Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 751 in total

  1. Perera J, Perera J, Abdullah J, Lee N
    BMC Med Educ, 2009;9:37.
    PMID: 19563621 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6920-9-37
    BACKGROUND: Most medical schools use simulated patients (SPs) for teaching. In this context the authenticity of role play and quality of feedback provided by SPs is of paramount importance. The available literature on SP training mostly addresses instructor led training where the SPs are given direction on their roles. This study focuses on the use of peer and self evaluation as a tool to train SPs.
    METHODS: SPs at the medical school participated in a staff development and training programme which included a) self-assessment of their performance while observing video-tapes of their role play using a structured guide and b) peer group assessment of their performance under tutor guidance. The pre and post training performance in relation to authenticity of role play and quality of feedback was blindly assessed by students and tutors using a validated instrument and the scores were compared. A focus group discussion and a questionnaire assessed acceptability of the training programme by the SPs.
    RESULTS: The post-training performance assessment scores were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the pre-training scores. The degree of improvement in the quality of feedback provided to students was more when compared to the improvement of role play. The acceptability of the training by the SPs was very satisfactory scoring an average of 7.6 out of 10. The majority of the SPs requested the new method of training to be included in their current training programme as a regular feature.
    CONCLUSION: Use of structured self-reflective and peer-interactive, practice based methods of SP training is recommended to improve SP performance. More studies on these methods of training may further refine SP training and lead to improvement of SP performance which in turn may positively impact medical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical*
  2. Hassali MA, Shafie AA, Awaisu A, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Ahmed SI
    Am J Pharm Educ, 2009 Nov 12;73(7):136.
    PMID: 19960093
    OBJECTIVES: To develop and implement a new course on public health into the bachelor of pharmacy (BPharm) curriculum in Malaysia.

    DESIGN: A required 2-credit-hour course was designed to provide an overview of public health pharmacy roles and the behavioral aspects of human healthcare issues. Graded activities included nursing home visits, in-class quizzes, mini-projects, and poster sessions, and a comprehensive final examination.

    ASSESSMENT: The majority of the students performed well on the class activities and 93 (71.5%) of the 130 students enrolled received a grade of B or higher. A Web-based survey was administered at the end of the semester and 90% of students indicated that they had benefited from the course and were glad that it was offered. The majority of students agreed that the course made an impact in preparing them for their future role as pharmacists and expanded their understanding of the public health roles of a pharmacist.

    CONCLUSIONS: A public health pharmacy course was successfully designed and implemented in the BPharm curriculum. This study highlighted the feasibilities of introducing courses that are of global relevance into a Malaysian pharmacy curriculum. The findings from the students' evaluation suggest the needs to incorporate a similar course in all pharmacy schools in the country and will be used as a guide to improve the contents and methods of delivery of the course at our school.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Pharmacy*
  3. Razak IA, Latifah RR, Jaafar N, Abu Hassan MI, Ab Murat N
    J Dent Educ, 2008 Mar;72(3):364-9.
    PMID: 18316541
    A survey was conducted to assess competencies of dental graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, as perceived by the graduates and their employers, based on the five-year undergraduate curriculum introduced in 1995. All senior dental officers in the Ministry of Health (MOH), representing employers, and all 164 dental graduates of the years 2000, 2001, and 2002 were sent a self-administered questionnaire covering eight areas of competency. The respondents had to rate these areas on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 4 (very good). The responses for each area were then dichotomized into poor (1 and 2) and good (3 and 4). If less than 60 percent of the respondents rated an area as good, then it was categorized as needing attention; 60-69 percent as satisfactory; and 70 percent and above as excellent. One hundred and six graduates (64.6 percent) and twenty-nine employers (96.7 percent) responded; of the graduates, 73.6 percent were working in the MOH and 22.6 percent in private practice. About 57.1 percent of employers reported that at least five graduates have worked under them. Graduates (85.7 percent) and employers (83.3 percent) agreed that graduates have excellent skills in communication. Although all graduates perceived their competency to be excellent in the four areas (treatment planning; community-based skills; management, administrative skills, and personal management; and professional development skills), employers felt that these are the areas that are of concern and needed attention. In conclusion, whilst generally the graduates' level of competency in almost all areas is acceptable or good, there are areas of concern that need to be addressed to further improve the five-year curriculum at the University of Malaya.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Dental/standards
  4. Yee HY, Radhakrishnan A, Ponnudurai G
    Med Teach, 2006 Sep;28(6):558-60.
    PMID: 17074705
    Students' perception of the role and characteristics of a good problem-based learning (PBL) facilitator were assessed in the same study in which students were exposed to the 'Flying a Kite Approach' to PBL. A pre-tested anonymous questionnaire addressed the good qualities of a facilitator as well as the negative aspects. Although faculty and students' perceptions of 'good 'and 'bad' attributes generally agreed, it is clear that students still prefer facilitators who talk more, i.e. explain unclear facts or correct them when their facts are wrong. Content experts are also preferred over non-content experts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical*
  5. Ademola James, Rohani JM, Olusegun AG, Rani MR
    Work, 2014;47(2):173-81.
    PMID: 23324693 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-121530
    OBJECTIVE: The unavailability of anthropometric data especially in developing countries has remained a limiting factor towards the design of learning facilities with sufficient ergonomic consideration. Attempts to use anthropometric data from developed countries have led to provision of school facilities unfit for the users. The purpose of this paper is to use factor analysis to investigate the suitability of the collected anthropometric data as a database for school design in Nigerian tertiary institutions.
    PARTICIPANTS: Anthropometric data were collected from 288 male students in a Federal Polytechnic in North-West of Nigeria. Their age is between 18-25 years.
    METHODS: Nine vertical anthropometric dimensions related to heights were collected using the conventional traditional equipment. Exploratory factor analysis was used to categorize the variables into a model consisting of two factors. Thereafter, confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate the fit of the data to the proposed model.
    RESULTS: A just identified model, made of two factors, each with three variables was developed. The variables within the model accounted for 81% of the total variation of the entire data. The model was found to demonstrate adequate validity and reliability. Various measuring indices were used to verify that the model fits the data properly. The final model reveals that stature height and eye height sitting were the most stable variables for designs that have to do with standing and sitting construct.
    CONCLUSION: The study has shown the application of factor analysis in anthropometric data analysis. The study highlighted the relevance of these statistical tools to investigate variability among anthropometric data involving diverse population, which has not been widely used for analyzing previous anthropometric data. The collected data is therefore suitable for use while designing for Nigerian students.
    KEYWORDS: Exploratory factor analysis; measurement model; school ergonomics
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools*
  6. Ramasamy P, Osman A
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:58-65.
    PMID: 16315626
    The integrated curriculum at the newly established medical school at University Malaysia Sabah is examined from aspects of the objectives of the medical training in achieving development of the required skills and knowledge as well as personal and professional development. The teaching is spread over five years with an emphasis on basic medical sciences in the first two years although the students are exposed to clinical skills right from the onset. A gradual transition to emphasis on the acquisition of clinical skills occurs from the third year onwards. However, community medicine and professional development are incorporated into the programme from the first year and are carried over to the final year. Although there are examinations to be passed in all the courses taught every semester, with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 (65 percentile score) and the candidate has to pass all the examinations in that year to clear a particular year, two professional examinations are administered, one at the end of the Third Year (end of the Phase I of the Medical Programme) and another at the end of the Fifth or Final year (end of the Phase II of the Medical Programme). Programmes for Postings, Shadow House Officers (SHOP) and Population Health are also incorporated into the curriculum. Delivery of the courses involve Lectures, Self-Learning Packages (SLP), Small Group Discussions (SGD), Seminars, Debates, Dramas, Video clips, Special Study Modules (SSM), Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI), Problem-based Learning (PBL), Problem-solving Sessions (PSS) and Clinical Skills Learning (CSL). The examination involves elements of continuous assessment and final end of semester or end of phases I and II Professional Examinations. Practical may involve Objective Structured Practical Examinations (OSPE) and/or Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE). They may also involve viva voce and/or short and long case presentations and assessment of log book entries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/standards*
  7. Severyanova L, Lazarev A
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:71-4.
    PMID: 16315629
    The Russian Federation of higher medical institutions get State accreditation, if their activity conforms to criteria determined by the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Kursk State Medical University (KSMU) has a confirmed to requirement of accreditation by the Russian Federation, to conduct annually training of about 5000 students at 12 faculties. KSMU carries out pre-medical undergraduate and postgraduate training in the specialty "Doctor of medicine". For the first time in Russia KSMU was allowed to conduct a 6-year medical training with the use of English as an intermediary language by the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Education. In this relation programmes of training teachers for conducting instruction with the use of an intermediary language (English) and training students Russian with the level necessary for free communication with Russian patients and staff of the clinics have been developed and realized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/standards*
  8. Azila NM, Tan CP
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:35-40.
    PMID: 16315622
    Accreditation is a process by which official accrediting bodies evaluate institutions using a set of criteria and standards, following established procedures, to ensure a high quality of education needed to produce highly competent graduates. Additional objectives include (1) ensuring quality institutional functioning, (2) strengthening capabilities of educational institutions for service to the nation and (3) improving public confidence in medical schools. The accreditation process provides an opportunity for the institution to critically reflect upon all the aspects of its programme and the level of compliance or attainment of the requirements. The self-evaluation exercise, which identifies strengths and weaknesses, is perceived as formative. It is envisaged that eventually institutions will adopt a learning culture for curriculum development, implementation, monitoring and matching the outcomes. In conclusion, periodic accreditation activities can act as a "monitoring" system to ensure that the quality of medical education is maintained according to established standards.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/standards*
  9. Bury G
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:11-9.
    PMID: 16315617
    The Irish Medical Council has undertaken accreditation inspections of Irish medical schools on a regular basis since 1996. This document is a summary of the accreditation standards, a guide to the process for those involved and an overview of the complexity of the many elements involved in educating a doctor. It should be read in conjunction with previous Medical Council publications on medical education. It also provides the basis for the Evaluation System for Visitors 2003. The Medial Council's prime role is the protection of the public interest in relation to the practice of medicine. The Medical Council scrutinises medical schools. It has an important advocacy role with government, with the universities which operate medical schools and with the professionals involved to improve the standards and delivery of medical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/standards*
  10. Simpson I, Lockyer T, Walters T
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:20-3.
    PMID: 16315618
    The Australian Medical Council (AMC) accredits both Australian and New Zealand (NZ) medical courses and also college specialist training programmes. The common accreditation process allows mutual recognition of basic medical training and vocational training between Australia and New Zealand. The ultimate purpose of accreditation assure stakeholders including medical registration boards, health departments, students/trainees and the general community of the quality of the programs and the competence of those completing such training. AMC revised its own accreditation guidelines using the WFME standards as the model around which the new AMC standards were developed. The College Accreditation Process is similar to and builds on AMC experience in the medical school accreditation process. In conclusion, AMC accreditation has been successful in improving medical education in Australia and New Zealand and has been able to do so without the imposition of any exclusive educational model or philosophy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/standards*
  11. Malik AS, Malik RH
    Med Teach, 2002 Nov;24(6):616-21.
    PMID: 12623455
    The curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) is designed particularly to cater for the health needs of the State of Sarawak, Malaysia. The framework of the curriculum is built on four strands: biological knowledge, clinical skills, behavioural and population aspects. The training is community based and a graduate of FMHS is expected to possess the ability to deal with many ethnic groups with different cultures and beliefs; expertise in tropical infectious diseases; skills to deal with emergencies such as snakebite and near drowning; qualities of an administrator, problem-solver and community leader; and proficiency in information and communication technology. The content of the curriculum strives for commitment to lifelong learning and professional values. The FMHS has adopted a 'mixed economy' of education strategies and a 'mixed menu approach' to test a wide range of curriculum outcomes. The FMHS fosters intellectual and academic pursuits, encourages friendliness and a sense of social responsibility and businesslike efficiency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/organization & administration*
  12. Lee DL, Lee S, Chang MS, Paon AJ, Katip JT
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Mar;54(1):96-101.
    PMID: 10972011
    School children from 3 primary and 2 secondary schools in Sarawak were examined for the presence of gastrointestinal helminths. One primary school and 1 secondary school were located in a town (Serian), the other primary and secondary schools were in the countryside outside Serian. The intestinal helminths detected were Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Enterobius vermicularis and hookworm. Children from the rural schools had higher numbers of eggs in their faeces than those from the Serian schools. Children from the rural primary schools had higher number of eggs than those from the rural secondary school. The prevalence of Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworms in male and female and in primary and secondary school children was recorded.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools*
  13. Lim KS, Hills MD, Choo WY, Wong MH, Wu C, Tan CT
    Epilepsy Res, 2013 Oct;106(3):433-9.
    PMID: 23886655 DOI: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2013.06.014
    INTRODUCTION: There is a lack of study comparing the attitudes toward epilepsy between the teachers and general population, teachers and students, using a similar quantitative scale.
    METHODS: This study was performed in one primary and one secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, using the Public Attitudes Toward Epilepsy (PATE) scale.
    RESULTS: A total of 186 teachers aged 39.6±10.4 years completed the questionnaire. The mean scores in both personal and general domains of PATE scale were significantly better in the teachers, comparing to the scores in the secondary and college students reported in previous study (Lim et al., 2013; p<0.001 and <0.05, respectively). The mean scores in personal domain was significantly better in the teachers, comparing to the general population reported by Lim et al. (2012; p<0.001). This hold true when comparing teachers with general population with tertiary education, suggesting that the better attitude is specific to the job, rather than tertiary education generally. Subanalysis showed that the attitudes of teachers were significantly better than the general population and the students related to employment and social life, but were equally negative on issues directly related to education, such as placing children with epilepsy in regular classes.
    CONCLUSION: Teachers had more positive attitudes toward epilepsy as compared with the general population with tertiary education. Attitude to epilepsy may differ specific to types of work.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools*; School Teachers
  14. Ho WKY, Ahmed MD, Khoo S, Tan CH, Dehkordi MR, Gallardo M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(8):e0218158.
    PMID: 31369586 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0218158
    Physical education professionals aim to develop quality programmes for physical education. This study aimed to develop and validate a scale using professionals' perceptions of Quality Physical Education QPE in Asia using twenty-four items regarding QPE quality issues. The items covered status and roles, development of educational elements and supportive features in physical education. A sample of N = 799 sport and physical education professionals from eleven Asian cities participated in this questionnaire survey. Twenty-four items relating to QPE were examined via exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using maximum likelihood extraction and direct oblimin rotation methods. Nevertheless, only 20 items were extracted following the EFA examination. Items 1, 9, 14 and 18 were excluded because of low factor loadings. The remaining items were clustered into four subscales: Development and Supportive Elements for Quality Physical Education in Schools (DSFQPE; α = .918), Core Values of Quality Physical Education (CVPE; α = .908), Curriculum Arrangement of Physical Activities (CAPA; α = .884) and Provision and Norms in Physical Education (PNPE; α = .865). The Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = .875) indicated excellent internal consistency for the overall measure. Furthermore, the 4 retained factors from the EFA were assessed via robust confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The 4-factor model demonstrated a good fit with the data (CMIN/DF = 3.450, CFI = .928, TLI = .916, PCFI = .801, RMSEA = .078). The study identified a 4-factor structure with internal consistency and acceptable interfactor correlations. The structure seemed to be applicable, including the twenty items identified as useful and necessary tools for the framework of analysis in the investigation of diverse settings for the study of quality physical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools/standards*
  15. Othman M, Latif MT, Matsumi Y
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2019 Apr 15;170:739-749.
    PMID: 30583285 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.12.042
    It is important to assess indoor air quality in school classrooms where the air quality may significantly influence school children's health and performance. This study aims to determine the concentrations of PM2.5 and dust chemical compositions in indoor and outdoor school classroom located in Kuala Lumpur City Centre. The PM2.5 concentration was measured from 19th September 2017-16th February 2018 using an optical PM2.5 sensor. Indoor and outdoor dust was also collected from the school classrooms and ion and trace metal concentrations were analysed using ion chromatography (IC) and inductively couple plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) respectively. This study showed that the average indoor and outdoor 24 h PM2.5 was 11.2 ± 0.45 µg m-3 and 11.4 ± 0.44 µg m-3 respectively. The 8 h PM2.5 concentration ranged between 3.2 and 28 µg m-3 for indoor and 3.2 and 19 µg m-3 for outdoor classrooms. The highest ion concentration in indoor dust was Ca2+ with an average concentration of 38.5 ± 35.0 µg g-1 while for outdoor dust SO42- recorded the highest ion concentration with an average concentration of 30.6 ± 9.37 µg g-1. Dominant trace metals in both indoor and outdoor dust were Al, Fe and Zn. Principle component analysis-multiple linear regression (PCA-MLR) demonstrated that the major source of indoor dust was road dust (69%), while soil dominated the outdoor dust (74%). Health risk assessment showed that the hazard quotient (HQ) value for non-carcinogenic trace metals was
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools*
  16. Pau A, Omar H, Khan S, Jassim A, Seow LL, Toh CG
    Singapore Dent J, 2017 12;38:45-54.
    PMID: 29229074 DOI: 10.1016/j.sdj.2017.08.001
    BACKGROUND: To quantify participation in dental research activities in Malaysia, and investigate its association with socio-demographic and professional characteristics, and perceptions of research and development (R&D) culture.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Dental academics in Malaysian dental schools were invited to complete a questionnaire by email and post. The survey comprised questions on research activities in the past 12 months, socio-demographic and professional characteristics, and the R&D Culture Index. Principal components factor analysis was carried out to confirm the factor structure of the R&D Culture Index. Chi-square test was used to identify association of research activities with R&D culture, and socio-demographic and professional characteristics. Binary logistic regression was carried to identify predicators of research activities.

    RESULTS: Of 256 potential participants contacted, 128 (50%) useable responses were returned. Three R&D Culture factors accounting for 57.4% of variance were extracted. More positive perception of R&D Support was associated with Malaysians (0.025) and those employed in Government schools (0.017). R&D Skills and Aptitude were associated with older respondents (0.050), PhD qualification (0.014) and more years in academia (0.014). R&D Intention was associated with any of the socio-demographic characteristics. Thirty (23.4%) respondents reported a peer-review research publication in the past 12 months, which was associated with having a PhD (OR 12.79, CI 1.28-127.96), after adjustment in regression analyses.

    DISCUSSION: Postgraduate research training should be encouraged to promote participation in research activities. R&D culture did not appear to impact on research productivity. Other factors such as individual attitudinal interests should be studied.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Dental/organization & administration*
  17. Hor ESL, Russell V, Vasudevan U, O' Brien F
    Ir J Med Sci, 2020 Feb;189(1):253-259.
    PMID: 31338691 DOI: 10.1007/s11845-019-02064-x
    BACKGROUND: Studies have suggested that the undergraduate clinical clerkship improves medical students' attitudes to psychiatry and career interest in the specialty, but few studies have explored the sustainability of these changes.

    AIMS: To explore changes in students' attitudes to psychiatry and career preference for psychiatry during the course of their senior clinical years at RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus (RUMC).

    METHODS: All year 3 students (n = 111) at RUMC were invited to complete the Attitudes towards Psychiatry questionnaire (ATP-30) and a separate questionnaire seeking opinions on career preferences. The questionnaires were administered at 3 points in time: in year 3 before the 8-week psychiatry posting, following completion of the posting in year 4, and at the end of year 5. Quantitative data analysis was performed using SPSS version 18, and free-text responses were thematically analysed.

    RESULTS: One hundred completed questionnaires (90.1%) were returned. There was a significant improvement in students' ATP scores after their psychiatry rotation and this was sustained into year 5. Psychiatry as a career choice had highest preference levels following completion of the clerkship but declined in year 5 to below pre-clerkship preference levels. Qualitative analysis of factors influencing a career in psychiatry revealed themes of job satisfaction, lifestyle factors, perceived image of psychiatry, and self-appraisal.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that an enriched undergraduate clinical clerkship experience can help to sustain improved attitudes to psychiatry into the final medical year. However, declining interest in the specialty a career choice prior to graduation presents an enduring challenge.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical/standards*
  18. Ahmed K, Dony JJF, Mori D, Haw LY, Giloi N, Jeffree MS, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 04 28;10(1):7137.
    PMID: 32346119 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-64148-4
    Outbreaks of diarrhea in kindergartens are underreported and frequently go unnoticed in developing countries. To better understand the etiology this study was performed during an outbreak of diarrhea in a kindergarten in Sabah, Malaysia. Outbreak investigation was performed according to the standard procedures. In this outbreak a total of 34 (36.5%) children and 4 (30.8%) teachers suffered from gastroenteritis. Stool samples from seven children and 13 teachers were tested for rotavirus and norovirus. During the investigation stool samples were collected and sent in cold chain to the laboratory. The samples were subjected to rotavirus enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, and reverse transcription PCR for norovirus. All samples were negative for rotavirus but positive for norovirus. To determine the genogroup and genotype of norovirus, nucleotide sequencing of the amplicons was performed. All norovirus from the outbreak was of genotype GII.2[16]. To determine the relatedness of the strains phylogenetic analysis was done using neighbor-joining method. Phylogenetically these strains were highly related to GII.2[P16] noroviruses from China and Japan. This study provided evidence that a diarrheal outbreak in a kindergarten was caused by GII.2[P16] norovirus which is an emerging strain in East Asia and Europe.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool; Schools*
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