Displaying publications 301 - 320 of 2034 in total

  1. Kitatani K
    Earthwatch, 1991;?(41):5-6.
    PMID: 12284002
    PIP: At the Population and Natural Resources Workshop of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) General Assembly in Perth, Australia, December 1990, population and quality of life issues were stressed as one of the central items to be placed on the 1992 Agenda of the UN Conference on Environment. The pace of environmental degradation is quickening, the causes are becoming more entrenched, and indecision will narrow our options. Poverty and population growth are making development unsustainable. Technological miracles will not appear to restore balance. Deforestation, soil erosion, decertification and loss of water resources are fueling urbanization. Therefore the World Commission on Environment and Development, known as the Brundtland Commission, ranks human resources development as a top priority in sustainable development and quality of life. Human resources can be improved by providing maternal and child care, family planning and improving the status of women. Successful family planning programs as seen in Thailand and Malaysia can show results very quickly once national population policies, institutions and capacity are in place.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics; Population Growth*
  2. Khoo SE, Smith PC, Fawcett JT
    Int Migr Rev, 1984;18(4 Special Issue):1247-63.
    PMID: 12340237
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics*
  3. Asian Pac Popul Programme News, 1981;10(1-2):25-8.
    PMID: 12312016
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Control*; Population Dynamics; Rural Population
  4. Nanzaki Y
    Nihon Ishikai Zasshi, 1970 Jan 15;63(2):417-25.
    PMID: 5462757
    Matched MeSH terms: Population
  5. Ancrenaz M, Gimenez O, Ambu L, Ancrenaz K, Andau P, Goossens B, et al.
    PLoS Biol, 2005 Jan;3(1):e3.
    PMID: 15630475
    Great apes are threatened with extinction, but precise information about the distribution and size of most populations is currently lacking. We conducted orangutan nest counts in the Malaysian state of Sabah (North Borneo), using a combination of ground and helicopter surveys, and provided a way to estimate the current distribution and size of the populations living throughout the entire state. We show that the number of nests detected during aerial surveys is directly related to the estimated true animal density and that a helicopter is an efficient tool to provide robust estimates of orangutan numbers. Our results reveal that with a total estimated population size of about 11,000 individuals, Sabah is one of the main strongholds for orangutans in North Borneo. More than 60% of orangutans living in the state occur outside protected areas, in production forests that have been through several rounds of logging extraction and are still exploited for timber. The role of exploited forests clearly merits further investigation for orangutan conservation in Sabah.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  6. Kunjuraman, Velan
    The practice of traditional medicine has been deduced based on
    available evidences from the Malay, Chinese and Indian communities in
    Malaysia. Based on extensive review of previous literature, the study
    discovered that there is limited empirical documentation on the types of floras
    used as Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM) by the rural
    communities in Sabah, especially those residing along the Ramsar site. Thus,
    this article aims to document the types of floras used in TCM by the rural
    communities in the Dagat village at the Lower Kinabatangan-Segama area.
    The data for the study were obtained from a series of in-depth interviews and
    field observations. The findings revealed that the rural communities in the
    Dagat village utilized floras available around the village as TCM in their daily
    lives. TCM using floras have helped to save lives in emergency cases,
    especially for pregnant women with high risks during pregnancy. This study is
    significant as it presents an empirical documentation of floras for TCM
    practices among the local community in Sabah, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  7. Mohd Ali NA, Jauncey-Cooke J, Bogossian F
    Aust Crit Care, 2019 01;32(1):55-62.
    PMID: 30554940 DOI: 10.1016/j.aucc.2018.11.063
    BACKGROUND: The complexity and variation in ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) definitions in paediatrics may pose threats to the reliable identification of VAP. The revision of the surveillance definition to ventilator-associated event (VAE) has been mandated in adult populations, to overcome these issues. However, the evidence for application of the definition is unknown in children.

    OBJECTIVES: To review the evidence on the application of the new VAE surveillance definition in paediatric population and examine the potential challenges in clinical practice.

    REVIEW METHODS: A systematic approach was used to locate and synthesise the relevant paediatric literature. Studies were appraised according to epidemiological appraisal instrument (EAI) and the grades of evidence in the National Health Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines.

    RESULTS: Seven studies met the inclusion criteria. Quality of study methods was above 50% on the EAI. The overall grade of evidence was assessed as C (satisfactory). The incidence of VAE in children ranged from 1.1 to 20.9 per 1000 ventilator days as a result of variations in surveillance criteria across included studies. There is little agreement between the new VAE and PNU/VAP surveillance definition in the identification of VAP. Challenges in the application of VAE surveillance were related to; the difference in modes of ventilation used in children versus adults, inconclusive criteria tailored to paediatric samples and a lack of data that support for automatic data extraction applied in paediatric studies.

    CONCLUSION: This review demonstrated promising evidence using the new VAE surveillance definition to define the VAE in children, but the level of the evidence is low. Before the possibility of real implementation in clinical settings, challenges related to VAE paediatric specific criteria' and the value of automated data collection need to be considered.

    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance
  8. Deng L, Hoh BP, Lu D, Fu R, Phipps ME, Li S, et al.
    Hum Genet, 2014 Sep;133(9):1169-85.
    PMID: 24916469 DOI: 10.1007/s00439-014-1459-8
    Peninsular Malaysia is a strategic region which might have played an important role in the initial peopling and subsequent human migrations in Asia. However, the genetic diversity and history of human populations--especially indigenous populations--inhabiting this area remain poorly understood. Here, we conducted a genome-wide study using over 900,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in four major Malaysian ethnic groups (MEGs; Malay, Proto-Malay, Senoi and Negrito), and made comparisons of 17 world-wide populations. Our data revealed that Peninsular Malaysia has greater genetic diversity corresponding to its role as a contact zone of both early and recent human migrations in Asia. However, each single Orang Asli (indigenous) group was less diverse with a smaller effective population size (N(e)) than a European or an East Asian population, indicating a substantial isolation of some duration for these groups. All four MEGs were genetically more similar to Asian populations than to other continental groups, and the divergence time between MEGs and East Asian populations (12,000--6,000 years ago) was also much shorter than that between East Asians and Europeans. Thus, Malaysian Orang Asli groups, despite their significantly different features, may share a common origin with the other Asian groups. Nevertheless, we identified traces of recent gene flow from non-Asians to MEGs. Finally, natural selection signatures were detected in a batch of genes associated with immune response, human height, skin pigmentation, hair and facial morphology and blood pressure in MEGs. Notable examples include SYN3 which is associated with human height in all Orang Asli groups, a height-related gene (PNPT1) and two blood pressure-related genes (CDH13 and PAX5) in Negritos. We conclude that a long isolation period, subsequent gene flow and local adaptations have jointly shaped the genetic architectures of MEGs, and this study provides insight into the peopling and human migration history in Southeast Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population; Population Groups/ethnology; Population Groups/genetics*
  9. Umi Izzatti Saedon, Nicholas Pang Tze Ping, Loo, Jiann Lin
    Inaccessibility to clinical supervision is an issue faced by solo clinical psychologist practitioners. Combination use of web-based instant messaging and video call application were tried by 28 clinical psychologists in conducting a peer-led group tele-supervision to address ethical dilemmas, discuss case management, provide technical instruction, explore resistance and analyse countertransference, provide emotional support, and share knowledge and updated guidelines. Despite facing challenges including difficulty in face-to-face session scheduling, limited time for in-depth discussion, internet connection issues, and documentation dilemma, we believe it has potential to influence supervision practice for clinicians working in isolation in rural or remote locations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  10. Farhana Johar, Julies Bong Shu Ai, Fuaada Mohd Siam
    MATEMATIKA, 2020;36(3):235-250.
    A new topic of Zero Energy Building (ZEB) is getting famous in research area
    because of its goal of reaching zero carbon emission and low building cost. Renewable
    energy system is one of the ideas to achieve the objective of ZEB. Genetic Algorithm (GA)
    is widely used in many research areas due to its capability to escape from a local minimal
    to obtain a better solution. In our study, GA is chosen in sizing optimization of the
    number of photovoltaic, wind turbine and battery of a hybrid photovoltaic-wind-battery
    system. The aim is to minimize the total annual cost (TAC) of the hybrid energy system
    towards the low cost concept of ZEB. Two GA parameters, which are generation number
    and population size, have been analysed and optimized in order to meet the minimum
    TAC. The results show that the GA is efficient in minimizing cost function of a hybrid
    photovoltaic-wind-battery system with its robustness property.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  11. Rosengren A, Smyth A, Rangarajan S, Ramasundarahettige C, Bangdiwala SI, AlHabib KF, et al.
    Lancet Glob Health, 2019 06;7(6):e748-e760.
    PMID: 31028013 DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30045-2
    BACKGROUND: Socioeconomic status is associated with differences in risk factors for cardiovascular disease incidence and outcomes, including mortality. However, it is unclear whether the associations between cardiovascular disease and common measures of socioeconomic status-wealth and education-differ among high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries, and, if so, why these differences exist. We explored the association between education and household wealth and cardiovascular disease and mortality to assess which marker is the stronger predictor of outcomes, and examined whether any differences in cardiovascular disease by socioeconomic status parallel differences in risk factor levels or differences in management.

    METHODS: In this large-scale prospective cohort study, we recruited adults aged between 35 years and 70 years from 367 urban and 302 rural communities in 20 countries. We collected data on families and households in two questionnaires, and data on cardiovascular risk factors in a third questionnaire, which was supplemented with physical examination. We assessed socioeconomic status using education and a household wealth index. Education was categorised as no or primary school education only, secondary school education, or higher education, defined as completion of trade school, college, or university. Household wealth, calculated at the household level and with household data, was defined by an index on the basis of ownership of assets and housing characteristics. Primary outcomes were major cardiovascular disease (a composite of cardiovascular deaths, strokes, myocardial infarction, and heart failure), cardiovascular mortality, and all-cause mortality. Information on specific events was obtained from participants or their family.

    FINDINGS: Recruitment to the study began on Jan 12, 2001, with most participants enrolled between Jan 6, 2005, and Dec 4, 2014. 160 299 (87·9%) of 182 375 participants with baseline data had available follow-up event data and were eligible for inclusion. After exclusion of 6130 (3·8%) participants without complete baseline or follow-up data, 154 169 individuals remained for analysis, from five low-income, 11 middle-income, and four high-income countries. Participants were followed-up for a mean of 7·5 years. Major cardiovascular events were more common among those with low levels of education in all types of country studied, but much more so in low-income countries. After adjustment for wealth and other factors, the HR (low level of education vs high level of education) was 1·23 (95% CI 0·96-1·58) for high-income countries, 1·59 (1·42-1·78) in middle-income countries, and 2·23 (1·79-2·77) in low-income countries (pinteraction<0·0001). We observed similar results for all-cause mortality, with HRs of 1·50 (1·14-1·98) for high-income countries, 1·80 (1·58-2·06) in middle-income countries, and 2·76 (2·29-3·31) in low-income countries (pinteraction<0·0001). By contrast, we found no or weak associations between wealth and these two outcomes. Differences in outcomes between educational groups were not explained by differences in risk factors, which decreased as the level of education increased in high-income countries, but increased as the level of education increased in low-income countries (pinteraction<0·0001). Medical care (eg, management of hypertension, diabetes, and secondary prevention) seemed to play an important part in adverse cardiovascular disease outcomes because such care is likely to be poorer in people with the lowest levels of education compared to those with higher levels of education in low-income countries; however, we observed less marked differences in care based on level of education in middle-income countries and no or minor differences in high-income countries.

    INTERPRETATION: Although people with a lower level of education in low-income and middle-income countries have higher incidence of and mortality from cardiovascular disease, they have better overall risk factor profiles. However, these individuals have markedly poorer health care. Policies to reduce health inequities globally must include strategies to overcome barriers to care, especially for those with lower levels of education.

    FUNDING: Full funding sources are listed at the end of the paper (see Acknowledgments).

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population/statistics & numerical data; Urban Population/statistics & numerical data
  12. Effendi-Tenang I, Tan MP, Khaliddin N, Jamaluddin Ahmad M, Amir NN, Kamaruzzaman SB, et al.
    Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2020 06 26;90:104165.
    PMID: 32650156 DOI: 10.1016/j.archger.2020.104165
    INTRODUCTION: Published literature on vision impairment and cognitive function amongst older Malaysians remains scarce. This study investigates the association between vision impairment and cognitive function in an older Malaysian population.

    METHODS: Subjects aged 55 years and above from the Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR) study with available information on vision and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores were included. Data were obtained through a home-based interview and hospital-based health check by trained researchers. Visual acuity (VA) was assessed with logMAR score with vision impairment defined as VA 6/18 or worse in the better-seeing eye. Cognition was evaluated using the MoCA-Blind scoring procedure. Those with a MoCA-Blind score of <19/22 were considered to have cognitive impairment.

    RESULTS: Data was available for 1144 participants, mean (SD) age = 68.57 (±7.23) years. Vision impairment was present in 143 (12.5 %) and 758 (66.3 %) had MoCA-Blind score of <19. Subjects with vision impairment were less likely to have a MoCA-Blind score of ≥19 (16.8 % vs 36.2 %, p < 0.001). Vision impairment was associated with poorer MoCA-Blind scores after adjustments for age, gender, and ethnicity (β = 2.064; 95 % CI, -1.282 to 3.320; P = 0.003). In those who had > 6 years of education attainment, vision impairment was associated with a significant reduction of cognitive function and remained so after adjustment for age and gender (β = 1.863; 95 % CI, 1.081-3.209; P = 0.025).

    CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that vision impairment correlates with cognitive decline. Therefore, maintaining good vision is an important interventional strategy for preventing cognitive decline in older adults.

    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population
  13. Guan M, Tan H, Fazhan H, Xie Z, Shi X, Zhang Y, et al.
    Mitochondrial DNA B Resour, 2018 Oct 26;3(2):1244-1245.
    PMID: 33474478 DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2018.1532345
    The mitochondrial genome plays an important role in studies on phylogeography and population genetic diversity. Here we report the complete mitochondrial genome of Lupocycloporus gracilimanus (Stimpson, 1858) which is the first mitochondrial genome reported in genus Lupocycloporus by now. The mitogenome is 15,990 bp in length, consisting of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and a putative control region. The phylogenetic analysis showed that L. gracilimanus was closest to genus Scylla. The present research should provide valuable information for phylogenetic analysis and classification of Portunidae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  14. Parker DB, Barrett RJ
    Intern Med J, 2003 Sep-Oct;33(9-10):463-4.
    PMID: 14511200 DOI: 10.1046/j.1445-5994.2003.00460.x
    Changes in medical research ethics in the past two decades have made the communication of risk to potential participants a legal imperative. Using ethnographic data from two different cultures, we examine the hazards associated with medical research in relation to the respective societal contexts that imbue them with meaning. The Iban, a Dayak people indigenous to Borneo, perceive the hazards of participating in research in terms of danger to the collective. In Australia they are construed in terms of risk to individuals. Risk in medical research is one manifestation of a broader notion of 'risk' that is constitutive of the research enterprise itself and, we argue, fundamental to post-industrial society.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Groups
  15. Leder K, Openshaw JJ, Allotey P, Ansariadi A, Barker SF, Burge K, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2021 01 08;11(1):e042850.
    PMID: 33419917 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042850
    INTRODUCTION: Increasing urban populations have led to the growth of informal settlements, with contaminated environments linked to poor human health through a range of interlinked pathways. Here, we describe the design and methods for the Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE) study, a transdisciplinary randomised trial evaluating impacts of an intervention to upgrade urban informal settlements in two Asia-Pacific countries.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: RISE is a cluster randomised controlled trial among 12 settlements in Makassar, Indonesia, and 12 in Suva, Fiji. Six settlements in each country have been randomised to receive the intervention at the outset; the remainder will serve as controls and be offered intervention delivery after trial completion. The intervention involves a water-sensitive approach, delivering site-specific, modular, decentralised infrastructure primarily aimed at improving health by decreasing exposure to environmental faecal contamination. Consenting households within each informal settlement site have been enrolled, with longitudinal assessment to involve health and well-being surveys, and human and environmental sampling. Primary outcomes will be evaluated in children under 5 years of age and include prevalence and diversity of gastrointestinal pathogens, abundance and diversity of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes in gastrointestinal microorganisms and markers of gastrointestinal inflammation. Diverse secondary outcomes include changes in microbial contamination; abundance and diversity of pathogens and AMR genes in environmental samples; impacts on ecological biodiversity and microclimates; mosquito vector abundance; anthropometric assessments, nutrition markers and systemic inflammation in children; caregiver-reported and self-reported health symptoms and healthcare utilisation; and measures of individual and community psychological, emotional and economic well-being. The study aims to provide proof-of-concept evidence to inform policies on upgrading of informal settlements to improve environments and human health and well-being.

    ETHICS: Study protocols have been approved by ethics boards at Monash University, Fiji National University and Hasanuddin University.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ACTRN12618000633280; Pre-results.

    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population
  16. Muhammad Dzulhelmi Muhammad Nasir, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2010;21(2):-.
    There is not much information available on the distribution of the Sunda colugo (Galeopterus variegates) in Malaysia, despite it being one of only two known species in the order Dermoptera. Data on the presence of the Sunda colugo and the vernacular names used by various ethnic groups throughout Malaysia were collected and compiled from various primary and secondary sources. There were 27 locations from Peninsular, 11
    locations from Sabah and 34 locations from Sarawak that reported the presence of the Sunda colugo throughout Malaysia. The various ethnic groups of Malaysia adopted 37 different vernacular names to describe the Sunda colugo. This baseline data can be useful for the management authorities in conducting periodic monitoring and will enhance our knowledge of the population dynamics of the Sunda colugo in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  17. Sonne C, Peng WX, Alstrup AKO, Lam SS
    Science, 2021 Jun 18;372(6548):1271.
    PMID: 34140374 DOI: 10.1126/science.abj3359
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  18. Nurita AT, Abu Hassan A, Nur Aida H
    Trop Biomed, 2008 Aug;25(2):145-53.
    PMID: 18948886 MyJurnal
    Three species composition surveys were conducted in a rural location in Kedah and an urban location in Pulau Pinang. Two of the surveys were conducted in November 2003, the first was at the Kedah site and the second was at the Pulau Pinang site. The third survey was conducted at the Pulau Pinang site again on the last week of April 2004. All these surveys were conducted one week prior to field evaluations of commercial chemical fly baits. The predominant species recovered from the surveys was the house fly, Musca domestica, which ranked first in prevalence in all three studies. Catches of Musca sorbens, Chrysoma megacephala and Lucillia cuprina were lower than M. domestica. Sarcophaga sp. was not present at the Kedah site and was only present at the Pulau Pinang site during the survey in April 2004. The other fly species present at the Kedah site were Megaselia sp., Psycoda sp., Piophila sp. and Fannia sp. These species were scarce and never exceeded 1% of the total catch.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  19. Heo CC, Kurahashi H, Nishida K, Tan Siew H, Mohamed Z, Mohamed AM, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2008 Dec;25(3):254-6.
    PMID: 19287366
    Fannia prisca Stein, 1918 is newly recorded from peninsular Malaysia. This record is based on 4 male specimens from Mount Berembun, Brinchang, Cameron Highland, Pahang state, peninsular Malaysia. It is previously recorded from China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Bonin Island, Thailand and oriental region. The male of Fannia prisca can be differentiated from male Fannia scalaris by the following features: for F. prisca, mid-coxa without spine; mid-tibia normal or without stout triangular ventral projection; and hind tibia usually with 2 av, while F. scalaris has several stout hook-like spines on the anterior margin; mid-tibia with stout triangular ventral projection and hind tibia usually with 3 av. Both F. prisca and F. scalaris can be differentiated from Fannia leucosticta by looking at its hind tibia, which only has 1 av.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance
  20. Tey, Y.S., Mad Nasir, S., Zainalabidin, M., Jinap, S., Abdul Gariff, R.
    The objective of this study is to investigate the demand for quality vegetables in Malaysia. This study estimates quality elasticities from the difference between expenditure and quantity elasticities in order to show the demand for quality vegetables in Malaysia. By using the Household Expenditure Survey 2004/2005, expenditure and quantity Engel equations are estimated via two stage least square. The positive estimated quality elasticities (except root and tuberous vegetable) show that Malaysian consumers tend to increase their demand for quality vegetables in response to their incomes rise. To be more specific, urban consumers are expected to demand more of higher quality vegetables (except root and tuberous vegetable) than rural consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
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