Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 966 in total

  1. Alam MM, Wei H, Wahid ANM
    Aust Econ Pap, 2020 Nov 27.
    PMID: 33349733 DOI: 10.1111/1467-8454.12215
    The outbreak of COVID-19 has weakened the economy of Australia and its capital market since early 2020. The overall stock market has declined. However, some sectors become highly vulnerable while others continue to perform well even in the crisis period. Given this new reality, we seek to investigate the initial volatility and the sectoral return. In this study, we analyse data for eight sectors such as, transportation, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, energy, food, real estate, telecommunications and technology of the Australian stock market. In doing so, we obtain data from Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and analysed them based on 'Event Study' method. Here, we use the 10-days window for the event of official announcement of the COVID-19 outbreak in Australia on 27 February 2020. The findings of the study show that on the day of announcement, the indices for food, pharmaceuticals and healthcare exhibit impressive positive returns. Following the announcement, the telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and healthcare sectors exhibit good performance, while poor performance is demonstrated by the transportation industry. The findings are vital for investors, market participants, companies, private and public policymakers and governments to develop recovery action plans for vulnerable sectors and enable investors to regain their confidence to make better investment decisions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  2. Saidatul Norbaya Buang, Abdul Shukor Salha, Marhaida Mahmood, Noor Haire Sumarlie Nordin
    Introduction: Refractive error is the most common cause of visual impairment among the school children. The visual acuity screening has long been administered through the school health service in Malaysia. The objective of this study was to examine the status of refractive error in the school health screening from year 1990 to 2017. Methods: Every year an average of 1.2 million students were screened for refractive errors through school health service. Stu-dents with visual acuity reading of 6/9 or worst based on 6-meter Snellen chart ware referred for confirmation of refractive error. Secondary data on school visual acuity screening from the Health Informatics for the period of 1990 to 2017 were used to describe the changing pattern of refractive errors. Results: It was observed that the prevalent of suspected refractive errors amongst the Standard 1 student increased from 7 per 1,000 students examined in 1990 to 44.4 per 1,000 students in the 2000 and further increased to 74 per 1,000 students before slow decline to 55 per 1,000 students from year 2015 to 2017. A higher level of detection was observed for students in standard 6 and form 3 between the period of 1990 to 2009 (78/1,000 and 65/1,000 respectively) and further decline thereafter to lowest level in 2017 (33/1,000 to 21.5/1,000 respectively). Conclusion: The Standard 1 students in the 21st century have higher rate of suspected refractive errors compared to their counterpart that lived in the 20th century. Community awareness program need to be introduce for early detection of visual acuity problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: School Health Services
  3. Nguyen VH, Nguyen BD, Pham HT, Lam SS, Vo DN, Shokouhimehr M, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 Feb 11;11(1):3641.
    PMID: 33574397 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-80886-x
    In this work, we proposed a facile approach to fabricate a superhydrophobic surface for anti-icing performance in terms of adhesive strength and freezing time. A hierarchical structure was generated on as-received Al plates using a wet etching method and followed with a low energy chemical compound coating. Surfaces after treatment exhibited the great water repellent properties with a high contact angle and extremely low sliding angle. An anti-icing investigation was carried out by using a custom-built apparatus and demonstrated the expected low adhesion and freezing time for icephobic applications. In addition, we proposed a model for calculating the freezing time. The experimented results were compared with theoretical calculation and demonstrated the good agreement, illustrating the importance of theoretical contribution in design icephobic surfaces. Therefore, this study provides a guideline for the understanding of icing phenomena and designing of icephobic surfaces.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  4. Loganathan T, Chan ZX, de Smalen AW, Pocock NS
    PMID: 32722563 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17155376
    Providing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to migrant workers is key to fulfilling sustainable developmental goals. This study aims to explore key informants' views on the provision of SRH services for migrant women in Malaysia, exploring the provision of SRH education, contraception, abortion, antenatal and delivery, as well as the management of gender-based violence. In-depth interviews of 44 stakeholders were conducted from July 2018 to July 2019. Data were thematically analysed. Migrant workers that fall pregnant are unable to work legally and are subject to deportation. Despite this, we found that insufficient SRH information and contraceptive access are provided, as these are seen to encourage promiscuity. Pregnancy, rather than sexually transmitted infection prevention, is a core concern among migrant women, the latter of which is not adequately addressed by private providers. Abortions are often seen as the only option for pregnant migrants. Unsafe abortions occur which are linked to financial constraints and cultural disapproval, despite surgical abortions being legal in Malaysia. Pregnant migrants often delay care-seeking, and this may explain poor obstetric outcomes. Although health facilities for gender-based violence are available, non-citizen women face additional barriers in terms of discrimination and scrutiny by authorities. Migrant women face extremely limited options for SRH services in Malaysia and these should be expanded.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data*; Reproductive Health Services/statistics & numerical data*
  5. Narinderjeet Kaur, Syed Sharizman Syed Abdul Rahim, Mohd Yusof Ibrahim, Mohammad Saffree Jeffree, Mazlinda Musa
    Introduction: Illegal immigrants refer to the migration of people into a country in ways that violates its immigra-tion laws. A stateless person is a person who is not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law. Interestingly, many who are stateless have never even crossed an international border. The term illegal is very loosely used in places like Sabah where it is interchanged with statelessness. As of 13 November 2018, it was estimated that there are about 12 million stateless people in the world. This review seeks to understand the current demographic situation in Sabah along with the public health repercussions of this demographic change and also to look into the success stories from around the world along with the recommendations from United Nation in solving this matter. Methods: The method used is reviewing of literature of previous studies conducted on statelessness and illegals. Local as well as international studies were reviewed. The data base used was ProQuest. Results: This review identified that one third of Sabah’s population consists of non-locals and in the past 27 years, about half a million illegal immigrants have been deported from Sabah. These numbers pose major public health repercussions from the economic, crime and health point of view. The way forward involves incorporating the United Nation Action plan with the local requirements and settings. Despite challenges, Sabah is trying its best to curb this issue and the Public health repercussions through various initiatives. We have also identified that more public health actions can be taken to reduce the negative effects. Conclusion: Dealing with the stateless and illegals is a delicate matter and there is no one way to solve it. Every country and every state are unique therefore the methods used must be tailor made. This is not something that can be solved within a short period of time and therefore persistence and perseverance is very much needed to tackle this global issue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  6. Sukhbeer KaurDarsin Singh, Khatijah Lim Abdullah3, Imran Zainal Abidin, Abqariyah Yahya
    Introduction: Cardiac rehabilitation is one of the secondary prevention programme to reduce morbidity and mortal- ity in cardiac patients. However, adherence towards this programme is still sub optimal. The objective of this study isto determine the perceived barriers on cardiac rehabilitation programme among cardiac patients and its association with the sociodemographiccharacteristics. Methods: A preliminary study using the Cardiac Rehabilitation Barrier Scale (CRBS) was conducted in a tertiary hospital among 40 patients. The CRBS tool was validated and tested for reliability.Convenience sampling method was used among those who have attended the cardiac rehabilitation pro- gramme. Ethical approval was obtained from the institution ethical committee. There were total of 22 items in the CRBS except for the last item (22nd) being an open-ended item to enable the patients to share their opinion on any other barriers towards attendance to cardiac rehabilitation programme. The 21 items assessed on patients’ opinion on the perceived barriers during their attendance to the cardiac rehabilitation programme in a form of Likert scale. Results: The overall mean (SD) score for the 21 items was 60.70 (8.77) showed that the patients were able to un- derstand gave their best options on the opinions towards CRBS. The highest mean on item 11 on ‘time constraints’ at 3.58 (0.75). Thus, the majority of the patients scored the item “time constraints’ as the highest perceived barrier during attendance in the cardiac rehabilitation programme. The association of the sociodemographic status had sig- nificance difference (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  7. Chin Lee Mei @ Mary Tan, Mohd Dahlan A. Malek, Ismail Maakip
    Introduction: Nursing is a highly stressful profession that affects the nurses’ physical and mental health. To maintain the quality of health services, nurses must have physically and mentally healthy. Given this, the present study aimed to examine the level of Stress and Psychological Well-Being among nurses and the methods used by nurses to cope with them. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess psychological well-being and coping strat- egies with stress which include Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being (RPWB), Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOCQ) and Nursing Stress Scales (NSS) for the data collection on 637 nurses in nine hospitals in Sabah. Results: The results revealed that the main Sources of Stress among nurses was Conflict with Other Nurses. Also, Purpose in Life was found to have the highest mean score in terms of psychological well-being among nurses. Furthermore, Positive Re- appraisal was found to be employed by nurses in dealing with stress. The study also revealed there was relationship between the sources of stress and the psychological well-being among nurses. Conclusion: Thus, to reduce work stress among nurses, hospital administration should keep themselves aware of the work dynamics and address the negative conflict occurred in nurses as soon as it is recognized. Recognizing the impact of work stress and using the technique of coping plays a vital role in minimizing the stress of nurses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
    Trawling is a method of catching fish in a large volume where fish net is pulled through water using one or two boats. Bottom trawling is where the nets are pulled over or close to seabed and can affect the subsea pipeline if found along the route. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the impact of pull-over to selected subsea pipelines in Sabah and Labuan waters. This study involved four oil and gas pipelines in Sabah and Labuan waters from the oil fields to shore terminals. The research started with obtaining data of the pipelines and specification of trawl gear in Sabah. Fishing trawler traffic data along the pipelines route was determined by AIS system and site observation to determine the density of the trawlers. Trawl gear pull-over load was calculated using DNV algorithm and the inputs were trawl gear specification ^and fishing trawl speed. The severity was based on pull-over load calculated and pipeline yield stress. Then frequency was based on AIS data and density of fishing trawl per area. Based on the comparison between trawl pull-over load and yield strength/stress, the effect of trawl board pull-over is considered as minor, which is the lowest in the severity index.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  9. Liljestrand J, Pathmanathan I
    J Public Health Policy, 2004;25(3-4):299-314.
    PMID: 15683067 DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jphp.3190030
    Developing countries are floundering in their efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goal of reducing maternal mortality by 75% by 2015. Two issues are being debated. Is it doable within this time frame? And is it affordable? Malaysia and Sri Lanka have in the past 50 years repeatedly halved their maternal mortality ratio (MMR) every 7-10 years to reduce MMR from over 500 to below 50. Experience from four other developing countries--Bolivia, Yunan in China, Egypt, and Jamaica-confirms that each was able to halve MMR in less than 10 years beginning from levels of 200-300. Malaysia and Sri Lanka, invested modestly (but wisely)--less than 0.4% of GDP--on maternal health throughout the period of decline, although the large majority of women depended on publicly funded maternal health care. Analysis of their experience suggests that provision of access to and removal of barriers for the use of skilled birth attendance has been the key. This included professionalization of midwifery and phasing out of traditional birth attendants; monitoring births and maternal deaths and use of such information for high profile advocacy on the importance of reducing maternal death; and addressing critical gaps in the health system; and reducing disparities between different groups through special attention to the poor and disadvantaged populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/legislation & jurisprudence; Health Services Needs and Demand/legislation & jurisprudence
    Reef rubble representsthe broken components of the coraland reefstructure which could be in the form of dead,broken or other fragmented coral.The process to estimate the distribution of reef rubble is currently done manually and thus takesa long timeto completeand is laborious. This paper presentsan image-processing-basedmethod to estimate the distribution of reef rubbles in a coral reef environmentfrom a still image. The method is basically a series of image processing steps includingimage complement, image binarization, edgedetection, smoothing by Weiner filter and followed by erosion and dilation process.The experimentalresults showedthat the system wasable to roughly estimate the distribution of reef rubble.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  11. Kadravello A, Tan SB, Ho GF, Kaur R, Yip CH
    Medicina (Kaunas), 2021 Jul 07;57(7).
    PMID: 34356974 DOI: 10.3390/medicina57070693
    Background and Objective: Despite the increasing treatment options for patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC), unmet needs remain common, especially in low and middle-income countries where resources are limited and MBC patients face many challenges. They often join support groups to cope with their unmet needs. Currently, many MBC patients connect with each other via online support group in view of the constant availability of support and rapid information exchange. The objective of this study is to determine the unmet needs of women with MBC from an online support group. Material and Methods: Messages in an online support group of twenty-two MBC patients over a period of three years from August 2016 till August 2019 were thematically analyzed. Results: Three themes were generated, (1) unmet information needs (2) unmet financial needs (3) unmet support needs. Women needed information on side effects of treatment, new treatment options and availability of clinical trials. Although Malaysia has universal health care coverage, access to treatment remains a major challenge. When treatment was not available in the public hospitals, or waiting lists were too long, women were forced to seek treatment in private hospitals, incurring financial catastrophe. Insufficient private insurance and inadequate social security payments force many women to consider stopping treatment. Women felt that they were not getting support from their clinicians in the public sector, who were quick to stop active treatment and advise palliation. On the other hand, clinicians in the private sector advise expensive treatment beyond the financial capability of the patients. Women with families also face the challenge of managing their family and household in addition to coping with their illness. Conclusions: There is a need for healthcare professionals, policy makers, and civil society to better address the needs of MBC patients through patient-centered, multidisciplinary and multi-organizational collaboration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Needs and Demand
  12. Lai SL, Tey NP, Mahmud A, Ismail N
    Int Q Community Health Educ, 2021 Jul;41(4):395-403.
    PMID: 33167794 DOI: 10.1177/0272684X20972864
    BACKGROUND: The private sector is playing an increasingly important role in family planning services globally. The active participation of private providers is associated with a higher contraceptive prevalence rate.

    OBJECTIVES: To examine the differentials and determinants of the utilization of private providers for family planning services.

    METHOD: This study used the 2014 Malaysian Population and Family Survey data. Cross-tabulations and logistic regression were performed on 1,817 current users of modern methods.

    RESULTS: Overall, 26% of modern method users obtained their supplies from private clinics/pharmacies and 15.2% from other sources, such as drug stores and sundry shops. The odds of utilizing the private sector for family planning services differ significantly across regions and socio-economic groups. The odds of obtaining supply from the private clinics/pharmacies were higher among the Chinese and urban women (AOR > 1), and it was lower among those from the eastern region (AOR = 0.47, 95% CI = 0.30-0.73). Non-Bumiputera, urban, higher educated, and working women, and those whose husbands decided on family planning had higher odds of obtaining the supply from the other sources (AOR > 1).

    CONCLUSION: The private sector complements and supplements the public sector in providing family planning services to the public.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data*; Women's Health Services/statistics & numerical data*
  13. Rahima Dahlan, Siti Nor Aizah Ahmad
    Objective: This case report highlights on the challenges in the management of people with bipolar disorder. Method: We report a case of 36 year-old lady living with this disorder and her journey in a search for a meaningful life. Result: Adherence to treatment is a major determinant of outcome in bipolar patient like Ms WMY. Poor insight, negative attitudes towards treatment and poor understanding of medications and the illness can all lead to reduced adherence. Conclusion: This case demonstrates on how poverty of insight, poor social support, on-going stressors with significant life events and poor compliance to treatment create a series of stumbling blocks in recovery from bipolar disorder.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  14. Ringga A, Ngian HU, Chin ZH, Toh TH
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(2):1-3.
    Belaga District, in the heart of Borneo, is probably the most remote district in Sarawak. Although Belaga town is now accessible by land (50% are timber camp unsealed road) from Bintulu, the journey takes 5 hours and transport cost is high. Accessibility to Belaga by river is also subject to weather conditions and the town often gets cut off during the dry season and also during the wet season. All these pose immense challenges to the delivery of health care services to the people of Belaga and greatly reduce their accessibility to even basic health services. Access to specialist services is even more challenging as it is only available in Sibu and Bintulu; and visiting clinics in Belaga are infrequent due to the shortage of specialists and difficult transport. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  15. Balela, M.D.L., Lockman, Z., Azizan, A., Matsubara, E., Amorsolo , A.V. Jr.
    Monodispersed and size-tunable nanocrystalline cobalt (Co) particles in the range of 100 to 400 nm are prepared by the reduction of Co(II) species in propylene glycol. Control of the particle size is achieved by varying the initial Co(II) species concentration and by the addition of nucleating agents. Smaller Co particles are produced with increasing amounts of Co(II) species and in the presence of nucleating agents. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) shows that the Co particles are predominantly face-centered cubic crystals of about 8-14 nm. The Co particles are also ferromagnetic at room temperature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  16. Mohamad Nasaruddin Mahdzir, Izwan Effendy Zainuddin, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh
    Int J Public Health Res, 2012;2(2):177-183.
    The relationship between healthcare services and inequalities is more likely when a group that shares a salient identity faces severe inequalities of various kinds. Such inequalities may be catalyzed by economic, social, political or concern cultural status. The objectives of this review are to identify the issues and challenges involve in healthcare inequalities, to compare factors contributes to healthcare inequalities and to purpose suggestions and recommendations for improvement based on issues and challenges between United States and India. Comparing annual year healthcare report, documentation of healthcare institutional, Ministry of Health's report and circular, official institutional website, scientific healthcare journals, articles and reports published in 1994 until 2011 regarding healthcare inequalities between United States and India. Health inequalities in the healthcare system contributed by the different in socioeconomic status and accessibility to the healthcare facility due to high cost of treatment has been common risk 'Catastrophic' factors to the inequalities in both countries. Health financing system and resource allocation that benefit only the upper class social spectrum of the population. Disparities occur due to the imbalance in distribution of wealth, discrimination and change in the world economy. Adapting healthcare system that provides care to all classes of people need improvement as no healthcare system is perfect. This matter must be tackle urgently as it's a matter of national concern.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  17. Abdul Kadir AB
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Health Services
  18. Punita Marapen, Low, Jeffrey Fook Lee
    The relative age effect (RAE) is the effects of differences between athletes born in the early compared to the later months of the year. This study investigated the presence of RAE among 306 age-group swimmers competing in the 2014 Malaysian Schools Sports Competition (MSSM). Participants’ birthdates were grouped according to four birth quartiles (Q1- Jan to Mar; Q2- Apr to June; Q3 – July to September; Q4 – October to December). Data analyzed using chi-squared goodness-of-fit showed there was a significant difference among overall male but not for the female swimmers. There was a presence of RAE in the U-12 and U-15 but none in the U-18 boys’ category. Further analyses on the medal winners showed no RAEs on both gender. Physical attributes of the male swimmers, especially the early adolescents are suggested to influence the relative age effects in swimming.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  19. Hassan S
    Background: The weekly held clinical pathologic case conference popularly known as CPC provides an effective and regular educational media of collaborative learning for inter-disciplinary exchange of knowledge among the faculty members of an institution. CPC has been routinely practiced for the last two decades in School of medical Sciences (SMS) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). An hour session primarily involves a case presentation hiding the diagnosis followed by discussion on differential diagnosis and floor interaction on interesting clinical cases. It also gives an opportunity to new teaching staff in the institution to experience an in-house practice of presenting the clinical cases; witch can readily be reproduced as a case report for publication. An effort to follow the original format of CPC is comprehended as an essential outcome of this study to keep up the sanctity of CPC as a case method of learning medicine in future. Methodology: A questionnaire-based survey was recently conducted to evaluate the weekly held CPC in SMS. It was a cross sectional survey in which a questionnaire comprising of 23 items was administered to a targeted population of faculty members of School of Medical Sciences. The items in questionnaire were grouped into 5 clusters. All respondents were adequately briefed through a letter addressing the objectives and importance of survey and its appraisal aiming to revamp the CPC guided by the out-come of study. Questionnaires were administered to 240 academic staff, covering > 80% of the target population of 294 faculty members. 159 (66.2%) members of sample population completed the questionnaires. Total non-responses were 81 (33.7%) and item non-responses were 320 (8.7%) Result: All the items in questionnaire were found significant (p 0.016) except those two items related to, observing a difference in preparing for a case presentation verses a formal CPC presentation and its promotion (p 0.556 and 0.197 respectively). It was also established that the major respondents were unaware of the original format of CPC (p 0.003) in which a presenter select and prepares a case, which is discussed with participating faculty members for its differential diagnoses. 51.6% faculty members did not follow the formal CPC format (p 0.016) in their presentations. A lack of awareness about the format of CPC was shown by (61.0%) faculty members (p 0.003). Conclusion : It was concluded that emphasis to discuss the differential diagnosis by a competent discussant was lacking, as presenters did not follow the formal CPC format. It was critically observed that a number of presentations made in this weekly program deviate from the original format adapted by SMS in USM. However, the out-come appraisal of this survey was the pledge shown by the majority faculty members to adapt the guidelines as a reverence to the formal CPC format.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Needs and Demand
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