METHODS: This pre-post, single-arm, quasi-experimental study randomly sampled 140 healthcare providers working in the Emergency Department of Hospital Ampang, Malaysia. Parameters of CPR quality, namely chest compression rate and depth were compared among participants when they performed CPR with and without an AV CPR feedback device. The efficacy of the AV CPR feedback device was assessed using the Chi-square test and Generalised Estimating Equations (GEE) models.
RESULTS: The use of an AV CPR feedback device increased the proportion of healthcare providers achieving recommended depth of chest compressions from 38.6% (95% Confidence Interval, 95%CI: 30.5, 47.2) to 85.0% (95%CI: 78.0, 90.5). A similar significant improvement from 39.3% (95%CI: 31.1, 47.9) to 86.4% (95%CI: 79.6, 91.6) in the recommended rate of chest compressions was also observed. Use of the AV CPR device significantly increased the likelihood of a CPR provider achieving recommended depth of chest compressions (Odds Ratio, OR=13.01; 95%CI: 7.12, 24.01) and rate of chest compressions (OR=13.00; 95%CI: 7.21, 23.44).
CONCLUSION: The use of an AV CPR feedback device significantly improved the delivered rate and depth of chest compressions closer to American Heart Association (AHA) recommendations. Usage of such devices within real-life settings may help in improving the quality of CPR for patients receiving CPR.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: From March 2015 to August 2016, all men consecutively undergoing transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy with total PSA values ≤ 20ng/ ml were recruited. Blood samples were taken immediately before undergoing prostate biopsy. The performance of total PSA, %fPSA, %p2PSA and PHI in determining the presence of PCa on prostate biopsy were compared.
RESULTS: PCa was diagnosed in 25 of 84 patients (29.7%). %p2PSA and PHI values were significantly higher (p<0.05) in patients with PCa than those without PCa. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves for total PSA, %fPSA, %p2PSA and PHI were 0.558, 0.560, 0.734 and 0.746, respectively. At 90% sensitivity, the specificity of PHI (42.4%) was five times better than total PSA (8.5%) and two times better than %fPSA (20.3%). By utilising PHI cut-off >22.52, 27 of 84 (32.1%) patients could have avoided undergoing biopsy.
CONCLUSION: Findings of our study support the potential clinical effectiveness of PHI in predicting PCa in a wider concentration range of total PSA up to 20ng/ml.
AIM OF THE STUDY: To evaluate the effects of EL on the time-mannered sequential proliferative, differentiative, and morphogenic modulation in osteoblasts compared with testosterone.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cell proliferation was analysed using MTS assay and phase contrast microscopy. Osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells was assessed through a series of characteristic assays which include crystal violet staining, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and Van Gieson staining. Taken together, the bone mineralization of extra cellular matrix (ECM) was estimated using alizarin red s (ARS) staining, von kossa staining, scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis.
RESULTS: The cell proliferation data clearly revealed the efficiency of EL particularly at a dose of 25µg/mL, in improving the growth of MC3T3-E1 cells compared with the untreated cells. Data also showed the prominence of EL in significantly promoting ALP activity throughout the entire duration of treatment compared with the testosterone-treated cells. The osteogenic differentiation potential of EL was further explored by analysing mineralization data which revealed that the calcified nodule formation (calcium deposition) and phosphate deposition was more pronounced in cells treated with 25µg/mL concentration of EL at various time points compared with the untreated and testosterone treated cells. The scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis also revealed highest globular masses of mineral deposits (identified as white colour crystals) in the ECM of cultured cells treated with 25µg/mL concentration of EL.
CONCLUSION: Compared to testosterone, greater potential of EL in promoting the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells provides an in vitro basis for the prevention of male osteoporosis. Thus, we anticipate that EL can be considered as an alternative approach to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the treatment of male osteoporosis.
OBJECTIVE: This review was aimed to critically analyze the therapeutic viability and anticancer efficacy of Eurycoma longifolia in the treatment of cancer and also to propose its molecular and translational mechanism of cytotoxicity against cancerous cells.
RESULTS: Among a range of medicinally active compounds isolated from various parts (roots, stem, bark and leaves) of Eurycoma longifolia, 16 compounds have shown promising anti-proliferative and anticancer efficacies. Eurycomanone, one of the most active medicinal compounds of Eurycoma longifolia, displayed a strong dose-dependent anticancer efficacy against lung carcinoma (A-549 cells) and breast cancer (MCF-7 cells); however, showed moderate efficacy against gastric (MGC-803 cells) and intestinal carcinomas (HT-29 cells). The prime mode of cytotoxicity of Eurycoma longifolia and its medicinal compounds is the induction of apoptosis (programmed cell death) via the up-regulation of the expression of p53 (tumor suppressor protein) and pro-apoptotic protein (Bax) and downregulation of the expression of anti-apoptotic protein (Bcl-2). A remarkable alleviation in the mRNA expression of various cancer-associated biomarkers including heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP), prohibitin (PHB), annexin-1 (ANX1) and endoplasmic reticulum protein-28 (ERp28) has also been evidenced.
CONCLUSION: Eurycoma longifolia and its medicinal constituents exhibit promising anticancer efficacy and thus can be considered as potential complementary therapy for the treatment of various types of human cancers.
OBJECTIVES: The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of E. longifolia on the proliferation, differentiation and maturation of osteoclasts and the translational mechanism of inhibition of osteoclastogenesis using RAW 264.7 cells as an in vitro osteoclastic model.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Having assessed cytotoxicity, the cell viability, cell proliferation rate and osteoclastic differentiation capacity of E. longifolia was investigated by evaluating the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity in receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) ligand (RANKL)-induced osteoclasts. Taken together, the time-mannered expression of osteoclast-related protein biomarkers such as matrix metallopeptidase-9 (MMP-9), cathepsin-K, TRAP, nuclear factor of activated T-cells cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1), superoxide (free radicals) generation and superoxide dismutase activity were also measured to comprehend the mechanism of osteoclastogenesis.
RESULTS: E. longifolia did not show significant effects on cytotoxicity and cell proliferation of RAW 264.7 cells; however, a significant inhibition of cells differentiation and maturation of osteoclasts was observed. Moreover, a significant down-regulation of RANKL-induced TRAP activity and expression of MMP-9, cathepsin-K, TRAP, NFATc1 and generation of superoxide and enhanced superoxide dismutase activity was observed in E. longifolia treated cell cultures.
CONCLUSION: We anticipated that E. longifolia that enhances bone regeneration on the one hand and suppresses osteoclast's maturation on the other hand may have great therapeutic value in treating osteoporosis and other bone-erosive diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and metastasis associated with bone loss.