A case of penetrating cardiac injury is reported where cardiorrhaphy is done without cardiopulmonary bypass and via a right thoracotomy even though median stelnotoluy is the usual approach. It is also stressed that all precordial stab wounds must be carefully explored. KEYWORDS: Penetrating cardiac injury, Without cardiopulmonary bypass, Right posterolateral thoracotomy, Centrally placed chest injury.
Rafflesia tuanku-halimii, a new species from Peninsular Malaysia, is herewith described and illustrated. It is related to
R. azlanii and R. sharifah-hapsahiae by coalesced warts on it lobes. Rafflesia tuanku-halimii is different from them in
having window covered by almost united rings and these rings almost wholly covering the window.
A review of the questionnaire was carried out basically to assess the relevance of the questions to the objectives of the study, to identify weaknesses of the questions particularly in terms of the wording in order to make them as clear as possible to the respondents and to minimize ambiguity and thus the problems of getting the questions across to the respondents. Based on the review a new set of questionnaire would be proposed. The review thus focuses on two major aspects namely the structure and the content of the questionnaire. From the structural aspects each question was reviewed in terms of the language, wording, sequencing and continuity between one another. Basically, not much problems have been identified except in certain cases of ambiguity largely due to language and words used and some cases lack of continuity due to improper sequencing of the questions In terms of the content, for each questions, the purpose of asking, and what is expected of the questions was thoroughly examined and then the relevance assessed. Based on the analysis, three group of questions were identified i.e., the irrelevant questions, the partially relevant and most inlportant non-existence of many relevant questions. It is recommended that the irrelevant questions be omitted, those partially relevant to be modified and new questions added.
Fosil radiolaria berusia Perm Awal telah ditemui daripada batuan silika-rijang di Pos Blau, baratdaya Kelantan,
Semenanjung Malaysia. Sebanyak empat puluh spesies radiolaria tergolong dalam lima belas genera dan tujuh famili
telah dikenal pasti. Fauna radiolaria yang diperoleh termasuklah spesies penunjuk usia seperti Pseudoalbaillella
lomentaria, Ps. sakmarensis, Ps. scalprata scalprata, Ps. scalprata postscalprata dan Ps. scalprata rhombothoracata.
Kesemua radiolaria ini mewakili usia Perm awal merujuk kepada Zon Himpunan Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria
(Sakmarian Awal) dan Zon Himpunan Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. rhombothoracata (Sakmarian Akhir). Keputusan
ini dapat menambah baik maklumat biostratigrafi radiolaria dan usia batuan bersilika-rijang di kawasan Pos Blau
dan di dalam Zon Sutura Bentong-Raub.
Pembiakbakaan padi tahan kemarau menjadi agenda utama ahli pembiak baka namun ia amatlah penting bagi memastikan
kultivar padi baru tahan kemarau yang bakal dihasilkan mampu memenuhi cita rasa pengguna daripada segi ciri
fisio-kimia serta kualiti beras dan nasi. Dalam kajian ini, sebanyak sepuluh genotip padi yang terdiri daripada lapan
titisan piramid padi tahan kemarau (PLs) dan dua induk, MR219 dan MRQ74 dinilai bagi ciri fisio-kimia dan kualitinya.
Kesemua genotip mempunyai kandungan amilosa (AC) yang sederhana iaitu dalam julat 20% hingga 25% kecuali PLMR219-G1 (AC rendah - 16%) dan induk MRQ74 (AC tinggi - 27%). Selain itu, kesemua genotip juga mempunyai suhu
pengelatinan (GT) yang sederhana, konsistensi gel (GC) yang lembut serta mempunyai bentuk beras yang tirus. Tiada
perbezaan yang signifikan diperoleh antara PLs dan induk untuk kesemua atribut dalam analisis hedonik kecuali bagi
ciri aroma dalam populasi MRQ74. Skor PL-MRQ74-G1 bagi ciri aroma dalam ujian sensori berbeza secara signifikan
dengan induk menunjukkan bahawa nasi yang dihasilkan PL ini tidak wangi. Analisis genotip turut mengesahkan gen
yang mengawal ciri aroma, alel badh2 tiada dalam PL-MRQ74-G1 disebabkan rekombinasi semasa silangan. Namun
demikian, alel badh2 hadir dalam PL-MRQ74-G2 yang menyokong hasil ujian hedonik dan PL ini tidak berbeza dengan
MRQ74 bagi atribut aroma. Secara amnya, PLs serupa dengan beras komersial yang merupakan induk mereka bagi ciri
fisio-kimia dan kualiti. PLs yang tahan kemarau ini boleh dikomersialkan kerana memenuhi cita rasa pengguna Malaysia
yang sukakan nasi yang lembut dan tirus selain tempoh memasak yang singkat.
Meta-analysis is a method of review that summarises the results of previous research of the same particular issue in a systematic and quantitative way. A meta-analysis that properly combines results from different studies will average out differences caused by random variation and produce a more precise estimate of the true effect. It may also detect and investigate heterogeneity among studies thus providing a deeper understanding of clinical dilemmas and guidance on resolving them, in this way a meta-analysis will be a better guide to practice than an individual study. Meta-analysis also has its limitations as it is largely dependent on the quality of published data and requires careful planning and execution of a valid protocol, together with cautious interpretation of the results. KEYW'ORDS: Quantitative Review, CritinJ Appraisal, Overall Effect, Publintion Bias.
In a search for new potential AChE inhibitors, 31 selected medicinal plants from Perlis were collected gathered, air dried and successively extracted using hexane, dichloromethane, and alcohol. The dichloromethane and alcoholic extracts were screened for AChE inhibitory activity using Ellman's method. Out of 31 plant species, the methanol extracts of Rhapis excelsa leaves (97.03 ± 3.71 %), Diospyros blancoi leaves (95.80 ± 1.57 %) and Phyllantus elegans root (83.22 ± 3.08 %) showed the highest AChE inhibitory activity at the concentration of 100 μg/mL.