, data were obtained from 1396 individuals who had ever been smokers, i.e., 957 (68.6%) current smokers and 439 (31.4%) ex-smokers.

    Results: Current EC use was found predominantly among current smokers (8.0%) as compared with ex-smokers (4.3%). Among current smokers, the main reasons given for smoking ECs were wanting to try it (44.7%), followed by intention to quit tobacco smoking (15.8%) and to reduce tobacco smoking (10.5%). Using multiple logistic regression analysis, we found that among current smokers, current EC users were more likely to be younger, i.e., 18-44 years (aOR= 4.83, 95% CI= 1.97-11.86, p=0.001), urban residents (aOR= 1.89, 95% CI= 1.15-3.11, p=0.012), single/ divorced/ widowed (aOR= 2.11, 95% CI= 1.24-3.61, p=0.006) and students (aOR= 2.25, 95% CI= 1.01-5.01, p=0.048). Among exsmokers, only younger respondents (18-44 years old) was reported as being more likely to be current EC users (aOR= 3.81, 95% CI= 1.14-12.76, p=0.030).

    Conclusion: This study showed that currently using and ever having used ECs were more prevalent among current smokers. The reasons given for initiating EC use among current smokers were mainly wanting to try it, followed by intention to quit and to reduce tobacco smoking. Current EC use appears to be common among current smokers who are younger, urban residents, single/divorced/widowed and students. Therefore, EC cessation intervention strategies and policies should target these high-prevalence groups.
  7. Abdullah N, Abdul Murad NA, Mohd Haniff EA, Syafruddin SE, Attia J, Oldmeadow C, et al.
    Public Health, 2017 Aug;149:31-38.
    PMID: 28528225 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2017.04.003
    OBJECTIVE: Malaysia has a high and rising prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D). While environmental (non-genetic) risk factors for the disease are well established, the role of genetic variations and gene-environment interactions remain understudied in this population. This study aimed to estimate the relative contributions of environmental and genetic risk factors to T2D in Malaysia and also to assess evidence for gene-environment interactions that may explain additional risk variation.
    STUDY DESIGN: This was a case-control study including 1604 Malays, 1654 Chinese and 1728 Indians from the Malaysian Cohort Project.
    METHODS: The proportion of T2D risk variance explained by known genetic and environmental factors was assessed by fitting multivariable logistic regression models and evaluating McFadden's pseudo R(2) and the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC). Models with and without the genetic risk score (GRS) were compared using the log likelihood ratio Chi-squared test and AUCs. Multiplicative interaction between genetic and environmental risk factors was assessed via logistic regression within and across ancestral groups. Interactions were assessed for the GRS and its 62 constituent variants.
    RESULTS: The models including environmental risk factors only had pseudo R(2) values of 16.5-28.3% and AUC of 0.75-0.83. Incorporating a genetic score aggregating 62 T2D-associated risk variants significantly increased the model fit (likelihood ratio P-value of 2.50 × 10(-4)-4.83 × 10(-12)) and increased the pseudo R(2) by about 1-2% and AUC by 1-3%. None of the gene-environment interactions reached significance after multiple testing adjustment, either for the GRS or individual variants. For individual variants, 33 out of 310 tested associations showed nominal statistical significance with 0.001 
  8. Zainordin NA, Eddy Warman NA, Mohamad AF, Abu Yazid FA, Ismail NH, Chen XW, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(10):e0258507.
    PMID: 34644368 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258507
    INTRODUCTION: There is limited data on the effects of low carbohydrate diets on renal outcomes particularly in patients with underlying diabetic kidney disease. Therefore, this study determined the safety and effects of very low carbohydrate (VLCBD) in addition to low protein diet (LPD) on renal outcomes, anthropometric, metabolic and inflammatory parameters in patients with T2DM and underlying mild to moderate kidney disease (DKD).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was an investigator-initiated, single-center, randomized, controlled, clinical trial in patients with T2DM and DKD, comparing 12-weeks of low carbohydrate diet (<20g daily intake) versus standard low protein (0.8g/kg/day) and low salt diet. Patients in the VLCBD group underwent 2-weekly monitoring including their 3-day food diaries. In addition, Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) was performed to estimate body fat percentages.

    RESULTS: The study population (n = 30) had a median age of 57 years old and a BMI of 30.68kg/m2. Both groups showed similar total calorie intake, i.e. 739.33 (IQR288.48) vs 789.92 (IQR522.4) kcal, by the end of the study. The VLCBD group showed significantly lower daily carbohydrate intake 27 (IQR25) g vs 89.33 (IQR77.4) g, p<0.001, significantly higher protein intake per day 44.08 (IQR21.98) g vs 29.63 (IQR16.35) g, p<0.05 and no difference in in daily fat intake. Both groups showed no worsening of serum creatinine at study end, with consistent declines in HbA1c (1.3(1.1) vs 0.7(1.25) %) and fasting blood glucose (1.5(3.37) vs 1.3(5.7) mmol/L). The VLCBD group showed significant reductions in total daily insulin dose (39(22) vs 0 IU, p<0.001), increased LDL-C and HDL-C, decline in IL-6 levels; with contrasting results in the control group. This was associated with significant weight reduction (-4.0(3.9) vs 0.2(4.2) kg, p = <0.001) and improvements in body fat percentages. WC was significantly reduced in the VLCBD group, even after adjustments to age, HbA1c, weight and creatinine changes. Both dietary interventions were well received with no reported adverse events.

    CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that dietary intervention of very low carbohydrate diet in patients with underlying diabetic kidney disease was safe and associated with significant improvements in glycemic control, anthropometric measurements including weight, abdominal adiposity and IL-6. Renal outcomes remained unchanged. These findings would strengthen the importance of this dietary intervention as part of the management of patients with diabetic kidney disease.

  9. Kamal Rodin NS, Ismail NA, Abdul Wahid SF, Jamil A, Syed Zakaria SZ, Syed Abd Kadir SS, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2021 Dec;43(3):361-373.
    PMID: 34958057
    INTRODUCTION: The epidemiology of cutaneous graft versus host disease (GVHD) in allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) in Malaysia has not been described.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analysed 691 allogeneic PBSCT patients between 2010-2017 in two centers.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of cutaneous GVHD was 31.4% (217/691). No associations were detected with race, age or gender of donor and recipients. Cutaneous GVHD was associated with host cytomegalovirus (CMV) seropositivity (p<0.01), conditioning (p<0.01), GVHD prophylaxis (p=0.046) and survival (p<0.01). Majority developed the acute form (58.1%;126/217). Biopsies in 20.7% (45/217) showed 55.6% positivity for GVHD. Overall, involvement was non-severe. A majority demonstrated complete response (CR) to first-line corticosteroids (70.0%;152/217). Secondline therapies (extracorporeal phototherapy (ECP), psolaren ultraviolet A (PUVA), mycophenolate, tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors, interleukins inhibitors, or CD20 monoclonal antibodies) were required in 65/217, with 38.5% CR. Second-line therapy was associated with gender (p=0.042), extra-cutaneous GVHD (p=0.021), treatment outcomes (p=0.026) and survival (p=0.048). Mortality in cutaneous GVHD was 24.0% with severe sepsis being the leading cause at Day 100 (7.8%) and 5-years (7.8%), and relapsed disease at 2-years (32.7%). In steroid refractoriness, severe GVHD caused 30.8% mortality. In cutaneous GVHD, survival at Day 100 was 95.4%; 80.2% at 2-years and 73.1% at 5-years. The median survival in cutaneous GVHD was significantly shorter at 55 months, compared to those without GVHD at 69 months (p=0.001).

    CONCLUSION: Cutaneous involvement is the commonest clinical manifestation of GVHD. A larger national study is warranted to further analyse severity and outcome of multiorgan GVHD, and factors associated with steroid refractoriness.

  10. Abas SA, Ismail N, Zakaria Y, Ismail I, Mat Zain NH, Yasin SM, et al.
    JMIR Serious Games, 2023 Mar 07;11:e43047.
    PMID: 36881449 DOI: 10.2196/43047
    BACKGROUND: The success rate of tuberculosis (TB) treatment in Malaysia remains below the recommended World Health Organization target of 90% despite the implementation of directly observed therapy, short-course, a physical drug monitoring system, since 1994. With increasing numbers of patients with TB in Malaysia defaulting on treatment, exploring another method to improve TB treatment adherence is vital. The use of gamification and real-time elements via video-observed therapies in mobile apps is one such method expected to induce motivation toward TB treatment adherence.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to document the process of designing, developing, and validating the gamification, motivation, and real-time elements in the Gamified Real-time Video Observed Therapies (GRVOTS) mobile app.

    METHODS: The modified nominal group technique via a panel of 11 experts was used to validate the presence of the gamification and motivation elements inside the app, which were assessed based on the percentage of agreement among the experts.

    RESULTS: The GRVOTS mobile app, which can be used by patients, supervisors, and administrators, was successfully developed. For validation purposes, the gamification and motivation features of the app were validated as they achieved a total mean percentage of agreement of 97.95% (SD 2.51%), which was significantly higher than the minimum agreement score of 70% (P

  11. Mohd Ali MR, Lih Huey L, Foo PC, Goay YX, Ismail AS, Mustaffa KMF, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2019;2019:9451791.
    PMID: 31355287 DOI: 10.1155/2019/9451791
    Melioidosis and leptospirosis, caused by two different bacteria, Burkholderia pseudomallei and Leptospira spp., are potentially fatal infections that share a very similar spectrum of clinical features and cause significant mortality and morbidity in humans and livestock. Early detection is important for better clinical consequences. To our knowledge, there is no diagnostic tool available to simultaneously detect and differentiate melioidosis and leptospirosis in humans and animals. In this study, we described a duplex TaqMan probe-based qPCR for the detection of B. pseudomallei and Leptospira spp. DNA. The performance of the assay was evaluated on 20 B. pseudomallei isolates, 23 Leptospira strains, and 39 other microorganisms, as well as two sets of serially diluted reference strains. The duplex qPCR assay was able to detect 0.02 pg (~ 4 copies) Leptospira spp. DNA and 0.2 pg (~ 25.6 copies) B. pseudomallei DNA. No undesired amplification was observed in other microorganisms. In conclusion, the duplex qPCR assay was sensitive and specific for the detection of B. pseudomallei & Leptospira spp. DNA and is suitable for further analytical and clinical evaluation.
  12. Lun YE, Abdullah SRS, Hasan HA, Othman AR, Kurniawan SB, Imron MF, et al.
    J Environ Manage, 2022 Mar 15;311:114832.
    PMID: 35303596 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114832
    Native emergent and floating plants; local reed grass (Phragmites karka) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), respectively, were used to treat textile wastewater using an integrated emergent-floating planted reactor (IEFPR) system at hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 8, 14, and 19 days. Real textile effluent having characteristics of 1686.3 ADMI for colour, 535 mg/L for total suspended solid (TSS), 647.7 mg/L for chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 124 mg/L for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was used throughout this study. The IEFPR system experienced maximum removal of colour (94.8%, HRT 14 days, day 3), TSS (92.7%, HRT 19 days, day 7), and COD (96.6%, HRT 8 days, day 5) at different HRT and exposure time. The process conditions (HRT and exposure time) were optimized for maximum colour, TSS and COD removal from textile effluent by employing response surface methodology (RSM). The optimization has resulted 100% removal of colour, 87% removal of TSS and 100% removal of COD at HRT of 8 days and exposure time of 5 days, with 0.984 desirability. The integrated plant-assisted treatment system showed reliable performance in treating textile wastewater at optimum operational conditions to improve effluent quality before disposal into water bodies or being recycled into the process. The potential of phytoremediator (produced plant biomass) to be utilized as resources for bioenergy or to be converted into value added products (adsorbent or biochar) provides an alternative to management strategy for better environmental sustainability.
  13. Abdullah N, Goh YX, Othman R, Ismail N, Jalal N, Wan Sallam WAF, et al.
    J Clin Lab Anal, 2023 Apr;37(8):e24898.
    PMID: 37243371 DOI: 10.1002/jcla.24898
    OBJECTIVE: Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) is a standard indication for screening type 2 diabetes that also has been widely used in large-scale epidemiological studies. However, its long-term quality (in terms of reproducibility) stored in liquid nitrogen is still unknown. This study is aimed to evaluate the stability and reproducibility of HbA1c measurements from frozen whole blood samples kept at -196°C for more than 7 years.

    METHODS: A total of 401 whole blood samples with a fresh HbA1c measurement were randomly selected from The Malaysian Cohort's (TMC) biobank. The HbA1c measurements of fresh and frozen (stored for 7-8 years) samples were assayed using different high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems. The HbA1c values of the fresh samples were then calculated and corrected according to the later system. The reproducibility of HbA1c measurements between calculated-fresh and frozen samples was assessed using a Passing-Bablok linear regression model. The Bland-Altman plot was then used to evaluate the concordance of HbA1c values.

    RESULTS: The different HPLC systems highly correlated (r = 0.99) and agreed (ICC = 0.96) with each other. Furthermore, the HbA1c measurements for frozen samples strongly correlate with the corrected HbA1c values of the fresh samples (r = 0.875) with a mean difference of -0.02 (SD: -0.38 to 0.38). Although the mean difference is small, discrepancies were observed within the diabetic and non-diabetic samples.

    CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that the HbA1c measurements between fresh and frozen samples are highly correlated and reproducible.

  14. Lekkala R, Ng YH, Feroz SR, Norazmi NAZB, Ali AH, Hasbullah SA, et al.
    Eur J Med Chem, 2024 Sep 05;279:116828.
    PMID: 39244861 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2024.116828
    In this work, a series of nineteen novel pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole-4-aminoquinoline hybrids were synthesized as potent antimalarial agents by covalently linking the scaffolds of 4-aminoquinoline and pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles via an ethyl linker and characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). Molecular docking was used to test each hybrid's and standard chloroquine's ability to bind to Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase enzyme (PfLDH), an important enzyme in the parasite's glycolytic pathway. The hybrid compounds had a stronger binding affinity than the standard chloroquine (CQ). The schizontical antimalarial test of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole-4-aminoquinoline hybrid compound shows that all nineteen hybrid compounds were potent with the IC50 values ranging from 0.0151 to 0.301 μM against the CQ-sensitive 3D7 P. falciparum strain, and were active against the CQ-resistant K1 P. falciparum strain with the IC50 values ranging from 0.01895 to 2.746 μM. All the tested hybrid compounds were less potent than the standard drug chloroquine dipaspate (CQDP) against the CQ-sensitive 3D7 strain. In contrast, nine of the nineteen hybrids (16d, 16g, 16h, 16i, 16l, 16n, 16o, 16r, and 16s) displayed superior antimalarial activity than the CQDP against the CQ-resistant K1 P. falciparum strain. Among all the tested hybrids, 16c against the 3D7 strain and 16h against the K1 strain were the most promising antimalarial agents with 0.0151 and 0.01895 μM of IC50 values, respectively. In addition, the compounds were selective, showing moderate to low cytotoxic activity against a human normal liver WRL68 cell line. The synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole-4-aminoquinoline hybrids introduces new chemical entities that have the potential to exhibit potent antimalarial activity. It could address the ongoing challenge of drug resistance in malaria treatment.
  15. Ismail N, Hassan N, Abd Hamid MHN, Yusoff UN, Khamal NR, Omar MA, et al.
    Int J Infect Dis, 2022 Mar;116:189-196.
    PMID: 35021062 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.01.011
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the association between smoking and the severity of COVID-19 infection during the initial wave of this pandemic in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This is a multi-center observational study using secondary hospital data collected retrospectively from February 1, 2020, until May 30, 2020. Clinical records of all real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-confirmed COVID-19 cases with smoking status, co-morbidities, clinical features, and disease management were retrieved. Severity was assessed by the presence of complications and outcomes of COVID-19 infection. Logistic regression was used to determine the association between COVID-19 disease severity and smoking status.

    RESULTS: A total of 5,889 COVID-19 cases were included in the analysis. Ever smokers had a higher risk of having COVID-19 complications, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (odds ratio [OR] 1.69; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.09-2.55), renal injury (OR 1.55; 95% CI 1.10-2.14), and acute liver injury (OR 1.33; 95% CI 1.01-1.74), compared with never smokers. However, in terms of disease outcomes, there were no differences between the two groups.

    CONCLUSION: Although no significant association was found in terms of disease outcomes, smoking is associated with a higher risk of having complications owing to COVID-19 infection.

  16. Mohd-Zahid MH, Zulkifli SN, Che Abdullah CA, Lim J, Fakurazi S, Wong KK, et al.
    RSC Adv, 2021 Apr 26;11(26):16131-16141.
    PMID: 35481195 DOI: 10.1039/d1ra01093j
    The enhanced permeability and retention effect allows for passive targeting of solid tumours by nanoparticles carrying anticancer drugs. However, active targeting by incorporation of various ligands onto nanoparticles can provide for a more selective and enhanced chemotherapeutic effect and complement the deficiencies of the passive targeting approach. Here we report on the design of the carboxyl-terminated PEGylated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), their functionalization with anti-CD133 monoclonal antibody (mAb) via a crosslinking reaction, and subsequent 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) drug loading. The synthesized products in the form of stable colloids were characterised using a range of physicochemical techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Conjugation of anti-CD133 mAb onto PEGylated AuNPs was confirmed with the use of UV-Vis, BCA protein assay and fluorescence microscopy. HCT116 colorectal cancer cells abundantly expressed CD133: 92.4 ± 1.3%, as measured by flow cytometry. Whereas PEGylated AuNPs not conjugated with anti-CD133 mAb accumulated mainly at the cellular membrane, nanoparticles conjugated with anti-CD133 mAb were contained within the nuclear region of the cells. Anti-CD133 mAb conjugation facilitated the specific intracellular uptake due to specific antigen-antibody binding interaction. In vitro cytotoxicity studies on HCT116 cells showed that PEGylated AuNPs and PEGylated AuNPs-CD133 did not elicit any toxicity at any of the tested concentrations. Meanwhile, 5-FU-PEGylated AuNPs-CD133 significantly reduced the cell viability relative to the treatment with 5-FU-PEGylated AuNPs without anti-CD133 mAb conjugates (p < 0.0001). This study shows that the conjugation of nanocarriers with the anti-CD133 antibody improves the specific targeting of 5-FU against colorectal cancer cells. These results demonstrate that simultaneous functionalisation of PEGylated AuNPs with antibodies and chemotherapeutic drugs is a viable strategy to combat cancer through targeted drug delivery.
  17. Nordin ML, Azemi AK, Nordin AH, Nabgan W, Ng PY, Yusoff K, et al.
    Pharmaceuticals (Basel), 2023 Jun 25;16(7).
    PMID: 37513835 DOI: 10.3390/ph16070923
    Breast cancer is considered the second-leading cancer after lung cancer and is the most prevalent cancer among women globally. Currently, cancer immunotherapy via vaccine has gained great attention due to specific and targeted immune cell activity that creates a potent immune response, thus providing long-lasting protection against the disease. Despite peptides being very susceptible to enzymatic degradation and poor immunogenicity, they can be easily customized with selected epitopes to induce a specific immune response and particulate with carriers to improve their delivery and thus overcome their weaknesses. With advances in nanotechnology, the peptide-based vaccine could incorporate other components, thereby modulating the immune system response against breast cancer. Considering that peptide-based vaccines seem to show remarkably promising outcomes against cancer, this review focuses on and provides a specific view of peptide-based vaccines used against breast cancer. Here, we discuss the benefits associated with a peptide-based vaccine, which can be a mainstay in the prevention and recurrence of breast cancer. Additionally, we also report the results of recent trials as well as plausible prospects for nanotechnology against breast cancer.
  18. Chong YP, Peter EP, Lee FJM, Chan CM, Chai S, Ling LPC, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2022 Jul 19;12(1):12315.
    PMID: 35853996 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-16671-9
    As pancreatic cancer cells (PCCs) and pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) are the two major cell types that comprise the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment of pancreatic cancer, we aimed to investigate the role of conditioned medium derived from PCCs and PSCs co-culture on the viability of lymphocytes. The conditioned medium (CM) collected from PCCs and/or PSCs was used to treat peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to determine CM ability in reducing lymphocytes population. A proteomic analysis has been done on the CM to investigate the differentially expressed protein (DEP) expressed by two PCC lines established from different stages of tumor. Subsequently, we investigated if the reduction of lymphocytes was directly caused by CM or indirectly via CM-induced MDSCs. This was achieved by isolating lymphocyte subtypes and treating them with CM and CM-induced MDSCs. Both PCCs and PSCs were important in suppressing lymphocytes, and the PCCs derived from a metastatic tumor appeared to have a stronger suppressive effect than the PCCs derived from a primary tumor. According to the proteomic profiles of CM, 416 secreted proteins were detected, and 13 DEPs were identified between PANC10.05 and SW1990. However, CM was found unable to reduce lymphocytes viability through a direct pathway. In contrast, CM that contains proteins secreted by PCC and/or PSC appear immunogenic as they increase the viability of lymphocytes subtypes. Lymphocyte subtype treated with CM-induced MDSCs showed reduced viability in T helper 1 (Th1), T helper 2 (Th2), and T regulatory (Treg) cells, but not in CD8+ T cells, and B cells. As a conclusion, the interplay between PCCs and PSCs is important as their co-culture displays a different trend in lymphocytes suppression, hence, their co-culture should be included in future studies to better mimic the tumor microenvironment.
  19. Rosilan NF, Jamali MAM, Sufira SA, Waiho K, Fazhan H, Ismail N, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(1):e0297759.
    PMID: 38266027 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297759
    Shrimp aquaculture contributes significantly to global economic growth, and the whiteleg shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, is a leading species in this industry. However, Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection poses a major challenge in ensuring the success of P. vannamei aquaculture. Despite its significance in this industry, the biological knowledge of its pathogenesis remains unclear. Hence, this study was conducted to identify the interaction sites and binding affinity between several immune-related proteins of P. vannamei with V. parahaemolyticus proteins associated with virulence factors. Potential interaction sites and the binding affinity between host and pathogen proteins were identified using molecular docking and dynamics (MD) simulation. The P. vannamei-V. parahaemolyticus protein-protein interaction of Complex 1 (Ferritin-HrpE/YscL family type III secretion apparatus protein), Complex 2 (Protein kinase domain-containing protein-Chemotaxis CheY protein), and Complex 3 (GPCR-Chemotaxis CheY protein) was found to interact with -4319.76, -5271.39, and -4725.57 of the docked score and the formation of intermolecular bonds at several interacting residues. The docked scores of Complex 1, Complex 2, and Complex 3 were validated using MD simulation analysis, which revealed these complexes greatly contribute to the interactions between P. vannamei and V. parahaemolyticus proteins, with binding free energies of -22.50 kJ/mol, -30.20 kJ/mol, and -26.27 kJ/mol, respectively. This finding illustrates the capability of computational approaches to search for molecular binding sites between host and pathogen, which could increase the knowledge of Vibrio spp. infection on shrimps, which then can be used to assist in the development of effective treatment.
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