The gastrointestinal helminth infection status of 1574 children living in a slum area of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was assessed by quantitative coprology. Almost two-thirds were infected with Trichuris trichiura, 49.6% with Ascaris lumbricoides, and 5.3% with hookworm. Infection prevalence rose rapidly to a stable asymptote at 7 years of age, and the age-intensity profile was convex with maximal values in the 5-10 year age classes. This pattern was the same for males and females, but differed markedly between different ethnic groups. The frequency distributions of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura were highly overdispersed (k values were 0.21 and 0.27, respectively), and age-dependent over the 0-8 year age classes. This suggests that the force of infection with these nematodes is lower in infants than in older children.
An epidemiological survey of filariasis and malaria in Banggi Island and Upper Kinabatangan, Sabah, revealed microfilarial rates of 7.2% and 8.6% respectively and malaria prevalence of 9.7% and 16.9% respectively. Wuchereria bancrofti was a rural nocturnally periodic type with a periodicity index of 137.2 and average peak hour at 01.32 hrs; 9.2% of microfilaremic carriers as compared to 2.4% amicrofilaremic subjects had clinical filariasis. The Plasmodium falciparum: P. vivax: P. malariae ratios were 1:1:0.17 and 1.4:1:0.12 for Banggi and Upper Kinabatangan respectively. Anopheles flavirostris was incriminated as a new malaria vector in Banggi where the well-known primary malaria vector is An. balabacensis. The latter was also found for the first time to be a vector of rural W. bancrofti in Upper Kinabatangan. Experimental feeding also showed that L3 larvae of W. bancrofti were recovered at low rates from An. balabacensis. Aedes togoi appeared to be a suitable laboratory vector for W. bancrofti.
Previous studies in Malaysia and in Singapore report a higher schizophrenic admission rate for males than for females and this is in contrast to findings in Western societies. Characteristics by age, sex and race of 5% and 619 first schizophrenic admissions during 1977 and 1978 respectively to the Psychiatric Department, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur were examined. It was found that the male to female sex ratio for Malay schizophrenic admissions was significantly higher than male to female sex ratio for Malays to other departments of the hospital. A similar trend for the Chinese did not reach significance. Possible reasons for these findings are discussed.
In a study of 124 adult patients with bronchial asthma, 65% of them had associated rhinitis. In the asthmatics who had associated rhinitis, both diseases usually started within two years of one another but either disease might develop first. In 21% of the patients, asthmatic attacks were preceded or precipitated by rhinitis symptoms. In the patients who had asthma alone or those associated with rhinitis, no significant difference were found in terms of age and sex distribution, age of onset, and a positive family history of asthma, rhinitis or allergic diseases. Response to skin prick test using six different types of allergens also showed no difference in the two groups of patients. Sensitivity to house dust was common among both groups of patients as well as in the normal controls suggesting a common occurrence of house dust mite in our community and making the skin prick test using this allergen unsuitable as a test for atopy in our population.
Study site: Chest clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, Malaysia
The temporal sequence of drug use should reveal which drugs are precursors to heroin and which drugs are used subsequent to the establishment of heroin addiction as adjunctive drugs. This temporal sequence was examined in an epidemiological study. Out of 249 opiate addicts interviewed in the area of Penang, Malaysia, this sequence of drugs could be obtained in 248 cases. The mean (median) age for first use of nicotine is 15.5 (15) years, alcohol 18.4 (18) years, cannabis 17.8 (17) years, heroin 21.8 (21) years, opium 22.8 (22) years, and benzodiazepines 25.8 (25) years. The age of first use of different drug types is presented in some detail. The patterns of sequence of drug use was analyzed for the five major and most frequently reported drugs, i.e. alcohol, cannabis, heroin, opium and benzodiazepines. Nicotine, used as first drug in almost all cases, was omitted in this analysis. A clear trend to multiple drug abuse emerges from this analysis; the biggest number of cases were users of 4 drugs (81 cases), followed by 3 drugs (59 cases) and 5 drugs (58 cases). Thus, nicotine, alcohol and cannabis are precursors of heroin addiction. Other adjunctive drugs become important only after heroin addiction. Among these substances, opium and benzodiazepines are numerically preponderant.
Ninety-five cases of suicide and 134 cases of parasuicide that occurred between October 1973 and September 1984 in the hill resort district of Cameron Highlands in Malaysia were analysed. Eighty-one per cent of suicides and 78% of parasuicides were of Indians, although they only form 25% of the population. The average annual suicide rate for Indians (over 10 years of age) was 157 per 100,000. About 94% of suicides and 66% of parasuicides were by ingesting agricultural poisons. The age- and sex-specific suicide rates for women were highest in the 20-24-year-old age group. Some possible reasons for high suicide rates among Indians are discussed.
The incidence of surgery for gastric cancer in Singapore increased during the period 1951 to 1980 (males from 3.5 to 8.7 per 100,000 per year: females from 0.5 to 4.2 per 100,000 per year). This increase occurred mainly during the first decade of the study and was confined to persons aged 55 and above. Chinese had the highest incidence, followed by Indians and then Malays. These racial differences remained unchanged over the period of study.
A survey of 4.112 primary school children living in and around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, revealed that 12.9% of the children were infested with Pediculus humanus capitis. Indians (28.3%) and Malays (18.9%) have a higher prevalence than Chinese (4.6%). The higher prevalence among Indians and Malays correlates well with their lower socio-economic status in the community; long hair also contributes to the higher rates of pediculosis among them. The prevalence rate was found to be related to socio-economic status, length of hair, family size, age, crowding and personal hygiene. Treatment with 0.2% and 0.5% malathion in coconut oil gave cure rates of 93% and 100%. Treatment with gammexane and actellic at 0.5% concentration gave a cure rate of 100% against adults and nymphs of Pediculus humanus capitis.
A survey of 25,246 Malay, Chinese and Indian children and adults ranging from birth to over 60 years of age, of both sexes, from 4 types of communities with different conditions of environmental sanitation and socio-economic status revealed an overall incidence of infection with soil-transmitted helminths of 39.6 percent. The incidence of soil-transmitted helminthiasis was highest among rural rubber estates, followed closely by the urban slums or squatter areas and incidence of infection was low in the semi-rural new villages and the urban flats. The commonest helminth in all these areas was Trichuris trichiura and the commonest type of helminthic infection was mixed infections with Ascaris and Trichuris. Infection was most prevalent among Indians, followed closely by Malays. Chinese generally had lower incidences of infection. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis was also more prevalent among the younger age groups, starting from toddlers to 9 years and rising to a peak in the 10-19 years age group. Elderly people (60 years and above) from the squatter areas and some ofthe estates, new villages andflats also had a higher incidence of infection than the older adults (30-59 years). Malay and Indian children (under 15 years of age) having a higher overall incidence of injection also tended to have higher degrees of infection, as estimated by egg counts. There was no significant differences in the distribution of infection between males and females in most of the study areas. However, females in the squatter areas had a higher incidence of infection than males. Conversely, females in some of the flats (Sri Melati and Shaw Road) had a lower incidence of infection than males.
Although the patterns of dental disease is gradually changing, caries and periodontal disease still account for the most important reason for extractions in most countries. However their relative contributions towards overall tooth mortality figures varies. The aim of this study is to investigate the types of teeth usually associated with extractions due to caries or periodontal disease and its relation to the age at which the tooth was lost. The highest proportion of extractions due to caries occurred between 21 to 30 years of age while that for periodontal disease occurred between 41 to 50 years. For caries, the greatest proportion of extractions involved the posterior teeth. The most frequently extracted teeth due to caries are the molars, in particular the first permanent molar. However, for periodontal disease a slightly greater proportion of anterior teeth were lost than the posteriors. This trend is more marked in the lower jaw than the upper. Overall, extractions related to caries tend to increase posteriorly, while that for periodontal disease tend to increase anteriorly.
An on-site comparative study was carried out on the effects of video display terminal (VDT) and non-VDT work on visual functions in two working populations in the same office environment. Both continuous VDT usage in a training situation over a few days and intermittent VDT usage in a normal working situation were assessed and particular attention paid to their effects on the refractive error of different refractive groups and for different age populations. Other visual functions measured were visual acuity (VA), accommodation, and convergence. Results show that VDT work does not have a significantly greater effect on visual function than non-VDT work.
A study was carried out at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to determine the age-specific prevalence of measles infection by serology and the age specific - seroconversion rates following measles vaccination. The results show that the percentage of children with passively acquired measles antibodies decreased with increasing age fill three to five months of age. From 12 months of age, the percentage of positivity increased sharply due probably to natural infection. The geometric mean antibody titre was low at birth, but from six months it started to increase. These results indicate that measles infection is common in Malaysia and a small number of children began to acquire natural measles infection from six to eight months of age; however the peak age for the acquisition of measles infection was from 12 months to five years of age. Seroconversion rates following vaccination from nine months of age, ranged from 94-99%. However, the rates and the geometric mean titre were higher among those vaccinated at 11 months of age or older compared with those vaccinated at nine or ten months of age. Based on the above results, it is concluded that the optimum age for measles immunization in Malaysia should be 11 months.
HLA associations were observed in unrelated Malay patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). HLA-B18 was observed in 18/45 (40%) Malay NPC patients compared to 22/167 (13%) Malay normals (P = 0.0001; Pc = 0.0027, RR = 4.4). The frequency of HLA-B17, one of the antigens associated with Chinese NPC, was also increased among Malay NPC (13/45 29%) compared to controls (18/167 11%; P = 0.003, Pc = 0.07 RR = 3.4). Similar to the findings among Chinese NPC, the frequency of B17 was higher in early onset (less than or equal to 30 years) Malay NPC resulting in a higher relative risk (RR = 5.0).
Analysis of the bleeding manifestations of 130 cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever admitted into the Children's ward of the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur from May 1973 to September 1978 has been done. Petechial skin rash, epistaxis and gum bleeding were seen most commonly in mild and moderately severe cases. However, blood stained gastric aspirates, and severe haematemesis were seen in severe or very severe cases. Though with better vector control and preventive measures, a marked reduction in the incidence of the cases has been noted, severe cases were seen with symptoms of shock and gastrointestinal bleeding. These symptoms carried a bad prognosis. Among 15 children that died 10 had gastrointestinal bleeding and 2 had a disseminated intravascular coagulation defect. Lymphocytosis with atypical lymphocytes, low platelet count, low reticulocyte count and raised packed cell volume were the main haematological features seen in all these cases. All these features reverted to normal within a week. Mild evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation was seen in a number of cases, but severe features were seen only in four. Two cases improved as a result of heparin therapy.
Vomiting, drowsiness, metabolic acidosis, polymorphonuclear leucocytosis, and encephalopathy developed in thirteen infants within hours of ingestion of margosa oil. Liver biopsy of one infant and necropsy examination of ICR strain mice after experimentally induced margosa-oil poisoning demonstrated pronounced fatty infiltration of the liver and proximal renal tubules as well as cerebral oedema. Electron microscopy demonstrated mitochondrial damage. These findings indicate that margosa oil may be involved in the aetiology of Reye's syndrome among Indians in Malaysia.