METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted online using Google Forms™. Sociodemographic as well as work and workplace data were collected. The Job Demand Inventory, Physicians' Lack of Professional Autonomy, and Health Professions Stress Inventory questionnaires were used to assess the job demand score, job autonomy score, and the level of work-related stress, respectively. Multiple linear regression was performed to determine the significant factors associated with higher work-related stress.
RESULTS: A total of 301 PCDs participated in this study with the majority being female (76.1%), Malay (67.8%), married (73.1%), medical officers (68.8%), and worked in urban (70.4%) and public primary care clinics (83%). The mean (SD) score for work-related stress was 62.8 (18.4), (score range 0-120). PCDs who had any degree of worry about being alienated by friends and relatives because of close contact with COVID-19 patients had higher work-related stress levels compared to PCDs who did not have any worry [rarely (b = 10.23, 95% CI:5.57, 14.89), sometimes (b = 10.41, 95% CI:5.68, 15.13), often (b = 10.12, 95% CI:4.16, 16.08), and always (b = 14.65, 95% CI:7.43, 21.89)]. The other significant factor was higher job demand scores (b = 1.13, 95% CI:0.91, 1.35). In contrast, PCDs who always received support from supervisors at their workplace were found to have lower work-related stress levels compared to those who did not receive any support (b=-5.65, 95% CI:-10.38, -0.93).
CONCLUSIONS: The level of work-related stress among Malaysian PCDs during the COVID-19 pandemic was higher compared to American PCDs and Malaysian physicians before the pandemic but lower compared to Australian emergency physicians during the pandemic. Urgent measures to address the above-mentioned associated factors should be implemented as another pandemic may be just around the corner.
METHOD: This systematic review was registered on PROSPERO CRD42020211324. Eligible articles were selected from CINAHL, PsycINFO, EMBASE, PubMed and Science Direct. Original qualitative studies exploring parental perspectives on the influence of cultural values on the uptake of HPV vaccination by their daughters under the age of 18, published in the English language with no restriction dates were reviewed. Two authors independently screened abstracts, conducted the fill-text review, extracted information using a standardized form, and assessed study quality. A third author is needed to resolve the disagreements if necessary.
RESULTS: Of the 1552 citations, 22 were included, with information on 639 parents. Five themes emerged from the data: sexuality-related concerns; upbringing and moral values; obligation to protect; external influences; and vaccine-related concerns.
CONCLUSION: This systematic review is beneficial to identify and understand the culturally related facilitators and barriers to HPV vaccination among young women for the development of strategies to optimize HPV vaccine coverage among this population group by the policymakers.
DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-ethnography.
DATA SOURCES: Medline, CINAHL, Embase and PsycINFO databases (literature searched until May 2015, published studies ranged from 1996 to 2015).
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Primary qualitative studies focused on adult community-dwelling stroke survivors' and/or informal caregivers' experiences of primary care and/or community healthcare services.
DATA SYNTHESIS: A set of common second order constructs (original authors' interpretations of participants' experiences) were identified across the studies and used to develop a novel integrative account of the data (third order constructs). Study quality was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist. Relevance was assessed using Dixon-Woods' criteria.
RESULTS: 51 studies (including 168 stroke survivors and 328 caregivers) were synthesised. We developed three inter-dependent third order constructs: (1) marginalisation of stroke survivors and caregivers by healthcare services, (2) passivity versus proactivity in the relationship between health services and the patient/caregiver dyad, and (3) fluidity of stroke related needs for both patient and caregiver. Issues of continuity of care, limitations in access to services and inadequate information provision drove perceptions of marginalisation and passivity of services for both patients and caregivers. Fluidity was apparent through changing information needs and psychological adaptation to living with long-term consequences of stroke.
LIMITATIONS: Potential limitations of qualitative research such as limited generalisability and inability to provide firm answers are offset by the consistency of the findings across a range of countries and healthcare systems.
CONCLUSIONS: Stroke survivors and caregivers feel abandoned because they have become marginalised by services and they do not have the knowledge or skills to re-engage. This can be addressed by: (1) increasing stroke specific health literacy by targeted and timely information provision, and (2) improving continuity of care between specialist and generalist services.
AIM: This study reviews published qualitative studies to explore cognitive impairments or chemobrain among breast cancer survivors, with particular attention given to the impact on quality of life.
METHOD: Using keywords, we searched ten electronic databases (CINAHL, EMBASE, Proquest, OVID SP, MEDLINE, Oxford Journal, Science Direct, PubMED).
FINDINGS: Of 457 papers, seven relevant papers were included. Data was extracted and concepts were analysed using a meta ethnography approach. Four second order intepretations were identified, on the basis of which, four third order intrepretations were constructed. Linked together in a line of argument, was a consistent account on their struggles to self-manage the chemobrain impairments that impact their daily lives. Five concepts emerged from the analysis of the primary findings: i) real experiences of cognitive changes, ii) calls for help, iii) impact of cognitive impairments, iv) coping and v) survivorship and meaning. Further synthesis resulted in four new order intepretations: i) The chemobrain struggle, ii) The substantial impact of chemobrain on life domains, iii) The struggle to readjust and to self manage, and iv) 'thankful yet fearful' representation.
DISCUSSION: Awareness of cognitive changes were context-dependent on healthcare settings and cultural contexts as strong determinants. Subjects verified the existence of chemobrain but healthcare providers mis-recognised, under-recognised, and sometimes negated it perhaps due to its unknown aetiology. Asian breast cancer survivors appear less vocal than their western counterparts.
CONCLUSION: The current literature on the lived experiences of how women experienced chemobrain provides a consistent report that chemobrain is real, persistent and with detrimental impacts on quality of life - manifested as a constant struggles. A greater awareness of the effects of chemobrain with improved functional assessment and interventions is warranted.
METHODS: Out of 105 patients with IHD, 76 completed self-administration of HeartQoL at the clinic followed by at home within a 2-week interval. In retest, patients responded using non-interview methods (phone messaging, email, fax, and post). Phone interviewing was reserved for non-respondents to reminder.
RESULTS: Reliability of HeartQoL was good (intraclass correlation coefficients = 0.78-0.82), was supported in the Bland-Altman plot, and was comparable to five studies on MacNew of similar retest interval (MacNew-English = 0.70-0.75; translated MacNew = 0.72-0.91). Applicability of its standard error of measurement (0.20-0.25) and smallest detectable change (0.55-0.70) will depend on availability of normative data in future.
CONCLUSION: The reliability of HeartQoL is comparable to its parent instrument, the MacNew. The HeartQoL is a potentially reliable core IHD-specific HRQoL instrument in measuring group change.